317,298 research outputs found

    Integrating interface slicing into software engineering processes

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    Interface slicing is a tool which was developed to facilitate software engineering. As previously presented, it was described in terms of its techniques and mechanisms. The integration of interface slicing into specific software engineering activities is considered by discussing a number of potential applications of interface slicing. The applications discussed specifically address the problems, issues, or concerns raised in a previous project. Because a complete interface slicer is still under development, these applications must be phrased in future tenses. Nonetheless, the interface slicing techniques which were presented can be implemented using current compiler and static analysis technology. Whether implemented as a standalone tool or as a module in an integrated development or reverse engineering environment, they require analysis no more complex than that required for current system development environments. By contrast, conventional slicing is a methodology which, while showing much promise and intuitive appeal, has yet to be fully implemented in a production language environment despite 12 years of development

    Vision-Based Control of a Full-Size Car by Lane Detection

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    Autonomous driving is an area of increasing investment for researchers and auto manufacturers. Integration has already begun for self-driving cars in urban environments. An essential aspect of navigation in these areas is the ability to sense and follow lane markers. This thesis focuses on the development of a vision-based control platform using lane detection to control a full-sized electric vehicle with only a monocular camera. An open-source, integrated solution is presented for automation of a stock vehicle. Aspects of reverse engineering, system identification, and low-level control of the vehicle are discussed. This work also details methods for lane detection and the design of a non-linear vision-based control strategy

    Reverse engineering of a fixed wing unmanned aircraft 6-DoF model for navigation and guidance applications

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    A method for deriving the parameters of a six-degree-of-freedom (6-DoF) aircraft dynamics model by adopting reverse engineering techniques is presented. The novelty of the paper is the adaption of the 6-DoF Aircraft Dynamics Model (ADM) as a virtual sensor integrated in a low-cost navigation and guidance system designed for small Unmanned Aircraft (UA). The mass and aerodynamic properties of the JAVELIN UA are determined with the aid of an accurate 3D scanning and CAD processing. For qualitatively assessing the calculated ADM, a trajectory with high dynamics is simulated for the JAVELIN UA and compared with that of a published 6-DoF model of the AEROSONDE UA. Additionally, to confirm the validity of the approach, reverse engineering procedures are applied to a published CAD model of the AEROSONDE UA aiding to the calculation of the associated 6-DoF model parameters. A spiral descent trajectory is generated using both the published and calculated parameters of the AEROSONDE UA and a comparative analysis is performed that validates the methodology. The accurate knowledge of the ADM is then utilised in the development of a virtual sensor to augment the UA navigation and guidance system in case of primary navigation sensor outages

    Perancangan Ulang Produk Pti 1 Menggunakan Metode Reverse Engineering (Studi Kasus Di Laboratorium Teknik Industri, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

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    Referring to ABET and BKSTI, UMS has a purpose industrial engineering engineering education, by providing practical engineering experience. Laboratories is the answer, because the lab is the heart of engineering education program, UMS industrial engineering lab is divided into 3 basis unctions. Basic lab work is the introduction of pplications in industrial, lab support for analytical and statistical modeling in industrial engineering and industrial engineering design lab (PTI). PTI practicum is an integrated lab of the semester 3 to the 6th semester, divided into 4 main aspects of product design PTI 1, PTI 2 design of work stations, 3 suplly chain management PTI, PTI 4 facility layout design and creative industries. Practical PTI 1 product design is a lab that produces a line of toys are made from mahogany, the last period made products PTI 1 with the theme of sports cars, using controls with pedal (using an AC motor and control cables). The purpose of this study is to identify the implementation and evaluation of practicum PTI 1 by the practitioner and assistant, designing products Car PTI 1 creative and innovative use of Android-based propulsion systems using reverse engineering methods. According wibowo (2006) reverse engineering (RE) is an activity of analysis an existing product is used as a reference for designing a new product with the development of the components of a particular product. RE Activity 1. Activity 2. Assembly product disassembly of product 3. Benchmarking 4. Designing a new product 5. Preparation of the prototype. RE done on remote control products and products PTI 1 peiode last car. Identification and evaluation of practicum PTI 1 was conducted by distributing questionnaires to three forces are already implementing pratikum PTI 1 and also from Asisiten. For the development of products made with innovation in product materials, namely wood, concrete iron Eser, acrylic and aluminum for the chassis and body, engine (android based control system and DC motor drive systems). the components of the battery lippo 7.4 v, arduino uno, Bleutooth hc-05 and the relay 5v single chanel, R540 motors, belt and pulley

    Integrated environment of systems automated engineering

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    The Standardization of a development process for systems of medium complexity, entirely supported by an integrated development environment, could mean a double contribution to the industry of systems development. On the one hand it would contribute to the reduction of costs by shortening times of development and facilitating the maintenance of the systems. On the other hand, by using conceptual models of a high level of abstraction, final users would be able to visualize and follow the progress of systems development and to commit themselves in the process actively, guaranteeing their success. The purpose of this series of papers is to identify, design, develop and integrate the components of an integrated environment for a system automated development, starting from high-level-abstraction formal specifications. It is intended to achieve a generation of systems starting from only two models: the static or data structure model, and the dynamic or functional model. The former is based on an adaptation of the conceptual pattern of entities and relationships, and the latter on the formal specification of operations in objects relational algebra and on the finite automaton theory. The maintenance of the systems generated by the tool would be made by operating directly on the static and dynamic models, with no need for either re-coding or making reverse engineering. The strength of the proposal is based on integration of the Software Engineering and the analysis and metrics of quality. Storage protocols of data definitions and storage protocols of interface definitions corresponding to a graph, through the state transitions and their gradation so that the user could visualize the development of the life cycle[6][32][33][47]. Any artifact or document can be measured and estimated if it is produced during the software life cycle. This study is an approximation to a process of activities supported by an effective help tool. Abstraction and visualization capacities are provided to the artifacts with the system design and analysis (CASE). Such artifacts under controlled conditions trace the software life cycle taking information of the structure (framework) of the application; with Quality, Reliability and Metrics.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Integrated Business Environment: An Implementation of CIM in a Small to Medium Enterprise

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    This thesis documents the Computer Integrated Engineering philosophy and concepts adopted by Fortune Engineering Limited during a three year period commencing August 88. Management at Fortune Engineering had identified one major bottleneck that would inhibit the growth of the company. This bottleneck was the engineering drawing office. Fortune's business involved a great number of special parts and products. As the business expanded so did the number of personnel required to design these special products. The company's profits were diminishing and action had to be taken to reverse this trend. Senior management made the decision to embark on a Computer Integrated Engineering project. This was seen as the only way for the company to develop and grow in the 1990's which would enable them to compete in the European and Eastern markets. CIM was seen as an all embracing philosophy which would encompass all areas of the company's activities from customer sales to design, scheduling and, eventual manufacture. It was foreseen that CIM would bring a number of direct and indirect benefits to the company: Control of design and manufacturing data. Reduced product design lead times. Reduced development times of new products. Certification to BS5750. Increased utilisation of key production processes. Increased customer service. Fortune approached CIM in a unique way which has rarely been achieved in any other manufacturing company, of similar size. When the decision was made to adopt CIM it was agreed not to use computers in an ad-hoc manner to produce very efficient 'islands of automation' but to produce an Integrated Business Environment (IBE). This Integrated Business Environment was not only achieved by new technologies such client/server processing, relational data bases and networks but by an all embracing integrated approach which also covers detailed methods and procedures. Fortune's policy was one of continuous software development where all software would be written in-house by members of the Computer Systems Department. Fortune realised that the software may have reduced functionality and may be slower than proprietory software but the emphasis was placed more on total integration. The author was directly responsible for the development and installation of all Manufacturing Shop Floor systems. These systems include; CNC Programming System Direct Numerical Control System Tool Management System Production Scheduling System


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    ABSTRAKSI: Reverse engineering memiliki kemampuan untuk menghasilkan model-model sistem awal dari kode perangkat lunak atau database. Membaca kode program dari aplikasi atau antarmuka pengguna yang sudah ada, dengan menghasilkan model-model sistem tersebut. Tujuan utama dari Tugas Akhir ini adalah membangun model-model/artifact user interface dari hasil reverse engineering sebuah aplikasi web. Artifact/model yang dihasilkan tersebut digunakan untuk memfasilitasi pemakai/end-user dengan developer dalam ‘membaca’ aplikasi web yang dibangun. Baik untuk mengetahui proses aplikasi web/application flow itu berjalan, atau untuk membantu developer dalam memodifikasi aplikasi web berikutnya. Dalam hal ini, aplikasi yang dibangun berupa reverse engineering toolset (ReGi Toolset), yang terintegrasi dengan framework Click (Component-based Lightweight Internet-application Contruction Kit) sebagai tool pembangun aplikasi web untuk end-user. Artifact/model-model dihasilkan berupa sitemap, dokumentasi program dan model task. Model sitemap dihasilkan untuk membantu developer dalam membaca work flow sebuah aplikasi web. Model dokumentasi adalah representasi dari data dan business logic-nya sebuah aplikasi web. Sedangkan model task direpresentasikan dengan menggunakan notasi ConcurTaskTrees, yang bermaksud untuk dapat merepresentasikan interaksi sistem dengan pemakai/end-user. Alat bantu yang digunakan dalam pembangunan Reverse engineering toolset ini adalah PHPClick Framework, Teresa dan GraphViz. Ketiga model yang dihasilkan ini akan dibanding/compare dengan maksud untuk mengetahui sejauh mana model-model ini memberikan kemudahan dalam memahami work flow dari sebuah aplikasi atau kegunaan/useful dari model-model ini untuk melakukan modifikasi sebuah aplikasi web.Kata Kunci : Reverse Engineering, User interface, Click, Sitemap, Dokumentasi, Model task, ConcurTaskTress.ABSTRACT: Reverse engineering has power for create a pre-system model’s from program code or database. Read a program code from application or user interface existing, whith to grow a equivalent system model’s. The Major of goal this research is to develop artifact’s/models user interface from reverse engineering web application result. Artifact’s/model use for facilitate end user with developer application for ‘read’ application workflow or to help a developer for modify a application web next time. This case, application development is reverse engineering toolset (ReGi Toolset) which integrated with Click Framework (Component-based Lightweight Internet-application Contruction Kit) , an end-user web development tool. The toolset generates artifacts to facilitate collaboration between end-users and expert web development . The four artifact generated include a sitemap, text document and a task model. The sitemap is generated to help web developers read a web application workflow. The text documentation of web application is generated to document representation dan business logic. A task model, expressed using ConcurTaskTrees notation, covers the whole interaction specified by the end-user. Three models/artifacts result to compare, this case for to know as far as this model can help satisfaction for developer or usefull for next modify web application.Keyword: Reverse Engineering, User interface, Click, Sitemap, Documentation, Task model, ConcurTaskTress

    Development of a research model to study the operability of a variable pitch fan aero engine in reverse thrust

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    A rationale for the level of model fidelity required to provide the most representative flow field information to ascertain the feasibility of using a Variable Pitch Fan (VPF) in a modern high bypass ratio aero engine to generate reverse thrust is described in this paper. This is done by comparing the 3D RANS flow field solution for a newly developed reverse flow VPF design from two research models: i) isolated engine model in which the bypass duct, guide vanes, splitter and VPF are wrapped in an axisymmetric nacelle and placed in a generic far-field domain and b) integrated model in which the engine is installed to an airframe in landing configuration through a pylon and placed in a far-field domain bound by a rolling runway. The flow field solution obtained at an aircraft landing speed of 80 knots indicates that even though both models can predict the general flow patterns, there are substantial differences in parameters such as the amount of reverse stream, circumferential distribution of flow properties and flow development downstream of the engine. These differences impact the levels of reverse thrust generated, flow distortion entering the core engine and resultant airframe forces. This study makes the case that it is necessary to use an integrated model that includes a full engine nacelle installed on an airframe, to answer design questions for engineering the VPF system to generate reverse thrust

    Pre-Processing of Point-Data from Contact and Optical 3D Digitization Sensors

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    Contemporary 3D digitization systems employed by reverse engineering (RE) feature ever-growing scanning speeds with the ability to generate large quantity of points in a unit of time. Although advantageous for the quality and efficiency of RE modelling, the huge number of point datas can turn into a serious practical problem, later on, when the CAD model is generated. In addition, 3D digitization processes are very often plagued by measuring errors, which can be attributed to the very nature of measuring systems, various characteristics of the digitized objects and subjective errors by the operator, which also contribute to problems in the CAD model generation process. This paper presents an integral system for the pre-processing of point data, i.e., filtering, smoothing and reduction, based on a cross-sectional RE approach. In the course of the proposed system development, major emphasis was placed on the module for point data reduction, which was designed according to a novel approach with integrated deviation analysis and fuzzy logic reasoning. The developed system was verified through its application on three case studies, on point data from objects of versatile geometries obtained by contact and laser 3D digitization systems. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the system

    Formal Reasoning Using an Iterative Approach with an Integrated Web IDE

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    This paper summarizes our experience in communicating the elements of reasoning about correctness, and the central role of formal specifications in reasoning about modular, component-based software using a language and an integrated Web IDE designed for the purpose. Our experience in using such an IDE, supported by a 'push-button' verifying compiler in a classroom setting, reveals the highly iterative process learners use to arrive at suitably specified, automatically provable code. We explain how the IDE facilitates reasoning at each step of this process by providing human readable verification conditions (VCs) and feedback from an integrated prover that clearly indicates unprovable VCs to help identify obstacles to completing proofs. The paper discusses the IDE's usage in verified software development using several examples drawn from actual classroom lectures and student assignments to illustrate principles of design-by-contract and the iterative process of creating and subsequently refining assertions, such as loop invariants in object-based code.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2015, arXiv:1508.0338