288 research outputs found

    Smart Surgical Microscope based on Optical Coherence Domain Reflectometry

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    Department of Biomedical EngineeringOver the several decades, there have been clinical needs that requires advanced technologies in medicine. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), one of the newly emerged medical imaging devices, provides non-invasive cross-sectional images in high resolution which is mainly used in ophthalmology. However, due to the limited penetration depth of 1-2 mm in bio-samples, there is a limit to be widely used. In order to easily integrate with existing medical tools and be convenient to users, it is necessary that the sample unit of OCT should be compact and simple. In this study, we developed high-speed swept-source OCT (SS-OCT) for advanced screening of otolaryngology. Synchronized signal sampling with a high-speed digitizer using a clock signal from a swept laser source, its trigger signal is also used to synchronize with the movement of the scanning mirror. The SS-OCT system can reliably provide high-throughput images, and two-axis scanning of galvano mirrors enables real-time acquisition of 3D data. Graphic processing unit (GPU) can performs high-speed data processing through parallel programming, and can also implement perspective projection 3D OCT visualization with optimal ray casting techniques. In the Clinical Study of Otolaryngology, OCT was applied to identify the microscopic extrathyroidal extension (mETE) of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). As a result to detect the mETE of around 60% in conventional ultrasonography, it could be improved to 84.1% accuracy in our study. The detection ratio of the mETE was calculated by the pathologist analyzing the histologic image. In chapter 3, we present a novel study using combined OCT system integrated with a conventional surgical microscope. In the current set-up of surgical microscope, only two-dimensional microscopic images through the eyepiece view are provided to the surgeon. Thus, image-guided surgery, which provides real-time image information of the tissues or the organs, has been developed as an advanced surgical technique. This study illustrate newly designed optical set-up of smart surgical microscope that combined sample arm of the OCT with an existing microscope. Specifically, we used a beam projector to overlay OCT images on existing eyepiece views, and demonstrated augmented reality images. In chapter 4, in order to develop novel microsurgical instruments, optical coherence domain reflectometry (OCDR) was applied. Introduces smart surgical forceps using OCDR as a sensor that provides high-speed, high-resolution distance information in the tissue. To attach the sensor to the forceps, the lensed fiber which is a small and high sensitivity sensor was fabricated and the results are shown to be less affected by the tilt angle. In addition, the piezo actuator compensates the hand tremor, resulting in a reduction in the human hand tremor of 5 to 15 Hz. Finally, M-mode OCT needle is proposed for microsurgery guidance in ophthalmic surgery. Stepwise transitional core (STC) fiber was applied as a sensor to measure information within the tissue and attached to a 26 gauge needle. It shows the modified OCT system and the position-guided needle design of the sample stage and shows the algorithm flowchart of M-mode OCT imaging software. The developed M-mode OCT needle has been applied to animal studies using rabbit eyes and demonstrates the big-bubble deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) surgery for corneal transplantation. Through this study, we propose a novel microsurgical instrument for lamellar keratoplasty and evaluate its feasibility with conventional regular OCT system images. In conclusion, for fundamental study required new augmented reality guided surgery with smart surgical microscope, it is expected that OCT combined with surgical microscope can be widely used. We demonstrated a novel microsurgical instrument to share with light source and the various optical components. Acquired information throughout our integrated system would be a key method to meet a wide range of different clinical needs in the real world.ope

    Development and preliminary results of bimanual smart micro-surgical system using a ball-lens coupled OCT distance sensor

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    Bimanual surgery enhances surgical effectiveness and is required to successfully accomplish complex microsurgical tasks. The essential advantage is the ability to simultaneously grasp tissue with one hand to provide counter traction or exposure, while dissecting with the other. Towards enhancing the precision and safety of bimanual microsurgery we present a bimanual SMART micro-surgical system for a preliminary ex-vivo study. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a handheld bimanual microsurgical system. The essential components include a ball-lens coupled common-path swept source optical coherence tomography sensor. This system effectively suppresses asynchronous hand tremor using two PZT motors in feedback control loop and efficiently assists ambidextrous tasks. It allows precise bimanual dissection of biological tissues with a reduction in operating time as compared to the same tasks performed with conventional onehanded approaches. © 2016 Optical Society of America.1

    Automatic tissue characterization from optical coherence tomography images for smart laser osteotomy

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    Fascinating experiments have proved that in the very near future, laser will completely replace mechanical tools in bone surgery or osteotomy. Laser osteotomy overcomes mechanical tools’ shortcomings, with less damage to surrounding tissue, lower risk of viral and bacterial infections, and faster wound healing. Furthermore, the current development of artificial intelligence has pushed the direction of research toward smart laser osteotomy. This thesis project aimed to advance smart laser osteotomy by introducing an image-based automatic tissue characterization or feedback system. The Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) imaging system was selected because it could provide a high-resolution subsurface image slice over the laser ablation site. Experiments were conducted and published to show the feasibility of the feedback system. In the first part of this thesis project, a deep-learning-based OCT image denoising method was demonstrated and yielded a faster processing time than classical denoising methods, while maintaining image quality comparable to a frame-averaged image. Next part, it was necessary to find the best deep-learning model for tissue type identification in the absence of laser ablation. The results showed that the DenseNet model is sufficient for detecting tissue types based on the OCT image patch. The model could differentiate five different tissue types (bone, bone marrow, fat, muscle, and skin tissues) with an accuracy of 94.85 %. The last part of this thesis project presents the result of applying the deep-learning-based OCT-guided laser osteotomy in real-time. The first trial experiment took place at the time of the writing of this thesis. The feedback system was evaluated based on its ability to stop bone cutting when bone marrow was detected. The results show that the deep-learning-based setup successfully stopped the ablation laser when bone marrow was detected. The average maximum depth of bone marrow perforation was only 216 ÎŒm. This thesis project provides the basic framework for OCT-based smart laser osteotomy. It also shows that deep learning is a robust approach to achieving real-time application of OCT-guided laser osteotomy. Nevertheless, future research directions, such as a combination of depth control and tissue classification setup, and optimization of the ablation strategy, would make the use of OCT in laser osteotomy even more feasible

    Oblique injection depth correction by two parallel OCT sensors guided handheld SMART injector

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    We present a SMART injector with two parallel common-path optical coherence tomography fibers to enable angle measurements and injection depth corrections for oblique subretinal injection. The two optical fibers are attached to opposite sides of a 33 G needle with known offsets and designed to pass through a 23 G trocar that has an inner diameter of 0.65 mm. By attaching a SMART system to a rotational stage, the measured angles are calibrated for minimal error from reference angles. A commercial eye model was used to evaluate the control performance, and injection experiments were performed on a phantom made of agarose gel and a porcine eye. © 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.1

    Optical Coherence Tomography Distal Sensor Based Handheld Microsurgical Tools

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    Microsurgery is typically differentiated from a general surgery in that it requires a precise sub-millimeter manipulation that could only be achievable under optical magnification. For instance, microsurgeons use surgical microscopes to view surgical sites and train themselves several years to acquire surgical skills to perform the delicate procedures. However, such microsurgical approach imposes considerable physical stress and mental fatigue on the surgeons and these could be sources for surgical risks and complications. For these reasons, a variety of robotic based surgical guidance methods have been developed and studied with the hope of providing safer and more precise microsurgery. These robotic arm based systems have been developed to provide precise tool movement and to remove physiological hand tremor, which is one of the main limiting factors that prevents precise tool manipulation. In another approaches use simpler system that adds robotic functions to existing handheld surgical tools. It is a hybrid system that incorporates the advantages of conventional manual system and robot-assist system. The advantages of such hybrid handheld systems include portability, disposability, and elimination of the large robotic-assist systems in complex surgical environment. The most critical benefit of the hybrid handheld system is its ease of use since it allows surgeons to manipulate tools mostly using their hand. However due to the imprecise nature of tool control using hands, tool tracking is more critical in handheld microsurgical tool systems than that of robotic arm systems. In general, the accuracy of the tool control is largely determined by the resolution of the sensors and the actuators. Therefore, it is essential to develop a real-time high resolution sensor in order to develop a practical microsurgical tools. For this reason, a novel intuitive targeting and tracking scheme that utilizes a common-path swept source optical coherence tomography (CP-SSOCT) distal sensor was developed integrated with handheld microsurgical tools. To achieve micron-order precision control, a reliable and accurate OCT distal sensing method was developed. The method uses a prediction algorithm is necessary to compensate for the system delay associated with the computational, mechanical and electronic latencies. Due to the multi-layered structure of retina, it was also necessary to develop effective surface detection methods rather than simple peak detection. The OCT distal sensor was integrated into handheld motion-guided micro-forceps system for highly accurate depth controlled epiretinal membranectomy. A touch sensor and two motors were used in the forceps design to minimize the motion artifact induced by squeezing, and to independently control the depth guidance of the tool-tip and the grasping action. We also built a depth guided micro-injector system that enables micro-injection with precise injection depth control. For these applications, a smart motion monitoring and a guiding algorithm were developed to provide precise and intuitive freehand control. Finally, phantom and ex-vivo bovine eye experiments were performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed OCT distal sensor and validate the effectiveness of the depth-guided micro-forceps and micro-injector over the freehand performance

    Intraoperative Fourier domain optical coherence tomography for microsurgery guidance and assessment

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    In this dissertation, advanced high-speed Fourier domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT)systems were investigated and developed. Several real-time, high resolution functional Spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT) systems capable of imaging and sensing blood flow and motion were designed and developed. The system were designed particularly for microsurgery guidance and assessment. The systems were tested for their ability to assessing microvascular anastomosis and vulnerable plaque development. An all fiber-optic common-path optical coherence tomography (CP-OCT) system capable of measuring high-resolution optical distances, was built and integrated into di fferent imaging modalities. First, a novel non-contact accurate in-vitro intra-ocular lens power measurement method was proposed and validated based on CP-OCT. Second, CP-OCT was integrated with a ber bundle based confocal microscope to achieve motion-compensated imaging. Distance between the probe and imaged target was monitored by the CP-OCT system in real-time.The distance signal from the CP-OCT system was routed to a high speed, high resolution linear motor to compensate for the axial motion of the sample in a closed-loop control. Finally a motion-compensated hand-held common-path Fourier domain optical coherence tomography probe was developed for image-guided intervention. Both phantom and ex vivo models were used to test and evaluate the probe. As the data acquisition speed of current OCT systems continue to increase, the means to process the data in real-time are in critically needed. Previous graphics processing unit accelerated OCT signal processing methods have shown their potential to achieve real-time imaging. In this dissertation, algorithms to perform real-time reference A-line subtraction and saturation artifact removal were proposed, realized and integrated into previously developed FD-OCT system CPU-GPU heterogeneous structure. Fourier domain phase resolved Doppler OCT (PRDOCT) system capable of real-time simultaneous structure and flow imaging based on dual GPUs was also developed and implemented. Finally, systematic experiments were conducted to validate the system for surgical applications. FD-OCT system was used to detect atherosclerotic plaque and drug effi ciency test in mouse model. Application of PRDOCT for both suture and cu ff based microvascular anastomosis guidance and assessment was extensively stuided in rodent model

    DĂ©veloppement et validation de sondes en fibre optique miniaturisĂ©es pour le guidage intra-opĂ©ratoire d’interventions intraoculaires

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    Les procĂ©dures chirurgicales intraoculaires sont des procĂ©dures difficiles par la prĂ©cision qu’elles demandent, on parle de microchirurgie, mais aussi par la difficultĂ© et la faible qualitĂ© de visualisation des tissus Ă  traiter. En effet, dans la plupart des procĂ©dures intraoculaires le chirurgien utilise uniquement un microscope ophtalmologique qui ne permet la visualisation des tissus que par la pupille du patient et offre une perception limitĂ©e de la profondeur. La Tomographie en CohĂ©rence Optique (OCT) fournit des images en profondeur des tissus sains de maniĂšre non invasive, elle est utilisĂ©e couramment en diagnostic ophtalmologique et est de plus en plus utilisĂ©e intra-opĂ©rativement. Dans cette thĂšse nous allons prĂ©senter deux systĂšmes OCT intra-opĂ©ratifs qui visent Ă  assister les chirurgiens sur deux procĂ©dures intraoculaires, la vitrectomie et l’injection sous-rĂ©tinienne. Pour ces deux projets nous avons utilisĂ© le matĂ©riel chirurgical utilisĂ© cliniquement pour plusieurs raisons : s’assurer d’utiliser des outils adĂ©quats (dimensions, efficacitĂ©, sĂ©curitĂ©) pour la procĂ©dure, garder des outils que les chirurgiens utilisent rĂ©guliĂšrement et avec lesquels ils sont familiers et limiter les coĂ»ts de dĂ©veloppement. Pour le systĂšme OCT nous avons utilisĂ© des sondes OCT en fibre optique car elles sont flexibles, bon marchĂ© et de petit diamĂštre. Leur focalisation peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre modifiĂ©e dĂ©pendamment de l’application avec une fibre optique GRIN Ă  leur extrĂ©mitĂ© pour augmenter le signal OCT. Nous avons ainsi attachĂ© Ă  ces outils chirurgicaux des sondes OCT en fibre optique. Pour le projet portant sur les injections sous-rĂ©tiniennes il a fallu dans un premier temps dĂ©velopper des sondes OCT avec des diamĂštres plus petits que ceux existant. Pour ce faire nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une mĂ©thode permettant de rĂ©duire le diamĂštre des sondes avec de l’acide fluorhydrique et grĂące Ă  un design permettant de conserver les propriĂ©tĂ©s optiques des sondes. Ce travail est prĂ©sentĂ© dans le premier article. Le second article prĂ©sente un systĂšme permettant de guider les injections sous-rĂ©tiniennes. L’injection sous-rĂ©tinienne est une intervention chirurgicale de haute prĂ©cision visant Ă  restaurer et/ou prĂ©server la vision des patients souffrant de maladies rĂ©tiniennes. NĂ©anmoins, l’injection sous-rĂ©tinienne reste Ă  la limite des capacitĂ©s physiologiques humaines en raison des tremblements de la main et peut ĂȘtre compromise par le reflux du mĂ©dicament si l’injection n’est pas assez profonde dans la rĂ©tine. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un systĂšme pour guider l’injection avec un micromanipulateur et donner des informations prĂ©cises sur la profondeur au chirurgien avec l’OCT intra-opĂ©ratif. AprĂšs avoir miniaturisĂ© une sonde OCT en fibre optique avec la mĂ©thode prĂ©sentĂ©e dans l’article 1 nous avons pu l’insĂ©rer dans une canule utilisĂ©e cliniquement. La sonde couplĂ©e Ă  un systĂšme OCT que nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© acquiert un signal A-scan qui va permettre de connaitre la distance entre la canule et la rĂ©tine mais aussi de sĂ©lectionner la profondeur de l’injection dans les couches rĂ©tiniennes. La canule est attachĂ©e Ă  un micromanipulateur qui assure son dĂ©placement dans l’Ɠil. Une image M-scan est construite avec le signal OCT et le chirurgien peut directement sĂ©lectionner sur l’image la profondeur de l’injection. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© l’interface sur Labview. AprĂšs avoir sĂ©lectionnĂ© la cible de l’injection le programme de guidage va dĂ©placer la canule et injecter le volume adĂ©quat grĂące Ă  une pompe contrĂŽlable. Nous avons validĂ© notre systĂšme de guidage sur des yeux de porcs ex-vivo. Sur 40 injections 38 prĂ©sentaient un dĂ©collement rĂ©tinien ciblĂ© et localisĂ©, preuve de la rĂ©ussie de l’injection rĂ©tinienne ce qui reprĂ©sente un taux de succĂšs de 95% (CI : 83.1 – 99.4). Nous avons aussi grĂące Ă  un algorithme de traitement de l’image calculĂ© le volume prĂ©sent sous la rĂ©tine aprĂšs l’injection que nous avons comparĂ© au volume injectĂ©. Nous avons ainsi trouvĂ© que 75% du volume initialement injectĂ© se retrouve bien sous la rĂ©tine. Le troisiĂšme article prĂ©sente un systĂšme permettant d’arrĂȘter automatiquement le vitrecteur lors d’une vitrectomie pour rĂ©duire les dommages accidentels sur la rĂ©tine. La survenue de dĂ©chirures rĂ©tiniennes iatrogĂšniques dans la vitrectomie par la pars plane est une complication qui compromet l’efficacitĂ© globale de la chirurgie. Un certain nombre de dĂ©chirures rĂ©tiniennes iatrogĂšnes se produisent lorsque la rĂ©tine est coupĂ©e accidentellement par le vitrecteur. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un vitrecteur intelligent capable de dĂ©tecter en temps rĂ©el une coupure rĂ©tinienne accidentelle et de dĂ©sactiver rapidement la machine de vitrectomie pour les prĂ©venir. Ce vitrecteur intelligent est composĂ© d’une sonde OCT attachĂ©e au vitrecteur et va avoir comme rĂŽle de dĂ©tecter si le vitrecteur aspire la rĂ©tine et va endommager ces tissus sains. La sonde OCT agit comme un dĂ©tecteur de prĂ©sence devant l’ouverture du vitrecteur, ceci en comparant un signal de rĂ©fĂ©rence avec le signal en direct. Cette comparaison de signal OCT va commander un bras robotique pour actionner la pĂ©dale d’arrĂȘt du vitrecteur. Ainsi le chirurgien n’a pas besoin d’interprĂ©ter un signal, la dĂ©cision d’arrĂȘt du vitrecteur dĂ» Ă  la prĂ©sence de la rĂ©tine est prise automatiquement. Ceci va permettre de rĂ©duire grandement, de 300 ms Ă  29 ms, le dĂ©lai de la prise de dĂ©cision d’arrĂȘt du vitrecteur prĂ©cĂ©demment limitĂ© par le temps de rĂ©action du chirurgien. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© les sondes OCT, le systĂšme OCT ainsi que l’algorithme d’arrĂȘt automatique de ce systĂšme. Nous avons validĂ© sur des yeux porcins in-vivo, deux chirurgiens ont utilisĂ© notre systĂšme en essayant d’endommager les tissus rĂ©tiniens. 70% (CI : 56.39 – 82.02) des tentatives de dommages rĂ©tiniens des chirurgiens furent attĂ©nuĂ©es ou empĂȘchĂ©es par notre systĂšme. Ce projet a abouti au dĂ©pĂŽt d’un brevet ("Smart Vitrector", Provisional patent application, US 63109040).Intraocular surgical procedures are difficult procedures because of the precision they require, they are often referred as microsurgery, but also by the little information available to the surgeon. In most intraocular procedures the surgeon only uses an ophthalmic microscope which allows visualization of tissue just through the patient’s pupil and offers limited depth perception. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) provides in-depth images of healthy tissue in a non-invasive manner, is commonly used in ophthalmologic diagnostics, and is increasingly used intraoperatively. In this thesis we will present two intraoperative OCT systems that aim to assist surgeons with two intraocular procedures, vitrectomy and subretinal injection. For these two projects we used the surgical equipment used clinically for several reasons : to make sure to use adequate tools (dimensions, efficiency, safety) for the procedure, to keep tools that surgeons use regularly and with which they are familiar and limit development costs. For the OCT system we used fiber optic OCT probes as they are flexible, cheap and small in diameter. Their focus can also be modified, depending the application, with a GRIN fiber at their tip to increase the OCT signal. We have attached optical fiber OCT probes to these surgical tools. For the subretinal injections project it was first necessary to develop OCT probes with smaller diameters than existing ones. To do this, we have developed a method to reduce the diameter of the probes with hydrofluoric acid and a design to maintain the optical properties of the probes. This work is presented in the first article. The second article presents a system for guiding subretinal injections. Subretinal injection of drugs is a challenging surgical intervention aiming to restore and/or preserve the vision of patients suffering from retinal diseases. Nevertheless, the subretinal injection remains at the edge of human physiological capacity because of hand tremor and can be mitigated by drug reflux if the injection is not deep enough in the retina. We developed a system to guide the injection with a micromanipulator and give precise depth information to the surgeon with intraoperative OCT. To do so we first miniaturized an optical fiber OCT probe with the method presented in article 1, we were able to insert it into a cannula used clinically. The probe coupled to an OCT system that we have developed acquires an A-scan signal which enables to know the distance between the cannula and the retina but also to select the depth of the injection into the retinal layers. The cannula is attached to a micromanipulator that moves it inside the eye. An M-scan image is built with the OCT signal and the surgeon can directly select on the image the depth of the injection. We developed the interface on Labview. After selecting the injection target, the guidance program will move the cannula and inject the appropriate volume using a controllable pump.We have validated our guidance system on pig eyes ex-vivo. Out of 40 injections, 38 presented a retinal detachment, proof of a successful retinal injection, which represents a success rate of 95% (CI : 83.1 – 99.4). Thanks to an image processing algorithm, we also calculated the bleb volume under the retina after the injection, which we compared to the initial injected volume. We have found that 75% of the injected volume ends in the subretinal space. The third article presents for automatically stopping the vitrector during a vitrectomy. The occurrence of iatrogenic retinal breaks in pars plana vitrectomy is a complication that compromises the overall efficacy of the surgery. A subset of iatrogenic retinal break occurs when the retina is cut accidentally by the vitrector. We developed a smart vitrector that can detect in real-time potential accidental retinal cut and activate promptly a vitrectomy machine to prevent them. To do so an OCT probe is attached to the vitrector and will have the role of detecting if the vitrector sucks the retina and will damage these healthy tissues. The OCT probe acts as a presence detector in front of the vitrector opening, by comparing a reference signal with the live signal. This OCT signal comparison will control a robotic arm to operate the vitrector stop pedal. Thus, the surgeon does not need to interpret a signal, the decision to stop the vitrector due to the presence of the retina is taken automatically. This will greatly reduce, from 300 ms to 29 ms, the delay to stop the vitrector previously limited by the reaction time of the surgeon. We have developed the OCT probes, the OCT system, and the automatic shutdown algorithm for this system. We validated our system on in-vivo porcine eyes, two surgeons used the modified vitrector trying to damage retinal tissue. 70% (CI : 56.39 – 82.02) of surgeons’ retinal damage attempts were mitigated or prevented by our system. This project resulted in a patent ("Smart Vitrector", Provisional patent application, US 63109040)

    From teleoperation to autonomous robot-assisted microsurgery: A survey

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    Robot-assisted microsurgery (RAMS) has many benefits compared to traditional microsurgery. Microsurgical platforms with advanced control strategies, high-quality micro-imaging modalities and micro-sensing systems are worth developing to further enhance the clinical outcomes of RAMS. Within only a few decades, microsurgical robotics has evolved into a rapidly developing research field with increasing attention all over the world. Despite the appreciated benefits, significant challenges remain to be solved. In this review paper, the emerging concepts and achievements of RAMS will be presented. We introduce the development tendency of RAMS from teleoperation to autonomous systems. We highlight the upcoming new research opportunities that require joint efforts from both clinicians and engineers to pursue further outcomes for RAMS in years to come

    The Advanced Applications For Optical Coherence Tomography In Skin Imaging

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT), based on the principle of interferometry, is a fast and non-invasive imaging modality, which has been approved by FDA for dermatologic applications. OCT has high spatial resolution up to micrometer scale compared to traditional ultrasound imaging. In addition, OCT can provide real-time cross-sectional images with 1 to 2 mm penetration depth, which makes it an ideal imaging technique to assess the skin micro-morphology and pathology without any tissue removal. Many studies have investigated the possibilities of using OCT to evaluate dermatologic conditions, such as skin cancer, dermatitis, psoriasis, and skin damages. Hence, OCT has tremendous potential to provide skin histological and pathological information and assist differential diagnosis of various skin diseases. In this study, we used a swept-source OCT with 1305 nm central wavelength to explore its advanced applications in dermatology. This dissertation consists of four major research projects. First, we explored the feasibility of OCT imaging for assisting real-time visualization in skin biopsy. We showed that OCT could be used to guide and track a needle insertion in mouse skin in real-time. The structure of skin and the movement of needle can be clearly seen on the OCT images without any time delay during the procedures. Next, we tested the concept of performing the punch biopsy using OCT hand-held probe attached to a piercing tip in a phantom. We proved that using the OCT is a reliable technique to delineate the margin of lesion in phantom. And it is possible to perform the punch biopsy with the OCT probe. Second, we tested the performance of contrast-enhanced OCT in melanoma detection in an in vitro study. Melanoma is the most lethal type of skin cancer. Early detection could significantly improve the long-term survival rate of patients. In this initial study, a contrast agent (Gal3-USGNPs) is developed by conjugating melanoma biomarker (Gal3) to ultra-small gold nanoparticles (USGNPs). We showed that the contrast agent can differentiate B16 melanoma cells from normal skin keratinocytes in vitro. To avoid systemic administration of USGNPs, the third project continues to explore the enhanced topical delivery of USGNPs. In this study, we used OCT to monitor the topical delivery of nanoparticles on pig skin over time. And the diffusion and penetration of USGNPs in skin can be improved by applying chemical and physical enhancers such as DMSO and sonophoresis. Finally, in addition to image the cross-sectional structure of skin, we also aim to extract quantitative information from OCT images. The skin optical properties such as attenuation coefficient can be measured from OCT images. We measured and compared the skin attenuation coefficient in the skin of forehead and lateral hip, the skin of three different age groups, and the skin of three different Fitzpatrick types. The statistical analysis showed that epidermis has much higher attenuation coefficient than dermis. And the skin type V & VI have a relatively lower attenuation coefficient than the other skin types. These studies could aid the detection of skin cancer using imaging techniques and provide some new insights into the future applications of OCT in dermatology

    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) - guided ophthalmic therapy

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    In this work, we demonstrate OCT-based guidance of two ophthalmic therapies, subretinal injection and selective retina therapy (SRT). Firstly, the “SMART,” a hand-held robotic surgical device actively guided by a common-path OCT (CP-OCT) distal sensor, improves in two aspects for being applied to subretinal injection: (i) A high-performance fiber probe based on high index epoxy lensed-fiber to enhance the CP-OCT retinal image quality; (ii) Automated retinal layer identification and tracking : retinal layer boundaries are tracked using convolutional neural network (CNN)-based segmentation for accurate subretinal injection guidance. It is shown that high index epoxy lensed-fiber probe improves the SNR and retinal image quality of the CP-OCT system. We propose and implement real-time retinal boundary tracking of A-scan OCT images using CNNs for accurate localization of a surgical tool tip. Unwanted axial motions of the surgical tools are compensated by a piezo-electric linear motor based on the retinal boundary tracking. A CNN-based CP-OCT distal sensor successfully tracks retinal boundaries, especially the PR/CH boundary for subretinal injection, and automatically guides the needle’s axial position in real-time. The micro-scale depth targeting accuracy of our system shows its promising possibility for clinical application. We also propose and demonstrate SRT monitoring based on speckle variance OCT (svOCT) for dosimetry control. M-scans of a phantom, ex vivo bovine iris, and ex vivo bovine retina are obtained by a swept-source OCT system during laser pulses irradiation. SvOCT images are calculated as interframe intensity variance of the sequence, and they show abrupt speckle variance change induced by laser pulse irradiation. The axially averaged svOCT signals show a sharp peak corresponding to each laser pulse, and the peak values are proportional to irradiated laser pulse energy. For the ex vivo retinal study, microscopic images of treated spots are obtained before and after removing the upper neural retinal layer to assess the damage in both RPE and neural layers. Spatial and temporal temperature distributions in the retina are numerically calculated in a 2D retinal model using COMSOL Multiphysics. We find that the svOCT peak values have a reliable correlation with the degree of retinal lesion formation. The temperature at the neural retina and RPE is estimated from the svOCT peak values using numerically calculated temperature, which is consistent with the observed lesion creation
