2,820 research outputs found

    Differential calculus with imprecise input and its logical framework

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    We develop a domain-theoretic Differential Calculus for locally Lipschitz functions on finite dimensional real spaces with imprecise input/output. The inputs to these functions are hyper-rectangles and the outputs are compact real intervals. This extends the domain of application of Interval Analysis and exact arithmetic to the derivative. A new notion of a tie for these functions is introduced, which in one dimension represents a modification of the notion previously used in the one-dimensional framework. A Scott continuous sub-differential for these functions is then constructed, which satisfies a weaker form of calculus compared to that of the Clarke sub-gradient. We then adopt a Program Logic viewpoint using the equivalence of the category of stably locally compact spaces with that of semi-strong proximity lattices. We show that given a localic approximable mapping representing a locally Lipschitz map with imprecise input/output, a localic approximable mapping for its sub-differential can be constructed, which provides a logical formulation of the sub-differential operator

    On algorithm and robustness in a non-standard sense

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    In this paper, we investigate the invariance properties, i.e. robust- ness, of phenomena related to the notions of algorithm, finite procedure and explicit construction. First of all, we provide two examples of objects for which small changes completely change their (non)computational behavior. We then isolate robust phenomena in two disciplines related to computability

    Regression between headmaster leadership, task load and job satisfaction of special education integration program teacher

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    Managing school is a daunting task for a headmaster. This responsibility is exacerbated when it involves the Special Education Integration Program (SEIP). This situation requires appropriate and effective leadership in addressing some of the issues that are currently taking place at SEIP such as task load and job satisfaction. This study aimed to identify the influence of headmaster leadership on task load and teacher job satisfaction at SEIP. This quantitative study was conducted by distributing 400 sets of randomized questionnaires to SEIP teachers across Malaysia through google form. The data obtained were then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and AMOS software. The results show that there is a significant positive effect on the leadership of the headmaster and the task load of the teacher. Likewise, the construct of task load and teacher job satisfaction has a significant positive effect. However, for the construct of headmaster leadership and teacher job satisfaction, there was no significant positive relationship. This finding is very important as a reference to the school administration re-evaluating their leadership so as not to burden SEIP teachers and to give them job satisfaction. In addition, the findings of this study can also serve as a guide for SEIP teachers to increase awareness of the importance of managing their tasks. This study also focused on education leadership in general and more specifically on special education leadership

    Modeling biological systems with delays in Bio-PEPA

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    Delays in biological systems may be used to model events for which the underlying dynamics cannot be precisely observed, or to provide abstraction of some behavior of the system resulting more compact models. In this paper we enrich the stochastic process algebra Bio-PEPA, with the possibility of assigning delays to actions, yielding a new non-Markovian process algebra: Bio-PEPAd. This is a conservative extension meaning that the original syntax of Bio-PEPA is retained and the delay specification which can now be associated with actions may be added to existing Bio-PEPA models. The semantics of the firing of the actions with delays is the delay-as-duration approach, earlier presented in papers on the stochastic simulation of biological systems with delays. These semantics of the algebra are given in the Starting-Terminating style, meaning that the state and the completion of an action are observed as two separate events, as required by delays. Furthermore we outline how to perform stochastic simulation of Bio-PEPAd systems and how to automatically translate a Bio-PEPAd system into a set of Delay Differential Equations, the deterministic framework for modeling of biological systems with delays. We end the paper with two example models of biological systems with delays to illustrate the approach.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2010, arXiv:1011.005

    A General Framework for Sound and Complete Floyd-Hoare Logics

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    This paper presents an abstraction of Hoare logic to traced symmetric monoidal categories, a very general framework for the theory of systems. Our abstraction is based on a traced monoidal functor from an arbitrary traced monoidal category into the category of pre-orders and monotone relations. We give several examples of how our theory generalises usual Hoare logics (partial correctness of while programs, partial correctness of pointer programs), and provide some case studies on how it can be used to develop new Hoare logics (run-time analysis of while programs and stream circuits).Comment: 27 page

    Bounded Expectations: Resource Analysis for Probabilistic Programs

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    This paper presents a new static analysis for deriving upper bounds on the expected resource consumption of probabilistic programs. The analysis is fully automatic and derives symbolic bounds that are multivariate polynomials of the inputs. The new technique combines manual state-of-the-art reasoning techniques for probabilistic programs with an effective method for automatic resource-bound analysis of deterministic programs. It can be seen as both, an extension of automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA) to probabilistic programs and an automation of manual reasoning for probabilistic programs that is based on weakest preconditions. As a result, bound inference can be reduced to off-the-shelf LP solving in many cases and automatically-derived bounds can be interactively extended with standard program logics if the automation fails. Building on existing work, the soundness of the analysis is proved with respect to an operational semantics that is based on Markov decision processes. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated with a prototype implementation that is used to automatically analyze 39 challenging probabilistic programs and randomized algorithms. Experimental results indicate that the derived constant factors in the bounds are very precise and even optimal for many programs

    Differentiation in logical form

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    We introduce a logical theory of differentiation for a real-valued function on a finite dimensional real Euclidean space. A real-valued continuous function is represented by a localic approximable mapping between two semi-strong proximity lattices, representing the two stably locally compact Euclidean spaces for the domain and the range of the function. Similarly, the Clarke subgradient, equivalently the L-derivative, of a locally Lipschitz map, which is non-empty, compact and convex valued, is represented by an approximable mapping. Approximable mappings of the latter type form a bounded complete domain isomorphic with the function space of Scott continuous functions of a real variable into the domain of non-empty compact and convex subsets of the finite dimensional Euclidean space partially ordered with reverse inclusion. Corresponding to the notion of a single-tie of a locally Lipschitz function, used to derive the domain-theoretic L-derivative of the function, we introduce the dual notion of a single-knot of approximable mappings which gives rise to Lipschitzian approximable mappings. We then develop the notion of a strong single-tie and that of a strong knot leading to a Stone duality result for locally Lipschitz maps and Lipschitzian approximable mappings. The strong single-knots, in which a Lipschitzian approximable mapping belongs, are employed to define the Lipschitzian derivative of the approximable mapping. The latter is dual to the Clarke subgradient of the corresponding locally Lipschitz map defined domain-theoretically using strong single-ties. A stricter notion of strong single-knots is subsequently developed which captures approximable mappings of continuously differentiable maps providing a gradient Stone duality for these maps. Finally, we derive a calculus for Lipschitzian derivative of approximable mapping for some basic constructors and show that it is dual to the calculus satisfied by the Clarke subgradient
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