810 research outputs found

    On Large-Scale Graph Generation with Validation of Diverse Triangle Statistics at Edges and Vertices

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    Researchers developing implementations of distributed graph analytic algorithms require graph generators that yield graphs sharing the challenging characteristics of real-world graphs (small-world, scale-free, heavy-tailed degree distribution) with efficiently calculable ground-truth solutions to the desired output. Reproducibility for current generators used in benchmarking are somewhat lacking in this respect due to their randomness: the output of a desired graph analytic can only be compared to expected values and not exact ground truth. Nonstochastic Kronecker product graphs meet these design criteria for several graph analytics. Here we show that many flavors of triangle participation can be cheaply calculated while generating a Kronecker product graph. Given two medium-sized scale-free graphs with adjacency matrices AA and BB, their Kronecker product graph has adjacency matrix C=ABC = A \otimes B. Such graphs are highly compressible: E|{\cal E}| edges are represented in O(E1/2){\cal O}(|{\cal E}|^{1/2}) memory and can be built in a distributed setting from small data structures, making them easy to share in compressed form. Many interesting graph calculations have worst-case complexity bounds O(Ep){\cal O}(|{\cal E}|^p) and often these are reduced to O(Ep/2){\cal O}(|{\cal E}|^{p/2}) for Kronecker product graphs, when a Kronecker formula can be derived yielding the sought calculation on CC in terms of related calculations on AA and BB. We focus on deriving formulas for triangle participation at vertices, tC{\bf t}_C, a vector storing the number of triangles that every vertex is involved in, and triangle participation at edges, ΔC\Delta_C, a sparse matrix storing the number of triangles at every edge.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, IEEE IPDPS Graph Algorithms Building Block

    Forwarding and optical indices of 4-regular circulant networks

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    An all-to-all routing in a graph GG is a set of oriented paths of GG, with exactly one path for each ordered pair of vertices. The load of an edge under an all-to-all routing RR is the number of times it is used (in either direction) by paths of RR, and the maximum load of an edge is denoted by π(G,R)\pi(G,R). The edge-forwarding index π(G)\pi(G) is the minimum of π(G,R)\pi(G,R) over all possible all-to-all routings RR, and the arc-forwarding index π(G)\overrightarrow{\pi}(G) is defined similarly by taking direction into consideration, where an arc is an ordered pair of adjacent vertices. Denote by w(G,R)w(G,R) the minimum number of colours required to colour the paths of RR such that any two paths having an edge in common receive distinct colours. The optical index w(G)w(G) is defined to be the minimum of w(G,R)w(G,R) over all possible RR, and the directed optical index w(G)\overrightarrow{w}(G) is defined similarly by requiring that any two paths having an arc in common receive distinct colours. In this paper we obtain lower and upper bounds on these four invariants for 44-regular circulant graphs with connection set {±1,±s}\{\pm 1,\pm s\}, 1<s<n/21<s<n/2. We give approximation algorithms with performance ratio a small constant for the corresponding forwarding index and routing and wavelength assignment problems for some families of 44-regular circulant graphs.Comment: 19 pages, no figure in Journal of Discrete Algorithms 201

    Algebraic and Computer-based Methods in the Undirected Degree/diameter Problem - a Brief Survey

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    This paper discusses the most popular algebraic techniques and computational methods that have been used to construct large graphs with given degree and diameter

    Researches of Interconnection Networks Based on Cayley Graphs

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    众所周知,凯莱图在计算机局域网及大规模并行处理系统的设计与分析中起着重要的作用.超立方体网络(hypercube),双环网络(doubleloopnetwork),星图(stargraph)等都是凯莱图.全文共分为五章,围绕凯莱网络中以下两部分的重要课题进行讨论: 1.双环网络的寻径策略与最优设计; 2.交错群网络与洗牌交换置换网络的路由算法. 下面是本文的一些主要结果: 1.本文给出了一个方法用于构造k-紧优无限族(k\geq1),并用此方法构造出了4族3-紧无限族,3族新的4-紧优无限族,3族5-紧优无限族及2族6-紧优无限族.另外我们利用计算机搜索还找到了27族新的0...It is now well known that Cayley graphs play a very important role in the design and analysis of interconnection networks for parallel processing and of local area communication networks. The graphs such as hypercubes, double loop networks, star graphs are examples of Cayley graphs. The paper contains five chapters. It centres on the following two important parts of Cayley networks: 1....学位:理学博士院系专业:数学系_基础数学学号:B20012300