1,030 research outputs found

    High-speed electrical connector assembly by structured compliance in a finray-effect gripper

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    Fine assembly tasks such as electrical connector insertion have tight tolerances and sensitive components, requiring compensation of alignment errors while applying sufficient force in the insertion direction, ideally at high speeds and while grasping a range of components. Vision, tactile, or force sensors can compensate alignment errors, but have limited bandwidth, limiting the safe assembly speed. Passive compliance such as silicone-based fingers can reduce collision forces and grasp a range of components, but often cannot provide the accuracy or assembly forces required. To support high-speed mechanical search and self-aligning insertion, this paper proposes monolithic additively manufactured fingers which realize a moderate, structured compliance directly proximal to the gripped object. The geometry of finray-effect fingers are adapted to add form-closure features and realize a directionally-dependent stiffness at the fingertip, with a high stiffness to apply insertion forces and lower transverse stiffness to support alignment. Design parameters and mechanical properties of the fingers are investigated with FEM and empirical studies, analyzing the stiffness, maximum load, and viscoelastic effects. The fingers realize a remote center of compliance, which is shown to depend on the rib angle, and a directional stiffness ratio of 143614-36. The fingers are applied to a plug insertion task, realizing a tolerance window of 7.57.5 mm and approach speeds of 1.31.3 m/s.Comment: Under review. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2301.0843

    Hangprinter for large scale additive manufacturing using fused particle fabrication with recycled plastic and continuous feeding

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    The life cycle of plastic is a key source of carbon emissions. Yet, global plastics production has quadrupled in 40 years and only 9 % has been recycled. If these trends continue, carbon emissions from plastic wastes would reach 15 % of global carbon budgets by 2050. An approach to reducing plastic waste is to use distributed recycling for additive manufacturing (DRAM) where virgin plastic products are replaced by locally manufactured recycled plastic products that have no transportation-related carbon emissions. Unfortunately, the design of most 3-D printers forces an increase in the machine cost to expand for recycling plastic at scale. Recently, a fused granular fabrication (FGF)/fused particle fabrication (FPF) large-scale printer was demonstrated with a GigabotX extruder based on the open source cable driven Hangprinter concept. To further improve that system, here a lower-cost recyclebot direct waste plastic extruder is demonstrated and the full designs, assembly and operation are detailed. The <$1,700 machine’s accuracy and printing performance are quantified, and the printed parts mechanical strength is within the range of other systems. Along with support from the Hangprinter and DUET3 communities, open hardware developers have a rich ecosystem to modify in order to print directly from waste plastic for DRAM

    Autonomous Tennis Ball Collector

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    Practicing tennis often involves hitting many tennis balls from one side of the court to the other without an opponent to hit the balls back. In training sessions like these, the task of collecting the balls is laborious when performed manually. The objective of this project is to develop a robotic tennis ball collector that can automatically collect the balls from one side of the court so that the player can rest rather than collect the balls manually. This document outlines the process of designing such a robot. Included in this report is background research, prototype, and concept modeling, along with a finalized design, and a complete timeline of our process. We will also detail the manufacturing process and the design verification. In the conclusion we will provide you with recommendations for future projects. Throughout our research, we discovered many similar products, but none met all of the customer’s requirements, thus opening a window for our product. After copious design consideration, we selected the strongest idea that satisfied our customers’ needs and are moving forward with structural modeling and preliminary analysis on it. After the structural prototype revealed issues in the design we went back to work and finalized a design that we felt confident with and still satisfied all the requirements. As seen in this report the final design utilizes structural framing materials to build the robot and allows for ease of attachment for all the electrical components. The final step in the design process was to test the verification prototype to ensure that it met all our specifications. Unfortunately, our design did not pass as many of the tests as we would have liked, and this is detailed in that section. While at the conclusion of this project, we did not complete as much as we hoped, there is a good foundation in place for the project to continue as our sponsor so desires

    Autonomous Mechanical Assembly on the Space Shuttle: An Overview

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    The space shuttle will be equipped with a pair of 50 ft. manipulators used to handle payloads and to perform mechanical assembly operations. Although current plans call for these manipulators to be operated by a human teleoperator. The possibility of using results from robotics and machine intelligence to automate this shuttle assembly system was investigated. The major components of an autonomous mechanical assembly system are examined, along with the technology base upon which they depend. The state of the art in advanced automation is also assessed

    Desenvolvimento de equipamento de manipulação de objectos deformáveis e a sua interacção com uma máquina de injecção de plásticos

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    In this project, our objective was to thoroughly investigate the feasibility of automating a process at Ficocables by integrating a robotic arm. Specifically, we focused on automating the joining of two separate processes while eliminating the need for manual intervention in the second operation. The equipment involved in the process includes a Roboco Zamak injection machine and a Babyplast polymer injection machine. With well-defined project requirements, we explored various solutions and sought guidance from Fluidotronica, a renowned expert in this domain. With their support, we identified the collaborative robot JAKA Zu 3s, equipped with a long-finger gripper, as the optimal solution for our needs. To assess the financial viability, we conducted a meticulous financial analysis using methods like NPV and payback period, both of which demonstrated promising results. Although the implementation of the robotic arm is still pending, the outcomes of our study highlight its remarkable versatility for future applications within Ficocables. This project exemplifies the potential advantages of automation and offers valuable insights for forthcoming initiatives in this field.Neste projeto, o objetivo era investigar exaustivamente a viabilidade de automatizar um processo na Ficocables através da integração de um braço robótico. Especificamente, concentrámo-nos em automatizar a junção de dois processos separados, eliminando a necessidade de intervenção manual na segunda operação. O equipamento envolvido no processo inclui uma máquina de injeção de Zamak, denominada Robocop e uma máquina de injeção de polímero denominada Babyplast. Com os requisitos de projeto bem definidos, explorámos várias soluções e procurámos orientação junto da Fluidotronica, um especialista de renome neste domínio. Com o seu apoio, identificámos o robô colaborativo JAKA Zu 3s, equipado com uma pinça de dedos longos como a solução ideal para as necessidades deste projeto. Para avaliar a viabilidade financeira, efetuou-se uma análise financeira meticulosa utilizando métodos como o NPV e o período de retorno do investimento, tendo ambos demonstrado resultados promissores. Embora a implementação do braço robótico ainda esteja pendente, os resultados do nosso estudo destacam a sua notável versatilidade para futuras aplicações na Ficocables. Este projeto exemplifica as vantagens potenciais da automatização e oferece uma visão valiosa para iniciativas futuras neste domínio

    Qualification and Flight of a Cutting Edge Sunsensor for Constellation Applications

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    Satellites for a constellation can be build in a significantly more cost-effective way because the Non-recurring Engineering charges (NRE) can be spread over multiple units. A further significant cost reduction can be achieved if the units and subsystems are optimized for volume production and the units are produced in a continuous production line with a sustainable throughput. Though this optimized production can lead to significant improvement in cost effectiveness, this should in no way impair the reliability of the products. It can be reasoned that the approach implemented by Lens R&D will even increase the reliability of production as it allows for statistical process monitor and control of the product quality. As reliability and cost effectiveness in volume production are core to the Return On Investment (ROI) for constellation owners, these properties have been core design drivers for the BiSon Sunsensors discussed in this paper. After a design change that led to the development of an automated assembly robot, the cutting edge BiSon64-ET and BiSon64-ET-B Sunsensors developed by Lens R&D went through a full ESA qualification program. This means that for the first time ever, a Sunsensor optimized for volume manufacturing has finished a full ESA qualification program. A flight contract has been signed to fly 20 sensors on the two ESA science satellites making up the Proba-3mission. Flight data however already will be received earlier, through a precursor 3U Cubesat mission, flown through the Dutch company Innovative Solutions In Space (ISIS). This paper focusses on the novel manufacturing approach used, the qualification performed and the processes needed to cost effectively produce large quantities of Sunsensors for constellation applications

    Design and Implementation of an Automated Pick and Place System for Johanson Technology, Inc.

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    Johanson Technology, a capacitor and microelectronic part manufacturer, located in Camarillo, CA has forecasted a 50% increase in demand for single layer capacitors for the year 2011. Johanson chose to hire an intern to design and implement a robotic pick and place system to meet this demand. A complete automated system composed of a Stäubli RS20 robotic arm, CS8C-M Controller, and Electrosort Bowl Feeder needed to be integrated into an environment where no system currently existed. A bill of materials and parts list indicated that the entire system would be a fixed cost of 50,104.Thisprovedtobethesuperiorchoiceoverthealternativesofhiringanoutsideconsultanttodesignthesystemfor50,104. This proved to be the superior choice over the alternatives of hiring an outside consultant to design the system for 115,051 or hiring an additional employee to hand pick and place the parts for nearly $24,000 annually. Programs were written in VAL3, Stäubli’s own programming language, for the RS20 to pick and place parts in a grid formation onto Waffle, Gel, and Ring Packs. A custom tool composed of manufactured and purchased parts was made at Johanson Technology and held by the RS20 arm to handle the single layer capacitors. Performance of the system’s placement accuracy was analyzed by measuring correct placements on Waffle, Gel, and Ring Packs. Waffle Packs received a placement accuracy of 99.21%, missing around 10-20 parts out of 2,400. Gel Packs received 99.71% accuracy, and Ring Packs failed to place parts consistently within their 2-3⁰ rotation tolerance so their accuracy of placement could not be measured. The robotic pick and place system places single layer capacitors into Waffle, Gel, and Ring Packs at two to three times the speed of a human operator. At this rate, Johanson Technology will be able to meet their demand

    Study on the design of DIY social robots

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