57,715 research outputs found

    Motor Preparatory Activity in Posterior Parietal Cortex is Modulated by Subjective Absolute Value

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    For optimal response selection, the consequences associated with behavioral success or failure must be appraised. To determine how monetary consequences influence the neural representations of motor preparation, human brain activity was scanned with fMRI while subjects performed a complex spatial visuomotor task. At the beginning of each trial, reward context cues indicated the potential gain and loss imposed for correct or incorrect trial completion. FMRI-activity in canonical reward structures reflected the expected value related to the context. In contrast, motor preparatory activity in posterior parietal and premotor cortex peaked in high “absolute value” (high gain or loss) conditions: being highest for large gains in subjects who believed they performed well while being highest for large losses in those who believed they performed poorly. These results suggest that the neural activity preceding goal-directed actions incorporates the absolute value of that action, predicated upon subjective, rather than objective, estimates of one's performance

    A common neural scale for the subjective pleasantness of different primary rewards.

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    When an economic decision is taken, it is between goals with different values, and the values must be on the same scale. Here, we used functional MRI to search for a brain region that represents the subjective pleasantness of two different rewards on the same neural scale. We found activity in the ventral prefrontal cortex that correlated with the subjective pleasantness of two fundamentally different rewards, taste in the mouth and warmth on the hand. The evidence came from two different investigations, a between-group comparison of two independent fMRI studies, and from a within-subject study. In the latter, we showed that neural activity in the same voxels in the ventral prefrontal cortex correlated with the subjective pleasantness of the different rewards. Moreover, the slope and intercept for the regression lines describing the relationship between activations and subjective pleasantness were highly similar for the different rewards. We also provide evidence that the activations did not simply represent multisensory integration or the salience of the rewards. The findings demonstrate the existence of a specific region in the human brain where neural activity scales with the subjective pleasantness of qualitatively different primary rewards. This suggests a principle of brain processing of importance in reward valuation and decision-making

    Die Rolle der Zielnähe und der investierten Anstrengung für den erwarteten Wert einer Handlung

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    In human neuroscientific research, there has been an increasing interest in how the brain computes the value of an anticipated outcome. However, evidence is still missing about which valuation related brain regions are modulated by the proximity to an expected goal and the previously invested effort to reach a goal. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the effects of goal proximity and invested effort on valuation related regions in the human brain. We addressed this question in two fMRI studies by integrating a commonly used reward anticipation task in differential versions of a Multitrial Reward Schedule Paradigm. In both experiments, subjects had to perform consecutive reward anticipation tasks under two different reward contingencies: in the delayed condition, participants received a monetary reward only after successful completion of multiple consecutive trials. In the immediate condition, money was earned after every successful trial. In the first study, we could demonstrate that the rostral cingulate zone of the posterior medial frontal cortex signals action value contingent to goal proximity, thereby replicating neurophysiological findings about goal proximity signals in a homologous region in non-human primates. The findings of the second study imply that brain regions associated with general cognitive control processes are modulated by previous effort investment. Furthermore, we found the posterior lateral prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex to be involved in coding for the effort-based context of a situation. In sum, these results extend the role of the human rostral cingulate zone in outcome evaluation to the continuous updating of action values over a course of action steps based on the proximity to the expected reward. Furthermore, we tentatively suggest that previous effort investment invokes processes under the control of the executive system, and that posterior lateral prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex are involved in an effort-based context representation that can be used for outcome evaluation that is dependent on the characteristics of the current situation.Derzeit besteht im Bereich der Neurowissenschaften ein großes Interesse daran aufzuklären, auf welche Weise verschiedene Variablen die Wertigkeit eines erwarteten Handlungsziels beeinflussen bzw. welche Hirnregionen an der Repräsentation der Wertigkeit eines Handlungsziels beteiligt sind. Die meisten Untersuchungen beziehen sich dabei auf Einflussgrößen wie die erwartete Belohnungshöhe, die Wahrscheinlichkeit, mit der ein bestimmtes Ereignis eintritt, oder die Dauer bis zum Erhalt einer Belohnung. Bisher liegen jedoch kaum Untersuchungen vor bezüglich zweier anderer Variablen, die ebenfalls den erwarteten Wert eines Handlungsergebnisses beeinflussen. Das sind (a) die Nähe zu dem erwarteten Ziel und (b) die bisher investierte Anstrengung, um ein Ziel zu erreichen. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist zu untersuchen, wie die Nähe zum Ziel und die bisher investierte Anstrengung Gehirnregionen beeinflussen, die mit der Repräsentation von Wertigkeit im Zusammenhang stehen. Dazu führten wir zwei fMRT-Studien durch, in denen wir eine klassische Belohnungs-Antizipationsaufgabe in unterschiedliche Versionen eines „Multitrial Reward Schedule“ Paradigmas integriert haben. Das bedeutet, dass die Probanden Belohnungs-Antizipationsaufgaben unter zwei unterschiedlichen Belohnungskontingenzen bearbeiteten: In der verzögerten Bedingung erhielten die Probanden einen Geldbetrag nach der erfolgreichen Bearbeitung von mehreren aufeinanderfolgenden Aufgaben, in der direkten Bedingung dagegen nach jeder korrekt ausgeführten Aufgabe. In der ersten Studie konnte eine sukzessiv ansteigende Aktivität in Abhängigkeit zur Zielnähe in der rostralen cingulären Zone identifiziert werden. Das deutet darauf hin, dass dieses Areal den Wert einer Handlung in Abhängigkeit zur Nähe zum Ziel kodiert. Die Ergebnisse der zweiten Studie zeigten, dass die bisher investierte Anstrengung kortikale Regionen moduliert, die klassischerweise mit kognitiven Kontrollfunktionen in Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Außerdem repräsentierten der posteriore laterale präfrontale Cortex und der orbitofrontale Cortex den motivationalen Kontext eines Trials anhand des Risikos des Verlustes von bisher investierter Anstrengung. Insgesamt weisen diese Befunde darauf hin, dass die rostrale cinguläre Zone eine entscheidende Rolle spielt für die Kontrolle sequenzieller Handlungsstufen, die auf eine verzögerte Belohnung ausgerichtet sind. Diese Kontrollfunktion scheint auf der kontinuierlichen Aktualisierung des Wertes einer Handlungsstufe zu basieren, der von der aktuellen Zielnähe bestimmt wird. Die Befunde der zweiten Studie lassen darauf schließen, dass sich die bisher investierte Anstrengung zur Erreichung eines Handlungsziels auf die Bereitstellung von allgemeinen kognitiven Ressourcen auswirkt. Das Risiko des Verlustes von bisher investierter Anstrengung kann außerdem ein kontextuelles Merkmal der Situation darstellen, das als Bezugsrahmen für die Evaluation des erwarteten Wertes dienen kann

    How the brain represents the reward value of fat in the mouth.

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    The palatability and pleasantness of the sensory properties of foods drive food selection and intake and may contribute to overeating and obesity. Oral fat texture can make food palatable and pleasant. To analyze its neural basis, we correlated humans’ subjective reports of the pleasantness of the texture and flavor of a high- and low-fat food with a vanilla or strawberry flavor, with neural activations measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Activity in the midorbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex was correlated with the pleasantness of oral fat texture and in nearby locations with the pleasantness of flavor. The pregenual cingulate cortex showed a supralinear response to the combination of high fat and pleasant, sweet flavor, implicating it in the convergence of fat texture and flavor to produce a representation of highly pleasant stimuli. The subjective reports of oral fattiness were correlated with activations in the midorbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum. The lateral hypothalamus and amygdala were more strongly activated by high- versus low-fat stimuli. This discovery of which brain regions track the subjective hedonic experience of fat texture will help to unravel possible differences in the neural responses in obese versus lean people to oral fat, a driver of food intake

    Gamma oscillations in human primary somatosensory cortex reflect pain perception

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    Pain is a highly subjective sensation of inherent behavioral importance and is therefore expected to receive enhanced processing in relevant brain regions. We show that painful stimuli induce high-frequency oscillations in the electrical activity of the human primary somatosensory cortex. Amplitudes of these pain-induced gamma oscillations were more closely related to the subjective perception of pain than to the objective stimulus attributes. They correlated with participants' ratings of pain and were stronger for laser stimuli that caused pain, compared with the same stimuli when no pain was perceived. These findings indicate that gamma oscillations may represent an important mechanism for processing behaviorally relevant sensory information

    Neural Representations for Sensory-Motor Control I: Head-Centered 3-D Target Positions from Opponent Eye Commands

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    This article describes how corollary discharges from outflow eye movement commands can be transformed by two stages of opponent neural processing into a head-centered representation of 3-D target position. This representation implicitly defines a cyclopean coordinate system whose variables approximate the binocular vergence and spherical horizontal and vertical angles with respect to the observer's head. Various psychophysical data concerning binocular distance perception and reaching behavior are clarified by this representation. The representation provides a foundation for learning head-centered and body-centered invariant representations of both foveated and non-foveated 3-D target positions. It also enables a solution to be developed of the classical motor equivalence problem, whereby many different joint configurations of a redundant manipulator can all be used to realize a desired trajectory in 3-D space.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (URI 90-0175); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (AFOSR-90-0083); National Science Foundation (IRI-87-16960, IRI-90-24877

    Impulsivity and self-control during intertemporal decision making linked to the neural dynamics of reward value representation

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    A characteristic marker of impulsive decision making is the discounting of delayed rewards, demonstrated via choice preferences and choice-related brain activity. However, delay discounting may also arise from how subjective reward value is dynamically represented in the brain when anticipating an upcoming chosen reward. In the current study, brain activity was continuously monitored as human participants freely selected an immediate or delayed primary liquid reward and then waited for the specified delay before consuming it. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) exhibited a characteristic pattern of activity dynamics during the delay period, as well as modulation during choice, that is consistent with the time-discounted coding of subjective value. The ventral striatum (VS) exhibited a similar activity pattern, but preferentially in impulsive individuals. A contrasting profile of delay-related and choice activation was observed in the anterior PFC (aPFC), but selectively in patient individuals. Functional connectivity analyses indicated that both vmPFC and aPFC exerted modulatory, but opposite, influences on VS activation. These results link behavioral impulsivity and self-control to dynamically evolving neural representations of future reward value, not just during choice, but also during postchoice delay periods

    The neurobiology of reference-dependent value computation

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    A key focus of current research in neuroeconomics concerns how the human brain computes value. Although, value has generally been viewed as an absolute measure (e.g., expected value, reward magnitude), much evidence suggests that value is more often computed with respect to a changing reference point, rather than in isolation. Here, we present the results of a study aimed to dissociate brain regions involved in reference-independent (i.e., “absolute”) value computations, from those involved in value computations relative to a reference point. During functional magnetic resonance imaging, subjects acted as buyers and sellers during a market exchange of lottery tickets. At a behavioral level, we demonstrate that subjects systematically accorded a higher value to objects they owned relative to those they did not, an effect that results from a shift in reference point (i.e., status quo bias or endowment effect). Our results show that activity in orbitofrontal cortex and dorsal striatum track parameters such as the expected value of lottery tickets indicating the computation of reference-independent value. In contrast, activity in ventral striatum indexed the degree to which stated prices, at a within-subjects and between-subjects level, were distorted with respect to a reference point. The findings speak to the neurobiological underpinnings of reference dependency during real market value computations

    Contributions of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex to goal-directed action selection

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    In this article, it will be argued that one of the key contributions of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) to goal-directed action selection lies both in retrieving the value of goals that are the putative outcomes of the decision process and in establishing a relative preference ranking for these goals by taking into account the value of each of the different goals under consideration in a given decision-making scenario. These goal-value signals are then suggested to be used as an input into the on-line computation of action values mediated by brain regions outside of the vmPFC, such as parts of the parietal cortex, supplementary motor cortex, and dorsal striatum. Collectively, these areas can be considered to be constituent elements of a multistage decision process whereby the values of different goals must first be represented and ranked before the value of different courses of action available for the pursuit of those goals can be computed