11 research outputs found

    Wearable and mobile devices

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    Information and Communication Technologies, known as ICT, have undergone dramatic changes in the last 25 years. The 1980s was the decade of the Personal Computer (PC), which brought computing into the home and, in an educational setting, into the classroom. The 1990s gave us the World Wide Web (the Web), building on the infrastructure of the Internet, which has revolutionized the availability and delivery of information. In the midst of this information revolution, we are now confronted with a third wave of novel technologies (i.e., mobile and wearable computing), where computing devices already are becoming small enough so that we can carry them around at all times, and, in addition, they have the ability to interact with devices embedded in the environment. The development of wearable technology is perhaps a logical product of the convergence between the miniaturization of microchips (nanotechnology) and an increasing interest in pervasive computing, where mobility is the main objective. The miniaturization of computers is largely due to the decreasing size of semiconductors and switches; molecular manufacturing will allow for “not only molecular-scale switches but also nanoscale motors, pumps, pipes, machinery that could mimic skin” (Page, 2003, p. 2). This shift in the size of computers has obvious implications for the human-computer interaction introducing the next generation of interfaces. Neil Gershenfeld, the director of the Media Lab’s Physics and Media Group, argues, “The world is becoming the interface. Computers as distinguishable devices will disappear as the objects themselves become the means we use to interact with both the physical and the virtual worlds” (Page, 2003, p. 3). Ultimately, this will lead to a move away from desktop user interfaces and toward mobile interfaces and pervasive computing

    A Qualitative Review of Empirical Mobile Usability Studies

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    Exploring the Use of Wearables to Enable Indoor Navigation for Blind Users

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    One of the challenges that people with visual impairments (VI) have to have to confront daily, is navigating independently through foreign or unfamiliar spaces.Navigating through unfamiliar spaces without assistance is very time consuming and leads to lower mobility. Especially in the case of indoor environments where the use of GPS is impossible, this task becomes even harder.However, advancements in mobile and wearable computing pave the path to new cheap assistive technologies that can make the lives of people with VI easier.Wearable devices have great potential for assistive applications for users who are blind as they typically feature a camera and support hands and eye free interaction. Smart watches and heads up displays (HUDs), in combination with smartphones, can provide a basis for development of advanced algorithms, capable of providing inexpensive solutions for navigation in indoor spaces. New interfaces are also introduced making the interaction between users who are blind and mo-bile devices more intuitive.This work presents a set of new systems and technologies created to help users with VI navigate indoor environments. The first system presented is an indoor navigation system for people with VI that operates by using sensors found in mo-bile devices and virtual maps of the environment. The second system presented helps users navigate large open spaces with minimum veering. Next a study is conducted to determine the accuracy of pedometry based on different body placements of the accelerometer sensors. Finally, a gesture detection system is introduced that helps communication between the user and mobile devices by using sensors in wearable devices

    A model to develop effective virtual teams

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    A reviewof the literature shows the factors that impact on the effectiveness of virtual teams arestill ambiguous. To address this problem we developed a research design that included a metaanalysisof the literature, a field experiment and survey. The meta-analysis identified factorswhich impact on the effectiveness of virtual teams which were then validated by a fieldexperiment and survey. The results of the study indicate that social dimensional factors need tobe considered early on in the virtual team creation process and are critical to the effectivenessof the team. Communication is a tool that directly influences the social dimensions of the teamand in addition the performance of the team has a positive impact on satisfaction with thevirtual team. A major contribution of the paper is an integrated model of factors that contributeto virtual team effectiveness

    Understanding and improving the identification of concurrently presented earcons

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    The use of sound to communicate information as part of a user interface has been an active research area for several years. Research has shown that sound can be concurrently presented to users to increase the bandwidth and rate of data presentation. However, when sounds are concurrently presented, they may interfere with each other, such that determining the data encoded in the sound becomes difficult. Modifications to the sounds can help to avoid such interference, but due to the nature of the sounds the impact of the modifications may be constrained. This thesis investigates such interaction with concurrently presented earcons. One experiment investigates how the identification of earcons is affected by the number concurrently presented. It was found that increasing the number of earcons concurrently presented lead to a significant decrease in the proportion of earcons and their attributes successfully identified by participants. With identification falling from 70% correct for one presented earcon to 30% for four concurrently presented earcons. A second experiment identified how modifications to the design and presentation of concurrently presented earcons affected their identification. It was found that presenting each earcon with a unique timbre as well as introducing an onsettoonset delay of at least 300ms caused a significant improvement in earcon identification, and the timbre encoded attribute of earcons. However overall identification levels remained low at around 30%. Two further experiments investigated the impact of spatialisation on concurrent earcon identification. They showed that spatial presentation of earcons which did not incorporate the findings of the previous experiment significantly improved identification of earcons and the register encoded earcon attribute, over earcons that were not spatially presented but did incorporate the findings of the previous experiment. Another experiment showed that spatial presentation of earcons which incorporated the unique timbre and 300ms onsettoonset modifications significantly improved the identification of the timbre encoded earcon attribute, although overall identification remained low. These four experiments yielded a set of guidelines for concurrent earcon presentation. Due to the nature of those experiments however, a further experiment was conducted to determine the impact of the guidelines on more ecologically valid tasks. A set of modified and unmodified earcons which represented entries in a mobile diary system were compared. Overall task accuracy remained low, although participants rated the modified earcons to require significantly less subjective workload

    Sensory Insights for Design: A Sensory Anthropology Approach to Industrial Design

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    This study explores how sensory anthropology perspectives can provide empathic and sensory knowledge for designing wearable technologies with and for impaired older people. The investigation draws from the fields of gerontology, design, anthropology of the senses, and wearable computing. It is driven by the main question: How can designer researchers gain insights for designing wearable technologies for an older population? The participants included students enrolled in an Industrial Design course at Carleton University in Ottawa and older people attending special fitness classes at the Churchill Senior’s Recreation Centre in Ottawa. Data was gathered in-situ over six months. The methods for data collection included ethnographic Participant Observation, Co-design exercises, and Exploratory Technology Probe activities. Data analysis took an open-coding approach leading to thematic categories following Ackoff’s Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom (DIKW) Model. The themes that emerged include: the Setting, the nature of fitness instruction, Participant’s Worldviews, Bodily Ways of Gathering Information, Interaction between the Senses to achieve fitness goals, and the Sensory Roles of Artifacts. These sociocultural themes about the sensory practices of the older exercisers are described in narratives that can stand alone as a contribution to the field. Additionally, the findings from the Co-design workshop provide insights into the nature of the design process. They highlight an unanticipated empathic finding about the use of gestural language in Co-design activities. The gestures are organized into three categories. The discussion also tracks the influence of participants’ gestures on the artifacts developed during and after the Co-design workshop. The insights arising from this study are presented as two major contributions to the field of participatory design research. The first is a set of Guidelines for exploring Sensory Contexts for generating Design Insights with five categories: Participants’ Worldviews, Sensory Practices, Sensory Interactions, Sensory Role of Artifacts, and Gestural Language. The guidelines are relevant for a wide variety of user-centered design investigations and not specific to designing wearable technologies for older people. The second contribution is specific to the issue at hand and provides seven insights for designers to consider when developing assistive technologies for fitness for older adults

    Ahora o nunca: un estudio empírico de la gamificación en la educación superior en línea sobre la motivación de los estudiantes de ELE

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    La ludificació representa una eina amb un gran potencial dins del context educatiu per aprofundir en aspectes que tenen a veure amb la motivació, la implicació, l'esforç i la col·laboració. Aquesta metodologia innovadora és motivadora i activa en l'alumne un vincle amb els continguts que promourà, principalment, la millora en l'adquisició de coneixements i habilitats. Tanmateix, calen més estudis empírics per identificar els factors clau que afecten l'efectivitat de la ludificació amb la finalitat d'augmentar la motivació dels estudiants dins l'àmbit de l'educació superior en línia. En conseqüència, aquest projecte sorgeix de la importància de continuar l'estudi del potencial de la ludificació per sistematitzar-ne l'aplicació i, així, oferir als estudiants un aprenentatge de més qualitat i més significatiu. Per tant, el propòsit d'aquesta investigació és determinar els factors clau que impulsen l'efectivitat de la ludificació i proposar un model d'aplicació en l'educació superior en línia. Les dades recopilades s'han analitzat aplicant una metodologia mixta en què s'utilitza una anàlisi estadística quantitativa i una anàlisi qualitativa per validar el sistema ludificat i demostrar-ne la validesa. L'avaluació en profunditat del sistema ha demostrat que el model proposat és estadísticament significatiu i té un impacte positiu en l'efectivitat de l'aplicació de la ludificació en un context educatiu superior en línia.Gamification represents a tool with great potential in education. It allows for going into greater depth in aspects linked to motivation, engagement, effort and collaboration. This innovative methodology is motivating. It leads to students engaging with content that fosters, above all, improvements in the acquisition of knowledge and skills. However, more empirical studies are required to identify the key factors that affect the effectiveness of gamification, with the aim of increasing levels of motivation among students in online higher education. As a result, this project responds to the important need to continue studying the potential to systematize the use of gamification and, thus, offer students higher quality and more meaningful learning. The aim of this study, then, is to determine the key factors that boost the effectiveness of gamification and propose a model for developing its use in online higher education. The data collected have been analyzed using a mixed method approach, involving both a quantitative statistical analysis and a qualitative analysis, to validate the gamified system and demonstrate its effectiveness. In-depth evaluation of the system has shown that the model proposed is statistically significant and has a positive impact on the effectiveness of gamification in an online higher education setting.La ludificación representa una herramienta con un gran potencial dentro del contexto educativo para profundizar en aspectos que tienen que ver con la motivación, la implicación, el esfuerzo y la colaboración. Esta metodología innovadora es motivadora y activa en el alumno un vínculo con los contenidos que promoverá, principalmente, la mejora en la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios empíricos para identificar los factores clave que afectan la efectividad de la ludificación para aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes en la educación superior en línea. En consecuencia, este proyecto surge de la importancia de continuar con el estudio del potencial de la ludificación con el fin de sistematizar su aplicación y brindar, así, a los estudiantes un aprendizaje de mayor calidad y más significativo. Por tanto, el propósito de esta investigación es determinar los factores clave que impulsan la efectividad de la ludificación y proponer un modelo para su aplicación en la educación superior en línea. Los datos recogidos han sido analizados aplicando una metodología mixta en la que se utiliza un análisis estadístico cuantitativo y un análisis cualitativo para validar el sistema ludificado y demostrar su validez. La evaluación en profundidad del sistema ha demostrado que el modelo propuesto es estadísticamente significativo y tiene un impacto positivo en la efectividad de la aplicación de la ludificación en un contexto educativo superior en línea.E-learnin

    Tactile Displays for Pedestrian Navigation

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    Existing pedestrian navigation systems are mainly visual-based, sometimes with an addition of audio guidance. However, previous research has reported that visual-based navigation systems require a high level of cognitive efforts, contributing to errors and delays. Furthermore, in many situations a person’s visual and auditory channels may be compromised due to environmental factors or may be occupied by other important tasks. Some research has suggested that the tactile sense can effectively be used for interfaces to support navigation tasks. However, many fundamental design and usability issues with pedestrian tactile navigation displays are yet to be investigated. This dissertation investigates human-computer interaction aspects associated with the design of tactile pedestrian navigation systems. More specifically, it addresses the following questions: What may be appropriate forms of wearable devices? What types of spatial information should such systems provide to pedestrians? How do people use spatial information for different navigation purposes? How can we effectively represent such information via tactile stimuli? And how do tactile navigation systems perform? A series of empirical studies was carried out to (1) investigate the effects of tactile signal properties and manipulation on the human perception of spatial data, (2) find out the effective form of wearable displays for navigation tasks, and (3) explore a number of potential tactile representation techniques for spatial data, specifically representing directions and landmarks. Questionnaires and interviews were used to gather information on the use of landmarks amongst people navigating urban environments for different purposes. Analysis of the results of these studies provided implications for the design of tactile pedestrian navigation systems, which we incorporated in a prototype. Finally, field trials were carried out to evaluate the design and address usability issues and performance-related benefits and challenges. The thesis develops an understanding of how to represent spatial information via the tactile channel and provides suggestions for the design and implementation of tactile pedestrian navigation systems. In addition, the thesis classifies the use of various types of landmarks for different navigation purposes. These contributions are developed throughout the thesis building upon an integrated series of empirical studies.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo