16 research outputs found

    Biomechanics in batoid fishes

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    Batoid fishes (e.g., manta rays) are extremely efficient swimmers, combining extreme strength and incredible maneuverability. Replicating these unique properties in synthetic autonomous under-water vehicles would have tremendous implications. Several research groups have been exploring these concepts for the past decade, and a small number of prototypes have been demonstrated. Importantly though, these prototypes match the batoid external motion (in terms of range of motion and actuation force) but do not employ a similar internal mechanics. The configuration of skeletons and muscle structures for a number of different batoid fishes have been recently unveiled, presenting a unique opportunity to analyze the internal mechanics of these complex structures, and ultimately use the acquired understanding to realize truly bio-mimetic underwater vehicles. As a whole wing has hundreds of moving elements, a full finite elements simulation of the entire wing is not feasible. To address this problem, we implemented a numerical model which will represent a part of the entire wing, and we investigated the effects of geometric and materials parameters on its stiffness. The length of each radial and the offset between them are going to be the most relevant variables and hence, the ones tested. Furthermore, to represent efficiently all the wing, we calculated its effective elastic properties using rigorous homogenization theory. These properties could then be used in shell FE models of the entire wing, and capture spatial variation in elastic constants in a numerically efficient way. Within the context of this work, the stiff and compliant direction will be found and that will give us an idea of the ability of the model to capture the experimentally observed deformation patterns. We observe that our 2D homogenized wing model fails to capture the substantial twisting/bending coupling that is observed experimentally. We speculate that the lack of torsional degree of freedom at the joints is responsible for this discrepancy. Once this deformation mechanism is built into a model, future investigations can use the homogenized stiffness approach to extract an effective continuum-based representation of the response of the wing in a continuum shell finite element model. This element can then be used for efficient modeling of entire wings; this will allow efficient modeling of spatially non-uniform wing morphologies in a Finite Elements setting. Once the elastic response of the wing is completely characterized, efforts will need to focus on actuation.Outgoin

    Low-power microelectronics embedded in live jellyfish enhance propulsion

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    Artificial control of animal locomotion has the potential to simultaneously address longstanding challenges to actuation, control, and power requirements in soft robotics. Robotic manipulation of locomotion can also address previously inaccessible questions about organismal biology otherwise limited to observations of naturally occurring behaviors. Here, we present a biohybrid robot that uses onboard microelectronics to induce swimming in live jellyfish. Measurements demonstrate that propulsion can be substantially enhanced by driving body contractions at an optimal frequency range faster than natural behavior. Swimming speed can be enhanced nearly threefold, with only a twofold increase in metabolic expenditure of the animal and 10 mW of external power input to the microelectronics. Thus, this biohybrid robot uses 10 to 1000 times less external power per mass than other aquatic robots reported in literature. This capability can expand the performance envelope of biohybrid robots relative to natural animals for applications such as ocean monitoring

    On the role of nonlinear distortion in the theory of wave-like aquatic propulsion

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    Recent experimental investigations of small model boats propelled by propagating flexural waves carried out by the present author and his co-workers demonstrated viability of this type of propulsion as an alternative to a well-known screw propeller. Since the amplitudes of propagating flexural waves propelling the model boats are large enough, it is natural to consider the effect of nonlinear distortion of propagating localised flexural waves on generated thrust. This problem is explored in the present work by adding nonlinear harmonics of propulsive flexural waves to the well-known Lighthill's formula for generated thrust, which predicts a zero value of thrust in the case of linear flexural wave of constant amplitude. For simplicity, only the lowest (third) harmonic growing linearly with the distance of propagation is used. The resulting formula for the averaged thrust shows that, due to the effect of the third harmonic, the thrust is no longer zero, thereby demonstrating that nonlinear distortion of the propulsive flexural waves contributes positively to the generated thrust

    Design and Implementation of an Ionic-Polymer-Metal-Composite Biomimetic Robot

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    Ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) is used in various bio-inspired systems, such as fish and tadpole-like robots swimming in water. The deflection of this smart material results from several internal and external factors, such as water distribution and surface conductivity. IPMC strips with a variety of water concentration on the surfaces and surface conductivity show various deflection patterns. Even without any external excitation, the strips can bend due to non-uniform water distribution. On the other hand, in order to understand the effects of surface conductivity in an aquatic environment, an IPMC strip with two wires connected to two distinct spots was used to demonstrate the power loss due to the surface resistance. Three types of input signals, sawtooth, sinusoidal, and square waves, were used to compare the difference between the input and output signals measured at the two spots. Thick (1-mm) IPMC strips were fabricated and employed in this research to sustain and drive the robot with sufficient forces. Furthermore, in order to predict and control the deflection, researchers developed the appropriate mathematical models. The special working principle, related to internal mobile cations with water molecules, however, makes the system complicated to be modeled and simulated. An IPMC strip can be modeled as a cantilever beam with loading distribution on the surface. Nevertheless, the loading distribution is non-uniform due to the non-perfect surface metallic plating, and four different kinds of imaginary loading distribution are employed in this model. On the other hand, a reverse-predicted method is used to find out the transfer function of the IPMC system according to the measured deflection and the corresponding input voltage. Several system-identification structures, such as autoregressive moving average with exogenous (ARX/ARMAX), output-error (OE), Box-Jenkins (BJ), and prediction-error minimization (PEM) models, are used to model the system with their specific mathematic principles. Finally, a novel linear time-variant (LTV) concept and method is introduced and applied to simulate an IPMC system. This kind of model is different from the previous linear time-invariant (LTI) models because the IPMC internal environment may be unsteady, such as free cations with water molecules. This phenomenon causes the variation of each internal part. In addition, the relationship between the thickness of IPMC strips and the deflection can be obtained by this concept. Finally, based on the experimental results above, an aquatic walking robot (102 mm × 80 mm × 43 mm, 39 g) with six 2-degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) legs has been designed and implemented. It walked in water at the speed of 0.5 mm/s. The average power consumption is 8 W per leg. Each leg has a thigh and a shank to generate 2-DOF motions. Each set of three legs walked together as a tripod to maintain the stability in operation

    Intersection between natural and artificial swimmers: a scaling approach to underwater vehicle design.

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    Approximately 72% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, yet only 20% has been mapped [1]. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are one of the main tools for ocean exploration. The demand for AUVs is expected to increase rapidly in the coming years [2], so there is a need for faster and more energy efficient AUVs. A drawback to using this type of vehicle is the finite amount of energy that is stored onboard in the form of batteries. Science and roboticists have been studying nature for ways to move more efficiently. Phillips et al. [3] presents data that contradicts the idea that fish are better swimmers than conventional AUVs when comparing the energetic cost of swimming in the form of the Cost of Transport (COT). The data presented by Phillips et al. only applies to AUVs at higher length and naval displacement (mass) scales, so the question arises of whether an AUV built at different displacements and length scales is more efficient than biological animals and if current bio-inspired platforms are better than conventional AUVs. Besides power requirements, it is also useful to compare the kinematic parameters of natural and artificial swimmers. In this case, kinematic parameters indicate how fast the swimmer travels through the water. Also, they describe how fast the propulsion mechanism must act to reach a certain swimming speed. This research adopts the approach of Gazzola et al. [4] where the Reynolds number is associated with a dimensionless number, Swim number (Sw) in this case, that has all the kinematic information. A newly developed number that extends the swim number to conventional AUVs is the Propulsion number (Jw), which demonstrates excellent agreement with the kinematics of conventional AUVs. Despite being functionally similar, Sw and Jw do not have a one-to-one relationship. Sw, Jw, COT represent key performance metrics for an AUV, herein called performance criteria, which can be used to compare existing platforms with each other and estimate the performance of non-existent designs. The scaling laws are derived by evaluating the performance of 229 biological animals, 163 bioinspire platforms, and 109 conventional AUVs. AUVs and bio-inspired platforms have scarce data compared with biological swimmers. Only 5% of conventional and 38% of bio-inspired AUVs have kinematic data while 30% of conventional and 18% of bio-inspired AUVs have energetic data. The low amount of performance criteria data is due to the nature of most conventional AUVs as commercial products. Only recently has the COT metric been included in the performance criteria for bio-inspired AUVs. For this reason, the research here formulates everything in terms of allometric scaling laws. This type of formulation is used extensively when referring to biological systems and is defined by an exponential relationship f (x) = axb, where x is a physical parameter of the fish or vehicle, like length or displacement. Scaling laws have the added benefit of allowing comparisons with limited data, as is the case for AUVs. The length and displacement scale (physical scale) must be established before estimating the performance criteria. Scale is primarily determined by the payload needed for a particular application. For instance, surveying the water column in deep water will require different scientific tools than taking images of an oyster bed in an estuary. There is no way to identify the size of an AUV until it is designed for that application, since these scientific instruments each have their own volume, length, and weight. A methodology for estimating physical parameters using computer vision is presented to help determine the scale for the vehicle. It allows accurate scaling of physical parameters of biological and bio-inspired swimmers with only a side and top view of the platform. A physical scale can also be determined based on the vehicle’s overall volume, which is useful when determining how much payload is needed for a particular application. Further, this can be used in conjunction with 3D modeling software to scale nonexistent platforms. Following the establishment of a physical scale, which locomotion mode would be most appropriate? Unlike conventional AUVs that use propeller or glider locomotion, bio-inspired platforms use a variety of modes. Kinematics and energy expenditures are different for each of these modes. For bio-inspired vehicles, the focus will be on the body-caudal fin (BCF) locomotion, of which four types exist: anguilliform, carangiform, thunniform, and ostraciiform. There is ample research on anguilliform and carangiform locomotion modes, but little research on thunniform and ostraciiform modes. In order to determine which locomotion mode scales best for a bio-inspired AUV, this research examines the power output and kinematic parameters for all four BCF modes. In order to achieve this, computational fluid dynamics simulations are performed on a 2D swimmer for all four modes. Overset meshes are used in lieu of body-fitted meshes to increase stability and decrease computational time. These simulations were used to scale output power over several decades of Reynolds numbers for each locomotion mode. Carangiform locomotion was found to be the most energy efficient, followed by anguilliform, thunniform, and ostraciiform. In order to utilize the above scaling laws in designing a novel platform, or comparing an existing one, there must be a unifying framework. The framework for choosing a suitable platform is presented with a case study of two bio-inspired vehicles and a conventional one. The framework begins by determining how the platform can be physically scaled depending on the payload. Based on the physical scale and derived scaling laws, it then determines performance criteria. It also describes a method for relative cost scaling for each vehicle, which is not covered in the literature. The cost scaling is based on the assumption that all payloads and materials are the same. The case study shows that a conventional AUV performs better on all performance criteria and would cost less to build

    Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on the Multiple Shape Memory Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuator

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    Development of biomimetic actuators has been an essential motivation in the study of smart materials. However, few materials are capable of controlling complex twisting and bending deformations simultaneously or separately using a dynamic control system. The ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC) is an emerging smart material in actuation and sensing applications, such as biomimetic robotics, advanced medical devices and human affinity applications. Here, we report a Multiple Shape Memory Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite (MSM-IPMC) actuator having multiple-shape memory effect, and is able to perform complex motion by two external inputs, electrical and thermal. Prior to the development of this type of actuator, this capability only could be realized with existing actuator technologies by using multiple actuators or another robotic system. Theoretical and experimental investigation on the MSM-IPMC actuator were performed. To date, the effect of the surface electrode properties change on the actuating of IPMC have not been well studied. To address this problem, we theoretically predict and experimentally investigate the dynamic electro-mechanical response of the IPMC thin-strip actuator. A model of the IPMC actuator is proposed based on the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations for ion transport and charge dynamics in the polymer membrane, while a physical model for the change of surface resistance of the electrodes of the IPMC due to deformation is also incorporated. By incorporating these two models, a complete, dynamic, physics-based model for IPMC actuators is presented. To verify the model, IPMC samples were prepared and experiments were conducted. The results show that the theoretical model can accurately predict the actuating performance of IPMC actuators over a range of dynamic conditions. Additionally, the charge dynamics inside the polymer during the oscillation of the IPMC are presented. It is also shown that the charge at the boundary mainly affects the induced stress of the IPMC. This study is beneficial for the comprehensive understanding of the surface electrode effect on the performance of IPMC actuators. In our study, we introduce a soft MSM-IPMC actuator having multiple degrees-of-freedom that demonstrates high maneuverability when controlled by two external inputs, electrical and thermal. These multiple inputs allow for complex motions that are routine in nature, but that would be otherwise difficult to obtain with a single actuator. To the best of our knowledge, this MSM-IPMC actuator is the first solitary actuator capable of multiple-input control and the resulting deformability and maneuverability. The shape memory properties of MSM-IPMC were theoretically and experimentally studied. We presented the multiple shape memory properties of Nafion cylinder. A physics based model of the IPMC was proposed. The free energy density theory was utilized to analyze the shape properties of the IPMC. To verify the model, IPMC samples with the Nafion as the base membrane was prepared and experiments were conducted. Simulation of the model was performed and the results were compared with the experimental data. It was successfully demonstrated that the theoretical model can well explain the shape memory properties of the IPMC. The results showed that the reheat glass transition temperature of the IPMC is lower than the programming temperature. It was also found that the back-relaxation of the IPMC decreases as the programming temperature increases. This study may be useful for the better understanding of the shape memory effect of IPMC. Furthermore, we theoretically modeled and experimentally investigated the multiple shape memory effect of MSM-IPMC. We proposed a new physical principle to explain the shape memory behavior. A theoretical model of the multiple shape memory effect of MSM-IPMC was developed. Based on our previous study on the electro-mechanical actuation effect of IPMC, we proposed a comprehensive physics-based model of MSM-IPMC which couples the actuation effect and the multiple shape memory effect. It is the first model that includes these two actuation effects and multiple shape memory effect. Simulation of the model was performed using finite element method. To verify the model, an MSM-IPMC sample was prepared. Experimental tests of MSM-IPMC were conducted. By comparing the simulation results and the experimental results, both results have a good agreement. The multiple shape memory effect and reversibility of three different polymers, namely the Nafion, Aquivion and GEFC with three different ions, which are the hydrogen, lithium and sodium, were also quantitatively tested respectively. Based on the results, it is shown that all the polymers have good multiple shape memory effect and reversibility. The ions have an influence on the broad glass transition range of the polymers. The current study is beneficial for the better understanding of the underlying physics of MSM-IPMC. A biomimetic underwater robot, that was actuated by the MSM-IPMC, was developed. The design of the robot was inspired by the pectoral fish swimming modes, such as stingrays, knifefish and cuttefish. The robot was actuated by two soft fins which were consisted of multiple IPMC samples. Through actuating the IPMCs separately, traveling wave was generated on the soft fin. Experiments were performed for the test of the robot. The deformation and the blocking force of the IPMCs on the fin were measured. A force measurement system in a flow channel was implemented. The thrust force of the robot under different frequencies and traveling wave numbers were recorded. Multiple shape memory effect was performed on the robot. The robot was capable of changing its swimming modes from Gymnotiform to Mobuliform, which has high deformability, maneuverability and agility

    Design and Implementation of an Ionic-Polymer-Metal-Composite Biomimetic Robot

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    Ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) is used in various bio-inspired systems, such as fish and tadpole-like robots swimming in water. The deflection of this smart material results from several internal and external factors, such as water distribution and surface conductivity. IPMC strips with a variety of water concentration on the surfaces and surface conductivity show various deflection patterns. Even without any external excitation, the strips can bend due to non-uniform water distribution. On the other hand, in order to understand the effects of surface conductivity in an aquatic environment, an IPMC strip with two wires connected to two distinct spots was used to demonstrate the power loss due to the surface resistance. Three types of input signals, sawtooth, sinusoidal, and square waves, were used to compare the difference between the input and output signals measured at the two spots. Thick (1-mm) IPMC strips were fabricated and employed in this research to sustain and drive the robot with sufficient forces. Furthermore, in order to predict and control the deflection, researchers developed the appropriate mathematical models. The special working principle, related to internal mobile cations with water molecules, however, makes the system complicated to be modeled and simulated. An IPMC strip can be modeled as a cantilever beam with loading distribution on the surface. Nevertheless, the loading distribution is non-uniform due to the non-perfect surface metallic plating, and four different kinds of imaginary loading distribution are employed in this model. On the other hand, a reverse-predicted method is used to find out the transfer function of the IPMC system according to the measured deflection and the corresponding input voltage. Several system-identification structures, such as autoregressive moving average with exogenous (ARX/ARMAX), output-error (OE), Box-Jenkins (BJ), and prediction-error minimization (PEM) models, are used to model the system with their specific mathematic principles. Finally, a novel linear time-variant (LTV) concept and method is introduced and applied to simulate an IPMC system. This kind of model is different from the previous linear time-invariant (LTI) models because the IPMC internal environment may be unsteady, such as free cations with water molecules. This phenomenon causes the variation of each internal part. In addition, the relationship between the thickness of IPMC strips and the deflection can be obtained by this concept. Finally, based on the experimental results above, an aquatic walking robot (102 mm × 80 mm × 43 mm, 39 g) with six 2-degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) legs has been designed and implemented. It walked in water at the speed of 0.5 mm/s. The average power consumption is 8 W per leg. Each leg has a thigh and a shank to generate 2-DOF motions. Each set of three legs walked together as a tripod to maintain the stability in operation


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    In nature, the environment varies from day to day. Through natural selection and competition law of survival of the fittest, the winning creatures survive and their species are able to retain and persist in nature. Based on this fact, creatures existent in nature have their unique features and advantages adapt to the surrounding environment. In recent years, many researches focused on the features of the creatures in nature have been done actively to clarify their morphology and functions and apply the morphology and functions to various fields. Among these researches, the development of the biomimetic robots based on mimicking the creature’s structures and functions has become an active field in robotics recently. In the research, the development of biomimetic robotic fish is focused. So far, there are many researches on biomimetic robotic fish, but improvement on motion performances and efficiency is still an important issue for robot development. Specially, on the biomimetic soft robotic fish utilizing the flexibility of fishes, the developments have been done by the trial and error approach. That is, the design and control method of soft robotic fish has not been established currently. Therefore, it motives us to investigate the design and control of soft robotic fish by numerical simulation that takes into account the interaction between flexible structure and surrounding fluid to develop the biomimetic soft robotic fish with high performance. In order to develop the biomimetic soft robotic fish with high performance, the basic design method and corresponding numerical simulation system are firstly proposed and constructed in this dissertation. Then, based on finite element method (FEM), modelling of soft robotic fish by mimicking the soft structure and driving mechanism of fishes is carried out. The propulsion motion and propulsive force of the soft robotic fish are investigated through two kinds of numerical analyses. One is the modal and transient analysis considering the surrounding fluid as acoustic fluid. The propulsion mode and amplitude of the propulsion motion of soft robotic fish corresponding directly to the propulsion mechanism and motion performance of the robotic fish can be investigated. The other is the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis. The interaction between soft robot structure and surrounding fluid including the dissipation due to fluid viscosity and influence of wake performance around the soft robotic fish are taken into account. From FSI analysis, the hydrodynamic performances of the soft robotic fish can be obtained for investigating its propulsion motion. It is possible to further improve the performance of the soft robotic fish through its design and control based on FSI analysis. Besides, based on coupling analysis by using acoustic fluid, the turning motion control of the soft robotic fish is investigated by its propulsion modes in the fluid. In order to investigate the feasibility of modelling method and numerical simulation analysis on design and control of the biomimetic soft robotic fish, the performance evaluation is carried out by comparison between the simulation and experiment on an actual prototype. Finally, the optimization and improvement are performed for developing the biomimetic soft robotic fish with higher performance based on verified coupling analysis considering the fluid as acoustic fluid, and corresponding performance evaluation on new robot prototype is presented. The performance improvement of the soft robotic fish is confirmed through the new robot prototype. The dissertation consists of six chapters and the main contents are shown as follows. Chapter 1 is an introduction. The background and relative previous work about biomimetic soft robotic fish are briefly reviewed. It summarizes the current research status and problems of biomimetic soft robotic fish, and describes the purposes of this research. Chapter 2 presents the design method, procedures and numerical simulation system in the present research for developing the biomimetic soft robotic fish with high performance. Different from previous development method, our purpose is how to design and control the soft robotic fish by utilizing interaction between the flexible structure and surrounding fluid effectively based on numerical simulations. Therefore, it is necessary to model a fish-like soft robot structure including soft actuators and an enclosed fluid. Besides, by the numerical analysis considering the interaction between flexible structure and fluid, the fish-like propulsion motion should be realized and established, and then the robot structure and control inputs are needed to be optimized for performance improvement. In order to meet these requirements of designing and developing the optimal soft robotic fish, the design method based on modelling, simulation analysis and improvement is presented and the numerical simulation system for soft robotic fish is built. In the simulation system, modelling of soft robotic fish, modal and transient analysis considering the enclosed fluid as acoustic fluid are firstly described based on FEM to realize the fish-like propulsion motion with large amplitude for the soft robotic fish. Then, the FSI analysis is performed to describe and establish the hydrodynamic performances of the soft robotic fish. Based on this numerical simulation system, it is possible to develop the biomimetic soft robotic fish with high performance effectively by optimization of design and control of the soft robotic fish. Chapter 3 describes the modelling and numerical analysis of biomimetic soft robotic fish by using the method presented in Chapter 2. The soft robotic fish uses the piezoelectric fiber composite (PFC) as soft actuator. Firstly, the relationships between the input voltage and generated stress of the PFC are derived. The generated stress can be applied on soft structure to investigate the motion performance of the soft robotic fish. To support the driving model of the PFC, the corresponding experiments on simple beam model are carried out. By comparing the simulation results with experimental results, the effectiveness of the driving model is verified. Then, the modal analysis in which the fluid is considered as acoustic fluid is performed. The structural mode frequencies and mode shapes of the soft robotic fish in the fluid are calculated. By comparing these modes’ motion with those of the real fishes, the fish-like propulsion mode is identified to realize the corresponding propulsion motion of the soft robotic fish. Furthermore, based on the verified driving model of soft actuator, the amplitude of the main propulsion motion of soft robotic fish is calculated. Through FSI analysis, the relationships of driving frequencies of input signal with propulsive force and displacement of propulsion motion, and vortex distribution in the wake around the soft robotic fish are investigated for the case of fixing robot head. Besides, the motion control of soft robot is investigated to realize turning motion in the fluid. Through controlling the input voltage amplitude on soft actuators of the robot, turning right and turning left motion are identified in the swimming when the input voltage amplitudes on two actuators are in asymmetric distribution. Chapter 4 is experiment evaluation. In order to validate the results of numerical simulation analysis described in Chapter 3, the mode shapes, amplitude of propulsion motion, propulsive force and vortex distribution around soft robotic fish for the case of fixing robot head, and turning motion are measured by using actual robot prototype. The present simulation results are congruent with experiments. By the results, the effectiveness of the modelling method and numerical analysis used in the research is verified and they are useful to predict the propulsion characteristics of the soft robotic fish in the fluid for performance improvement. Chapter 5 develops a new soft robotic fish with high performance based on above modelling method and numerical analysis by optimization. Firstly, the structural parameters of the robot are allowed to vary within a range and the amplitude of the propulsion motion for the soft robot is calculated for different parameters by the numerical analysis. Then the structural parameters of the robot capable of propulsion motion with largeramplitude are chosen for improvement. Based on this result, new soft robot is designed and evaluated by experiments. From the experimental results of the new soft robot, it is confirmed that the higher swimming speed, better fish-like swimming performance and larger turning velocity are realized. It can be said that the new soft robotic fish has been developed successfully for improvement. Chapter 6 summarizes the conclusions and future works of this research.電気通信大学201

    The Design and Development of a Mobile Colonoscopy Robot

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    The conventional colonoscopy is a common procedure used to access the colon. Despite it being considered the Gold Standard procedure for colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment, it has a number of major drawbacks, including high patient discomfort, infrequent but serious complications and high skill required to perform the procedure. There are a number of potential alternatives to the conventional colonoscopy, from augmenting the colonoscope to using Computed Tomography Colonography (CTC) - a completely non-invasive method. However, a truly effective, all-round alternative has yet to be found. This thesis explores the design and development of a novel solution: a fully mobile colonoscopy robot called “RollerBall”. Unlike current passive diagnostic capsules, such as PillCam, this device uses wheels at the end of adjustable arms to provide locomotion through the colon, while providing a stable platform for the use of diagnostic and therapeutic tools. The work begins by reviewing relevant literature to better understand the problem and potential solutions. RollerBall is then introduced and its design described in detail. A robust prototype was then successfully fabricated using a 3D printing technique and its performance assessed in a series of benchtop experiments. These showed that the mechanisms functioned as intended and encouraged the further development of the concept. Next, the fundamental requirement of gaining traction on the colon was shown to be possible using hexagonal shaped, macro-scale tread patterns. A friction coefficient ranging between 0.29 and 0.55 was achieved with little trauma to the tissue substrate. The electronics hardware and control were then developed and evaluated in a series of tests in silicone tubes. An open-loop strategy was first used to establish the control algorithm to map the user inputs to motor outputs (wheel speeds). These tests showed the efficacy of the locomotion technique and the control algorithm used, but they highlighted the need for autonomy. To address this, feedback was included to automate the adjusting of the arm angle and amount of force applied by the device; a forward facing camera was also used to automate the orientation control by tracking a user-defined target. Force and orientation control were then combined to show that semi-autonomous control was possible and as a result, it was concluded that clinical use may be feasible in future developments

    Fluid dynamic research on polychaete worm, Nereis diversicolor and its biomimetic applications

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    This thesis is a study of the swimming locomotion of the polychaete worm, Nereis diversicolor. Previous research has shown that there are two distinct jet-like flow regions in the wake of a swimming polychaete worm (Hesselberg 2006). In the first section of this thesis, this flow pattern is studied in greater detail using a high resolution particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. A small region close to the wave crest of the undulating worm is recorded and the fluid velocity vector fields are plotted. The close-up PIV results show how the jet-like fluid pattern is formed due to the action both of a single sweeping parapodium and to the interaction between adjacent parapodia, proving for the first time that Gray’s (1939) explanation of the propulsion mechanics is in fact correct. The second part of this thesis is focused on the pumping action of the polychaete worm, a behaviour adopted by the worms to create a flow of nutrients through their burrows. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) experiments were performed on tethered polychaete worms, Nereis diversicolor. The tethered worms moved in a gait which was different from that of freely swimming ones. They used a much smaller body wave amplitude, pumping liquid with very high efficiency by cooperative movement of their body and parapodia. In the third part of the thesis, a mechanical model was designed and built. The model consisted of a series of paddle units. Each paddle was driven by a servo motor. Breugem (2008) did a CFD simulation of the paddle model. Similar fluid patterns were generated by the physical model. Reversed flow was found at low Reynolds number (Re) and higher Re situations. The flow direction could be controlled by simply adjusting the beating frequency of paddles. The mechanical model is not sufficient to mimic the pumping locomotion of the worms due to absence of an undulatory movement. The pumping efficiency is low compared to pumping worms.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo