5,781 research outputs found

    On the conception and mechanical design of customized glasses for augmented reality

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    Wearable devices such as smart glasses are one of the main challenges of augmented reality (AR) adoption in the consumer market. Despite the significant advances in recent years, the hardware available presents a bulky form factor and does not bring significant value to everyday life. LusoVU is focused on developing new AR smart glasses accessible to the general population with their HIDO technology. This dissertation combines the areas of product devel-opment and augmented reality for the development of a new prototype for LusoVU. The aim is to integrate the electrical and optical elements of the HIDO technology into a frame design that aligns with society’s standards of an acceptable everyday eyewear device, whilst consider-ing all the constraints and tradeoffs of the optical technology. The research hereafter presented followed the steps of a product development, namely: internal and external benchmarking, identification of client needs; product specifications; concept generation and selection; mod-elling and prototyping. It presents and describes the many iterations to achieve the final de-sign. The final design meets the product specifications and customer needs and will now be submitted in the coming months to the biometric analysis.Aparelhos portáteis para uso quotidiano, tais como óculos inteligentes, são um dos principais desafios da adoção da realidade aumentada no mercado do consumidor. Apesar dos grandes avanços nos últimos anos, o equipamento disponível apresenta um formato volumoso e ainda não acrescenta valor significativo ao dia a dia. A LusoVU está focada no desenvolvimento de novos óculos inteligentes, acessíveis à população em geral, com a sua tecnologia HIDO. Esta tese combina as áreas de desenvolvimento de produto e de realidade aumentada para o desenvolvimento de um novo protótipo para LusoVU. O objetivo é a conceção e o projeto de armações de óculos, alinhado com os padrões estéticos da sociedade, integrando os elementos óticos e eletrónicos da tecnologia HIDO e considerando todas as suas restrições. O presente trabalho segue as etapas do desenvolvimento do produto: benchmarking interno e externo, identificação das necessidades do cliente; especificações do produto; geração e seleção de conceitos; modelação e prototipagem. A dissertação apresenta e descreve as várias iterações necessárias para alcançar o projeto final. O projeto final atende às especificações do produto e às necessidades do cliente, e será agora submetido nos próximos meses à análise biométrica

    Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences in manufacturing workplaces

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    Manufacturing industries are currently transforming, most notably through the introduction of advanced machinery and increasing degrees of au- tomation. This has caused a shift in skills required, calling for a skills gap to be filled. Learning technology needs to embrace this change and with this contri- bution, we propose a process model for learning by experience to understand and explain learning under these changed conditions. To put this process into practice, we propose two interchange formats for capturing, sharing, and re- enacting pervasive learning activities and for describing workplaces with in- volved things, persons, places, devices, apps, and their set-up

    Process Modeling Recommender Systems - A Generic Data Model and Its Application to a Smart Glasses-based Modeling Environment

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    The manual construction of business process models is a time-consuming, error-prone task and presents an obstacle to business agility. To facilitate the construction of such models, several modeling support techniques have been suggested. However, while recommendation systems are widely used, e.g., in e-commerce, these techniques are rarely implemented in process modeling tools. The creation of such systems is a complex task since a large number of requirements and parameters have to be taken into account. In order to improve the situation, the authors have developed a data model that can serve as a backbone for the development of process modeling recommender systems (PMRS). This article outlines the systematic development of this model in a stepwise approach using established requirements and validates it against a data model that has been reverse-engineered from a real-world system. In a last step, the paper illustrates an exemplary instantiation of the data model in a Smart Glasses-based modeling environment and discusses business process agility issues. The authors expect their contribution to provide a useful starting point for designing the data perspective of process modeling recommendation features that support business agility in process-intensive environments

    BlueEyes: using beacon and smart phone for visually impaired / blind people

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    There are currently few options for navigational aids for the blind and visually impaired (BVI) in large indoor and outdoor spaces. Such indoor and outdoor spaces can be difficult to navigate even for the general sighted population if they are disoriented due to unfamiliarity or other reasons. This paper presents an indoor wayfinding system called GuideBeacon for the blind, visually impaired, and disoriented (BVID) that assists people in navigating between any two points within indoor environments. The GuideBeacon system allows users equipped with smartphones to interact with low cost Bluetooth-based beacons deployed strategically within the indoor space of interest to navigate their surroundings. This paper describes the technical challenges faced in designing such a system, the design decisions made in building the current version of the GuideBeacon system, the solutions developed to meet the technical challenges, and results from the evaluation of the system. Results presented in this paper obtained from field testing GuideBeacon with BVI and sighted participants suggests that it can be used by the BVID for navigation in large indoor spaces independently and effectively. This paper presents novel structure for visually impaired/blind people using beacon and smart phone. The proposed structure is consisted of three parts. In the first part esp8266 module due to ultra-low power consumption, in the second part configurator application to configure these beacon and last part is mobile application to detect these beacons. The aim is to help visually impaired/blind people to knowledge the environment in which they live by. Three tests applied in real environment. The results show good performance for the suggested scheme help the visually impaired/blind people reach the desired devices location successfully without error. In conclusion, beacon and smart phone were a valid and reliable method to help the visually impaired/blind people to know the location of devices that are nearest from him in indoor and outdoor environment

    Digital twin-enabled human-robot collaborative teaming towards sustainable and healthy built environments

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    Development of sustainable and healthy built environments (SHBE) is highly advocated to achieve collective societal good. Part of the pathway to SHBE is the engagement of robots to manage the ever-complex facilities for tasks such as inspection and disinfection. However, despite the increasing advancements of robot intelligence, it is still “mission impossible” for robots to independently undertake such open-ended problems as facility management, calling for a need to “team up” the robots with humans. Leveraging digital twin's ability to capture real-time data and inform decision-making via dynamic simulation, this study aims to develop a human-robot teaming framework for facility management to achieve sustainability and healthiness in the built environments. A digital twin-enabled prototype system is developed based on the framework. Case studies showed that the framework can safely and efficiently incorporate robotics into facility management tasks (e.g., patrolling, inspection, and cleaning) by allowing humans to plan, oversee, manage, and cooperate with the robot via the digital twin's bi-directional mechanism. The study lays out a high-level framework, under which purposeful efforts can be made to unlock digital twin's full potential in collaborating humans and robots in facility management towards SHBE

    Mobile Service Support based on Smart Glasses

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    Emerging technologies, such as smart glasses, offer new possibilities to support service processes. Specifically, in situations where a person providing a service, such as a technician, needs both hands to complete a complex set of tasks, hands-free speech-controlled information systems can offer support with additional information. We investigated this research field in a three-year consortium with partners from the agricultural technology sector. During the course of our research, we 1) analyzed the domain in a multi-method approach to develop (meta-)requirements, 2) proposed design principles, 3) instantiated them in a prototype, and 4) evaluated the prototype. We followed a design science research approach in which we combined the build phase with four evaluation cycles that comprised focus groups, a prototype demonstration, and, based on that demonstration, a survey with 105 domain experts. We address real-world problems in providing information at the point of service and contribute to the methodological knowledge base of IS design and service systems engineering by developing and implementing design requirements and principles for smart glasses-based service support systems

    Digital Transformation, Applications, and Vulnerabilities in Maritime and Shipbuilding Ecosystems

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    The evolution of maritime and shipbuilding supply chains toward digital ecosystems increases operational complexity and needs reliable communication and coordination. As labor and suppliers shift to digital platforms, interconnection, information transparency, and decentralized choices become ubiquitous. In this sense, Industry 4.0 enables smart digitalization in these environments. Many applications exist in two distinct but interrelated areas related to shipbuilding design and shipyard operational performance. New digital tools, such as virtual prototypes and augmented reality, begin to be used in the design phases, during the commissioning/quality control activities, and for training workers and crews. An application relates to using Virtual Prototypes and Augmented Reality during all the design and construction phases. Another application relates to the cybersecurity protection of operational networks that support shipbuilding supply chains that ensures the flow of material and labor to the shipyards. This protection requires a holistic approach to evaluate their vulnerability and understand ripple effects. This paper presents the applications of Industry 4.0 for the areas mentioned above. The first case in shipbuilding design is an example of how the virtual prototype of a ship, together with wearable devices enabling augmented reality, can be used for the quality control of the construction of ship systems. For the second case, we propose developing an artificial intelligence-based cybersecurity supply network framework that characterizes and monitors shipbuilding supply networks and determines ripple effects from disruptions caused by cyberattacks. This framework extends a novel risk management framework developed by Diaz and Smith and Smith and Diaz that considers complex tiered networks

    Heuristic Theorizing in Software Development: Deriving Design Principles for Smart Glasses-based Systems

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    Design knowledge on smart glasses-based systems is scarce. Utilizing literature analysis on software development publications, insights from the design and implementation of four smart glasses-based systems and expert interviews, we elicited 16 design principles to provide guidance in the development of future service support systems. Heuristic Theorizing is an abductive Design Science Research method, hitherto far too little known or little noticed, which was applied to conduct the research. We contribute to theory and practice with applicable design principles to support the development of smart glasses-based systems. Phenomena known to have an impact on the adoption of smart glasses are addressed by these design principles

    Development of 3D Sculpted, Hyper-Realistic Biomimetic Eyes for Humanoid Robots and Medical Ocular Prostheses

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    Abstract. Hyper-realistic Humanoid Bio-robotic Systems (HHBS) are the precise electro-mechanical bodily emulation of natural human being in materiality, form and function. However, the standardised approach of constructing static ocular prosthesis for implementation in modern HHBS design, contradicts innate organic human criterion as the artificial eyes are void of the intricate dynamic fluidic functions of the natural human iris. The aim of this paper is to outline the development and construction process of a pair of realistic artificial humanistic optical retinal sensors that accurately simulate the autonomous fluctuating operations of the human iris in reaction to visceral emotion and photo-luminescent stimuli and retain the optical sensory capability and integral aesthetic materialism of the organic eye. The objective of the auto-dynamic pupillary framework is to advance the external expressive / embodied realism of HHBS towards achieving a more accurate operational and embodied simulation. Prospective future application and advancement of the outlined optical system presents potential implementation in the field of medical ocular prosthetic design, with the aim of enhancing the naturalistic operations of future fabricated human eye replicas, thus conceivably reducing the malaise and discomfiture commonly associated with the archetypical fixed artificial eyes

    Ancient and historical systems

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