259 research outputs found

    Clinical and radiological aspects of traumatic pelvic ring injury

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    Epidemiological data regarding High-Energy Traumatic Pelvic Ring Injury in Sweden was missing. Further, there was no data regarding current knowledge and level of experience of Swedish first line trauma officers about the management of traumatic pelvic ring injury. While conventional X-ray has been widely criticized as an optimal tool in assessment of pelvic ring injuries, a practical substitute has not been proposed. We planned to study epidemiological aspects of High Energy Traumatic Pelvic Ring Injury using data from the Karolinska Trauma Center. To assess first line trauma medical officer’s knowledge and level of experience regarding acute management of pelvic trauma. To investigate alternative practical options instead of conventional X-ray during the treatment of pelvic fractures. We used data from the Swedish National Trauma Registry (SweTrau). We used the Karolinska University Hospital´s Patient Notes and PACS. We used a questionnaire in order to assess Swedish trauma unit’s medical officers about acute management of pelvic trauma. We further used three dimensional models for image fusion and motion analysis in order to investigate symmetry of human pelvis and to investigate a pelvic fracture model. We found that the incidence of High Energy Traumatic Pelvic Ring Injury was about 3.5/100 000 inhabitants per year in Stockholm. The 30-day mortality was 7.8% and the 1 year mortality was 9%. The main cause of mortality was traumatic brain injury. Intentional injuries had a mortality rate of 15%. The reoperation frequency was 22%. Main cause of reoperation was due to metalwork problems, and a majority of them were potentially avoidable. We found that a majority of the Swedish first line trauma officers were aware of presence of a pelvic binder in their department and knew how to apply it, while there was more experience in the university hospitals. There was a general misconception regarding limitation of pelvic binders as 55% believed that a pelvic binder can stop an arterial bleeding. We were further able to show that human hemi pelvises are symmetrical and the 3D images of the contralateral hemi pelvis can be used for pre-operative templating. We were able to show that using fusion of serial 3D images of a pelvic model, translations of ±0.2 mm and rotations of ±0.2° could be detected. We can hereby conclude that monitoring 30-day mortality seems enough while studying high energy pelvic injuries. Intentional injuries need further future studies as per high mortality rate. Reoperation frequency following fixation of disrupted high energy pelvic fractures is high and needs addressing and early detection. Limitations of pelvic binders should be addressed during the trauma courses. Low dose CT-scan together with serial image fusion can be a future substitute for conventional X-ray. Human hemi pelvises are symmetrical and the contralateral side can be used for templating

    Book of Abstracts 15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and 3rd Conference on Imaging and Visualization

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    In this edition, the two events will run together as a single conference, highlighting the strong connection with the Taylor & Francis journals: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (John Middleton and Christopher Jacobs, Eds.) and Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization (JoãoManuel R.S. Tavares, Ed.). The conference has become a major international meeting on computational biomechanics, imaging andvisualization. In this edition, the main program includes 212 presentations. In addition, sixteen renowned researchers will give plenary keynotes, addressing current challenges in computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging. In Lisbon, for the first time, a session dedicated to award the winner of the Best Paper in CMBBE Journal will take place. We believe that CMBBE2018 will have a strong impact on the development of computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging and visualization, identifying emerging areas of research and promoting the collaboration and networking between participants. This impact is evidenced through the well-known research groups, commercial companies and scientific organizations, who continue to support and sponsor the CMBBE meeting series. In fact, the conference is enriched with five workshops on specific scientific topics and commercial software.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Factors influencing press-fit acetabular cup failure : an experimentally validated finite element study

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    The work undertaken in this thesis uses finite element analysis to investigate the most critical causes of acetabular cup implant failure. To enable accurate conclusions from finite element analysis, three studies have been carried out to strengthen understanding and confidence in finite element model outcomes. Two of these are sensitivity studies, which inform the required level of model definition to enable repeatable results. The third study is an in vitro experimental validation of finite element strains, displacements and cup-bone micromotions; therefore validating the use of the finite element model to predict physical situations. Metal on metal press-fit acetabular cups are the worst performing acetabular cup type with severe failure consequences compared to cups made from more inert materials such as polyethylene or ceramic. The cause of failure of these cup types is widely acknowledged to be multi-factorial, therefore creating a complex scenario for analysis through clinical studies. A factorial analysis has been carried out using finite element analysis to investigate the relative influence of five input factors associated with acetabular cup implantation on output parameters indicating potential failure of the implantation. The factorial analysis concluded that the most significant influences on failure are cup positioning and the interference fit between the acetabular bone and implanted cup; and that these influences have a higher potential to cause failure than the design of the implant used, within the boundaries of the implant design parameters investigated here. Errors in these aspects of surgery may result in acetabular cup failure. It is therefore paramount to reduce errors in the surgical process to enable accurate levels of positioning and interference fit. Time and resources may therefore be best spent developing surgical instrumentation which can increase the accuracy of the implant positioning and fit, and ascertaining the optimal levels of both, rather than designing new implants

    Biomechanics of Contemporary Implants and Prosthesis: Modeling, Experiments, and Clinical Application

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    Modern medicine is now more oriented towards patient-based treatments. Taking into account individual biological features allows for increasing the quality of the healing process. Opportunities for modern hardware and software allow not only the complex behavior of implants and prostheses to be simulated, but also take into account any peculiarities of the patient. Moreover, the development of additive manufacturing expands the opportunities for materials. Technical limits for composite materials, biomaterials, and metamaterials are decreasing. On the other hand, there is a need for more detailed analyses of biomechanics research. A deeper understanding of the technological processes of implants, and the mechanobiological interactions of implants and organisms will potentially allow us to raise the level of medical treatment. Modern trends of the biomechanics of contemporary implants and prostheses, including experimental and mathematical modeling and clinical application, are discussed in this book

    Experimental and Finite Element Studies of Acetabular Cement Pressurisation and Socket Fixation in Total Hip Replacement

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    PhDWith time, the rate of symptomatic acetabular component loosening accelerates and overtakes that of the femoral component as the principal reason for the revision of total hip replacement. In the femur extensive study has shown that cement pressurisation and good preparation of the bone bed improves the survival rate, but acetabular fixation requires further investigation. Production of cement pressure in the acetabulum is anatomically difficult. Pressurisation with conventional and novel designs of cement pressurisers has been compared to manual techniques and component insertion. The pressurisers increased peak and mean pressures and pressure duration. Finite element modethng of cup insertion showed that flanges and higher insertion rates increased cement penetration into cancellous bone. Per-operatively, one design of pressuriser produced cement pressures comparable to those found in the laboratory. Structural finite element modelling of the natural hip indicated that the subehondral plate and the relatively dense cancellous bone supporting it distribute the joint contact force into the medial and lateral pelvic cortices. A perfectly bonded cemented polyethylene cup stiffened the acetabulum so that more load was transferred directly to the cortices at the acetabular rim, with consequent interface stress concentrations. However, complimentary experimental studies using a dynamic joint simulator and a servo-hydraulic materials testing machine suggested that perfect fixation between cement and bone at the rim was not possible, even under laboratory conditions. Debonding of the cement bone interface at the rim, where dense bone prevents cement interdigitation, allowed micromotion. Since the clinical mechanism of failure of the acetabular component appears to be progressive debonding, from rim to apex, of the cement-bone interface, these studies support the initiation of the failure mechanism by mechanical factors, which may then allow the ingress of wear debris. The experimental studies suggested that the use of pressurisers reduces the amount of micromotion and thus may improve the long term stability of the interface

    Towards Functional Preoperative Planning in Orthopaedic Surgery

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    Las cirugíıas del aparato locomotor suponen más de 20 millones de intervencionesanuales para la corrección de lesiones que afectan a músculos, articulaciones,ligamentos, tendones, huesos o nervios; elementos que conforman el sistema musculoesquelético. Este tipo de afecciones de la biomecánica pueden tener diversos orígenes; siendo los principales los traumatismos, las lesiones degenerativas en huesos y tejidos blandos, los malos hábitos posturales o motores, y los de origen congénito.El uso de las tecnologías actuales en los procesos de corrección de estas afecciones forma parte del día a día en los quirófanos y en la monitorización de los pacientes.Sin embargo, el uso de técnicas computacionales que permitan la preparación de las intervenciones quirúrgicas antes de proceder con la cirugía están todavía lejos de formar parte del proceso de evaluación preoperatoria en este tipo de lesiones. Por este motivo, el objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en demostrar la viabilidad del uso de herramientas computacionales en la planificación preoperatoria de diferentes cirugías ortopédicas.Entre los tipos de cirugías más comunes, la mayor parte de ellas se centran en las articulaciones del tren inferior de la anatomía humana. Por este motivo, este trabajo se centraría en el análisis de diferentes cirugías cuya finalidad es solucionar lesiones en las principales articulaciones del tren inferior: región sacrolumbar, cadera, rodilla y tobillo.Para poder realizar el análisis de estas cirugías se hizo uso de algunas de lasherramientas computacionales más usadas habitualmente y cuya capacidad en diversos ámbitos ha sido comprobada. Se ha utilizado la reconstrucción 3D para la obtención de modelos anatómicos sobre los que comprobar la viabilidad de las cirugías. Estas reconstrucciones se basan en las imágenes médicas obtenidas mediante Tomografia Axial Computerizada (TAC) o Resonancia Magnética (RM). Las imágenes procedentes de RM permiten diferenciar todos los tejidos de la anatomía, incluyendo los blandos tales como tendones o cartílagos; mientras que los TAC facilitan la diferenciación de los huesos. Esta última es la prueba más habitual en los diagnósticos.Para su análisis y reconstrucción se hizo uso de los software Mimics v 20.0 y3-matic 11.0 (Materialise NV, Leuven, Belgium). Como alternativa para la generación de los modelos cuando no se dispone de las imágenes necesarias para realizar la reconstrucción o cuando se requiere dotar de flexibilidad a estos modelos, se recurrió al modelado en el software de análisis por elementos finitos Abaqus/CAE v.6.14 (Dassault Syst`emes, Suresnes, France). Dicho software fue además utilizado para la simulación del efecto de las diferentes cirugías sobre la región de interés. Para resalizar las simulaciones, se incluyeron en los modelos aquellos parámetros, elementos y condiciones necesarios para poder representar las caraterísticas propias de cada cirugía. Finalmente, para aquellas situaciones que requerían del análisis de datos se hizo uso de tecnologías de machine learning. La solución seleccionada para estos casos fueron las redes neuronales artificiales (ANN). Dichas redes se desarrollaronhaciendo uso del software MATLAB R2018b (MathWorks, Massachusetts, USA).El estudio de la rodilla se centra en uno de los ligamentos clave en la estabilidad de la rótula y que, sin embargo, es uno de los menos analizados hasta ahora, el ligamento medial patelofemoral. La reconstrucción de este ligamento es la principal solución clínica para solventar esta inestabilidad y diferentes cirugías utilizadas para dicho fin han sido analizadas mediante el desarrollo de un modelo paramétrico en elementos finitos que permita su simulación. En este modelo es posible adaptar la geometría de la rodilla de forma que se puedan simular diferentes condiciones que pueden afectar a la estabilidad de la rótula, tales como la displasia troclear y la patella alta.El estudio de la región sacrolumbar se centra en el análisis de diferentes posibles configuraciones para las cirugías de fusión vertebral. El análisis se centró en la fijación con tornillos y la influencia del Polimetimetacrilato (PMMA) como elemento de fijación en las vértebras. Para ello, se reconstruyó el modelo óseo de diferentes pacientes que necesitaron este tipo de intervención. Sobre estos modelos se simularon mediante elementos finitos las diferentes configuraciones consideradas de forma que se pudiera comparar su comportamiento en diferentes casos.En el caso de la cadera, el estudio se centra en el análisis de la artroplastia total de cadera, que implica el reemplazo de la articulación anatómica por una prótesis habitualmente de titanio. Cuando este tipo de cirugías es realizado, es común que surjan posteriormente problemas derivados de la disposición de la prótesis y que pueden llevar al pinzamiento entre sus componentes y, en algunas ocasiones, su dislocación.Esto ocurre cuando el rango de movimiento de la articulación es reducido. Este tipo de sucesos son más comunes cuando se realizan los movimientos de extensión externa (EE) o de rotación interna (RI) de la extremidad. El estudio se desarrolló con el objetivo de elaborar una herramienta computacional capaz de predecir este choque y dislocación basándose en el diámetro de la cabeza del femur y de los ángulos de abducción y anteversión. Para ello, se recurrió al uso de redes neuronales artificales(ANN). Se configuró una red independiente para cada movimiento (EE y RI) y cada posible evento (pinzamiento y dislocación), de forma que se obtuvieron cuatro redes completamente independientes. Para el entrenamiento y primer testeo de las redes se recurrió a un modelo paramétrico en elementos finitos de la prótesis con el que se realizaron diferentes simulaciones determinando el rango de movimiento para cada caso. Finalmente, las redes fueron de nuevo validadas con el uso de datos procedentes de pacientes que sufrieron dislocación tras ser sometidos a este tipo de cirugías.Finalmente, el estudio de la región del tobillo se centró en la lesión de la sindesmosis del tobillo. Este tipo de lesiones implica la rotura de algunos de los ligamentos que unen los principales huesos de esta articulación (tibia, peroné y astrágalo) junto con parte de la membrana intraósea, que se extiende a lo largo de la tibia y el peroné ligando ambos huesos. Cuando se produce este tipo de lesiones, es necesario recurrir a la inclusión de elementos que fijen la articulación y prevengan la separación de los huesos. Los métodos más comunes y que centran este análisis comprenden la fijación con tornillos y la fijación mediante botón de sutura. Para poder realizar un análisis que permita comparar la efectividad y incidencia de este tipo de cirugías se recurrióa la reconstruccción 3D de la articulación de un paciente que sufrió este tipo de lesión. Con este modelo geométrico, se procedió al desarrollo de diferentes modelos en elementos finitos que incluyeran cada una de las alternativas consideradas. Las simulaciones de estos modelos junto a las situaciones anatómicas y lesionadas, permitió hacer una aproximación sobre la solución quirúrgica que mejor restablece el estado incial sano de la región afectada.Locomotor system surgeries represents more the 20 million interventions per year for the correction of injuries that affect muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, bones or nerves; elements that form themusculoskeletal system. This kind of biomechanical affections may have several sources, being the main ones traumas, bones and soft tissues degenerative injuries, poor postural or motor habits and those of congenital source. The use of current technologies in the correction process for these injuries is part of the day-to-day in the operating rooms and the monitoring of patients. However, the use of computational tools that allow preoperative planning is still far from being part of the preoperative evaluation process in this kind of injuries. For this reason, the main goal of this thesis consists in demonstrating the viability of the use of computational tools in the preoperative planning of different orthopaedic surgeries. Among the most common surgeries, most of them focus in the lower body joints of the human anatomy. For this reason, this work will focus in the analysis of different surgeries whose purpose is to solve injuries in the main joints of the lower body: lumbosacral region, hip, knee and ankle. Some of the most commonly used computational tools, and whose capability in different fields has been widely proven, were used in order to be able of performing the analysis of these surgeries. 3D reconstruction has been used for obtaining anatomical models in which the viability of the surgeries could be verified. These reconstructions are based on the medical images obtained through Computerized Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (RMI). Images from RMI allow differentiating all the tissues of the anatomy, including soft ones such as tendons and cartilages; while CT scans make easier the bones differentiation. This last procedure is the most commonly used in diagnoses. For their analysis and reconstruction software Mimics v 20.0 and 3-Matic 11.0 (Materialise NV, Leuven, Belgium) were used. As alternative for the models generation when the necessary images for the reconstruction are not available or when flexibility is required for these models, modelling in the Finite Element Analysis software Abaqus/CAE v.6.14 (Dassault Syst‘emes, Suresnes, France) was used. This software was also used for the simulation of the effects of the different surgeries in the interest region. In order to perform the simulations, those parameters, elements and conditions necessary to represent the characteristics of each surgery were included. Finally, for those situations requiring data analysis, machine learning technologies were used. The selected solution for these cases were Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). These networks were developed using the software MATLAB R2018b (MathWorks, Massachusetts, USA). The study of the knee joint focuses in one of the key ligaments for the patellar stability and which, however, is one of the least analysed so far, the medial patellofemoral ligament. The reconstruction of this ligament is the main clinical solution for solving this instability and different surgeries used for that purpose have been analysed through the development of a finite element parametric model that allows their simulation. In this model adapting knee geometry is possible so that those conditions that can affect the stability of the patella, such as trochlear dysplasia or patella alta, can be simulated. The study of the lumbosacral region focuses in the analysis of different possible configurations for spine fusion surgeries. The analyses focused in the pedicle screws fixation and the influence of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) as fixation element in the vertebrae. To do this, osseous models for different patients that required this kind of intervention were reconstructed. The different configurations considered were simulated on these models through finite element analysis comparing their behaviour. In the case of the hip, the study focuses in the analysis of the total hip arthroplasty, which implies replacing the anatomical joint by a prosthesis, usually made of titanium. When this kind of surgery is performed, it is common for later issues arising from the arrangement of the prosthesis and which can lead to impingement between its components and, on some occasions, their dislocation. This happens when the range of movement of the joint is limited. This kind of events are more common when the external extension (EE) or internal rotation (IR) movements of the leg are performed. The study was developed with the goal of elaborating a computational tool able to predict the impingement and dislocation based on the diameter of the head of the femur and the anteversion and abduction angles. To do this, artificial neural networks (ANN) were used. An independent network was configured for each movement (EE and IR) and for each possible event (impingement and dislocation), so that four completely independent networks. For the training and the first testing of the networks, a parametric finite element model of the hip was used; with which different simulations were performed determining the range of movement for each case. Finally, the networks were validated again with the use of data proceeding from patients that suffered dislocation after going through this kind of surgery. Finally, the study of the ankle region focused in the ankle syndesmosis injury. This kind of injuries implies the tear of some ligaments that connect the main bones of the joint (tibia, fibula and talus) together with part of the intraosseous membrane, which extends along the tibia and fibula linking both bones. When this kind of injuries happens, it is necessary to resort to the inclusion of elements that fix the joint and prevent the bones distance. The most common methods, which focus this analysis, include the screws fixation and the suture button fixation. In order to carry out an analysis that allows comparing the effectiveness and incidence of this kind of surgeries, a 3D reconstruction of the joint from a patient that suffered this kind of injury was used. With this geometrical model, different finite element models including each of the considered alternatives were developed. The simulations of these models, together with the injured and anatomical situations, allowed an approximation of the surgical solution that better restores the initial healthy state of the affected region.<br /

    The blast pelvis

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    Decreasing the human cost of war is a vital role within the Ministry of Defence, and the Defence Medical Services. With the considerable improvements in care, from point of wounding to rehabilitation, it is possible that we have reached the ceiling of optimal management with available, deployed resources. Injury prevention or mitigation may therefore have a more important role than ever in improving survival rates. The current character of conflict, and certainly the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have seen the Improvised Explosive Device used to devastating effect to personnel. These devices cause multisystem injuries, and have a high fatality. The lower extremity was most often affected in these recent conflicts, and many fatalities occurred. A greater understanding of lower extremity trauma biomechanics is likely to be key to preventing future fatalities due to injuries in this body region. This thesis focusses on lower extremity blast injury, performs a review of current understanding, and undertakes a casualty data analysis to further understand injury patterns and the cause of fatal wounding. This analysis finds that haemorrhage secondary to pelvic fracture is the key factor in fatal lower extremity injuries, and therefore an area of considerable research interest. Pelvic injury patterns were therefore analysed using measurement techniques to qualify injury patterns and understand the link between injury patterns and the presence of vascular injury. Subsequent physical and computational testing provided a platform to apply different loading conditions to the pelvis to replicate a blast injury, and understand the behaviour of the bony structures under high rate axial loading. This thesis concludes that the anterior pelvic ring at the pubic symphysis is key to pelvic integrity at high rates of loading. Disruption of the anterior pelvis can lead to subsequent posterior ligamentous rupture which, due to the proximity to major vessels, can lead to major haemorrhage and death. Preventing lateral disruption may be the key to maintaining pelvic integrity at these high loading rates, and preventing vascular compromise and fatality from lower extremity blast injuries.Open Acces

    The measurement of wear in hip arthroplasties

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    Metal-on-metal (MOM) total hip replacement (THR) and resurfacing implants were designed to form a low friction bearing that would improve implant longevity, in response to the ever-aging population. However, the unanticipated release of cobalt chromium wear debris had a detrimental impact on periprosthetic tissue, resulting in many being revised and some designs being recalled. The aim of this thesis was to identify the surgeon, implant and patient factors that contributed to the increased wear of MOM hip arthroplasties and ultimately their failure. A developed software solution was found to provide improved accuracy during the quantification of volumetric wear from the bearing surface of retrieved hip implants, overcoming the limitations of current methods. Through its application, neither diametrical clearance nor manufacture dates were found to influence the wear performance of MOM Pinnacle hips, contrary to previous speculation. A high proportion of Pinnacle and ASR hips had a diametrical clearance below their specifications. Its detrimental impact on ASR bearing wear, further implicated its acetabular design in the increased prevalence of edge loading. The comparably high wear rates and whole blood metal ion levels of the ASR could explain their high revision rates. Nevertheless, the greater toxicity of taper junction debris was identified as the primary contributor to the disproportionately greater revision rates of the ASR XL, compared to its resurfacing form. Bearing wear was successfully located in vivo for the first time and predominantly isolated to the anterosuperior portion of the acetabular component, analogous to cartilage damage mapped in native hips. A potential relationship was also identified between component positioning and the location of this wear. These findings will help inform the management of a million patients worldwide that remain with implanted MOM hips, while influencing future design, quality control and the regulation of all orthopaedic implants

    Finite element simulation of hip joint replacement under static and dynamic loading

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    The objective of this work is to develop methods for the structural analysis of orthopaedic implants. The central argument is that, if stress distributions are interpreted in the context of failure models of the component materials, significant advantages can be made in our ability to design these devices. The artificial hip joint is used throughout as an example. The finite element method was used as a structural analysis tool and its pplicability was discussed. Validity and accuracy were assessed and results were ompared with previous experimental and finite element studies. By comparing tress distributions with failure criteria for prosthesis and cement, the suitability of roposed design changes were assessed and guidelines for materials selection were resented. Prediction of bone stresses were also given for different prosthesis designs n the region of the artificial hip joint where bone adaption contributes to failure. hereafter the focus was on utilizing a new technique to develop a new hip prosthesis model. This study was divided into two parts according to the loading type. In this regard the stress field in the artificial hip components (prostheses, cement mantle, and bone) is analysed statically and dynamically to assess the implant longevity. In this static analysis all the simulations were conducted by assuming the peak loads during the normal gait at a particular time (static loads). The aim was to study the effects of a set of variables within which an optimal prosthesis design can be made by means of finite element analysis to qualify and quantify the stresses and the strains in natural and treated human femur for different cases of implantation. Until now, models developed to predict stresses in total hip replacements have been generally poorly validated. This could be because all the pre-clinical simulations were performed statically, that is by selecting the greatest load at a particular time of the activity cycle. The second part of the study was aimed to take into consideration, in designing total hip replacement, another factor belongs to the patient activity (stamping, jumping, walking, etc) and the effect of impact over the prosthesis head during these activity into the prosthesis performance. This study considered the prosthesis hip deformation with time, dynamic loads study. The elimination of impact cracking was considered by studying the effect of using “damper” trapped between the grooved prosthesis collar and the bone. Material selection of the total hip replacements was also investigated under the dynamic loading. The approaches of prosthesis fixation have been studied, too. This study was conducted by onstructing three-dimensional finite element model for a femur implanted with a cemented prosthesis with a representative physiological loading condition by using he LS-DYNA3D software