32 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Evaluation of In-Vehicle Information Systems

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    Today’s In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVISs) are featurerich systems that provide the driver with numerous options for entertainment, information, comfort, and communication. Drivers can stream their favorite songs, read reviews of nearby restaurants, or change the ambient lighting to their liking. To do so, they interact with large center stack touchscreens that have become the main interface between the driver and IVISs. To interact with these systems, drivers must take their eyes off the road which can impair their driving performance. This makes IVIS evaluation critical not only to meet customer needs but also to ensure road safety. The growing number of features, the distraction caused by large touchscreens, and the impact of driving automation on driver behavior pose significant challenges for the design and evaluation of IVISs. Traditionally, IVISs are evaluated qualitatively or through small-scale user studies using driving simulators. However, these methods are not scalable to the growing number of features and the variety of driving scenarios that influence driver interaction behavior. We argue that data-driven methods can be a viable solution to these challenges and can assist automotive User Experience (UX) experts in evaluating IVISs. Therefore, we need to understand how data-driven methods can facilitate the design and evaluation of IVISs, how large amounts of usage data need to be visualized, and how drivers allocate their visual attention when interacting with center stack touchscreens. In Part I, we present the results of two empirical studies and create a comprehensive understanding of the role that data-driven methods currently play in the automotive UX design process. We found that automotive UX experts face two main conflicts: First, results from qualitative or small-scale empirical studies are often not valued in the decision-making process. Second, UX experts often do not have access to customer data and lack the means and tools to analyze it appropriately. As a result, design decisions are often not user-centered and are based on subjective judgments rather than evidence-based customer insights. Our results show that automotive UX experts need data-driven methods that leverage large amounts of telematics data collected from customer vehicles. They need tools to help them visualize and analyze customer usage data and computational methods to automatically evaluate IVIS designs. In Part II, we present ICEBOAT, an interactive user behavior analysis tool for automotive user interfaces. ICEBOAT processes interaction data, driving data, and glance data, collected over-the-air from customer vehicles and visualizes it on different levels of granularity. Leveraging our multi-level user behavior analysis framework, it enables UX experts to effectively and efficiently evaluate driver interactions with touchscreen-based IVISs concerning performance and safety-related metrics. In Part III, we investigate drivers’ multitasking behavior and visual attention allocation when interacting with center stack touchscreens while driving. We present the first naturalistic driving study to assess drivers’ tactical and operational self-regulation with center stack touchscreens. Our results show significant differences in drivers’ interaction and glance behavior in response to different levels of driving automation, vehicle speed, and road curvature. During automated driving, drivers perform more interactions per touchscreen sequence and increase the time spent looking at the center stack touchscreen. These results emphasize the importance of context-dependent driver distraction assessment of driver interactions with IVISs. Motivated by this we present a machine learning-based approach to predict and explain the visual demand of in-vehicle touchscreen interactions based on customer data. By predicting the visual demand of yet unseen touchscreen interactions, our method lays the foundation for automated data-driven evaluation of early-stage IVIS prototypes. The local and global explanations provide additional insights into how design artifacts and driving context affect drivers’ glance behavior. Overall, this thesis identifies current shortcomings in the evaluation of IVISs and proposes novel solutions based on visual analytics and statistical and computational modeling that generate insights into driver interaction behavior and assist UX experts in making user-centered design decisions

    Automotive UX design and data-driven development: Narrowing the gap to support practitioners

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    The development and evaluation of In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVISs) is strongly based on insights from qualitative studies conducted in artificial contexts (e.g., driving simulators or lab experiments). However, the growing complexity of the systems and the uncertainty about the context in which they are used, create a need to augment qualitative data with quantitative data, collected during real-world driving. In contrast to many digital companies that are already successfully using data-driven methods, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are not yet succeeding in releasing the potentials such methods offer. We aim to understand what prevents automotive OEMs from applying data-driven methods, what needs practitioners formulate, and how collecting and analyzing usage data from vehicles can enhance UX activities. We adopted a Multiphase Mixed Methods approach comprising two interview studies with more than 15 UX practitioners and two action research studies conducted with two different OEMs. From the four studies, we synthesize the needs of UX designers, extract limitations within the domain that hinder the application of data-driven methods, elaborate on unleveraged potentials, and formulate recommendations to improve the usage of vehicle data. We conclude that, in addition to modernizing the legal, technical, and organizational infrastructure, UX and Data Science must be brought closer together by reducing silo mentality and increasing interdisciplinary collaboration. New tools and methods need to be developed and UX experts must be empowered to make data-based evidence an integral part of the UX design process

    The Role and Potentials of Field User Interaction Data in the Automotive UX Development Lifecycle: An Industry Perspective

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    We are interested in the role of field user interaction data in the development of IVIS, the potentials practitioners see in analyzing this data, the concerns they share, and how this compares to companies with digital products. We conducted interviews with 14 UX professionals, 8 from automotive and 6 from digital companies, and analyzed the results by emergent thematic coding. Our key findings indicate that implicit feedback through field user interaction data is currently not evident in the automotive UX development process. Most decisions regarding the design of IVIS are made based on personal preferences and the intuitions of stakeholders. However, the interviewees also indicated that user interaction data has the potential to lower the influence of guesswork and assumptions in the UX design process and can help to make the UX development lifecycle more evidence-based and user-centered

    Applying serious games to assess driver : information system ergonomics

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Computational Modeling and Experimental Research on Touchscreen Gestures, Audio/Speech Interaction, and Driving

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    As humans are exposed to rapidly evolving complex systems, there are growing needs for humans and systems to use multiple communication modalities such as auditory, vocal (or speech), gesture, or visual channels; thus, it is important to evaluate multimodal human-machine interactions in multitasking conditions so as to improve human performance and safety. However, traditional methods of evaluating human performance and safety rely on experimental settings using human subjects which require costly and time-consuming efforts to conduct. To minimize the limitations from the use of traditional usability tests, digital human models are often developed and used, and they also help us better understand underlying human mental processes to effectively improve safety and avoid mental overload. In this regard, I have combined computational cognitive modeling and experimental methods to study mental processes and identify differences in human performance/workload in various conditions, through this dissertation research. The computational cognitive models were implemented by extending the Queuing Network-Model Human Processor (QN-MHP) Architecture that enables simulation of human multi-task behaviors and multimodal interactions in human-machine systems. Three experiments were conducted to investigate human behaviors in multimodal and multitasking scenarios, combining the following three specific research aims that are to understand: (1) how humans use their finger movements to input information on touchscreen devices (i.e., touchscreen gestures), (2) how humans use auditory/vocal signals to interact with the machines (i.e., audio/speech interaction), and (3) how humans drive vehicles (i.e., driving controls). Future research applications of computational modeling and experimental research are also discussed. Scientifically, the results of this dissertation research make significant contributions to our better understanding of the nature of touchscreen gestures, audio/speech interaction, and driving controls in human-machine systems and whether they benefit or jeopardize human performance and safety in the multimodal and concurrent task environments. Moreover, in contrast to the previous models for multitasking scenarios mainly focusing on the visual processes, this study develops quantitative models of the combined effects of auditory, tactile, and visual factors on multitasking performance. From the practical impact perspective, the modeling work conducted in this research may help multimodal interface designers minimize the limitations of traditional usability tests and make quick design comparisons, less constrained by other time-consuming factors, such as developing prototypes and running human subjects. Furthermore, the research conducted in this dissertation may help identify which elements in the multimodal and multitasking scenarios increase workload and completion time, which can be used to reduce the number of accidents and injuries caused by distraction.PHDIndustrial & Operations EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143903/1/heejinj_1.pd

    Psychometric Properties of the Persian Language Version of the System Usability Scale

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    Background: The System Usability Scale (SUS) is a widely used self–administered instrument for evaluating the usability of a wide range of products and services. The aims of this descriptive- methodological study were to develop and investigate the psychometric properties of the Iranian version of the SUS. Methods: The study was conducted among 202 university students from the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Content validity was evaluated by a panel of 10 experts. Construct validity was assessed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. The internal consistency and test-retest reliability were assessed by Cronbach’s alpha and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), respectively. Additionally the feasibility of the measure was judged by ceiling and floor effect. Results: Content validity of the short form of Iranian SUS was established. Factor analyses supported the conceptual uni-dimensionality, and thus confirmed the construct validity of the measure. The internal consistency (α =0.79) and test retest reliability (ICC = 0.96) were both approved and there was also no ceiling nor floor effect. Conclusions: The findings support the use of SUS for both practical and research settings in Iranian population

    Automotive user interfaces for the support of non-driving-related activities

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    Driving a car has changed a lot since the first car was invented. Today, drivers do not only maneuver the car to their destination but also perform a multitude of additional activities in the car. This includes for instance activities related to assistive functions that are meant to increase driving safety and reduce the driver’s workload. However, since drivers spend a considerable amount of time in the car, they often want to perform non-driving-related activities as well. In particular, these activities are related to entertainment, communication, and productivity. The driver’s need for such activities has vastly increased, particularly due to the success of smart phones and other mobile devices. As long as the driver is in charge of performing the actual driving task, such activities can distract the driver and may result in severe accidents. Due to these special requirements of the driving environment, the driver ideally performs such activities by using appropriately designed in-vehicle systems. The challenge for such systems is to enable flexible and easily usable non-driving-related activities while maintaining and increasing driving safety at the same time. The main contribution of this thesis is a set of guidelines and exemplary concepts for automotive user interfaces that offer safe, diverse, and easy-to-use means to perform non-driving-related activities besides the regular driving tasks. Using empirical methods that are commonly used in human-computer interaction, we investigate various aspects of automotive user interfaces with the goal to support the design and development of future interfaces that facilitate non-driving-related activities. The first aspect is related to using physiological data in order to infer information about the driver’s workload. As a second aspect, we propose a multimodal interaction style to facilitate the interaction with multiple activities in the car. In addition, we introduce two concepts for the support of commonly used and demanded non-driving-related activities: For communication with the outside world, we investigate the driver’s needs with regard to sharing ride details with remote persons in order to increase driving safety. Finally, we present a concept of time-adjusted activities (e.g., entertainment and productivity) which enable the driver to make use of times where only little attention is required. Starting with manual, non-automated driving, we also consider the rise of automated driving modes.When cars were invented, they allowed the driver and potential passengers to get to a distant location. The only activities the driver was able and supposed to perform were related to maneuvering the vehicle, i.e., accelerate, decelerate, and steer the car. Today drivers perform many activities that go beyond these driving tasks. This includes for example activities related to driving assistance, location-based information and navigation, entertainment, communication, and productivity. To perform these activities, drivers use functions that are provided by in-vehicle information systems in the car. Many of these functions are meant to increase driving safety or to make the ride more enjoyable. The latter is important since people spend a considerable amount of time in their cars and want to perform similar activities like those to which they are accustomed to from using mobile devices. However, as long as the driver is responsible for driving, these activities can be distracting and pose driver, passengers, and the environment at risk. One goal for the development of automotive user interfaces is therefore to enable an easy and appropriate operation of in-vehicle systems such that driving tasks and non-driving-related activities can be performed easily and safely. The main contribution of this thesis is a set of guidelines and exemplary concepts for automotive user interfaces that offer safe, diverse, and easy-to-use means to perform also non-driving-related activities while driving. Using empirical methods that are commonly used in human-computer interaction, we approach various aspects of automotive user interfaces in order to support the design and development of future interfaces that also enable non-driving-related activities. Starting with manual, non-automated driving, we also consider the transition towards automated driving modes. As a first part, we look at the prerequisites that enable non-driving-related activities in the car. We propose guidelines for the design and development of automotive user interfaces that also support non-driving-related activities. This includes for instance rules on how to adapt or interrupt activities when the level of automation changes. To enable activities in the car, we propose a novel interaction concept that facilitates multimodal interaction in the car by combining speech interaction and touch gestures. Moreover, we reveal aspects on how to infer information about the driver's state (especially mental workload) by using physiological data. We conducted a real-world driving study to extract a data set with physiological and context data. This can help to better understand the driver state, to adapt interfaces to the driver and driving situations, and to adapt the route selection process. Second, we propose two concepts for supporting non-driving-related activities that are frequently used and demanded in the car. For telecommunication, we propose a concept to increase driving safety when communicating with the outside world. This concept enables the driver to share different types of information with remote parties. Thereby, the driver can choose between different levels of details ranging from abstract information such as ``Alice is driving right now'' up to sharing a video of the driving scene. We investigated the drivers' needs on the go and derived guidelines for the design of communication-related functions in the car through an online survey and in-depth interviews. As a second aspect, we present an approach to offer time-adjusted entertainment and productivity tasks to the driver. The idea is to allow time-adjusted tasks during periods where the demand for the driver's attention is low, for instance at traffic lights or during a highly automated ride. Findings from a web survey and a case study demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. With the findings of this thesis we envision to provide a basis for future research and development in the domain of automotive user interfaces and non-driving-related activities in the transition from manual driving to highly and fully automated driving.Als das Auto erfunden wurde, ermöglichte es den Insassen hauptsächlich, entfernte Orte zu erreichen. Die einzigen Tätigkeiten, die Fahrerinnen und Fahrer während der Fahrt erledigen konnten und sollten, bezogen sich auf die Steuerung des Fahrzeugs. Heute erledigen die Fahrerinnen und Fahrer diverse Tätigkeiten, die über die ursprünglichen Aufgaben hinausgehen und sich nicht unbedingt auf die eigentliche Fahraufgabe beziehen. Dies umfasst unter anderem die Bereiche Fahrerassistenz, standortbezogene Informationen und Navigation, Unterhaltung, Kommunikation und Produktivität. Informationssysteme im Fahrzeug stellen den Fahrerinnen und Fahrern Funktionen bereit, um diese Aufgaben auch während der Fahrt zu erledigen. Viele dieser Funktionen verbessern die Fahrsicherheit oder dienen dazu, die Fahrt angenehm zu gestalten. Letzteres wird immer wichtiger, da man inzwischen eine beträchtliche Zeit im Auto verbringt und dabei nicht mehr auf die Aktivitäten und Funktionen verzichten möchte, die man beispielsweise durch die Benutzung von Smartphone und Tablet gewöhnt ist. Solange der Fahrer selbst fahren muss, können solche Aktivitäten von der Fahrtätigkeit ablenken und eine Gefährdung für die Insassen oder die Umgebung darstellen. Ein Ziel bei der Entwicklung automobiler Benutzungsschnittstellen ist daher eine einfache, adäquate Bedienung solcher Systeme, damit Fahraufgabe und Nebentätigkeiten gut und vor allem sicher durchgeführt werden können. Der Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit umfasst einen Leitfaden und beispielhafte Konzepte für automobile Benutzungsschnittstellen, die eine sichere, abwechslungsreiche und einfache Durchführung von Tätigkeiten jenseits der eigentlichen Fahraufgabe ermöglichen. Basierend auf empirischen Methoden der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion stellen wir verschiedene Lösungen vor, die die Entwicklung und Gestaltung solcher Benutzungsschnittstellen unterstützen. Ausgehend von der heute üblichen nicht automatisierten Fahrt betrachten wir dabei auch Aspekte des automatisierten Fahrens. Zunächst betrachten wir die notwendigen Voraussetzungen, um Tätigkeiten jenseits der Fahraufgabe zu ermöglichen. Wir stellen dazu einen Leitfaden vor, der die Gestaltung und Entwicklung von automobilen Benutzungsschnittstellen unterstützt, die das Durchführen von Nebenaufgaben erlauben. Dies umfasst zum Beispiel Hinweise, wie Aktivitäten angepasst oder unterbrochen werden können, wenn sich der Automatisierungsgrad während der Fahrt ändert. Um Aktivitäten im Auto zu unterstützen, stellen wir ein neuartiges Interaktionskonzept vor, das eine multimodale Interaktion im Fahrzeug mit Sprachbefehlen und Touch-Gesten ermöglicht. Für automatisierte Fahrzeugsysteme und zur Anpassung der Interaktionsmöglichkeiten an die Fahrsituation stellt der Fahrerzustand (insbesondere die mentale Belastung) eine wichtige Information dar. Durch eine Fahrstudie im realen Straßenverkehr haben wir einen Datensatz generiert, der physiologische Daten und Kontextinformationen umfasst und damit Rückschlüsse auf den Fahrerzustand ermöglicht. Mit diesen Informationen über Fahrerinnen und Fahrer wird es möglich, den Fahrerzustand besser zu verstehen, Benutzungsschnittstellen an die aktuelle Fahrsituation anzupassen und die Routenwahl anzupassen. Außerdem stellen wir zwei konkrete Konzepte zur Unterstützung von Nebentätigkeiten vor, die schon heute regelmäßig bei der Fahrt getätigt oder verlangt werden. Im Bereich der Telekommunikation stellen wir dazu ein Konzept vor, das die Fahrsicherheit beim Kommunizieren mit Personen außerhalb des Autos erhöht. Das Konzept erlaubt es dem Fahrer, unterschiedliche Arten von Kontextinformationen mit Kommunikationspartnern zu teilen. Dies reicht von der abstrakten Information, dass man derzeit im Auto unterwegs ist bis hin zum Teilen eines Live-Videos der aktuellen Fahrsituation. Diesbezüglich haben wir über eine Web-Umfrage und detaillierte Interviews die Bedürfnisse der Nutzer(innen) erhoben und ausgewertet. Zudem stellen wir ein prototypisches Konzept sowie Richtlinien vor, wie künftige Kommunikationsaufgaben im Fahrzeug gestaltet werden sollen. Als ein zweites Konzept betrachten wir zeitbeschränkte Aufgaben zur Unterhaltung und Produktivität im Fahrzeug. Die Idee ist hier, zeitlich begrenzte Aufgaben in Zeiten niedriger Belastung zuzulassen, wie zum Beispiel beim Warten an einer Ampel oder während einer hochautomatisierten (Teil-) Fahrt. Ergebnisse aus einer Web-Umfrage und einer Fallstudie zeigen die Machbarkeit dieses Ansatzes auf. Mit den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit soll eine Basis für künftige Forschung und Entwicklung gelegt werden, um im Bereich automobiler Benutzungsschnittstellen insbesondere nicht-fahr-bezogene Aufgaben im Übergang zwischen manuellem Fahren und einer hochautomatisierten Autofahrt zu unterstützen

    Development of usability and context-of-use taxonomies, integration with techniques for the study of usability and application to real-world intelligent systems

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    [Resumen] Un importante obstáculo para la implantación del Diseño Centrado en el Usuario en el mundo real es que no existe una definición del concepto de usabilidad que sea precisa y comúnnmente aceptada y aplicada en la práctica. La literatura tiende a definir la usabilidad en términos demasiado escuetos y ambiguos, y a describir su aplicación en términos informales. Idénticas críticas pueden hacerse al concepto del contexto de uso, al cual la usabilidad es siempre relativa. Como consecuencia de esto, las técnicas ad hoc predominan en las metodologías de usabilidad. Esta tesis propone taxonomías detalladas para los conceptos de usabilidad y contexto de uso. Las taxonomías están organizadas jerárquicamente y contienen descripciones precisas de sus atributos y subatributos. Para ilustrar la utilidad práctica de las taxonomías, se describe cómo fueron integradas en el ciclo de vida de desarrollo de dos productos reales en el campo de los Sistemas Inteligentes. Concretamente, un dispositivo de Adaptación Inteligente de la Velocidad y un generador automático de interfaces de usuario. En un punto específico de cada proyecto se realizó un estudio de usabilidad, usando las taxonomías para estructurar y guiar actividades de usabilidad como el análisis de los requisitos de usabilidad, la evaluación heurística y el análisis subjetivo.[Abstract] A major obstacle to the implantation of User-Centered Design in the real world is the fact that no precise de nition of the concept of usability exists that is widely accepted and applied in practice. Generally speaking, the literature tends to de ne usability in overly brief and ambiguous terms and to describe its application in informal terms. The same criticisms can be leveled at the concept of context of use, to which usability is always relative. As a consequence of these drawbacks, ad hoc techniques predominate in usability study methodologies. This thesis proposes detailed taxonomies for the concepts of usability and the context of use. The taxonomies are organized hierarchically and contain precise descriptions of their attributes and subattributes. In order to illustrate the practical usefulness of the taxonomies, this thesis describes and discusses how the taxonomies were integrated into the development life cycle of two real-world projects in the eld of Intelligent Systems, namely, an Intelligent Speed Adaptation device and an automatic generator of user interfaces. At a speci c point of each project, a usability study was conducted, in which the taxonomies were used to structure and guide well-known usability activities such as usability requirements analysis, heuristic evaluation, and subjective analysis[Resumo] Un importante obstáculo para a implantación do Deseño Centrado no Usuario no mundo real é que non existe unha definición do concepto de usabilidade que sexa precisa e comunmente aceptada e aplicada na práctica. A literatura tende a definir a usabilidade en termos demasiado concisos e ambiguos, e a describir a súa aplicación en termos informais. Idénticas críticas poden facerse ao concepto do contexto de uso, ao cal a usabilidade de sempre relativa. Como consecuencia disto, as técnicas ad hoc predominan nas metodoloxías de usabilidade. Esta tese propón taxonomías detalladas para os conceptos de usabilidade e contexto de uso. As taxonomías están organizadas xerárquicamente e conteñen descricións precisas dos seus atributos e subatributos. Para ilustrar a utilidade práctica das taxonomías, descríbese como foron integradas no ciclo de vida de desenvolvemento de dous produtos reais no campo dos Sistemas Intelixentes. Concretamente, un dispositivo de Adaptación Intelixente da Velocidade e un xerador automático de interfaces de usuario. Nun punto específico de cada proxecto realizouse un estudo de usabilidade, usando as taxonomías para estruturar e guiar actividades de usabilidade como a análise dos requisitos de usabilidade, a avaliación heurística e a análise subxectiva

    Modelling and evaluating drivers’ interactions with in-vehicle information systems (IVIS)

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    Evaluating the usability of In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS) guides engineers in understanding the interaction design limitations of current systems and assessing the potential of concept technologies. The complexity and diversity of the driving task presents a unique challenge in defining usability: user-IVIS interactions create a dual-task scenario, in which conflicts can arise between the primary driving tasks and secondary IVIS tasks. This, and the safety-critical nature of driving, must be specified in defining and evaluating IVIS usability.Work was carried out in the initial phases of this project to define usability for IVIS and to develop a framework for evaluation. One of the key findings of this work was the importance of context-of-use in defining usability, so that specific usability criteria and appropriate evaluation methods can be identified. The evaluation methods in the framework were categorised as either analytic, i.e. applicable at the earliest stages of product development to predict performance and usability; or empirical, i.e. to measure user performance under simulated or real-world conditions. Two case studies have shown that the evaluation framework is sensitive to differences between IVIS and can identify important usability issues, which can be used to inform design improvements.The later stages of the project have focussed on Multimodal Critical Path Analysis (CPA). Initially, CPA was used to predict IVIS task interaction times for a stationary vehicle. The CPA model was extended to produce fastperson and slowperson task time estimates, as well as average predictions. In order for the CPA to be of real use to designers of IVIS, it also needed to predict dual-task IVIS interaction times, i.e. time taken to perform IVIS tasks whilst driving. A hypothesis of shared glances was developed, proposing that drivers are able to monitor two visual information sources simultaneously. The CPA technique was extended for prediction of dual-task interaction times by modelling this shared glance pattern. The hypothesis has important implications for theories of visual behaviour and for the design of future IVIS