10,758 research outputs found

    Nijenhuis operator in contact homology and descendant recursion in symplectic field theory

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    In this paper we investigate the algebraic structure related to a new type of correlator associated to the moduli spaces of S1S^1-parametrized curves in contact homology and rational symplectic field theory. Such correlators are the natural generalization of the non-equivariant linearized contact homology differential (after Bourgeois-Oancea) and give rise to an invariant Nijenhuis (or hereditary) operator (\`a la Magri-Fuchssteiner) in contact homology which recovers the descendant theory from the primaries. We also sketch how such structure generalizes to the full SFT Poisson homology algebra to a (graded symmetric) bivector. The descendant hamiltonians satisfy to recursion relations, analogous to bihamiltonian recursion, with respect to the pair formed by the natural Poisson structure in SFT and such bivector. In case the target manifold is the product stable Hamiltonian structure S1×MS^1\times M, with MM a symplectic manifold, the recursion coincides with genus 00 topological recursion relations in the Gromov-Witten theory of MM.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    On rational approximation of algebraic functions

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    We construct a new scheme of approximation of any multivalued algebraic function f(z)f(z) by a sequence {rn(z)}nN\{r_{n}(z)\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}} of rational functions. The latter sequence is generated by a recurrence relation which is completely determined by the algebraic equation satisfied by f(z)f(z). Compared to the usual Pad\'e approximation our scheme has a number of advantages, such as simple computational procedures that allow us to prove natural analogs of the Pad\'e Conjecture and Nuttall's Conjecture for the sequence {rn(z)}nN\{r_{n}(z)\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}} in the complement \mathbb{CP}^1\setminus \D_{f}, where \D_{f} is the union of a finite number of segments of real algebraic curves and finitely many isolated points. In particular, our construction makes it possible to control the behavior of spurious poles and to describe the asymptotic ratio distribution of the family {rn(z)}nN\{r_{n}(z)\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}. As an application we settle the so-called 3-conjecture of Egecioglu {\em et al} dealing with a 4-term recursion related to a polynomial Riemann Hypothesis.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX2e, revised version to appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Loop equations from differential systems

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    To any differential system dΨ=ΦΨd\Psi=\Phi\Psi where Ψ\Psi belongs to a Lie group (a fiber of a principal bundle) and Φ\Phi is a Lie algebra g\mathfrak g valued 1-form on a Riemann surface Σ\Sigma, is associated an infinite sequence of "correlators" WnW_n that are symmetric nn-forms on Σn\Sigma^n. The goal of this article is to prove that these correlators always satisfy "loop equations", the same equations satisfied by correlation functions in random matrix models, or the same equations as Virasoro or W-algebra constraints in CFT.Comment: 20 page

    Quantum curves for Hitchin fibrations and the Eynard-Orantin theory

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    We generalize the topological recursion of Eynard-Orantin (2007) to the family of spectral curves of Hitchin fibrations. A spectral curve in the topological recursion, which is defined to be a complex plane curve, is replaced with a generic curve in the cotangent bundle TCT^*C of an arbitrary smooth base curve CC. We then prove that these spectral curves are quantizable, using the new formalism. More precisely, we construct the canonical generators of the formal \hbar-deformation family of DD-modules over an arbitrary projective algebraic curve CC of genus greater than 11, from the geometry of a prescribed family of smooth Hitchin spectral curves associated with the SL(2,C)SL(2,\mathbb{C})-character variety of the fundamental group π1(C)\pi_1(C). We show that the semi-classical limit through the WKB approximation of these \hbar-deformed DD-modules recovers the initial family of Hitchin spectral curves.Comment: 34 page

    Elliptic Gromov - Witten invariants and the generalized mirror conjecture

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    A conjecture expressing genus 1 Gromov-Witten invariants in mirror-theoretic terms of semi-simple Frobenius structures and complex oscillating integrals is formulated. The proof of the conjecture is given for torus-equivariant Gromov - Witten invariants of compact K\"ahler manifolds with isolated fixed points and for concave bundle spaces over such manifolds. Several results on genus 0 Gromov - Witten theory include: a non-linear Serre duality theorem, its application to the genus 0 mirror conjecture, a mirror theorem for concave bundle spaces over toric manifolds generalizing a recent result of B. Lian, K. Liu and S.-T. Yau. We also establish a correspondence (see the extensive footnote in section 4) between their new proof of the genus 0 mirror conjecture for quintic 3-folds and our proof of the same conjecture given two years ago.Comment: 56 page

    Critical properties of an aperiodic model for interacting polymers

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    We investigate the effects of aperiodic interactions on the critical behavior of an interacting two-polymer model on hierarchical lattices (equivalent to the Migadal-Kadanoff approximation for the model on Bravais lattices), via renormalization-group and tranfer-matrix calculations. The exact renormalization-group recursion relations always present a symmetric fixed point, associated with the critical behavior of the underlying uniform model. If the aperiodic interactions, defined by s ubstitution rules, lead to relevant geometric fluctuations, this fixed point becomes fully unstable, giving rise to novel attractors of different nature. We present an explicit example in which this new attractor is a two-cycle, with critical indices different from the uniform model. In case of the four-letter Rudin-Shapiro substitution rule, we find a surprising closed curve whose points are attractors of period two, associated with a marginal operator. Nevertheless, a scaling analysis indicates that this attractor may lead to a new critical universality class. In order to provide an independent confirmation of the scaling results, we turn to a direct thermodynamic calculation of the specific-heat exponent. The thermodynamic free energy is obtained from a transfer matrix formalism, which had been previously introduced for spin systems, and is now extended to the two-polymer model with aperiodic interactions.Comment: 19 pages, 6 eps figures, to appear in J. Phys A: Math. Ge