816 research outputs found

    PhysioGait: Context-Aware Physiological Context Modeling for Person Re-identification Attack on Wearable Sensing

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    Person re-identification is a critical privacy breach in publicly shared healthcare data. We investigate the possibility of a new type of privacy threat on publicly shared privacy insensitive large scale wearable sensing data. In this paper, we investigate user specific biometric signatures in terms of two contextual biometric traits, physiological (photoplethysmography and electrodermal activity) and physical (accelerometer) contexts. In this regard, we propose PhysioGait, a context-aware physiological signal model that consists of a Multi-Modal Siamese Convolutional Neural Network (mmSNN) which learns the spatial and temporal information individually and performs sensor fusion in a Siamese cost with the objective of predicting a person's identity. We evaluated PhysioGait attack model using 4 real-time collected datasets (3-data under IRB #HP-00064387 and one publicly available data) and two combined datasets achieving 89% - 93% accuracy of re-identifying persons.Comment: Accepted in IEEE MSN 2022. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2106.1190

    A hybrid learning scheme towards authenticating hand-geometry using multi-modal features

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    Usage of hand geometry towards biometric-based authentication mechanism has been commercially practiced since last decade. However, there is a rising security problem being surfaced owing to the fluctuating features of hand-geometry during authentication mechanism. Review of existing research techniques exhibits the usage of singular features of hand-geometric along with sophisticated learning schemes where accuracy is accomplished at the higher cost of computational effort. Hence, the proposed study introduces a simplified analytical method which considers multi-modal features extracted from hand geometry which could further improve upon robust recognition system. For this purpose, the system considers implementing hybrid learning scheme using convolution neural network and Siamese algorithm where the former is used for feature extraction and latter is used for recognition of person on the basis of authenticated hand geometry. The main results show that proposed scheme offers 12.2% of improvement in accuracy compared to existing models exhibiting that with simpler amendment by inclusion of multi-modalities, accuracy can be significantly improve without computational burden

    Infrared face recognition: a comprehensive review of methodologies and databases

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    Automatic face recognition is an area with immense practical potential which includes a wide range of commercial and law enforcement applications. Hence it is unsurprising that it continues to be one of the most active research areas of computer vision. Even after over three decades of intense research, the state-of-the-art in face recognition continues to improve, benefitting from advances in a range of different research fields such as image processing, pattern recognition, computer graphics, and physiology. Systems based on visible spectrum images, the most researched face recognition modality, have reached a significant level of maturity with some practical success. However, they continue to face challenges in the presence of illumination, pose and expression changes, as well as facial disguises, all of which can significantly decrease recognition accuracy. Amongst various approaches which have been proposed in an attempt to overcome these limitations, the use of infrared (IR) imaging has emerged as a particularly promising research direction. This paper presents a comprehensive and timely review of the literature on this subject. Our key contributions are: (i) a summary of the inherent properties of infrared imaging which makes this modality promising in the context of face recognition, (ii) a systematic review of the most influential approaches, with a focus on emerging common trends as well as key differences between alternative methodologies, (iii) a description of the main databases of infrared facial images available to the researcher, and lastly (iv) a discussion of the most promising avenues for future research.Comment: Pattern Recognition, 2014. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1306.160

    Techniques for Ocular Biometric Recognition Under Non-ideal Conditions

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    The use of the ocular region as a biometric cue has gained considerable traction due to recent advances in automated iris recognition. However, a multitude of factors can negatively impact ocular recognition performance under unconstrained conditions (e.g., non-uniform illumination, occlusions, motion blur, image resolution, etc.). This dissertation develops techniques to perform iris and ocular recognition under challenging conditions. The first contribution is an image-level fusion scheme to improve iris recognition performance in low-resolution videos. Information fusion is facilitated by the use of Principal Components Transform (PCT), thereby requiring modest computational efforts. The proposed approach provides improved recognition accuracy when low-resolution iris images are compared against high-resolution iris images. The second contribution is a study demonstrating the effectiveness of the ocular region in improving face recognition under plastic surgery. A score-level fusion approach that combines information from the face and ocular regions is proposed. The proposed approach, unlike other previous methods in this application, is not learning-based, and has modest computational requirements while resulting in better recognition performance. The third contribution is a study on matching ocular regions extracted from RGB face images against that of near-infrared iris images. Face and iris images are typically acquired using sensors operating in visible and near-infrared wavelengths of light, respectively. To this end, a sparse representation approach which generates a joint dictionary from corresponding pairs of face and iris images is designed. The proposed joint dictionary approach is observed to outperform classical ocular recognition techniques. In summary, the techniques presented in this dissertation can be used to improve iris and ocular recognition in practical, unconstrained environments

    Perceiving is Believing. Authentication with Behavioural and Cognitive Factors

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    Most computer users have experienced login problems such as, forgetting passwords, loosing token cards and authentication dongles, failing that complicated screen pattern once again, as well as, interaction difficulties in usability. Facing the difficulties of non-flexible strong authentication solutions, users tend to react with poor acceptance or to relax the assumed correct use of authentication procedures and devices, rendering the intended security useless. Biometrics can, sort of, solve some of those problems. However, despite the vast research, there is no perfect solution into designing a secure strong authentication procedure, falling into a trade off between intrusiveness, effectiveness, contextual adequacy and security guarantees. Taking advantage of new technology, recent research onmulti-modal, behavioural and cognitive oriented authentication proposals have sought to optimize trade off towards precision and convenience, reducing intrusiveness for the same amount of security. But these solutions also fall short with respect to different scenarios. Users perform currently multiple authentications everyday, through multiple devices, in panoply of different situations, involving different resources and diverse usage contexts, with no "better authentication solution" for all possible purposes. The proposed framework enhances the recent research in user authentication services with a broader view on the problems involving each solution, towards an usable secure authentication methodology combining and exploring the strengths of each method. It will than be used to prototype instances of new dynamic multifactor models (including novel models of behavioural and cognitive biometrics), materializing the PiB (perceiving is believing) authentication. Ultimately we show how the proposed framework can be smoothly integrated in applications and other authentication services and protocols, namely in the context of SSO Authentication Services and OAuth


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    Biometrics-Unique and Diverse Applications in Nature, Science, and Technology provides a unique sampling of the diverse ways in which biometrics is integrated into our lives and our technology. From time immemorial, we as humans have been intrigued by, perplexed by, and entertained by observing and analyzing ourselves and the natural world around us. Science and technology have evolved to a point where we can empirically record a measure of a biological or behavioral feature and use it for recognizing patterns, trends, and or discrete phenomena, such as individuals' and this is what biometrics is all about. Understanding some of the ways in which we use biometrics and for what specific purposes is what this book is all about

    Genetic And Evolutionary Biometrics:Multiobjective, Multimodal, Feature Selection/Weighting For Tightly Coupled Periocular And Face Recognition

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    The Genetic & Evolutionary Computation (GEC) research community has seen the emergence of a new subarea, referred to as Genetic & Evolutionary Biometrics (GEB), as GECs have been applied to solve a variety of biometric problems. In this dissertation, we present three new GEB techniques for multibiometric recognition: Genetic & Evolutionary Feature Selection (GEFeS), Weighting (GEFeW), and Weighting/Selection (GEFeWS). Instead of selecting the most salient individual features, these techniques evolve subsets of the most salient combinations of features and/or weight features based on their discriminative ability in an effort to increase accuracy while decreasing the overall number of features needed for recognition. We also incorporate cross validation into our best performing technique in an attempt to evolve feature masks (FMs) that also generalize well to unseen subjects and we search the value preference space in an attempt to analyze its impact in respect to optimization and generalization. Our results show that by fusing the periocular biometric with the face, we can achieve higher recognition accuracies than using the two biometric modalities independently. Our results also show that our GEB techniques are able to achieve higher recognition rates than the baseline methods, while using significantly fewer features. In addition, by incorporating machine learning, we were able to create FMs that also generalize well to unseen subjects and use less than 50% of the extracted features. Finally, by searching the value preference space, we were able to determine which weights were most effective in terms of optimization and generalization