18 research outputs found

    A Practical Example for Model-Driven Web Requirements

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    The number of approaches for Web environments has grown very fast in the last years: HDM, OOHDM, and WSDM were among the first, and now a large number can be found in the literature. With the definition of MDA (Model- Driven Architecture) and the acceptance of MDE (Model-Driven Engineering) techniques in this environment, some groups are working in the use of metamodels and transformations to make their approaches more powerful. UWE (UMLBased Web Engineering) or OOWS (Object-Oriented Web Solutions) are only some examples. However, there are few real experiences with Web Engineering in the enterprise environment, and very few real applications of metamodels and MDE techniques. In this chapter the practical experience of a Web Engineering approach, NDT, in a big project developed in Andalusia is presented. Besides, it shows the usability of metamodels in real environments

    Model-driven in reverse. The practical experience of the AQUA project

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    Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) is a new paradigm which provides satisfactory results in software development. However, most experiments with MDWE towards the development of software from the requirements to the implementation stages. However, in practice, sometimes software development does not follow this classic path. In this paper, MDWE is presented as a suitable selection in software projects of technological evolution. The AQUA project is a very large and important project which is a fusion of three previous systems. Thus, this project starts with the original code of these three systems. The paper introduces the power of MDWE in this kind of systems.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06_03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia IN2007-30391-

    Подход к разработке программных приложений с использованием семантических Веб–сервисов

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    В работе представлена структура для проектирования и разработки Веб-приложений на основе семантических Веб-сервисов, которая охватывает деятельность нескольких предприятий, с использованием методологий, предложенных программным инжинирингом, Веб-инжинирингом и моделированием бизнес-процессов. В частности, предлагается использовать существующие стандарты: BPMN – для спецификации бизнес-процессов, WebML – для моделирования WorkFlow процессов, объединенных методологией, инструментарием и ссылками, WSMO – для проектирования и разработки спецификаций (онтологий, целей, Веб-сервисов и посредников).У роботі представлена структура проектування і розробки Веб-застосувань на основі семантичних Веб-сервісів, яка охоплює діяльність декількох підприємств, з використанням методологій, запропонованих програмним інжинірингом, Веб-інжинірингом і моделюванням бізнес-процесів. Зокрема, пропонується використовувати існуючі стандарти: BPMN – для специфікації бізнес-процесів, WEBML – для моделювання WorkFlow процесів, об'єднаних методологією, інструментарієм і посиланнями, WSMO – для проектування і розробки специфікацій (онтологій, цілей, Веб-сервісів і посередників).A structure for planning and development of Web application on the basis of Semantic Web Services are presented in this articles. The struc-ture are include activity of a few enterprises, methodologies offered in the programmatic engi-neering, Web-engineering and design of busi-ness-processes. In particular, it is suggested to utilizes existent standards: BPMN – for the busi-ness-process specification, WEBML – for the de-sign of WorkFlow, WSMO – for planning and development of specifications of Web Services (ontologies, aims, Web-services and mediators)


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    В работе представлена структура для проектирования и разработки Веб-приложений на основе семантических Веб-сервисов, которая охватывает деятельность нескольких предприятий, с использованием методологий, предложенных программным инжинирингом, Веб-инжинирингом и моделированием бизнес-процессов. В частности, предлагается использовать существующие стандарты: BPMN – для спецификации бизнес-процессов, WebML – для моделирования WorkFlow процессов, объединенных методологией, инструментарием и ссылками, WSMO – для проектирования и разработки спецификаций (онтологий, целей, Веб-сервисов и посредников)

    NDT-Suite: A Methodological Tool Solution in the Model-Driven Engineering Paradigm

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    Although the Model-Driven paradigm is being accepted in the research environment as a very useful and powerful option for effective software development, its real application in the enter prise context is still a challenge for software engineering. Several causes can be stacked out, but one of them can be the lack of tool support for the efficient application of this paradigm. This pa per presents a set of tools, grouped in a suite named NDT-Suite, which under the Model-Driven paradigm offer a suitable solution for software development. These tools explore different options that this paradigm can improve such as, development, quality assurance or requirement treat ment. Besides, this paper analyses how they are being successfully applied in the industryMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RJunta de Andalucía TIC-578

    EMF-REST: Generation of RESTful APIs from Models

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    In the last years, RESTful Web services have become more and more popular as a lightweight solution to connect remote systems in distributed and Cloud-based architectures. However, being an architectural style rather than a specification or standard, the proper design of RESTful Web services is not trivial since developers have to deal with a plethora of recommendations and best practices. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) emphasizes the use of models and model transformations to raise the level of abstraction and semi-automate the development of software. In this paper we present an approach that leverages on MDE techniques to generate RESTful services. The approach, called EMF-REST, takes EMF data models as input and generates Web APIs following the REST principles and relying on well-known libraries and standards, thus facilitating its comprehension and maintainability. Additionally, EMF-REST integrates model and Web-specific features to provide model validation and security capabilities, respectively, to the generated API. For Web developers, our approach brings more agility to the Web development process by providing ready-to-run-and-test Web APIs out of data models. Also, our approach provides MDE practitioners the basis to develop Cloud-based modeling solutions as well as enhanced collaborative support

    Modelling the Requirements of Rich Internet Applications in WebRe

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    In the last years, several Web methodological approaches were defined in order to support the systematic building of Web software. Together with the constant technological advances, these methods must be constantly improved to deal with a myriad of new feasible application features, such as those involving rich interaction features. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) are Web applications exhibiting interaction and interface features that are typical in desktop software. Some specific methodological resources are required to deal with these characteristics. This paper presents a solution for the treatment of Web Requirements in RIA development. For this aim we present WebRE+, a requirement metamodel that incorporates RIA features into the modelling repertoire. We illustrate our ideas with a meaningful example of a business intelligence application.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Separation of Concerns in Mobile Hypermedia: Architectural and Modeling Issues

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    Building Mobile Hypermedia and Web Applications is hard because of the myriad of concerns we need to face, such as those related to the specific application domain and those typical of mobile software. During the last years, we have been researching on modelling techniques for mobile hypermedia, and building infrastructure support for this and other kind of mobile and context aware software. In this chapter, we review the modelling features, design mechanisms and architectural support that we have developed to simplify the development process, and to obtain more flexible models and applications

    Reverse Engineering and Testing of Rich Internet Applications

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    The World Wide Web experiences a continuous and constant evolution, where new initiatives, standards, approaches and technologies are continuously proposed for developing more effective and higher quality Web applications. To satisfy the growing request of the market for Web applications, new technologies, frameworks, tools and environments that allow to develop Web and mobile applications with the least effort and in very short time have been introduced in the last years. These new technologies have made possible the dawn of a new generation of Web applications, named Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), that offer greater usability and interactivity than traditional ones. This evolution has been accompanied by some drawbacks that are mostly due to the lack of applying well-known software engineering practices and approaches. As a consequence, new research questions and challenges have emerged in the field of web and mobile applications maintenance and testing. The research activity described in this thesis has addressed some of these topics with the specific aim of proposing new and effective solutions to the problems of modelling, reverse engineering, comprehending, re-documenting and testing existing RIAs. Due to the growing relevance of mobile applications in the renewed Web scenarios, the problem of testing mobile applications developed for the Android operating system has been addressed too, in an attempt of exploring and proposing new techniques of testing automation for these type of applications

    Ingeniería web dirigida por modelos en portales de genómica personal: Análisis de 23andme con OOWS2.0

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    Más de quince años de investigación académica en Ingeniería Web ha dado lugar a principios de ingeniería y los métodos para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, principalmente dirigidos por modelos. Sin embargo, estos resultados no han sido verdaderamente adoptados por la industria y carecen de validación en modernas aplicaciones web de tamaño realista, más allá de ejemplos académicos. Esto contrasta con lo que sucede con las plataformas de gestión de contenidos web, que son ampliamente utilizados para el desarrollo de portales web y su popularidad sigue creciendo. Esta tesis de máster aborda este vacío y presenta un ejemplo ilustrativo sobre la aplicación de OOWS 2.0, un método de ingeniería Web dirigido por modelos, en una aplicación Web industrial y compleja en el campo de la genómica personal: 23andme.com. En base a este análisis, se ha caracterizado el portal analizado, se ha verificado la integridad técnica del método OOWS 2.0, se proponen un conjunto de mejoras y se proporcionan algunas conclusiones acerca de su funcionalidad y facilidad de uso. Como alternativa a los tradicionales métodos dirigidos por modelos, se muestra la viabilidad de un nuevo enfoque que combina la gestión de contenidos basado en modelos y la web a fin de maximizar las ventajas de ambos y minimizar sus desventajas.Guzmán Carbonell, AR. (2012). Ingeniería web dirigida por modelos en portales de genómica personal: Análisis de 23andme con OOWS2.0. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15374Archivo delegad