6 research outputs found


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    This research focuses on the future of integrated circuit (IC) scaling technologies at the device and back end of line (BEOL) level. This work includes high level modeling of different technologies and quantifying potential performance gains on a circuit and system level. From the device side, this research looks at the scaling challenges and the future scaling drivers for conventional charge-based devices implemented at the 7nm technology node and beyond. It examines the system-level performance of stacking device logic in addition to tunneling field effect transistors (TFET) and their potential as beyond-CMOS devices. Finally, this research models and benchmarks BEOL scaling challenges and evaluates proposed technological advancements such as metal barrier scaling for copper interconnects and replacing local interconnects with ruthenium. Potential impact on performance, power, and area of these interconnect technologies is quantified for fully placed and routed circuits.Ph.D

    Carbon Nanotube Interconnects for End-of-Roadmap Semiconductor Technology Nodes

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    Advances in semiconductor technology due to aggressive downward scaling of on-chip feature sizes have led to rapid rises in resistivity and current density of interconnect conductors. As a result, current interconnect materials, Cu and W, are subject to performance and reliability constraints approaching or exceeding their physical limits. Therefore, alternative materials such as nanocarbons, metal silicides, and Ag nanowires are actively considered as potential replacements to meet such constraints. Among nanocarbons, carbon nanotube (CNT) is among the leading replacement candidate for on-chip interconnect vias due to its high aspect-ratio nanostructure and superior currentcarrying capacity to those of Cu, W, and other potential candidates. However, contact resistance of CNT with metal is a major bottleneck in device functionalization. To meet the challenge posed by contact resistance, several techniques are designed and implemented. First, the via fabrication and CNT growth processes are developed to increase the CNT packing density inside via and to ensure no CNT growth on via sidewalls. CNT vias with cross-sections down to 40 nm 40 nm are fabricated, which have linewidths similar to those used for on-chip interconnects in current integrated circuit manufacturing technology nodes. Then the via top contact is metallized to increase the total CNT area interfacing with the contact metal and to improve the contact quality and reproducibility. Current-voltage characteristics of individual fabricated CNT vias are measured using a nanoprober and contact resistance is extracted with a first-reported contact resistance extraction scheme for 40 nm linewidth. Based on results for 40 nm and 60 nm top-contact metallized CNT vias, we demonstrate that not only are their current-carrying capacities two orders of magnitude higher than their Cu and W counterparts, they are enhanced by reduced via resistance due to contact engineering. While the current-carrying capacities well exceed those projected for end-of-roadmap technology nodes, the via resistances remain a challenge to replace Cu and W, though our results suggest that further innovations in contact engineering could begin to overcome such challenge

    Estudo da eletromigração em circuitos integrados na fase de projeto

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    Orientadores: Roberto Lacerda de Orio, Leandro Tiago ManeraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O dano por eletromigração nas interconexões é um gargalo bem conhecido dos circuitos integrados, pois causam problemas de confiabilidade. A operação em temperaturas e densidades de corrente elevadas acelera os danos, aumentando a resistência da interconexão e, portanto, reduzindo a vida útil do circuito. Este problema tem se acentuado com o escalonamento da tecnologia. Para garantir a confiabilidade da interconexão e, como consequência, a confiabilidade do circuito integrado, métodos tradicionais baseados no chamado Efeito Blech e numa densidade de corrente máxima permitida são implementados durante o projeto da interconexão. Esses métodos, no entanto, não levam em consideração o impacto da eletromigração no desempenho do circuito. Neste trabalho, a abordagem tradicional é estendida e um método para avaliar o efeito da eletromigração no desempenho de circuito integrado é desenvolvido. O método é implementado em uma ferramenta que identifica as interconexões críticas em um circuito integrado e sugere larguras adequadas com base em diferentes critérios para mitigar os danos à eletromigração e aumentar a confiabilidade. Além disso, é determinada a variação dos parâmetros de desempenho do circuito conforme a resistência das interconexões aumenta. A ferramenta é incorporada ao fluxo de projeto do circuito integrado e usa os dados dos kits de projeto e relatórios diretamente disponíveis no ambiente de projeto. Uma análise precisa da distribuição de temperatura na estrutura de interconexão é essencial para uma melhor avaliação da confiabilidade da interconexão. Portanto, é implementado um modelo para calcular a temperatura em cada nível de metalização da estrutura de interconexão. A distribuição de temperatura nas camadas de metalização de diferentes tecnologias é investigada. É mostrado que a temperatura no Metal 1 da tecnologia Intel 10 nm aumenta 75 K, 12 K mais alta que no Metal 2. Como esperado, as camadas mais próximas dos transistores sofrem um aumento de temperatura mais significativo. A ferramenta é aplicada para avaliar eletromigração nas interconexões e na robustez de diferentes circuitos, como um oscilador em anel, um circuito gerador de tensão de referência tipo bandgap e um amplificador operacional. O amplificador operacional, em particular, é cuidadosamente estudado. A metodologia proposta identifica interconexões críticas que quando danificadas por eletromigração causam grandes variações no desempenho do circuito. No pior cenário, a frequência de corte do circuito varia 65% em 5 anos de operação. Uma descoberta interessante é que a metodologia proposta identifica interconexões críticas que não seriam identificadas pelos critérios tradicionais. Essas interconexões operam com densidades de corrente abaixo do limite recomendado pelas regras de projeto. No entanto, uma dessas interconexões leva a uma variação de 30% no ganho do amplificador operacional. Em resumo, a ferramenta proposta verificou que dos 20% de caminhos com uma densidade crítica de corrente, apenas 3% degradam significativamente o desempenho do circuito. Este trabalho traz o estudo da confiabilidade das interconexões e de circuitos integrados para a fase de projeto, o que permite avaliar a degradação do desempenho do circuito antecipadamente durante o seu desenvolvimento. A ferramenta desenvolvida permite ao projetista identificar interconexões críticas que não seriam detectadas usando o critério de densidade máxima de corrente, levando a uma análise mais ampla e precisa da robustez de circuitos integradosAbstract: Electromigration damage in interconnects is a well-known bottleneck of integrated circuits, because it causes reliability problems. Operation at high temperatures and current densities accelerates the damage, increasing the interconnect resistance and, therefore, reducing the circuit lifetime. This issue has been accentuated with the technology downscaling. To guarantee the interconnect reliability and, as a consequence, the integrated circuit reliability, traditional methods based on the so-called Blech Effect and on the maximum allowed current density are implemented during interconnect design. These methods, however, do not take into account the impact of the electromigration on the circuit performance. In this work the traditional approach is extended and a method to evaluate the effect of the electromigration in an integrated circuit performance is developed. The method is implemented in a tool which identifies the critical interconnect lines of an integrated circuit and suggests the proper interconnect width based on different criteria to mitigate the electromigration damage and to increase the reliability. In addition, the variation of performance parameters of the circuit as an interconnect resistance changes is determined. The tool is incorporated into the design flow of the integrated circuit and uses the data from design kits and reports directly available from the design environment. An accurate analysis of the temperature distribution on the interconnect structure is essential to a better assessment of the interconnect reliability. Therefore, a model to compute the temperature on each metallization level of the interconnect structure is implemented. The temperature distribution on the metallization layers of different technologies is investigated. It is shown that the temperature in the Metal 1 of the Intel 10 nm can increase by 75 K, 12 K higher than in the Metal 2. As expected, the layers that are closer to the transistors undergo a more significant temperature increase. The tool is applied to evaluate the interconnects and the robustness of different circuits, namely a ring oscillator, a bandgap voltage reference circuit, and an operational amplifier, against electromigration. The operational amplifier, in particular, is thoroughly studied. The proposed methodology identifies critical interconnects which under electromigration cause large variations in the performance of the circuit. In a worst-case scenario, the cutoff frequency of the circuit varies by 65% in 5 years of operation. An interesting finding is that the proposed methodology identifies critical interconnects which would not be identified by the traditional criteria. These interconnects have current densities below the limit recommended by the design rules. Nevertheless, one of such an interconnect leads to a variation of 30% in the gain of the operational amplifier. In summary, the proposed tool verified that from the 20% paths with a critical current density, only 3% degrades significantly the circuit performance. This work brings the study of the reliability of the interconnects and of integrated circuits to the design phase, which provides the assessment of a circuit performance degradation at an early stage of development. The developed tool allows the designer to identify critical interconnects which would not be detected using the maximum current density criterion, leading to more accurate analysis of the robustness of integrated circuitsDoutoradoEletrônica, Microeletrônica e OptoeletrônicaDoutor em Engenharia Elétrica88882.329437/2019-01CAPE

    Miniaturized Transistors, Volume II

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    In this book, we aim to address the ever-advancing progress in microelectronic device scaling. Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) devices continue to endure miniaturization, irrespective of the seeming physical limitations, helped by advancing fabrication techniques. We observe that miniaturization does not always refer to the latest technology node for digital transistors. Rather, by applying novel materials and device geometries, a significant reduction in the size of microelectronic devices for a broad set of applications can be achieved. The achievements made in the scaling of devices for applications beyond digital logic (e.g., high power, optoelectronics, and sensors) are taking the forefront in microelectronic miniaturization. Furthermore, all these achievements are assisted by improvements in the simulation and modeling of the involved materials and device structures. In particular, process and device technology computer-aided design (TCAD) has become indispensable in the design cycle of novel devices and technologies. It is our sincere hope that the results provided in this Special Issue prove useful to scientists and engineers who find themselves at the forefront of this rapidly evolving and broadening field. Now, more than ever, it is essential to look for solutions to find the next disrupting technologies which will allow for transistor miniaturization well beyond silicon’s physical limits and the current state-of-the-art. This requires a broad attack, including studies of novel and innovative designs as well as emerging materials which are becoming more application-specific than ever before

    Corrosion and Degradation of Materials

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    Studies on the corrosion and degradation of materials play a decisive role in the novel design and development of corrosion-resistant materials, the selection of materials used in harsh environments in designed lifespans, the invention of corrosion control methods and procedures (e.g., coatings, inhibitors), and the safety assessment and prediction of materials (i.e., modelling). These studies cover a wide range of research fields, including the calculation of thermodynamics, the characterization of microstructures, the investigation of mechanical and corrosion properties, the creation of corrosion coatings or inhibitors, and the establishment of corrosion modelling. This Special Issue is devoted to these types of studies, which facilitate the understanding of the corrosion fundamentals of materials in service, the development of corrosion coatings or methods, improving their durability, and eventually decreasing corrosion loss