96 research outputs found

    Evaluation of broiler house environmental management systems in East Tennessee : a case study

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    An air quality study was conducted for two different types of broiler house environmental management styles: naturally ventilated, and mechanically ventilated. A continuous sampling, stand alone, monitoring system was used to monitor four gases within the houses. These gases were Ammonia, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide and Oxygen. Data points were logged every thirty minutes. Dust samples were also collected using universal flow sampling pumps and cartridge-type filters. Other data collected but not analyzed in this study were interior temperature and relative humidity and exterior temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation. Statistical analyses were performed to test for differences in gas levels between environmental management styles. These tests revealed that a significant difference (p\u3c0.5) existed between management systems for maximum oxygen, maximum ammonia, and maximum hydrogen sulfide levels. Significant differences (p\u3c0.5) between farms with the same environmental management style were found for ammonia and carbon monoxide levels. These differences were attributed to the occurrence of an in house flood at Farm B2 (mechanically ventilated) and poor conditions observed at Farm D (naturally ventilated). A significant difference (p\u3c0.5) between weeks for maximum and average CO level was also found. This difference was attributed to the intense use of propane brooders during the early stages of production. Mean total dust concentrations ranged from 0.0010 to 0.0056 mg/L. Differences in dust concentration appeared to be a factor of exterior temperature and ventilation rate. Warmer exterior temperatures allowed for increased ventilation and dust concentrations were reduced. Conclusive results determining the overall effectiveness of either environmental management system (natural or mechanical) could not be formulated because of the significant differences (p\u3c0.5) that were found within farms with the same management system. This study concluded that the effectiveness of the management system was controlled by the producer and not the system itself

    Artificial olfaction system for on-site odour measurement

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    Odour impacts and concerns are an impediment to the growth of the Australian chicken meat industry. To manage these, the industry has to be able to demonstrate the efficacy of its odour reduction strategies scientifically and defensibly; however, it currently lacks reliable, cost effective and objective tools to do so. This report describes the development of an artificial olfaction system (AOS) to measure meat chicken farm odour. This report describes the market research undertaken to determine the demand for such a tool, the development and evaluation of three AOS prototypes, data analysis and odour prediction modelling, and the development of two complementary odour measurement tools, namely, a volatile organic compound (VOC) pre-concentrator and a field olfactometer. This report is aimed at investors in poultry odour research and those charged with, or interested in, assessment of odour on chicken farms, including farm managers, integrators, their consultants, regulators and researchers. The findings will influence the focus of future environmental odour measurement research

    Precision livestock farming towards broiler welfare

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    Due to intensification of the livestock system the ratio between number of broilers and number of farmers have been increasing, making impossible the individualized attention to animals without the use of appropriate tools. Increasingly societal concern on broiler welfare requires farmers to find means to improve animal welfare level. Precision livestock farming (PLF) emerges as a possible solution as it enables the monitoring of animals and its environment 24/7. The present study aims to provide information on how PLF technologies can address broiler welfare and to evaluate reasons for their adoption (or non-adoption) by farmers. The results discussions and analysis are based in the three main pillars that guide the present research: animal welfare, PLF technologies and innovation adoption. Methodologically, the study consists of two different steps. Initially, a systematic review of the literature was carried out to identify which are the PLF technologies related to broiler welfare and to assess how they address birds ́ welfare. Results indicate that most PLF technologies are related to image analysis and mainly focused on broiler health improvements. In the second stage, an empirical research was carried out with broiler farmers in the Southern Brazil. From this survey, information on broiler farmers ́ opinions towards broiler welfare and PLF potentialities were assessed as well as on the determinants and limiting factors for technologies adoption. In general, Brazilian broiler farmers attribute great importance to broiler welfare and perceive the current level of welfare as high; however higher scores for importance than for perception indicate that there is room for welfare improvements. In broiler farmers ́ opinions, providing animals food/water and good housing and health conditions are more important than provide means for the animals to express their natural behaviors. Broiler farmers believe that technologies can help them on welfare improvements and are willing to adopt them even when no extra income come from this. Broiler farmers with less experience, producing chicken grillers, having other farm activity besides broiler production and presenting high beliefs on PLF potentialities regarding animal welfare improvements are more likely to adopt PLF technologies. Major limiting factors for PLF technologies adoption are regarding technology high prices, maintenance requirements and to possible financial consequences with technical problems. It is expected the present thesis to be useful to clarify about PLF technologies opportunities in the broiler farmers point of view and that the results obtained to be valuable to increase PLF adoption, which can potentially improve animal and farmers welfare alike.A intensificação do sistema produtivo aumentou a relação entre o número de frangos de corte e o número de trabalhadores rurais, impossibilitando a atenção individualizada aos animais sem o uso de ferramentas adequadas. Em paralelo, a sociedade pressiona os produtores a encontrarem meios para aumentar o nível bem-estar animal (BEA). Tecnologias da zootecnia de precisão (ZP)surgem como possívelsolução, pois possibilitam o monitoramento dos animais e de seu ambiente de forma contínua. O presente estudo objetiva fornecer informações sobre como as tecnologias da ZP abordam o bem-estar de frangos de corte e avaliar os fatores que influenciam a sua adoção pelos produtores. A discussão e a análise dos resultados baseiam-se em três pilares, a saber: BEA, tecnologias da ZP e adoção de inovações. Metodologicamente, o estudo é composto por duas etapas distintas. Inicialmente, uma revisão sistemática da literatura foi realizada para identificar quais são as tecnologias da ZP relacionadas ao bem-estar de frangos de corte e para avaliar como elas abordam o bem-estar das aves. Os resultados indicam que a maioria das tecnologias está relacionada à análise de imagens e principalmente focada na melhoria da saúde dos frangos. Na segunda etapa, foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica com produtores de frangos de corte no Sul do Brasil. A partir desta pesquisa, foram avaliadas informações sobre as opiniões dos criadores de frangos de corte em relação ao BEA e às potencialidades das tecnologias, bem como sobre os fatores determinantes e limitantes para adoção de tecnologias. Em geral, os avicultores brasileiros atribuem grande importância ao bem-estar dos frangos e consideram alto o nível atual de BEA; no entanto, maiores escores para importância do que para percepção indicam que há espaço para melhorias. Na opinião dos produtores, fornecer aos animais comida/água e boas condições de alojamento e saúde é mais importante do que fornecer meios para que os animais expressem seus comportamentos naturais. Os produtores acreditam que as tecnologias podem ajudá-los a aumentar o BEA e estão dispostos a adotá-las mesmo que isso não resulte em maior renda. Produtores com menos experiência, que produzem grillers, que possuem mais de uma atividade agropecuária e que acreditam nas potencialidades das tecnologias em melhorar o BEA são mais propensos a adotar tecnologias. Os principais fatores limitantes para a adoção de tecnologias são os preços elevados, as exigências de manutenção e as possíveis consequências financeiras com problemas técnicos. Espera-se que a presente tese seja útil para esclarecer sobre as oportunidades da ZP do ponto de vista dos produtores e que os resultados obtidos sejam valiosos para aumentar a adoção de tecnologias, as quais podem melhorar o BEA e o bem-estar dos produtores

    Miniaturized multisensor system with a thermal gradient: Performance beyond the calibration range

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    Two microchips, each with four identical microstructured sensors using SnO2 nanowires as sensing material (one chip decorated with Ag nanoparticles, the other with Pt nanoparticles), were used as a nano-electronic nose to distinguish five different gases and estimate their concentrations. This innovative approach uses identical sensors working at different operating temperatures thanks to the thermal gradient created by an integrated microheater. A system with in-house developed hardware and software was used to collect signals from the eight sensors and combine them into eight-dimensional data vectors. These vectors were processed with a support vector machine allowing for qualitative and quantitative discrimination of all gases after calibration. The system worked perfectly within the calibrated range (100% correct classification, 6.9% average error on concentration value). This work focuses on minimizing the number of points needed for calibration while maintaining good sensor performance, both for classification and error in estimating concentration. Therefore, the calibration range (in terms of gas concentration) was gradually reduced and further tests were performed with concentrations outside these new reduced limits. Although with only a few training points, down to just two per gas, the system performed well with 96% correct classifications and 31.7% average error for the gases at concentrations up to 25 times higher than its calibration range. At very low concentrations, down to 20 times lower than the calibration range, the system worked less well, with 93% correct classifications and 38.6% average error, probably due to proximity to the limit of detection of the sensors


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    Song, Chen-Lin. M.S., Purdue University, August 2015. Intelligent Sensor System for Selected Environmental Safety Applications. Major Professor: Suranjan Panigrah


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    Technical Editors Paulo Armando Victória de Oliveira, Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Tavares, Paulo Belli Filho

    XIII International Congress in Animal Hygiene, June 17-21, 2007, Tartu, Estonia "Animal health, animal welfare and biosecurity" : proceedings. Volume 2

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    KonverentsikogumikOn behalf of both the Organising Committee and the Scientific Committee, I am pleased to welcome you in Tartu, Estonia, to participate at the XIII International Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene (ISAH). The ISAH (www.isah-soc.org) was founded in 1970 and has today members from 48 countries throughout the world. ISAH can be considered as a group of scientists contributing to efficient, sustainable animal farming with healthy animals, providing wholesome food in a sound environment. Veterinarians and non-veterinary academic scientists (animal science, agricultural economics, engineers, microbiologists, public health professionals, epidemiologists etc., etc) and respective professionals in animal husbandry, who work and/or do research and education in the field of animal hygiene, can apply for a membership of ISAH, and are most welcome to attend ISAH congresses. The first ISAH congress was held in Budapest in 1973. The last ISAH main congress took place in Warsaw, Poland in 2005 and the last in-between symposium in Saint-Malo, France in 2004. Starting from Warsaw congress in 2005, the ISAH, considering the need for a more flexible and frequent exchange of scientific and practical knowledge, organizes its congresses every second year. The present, XIII ISAH congress in Tartu, Estonia, in June 17–21, 2007 is organised under the device "Animal health, animal welfare and biosecurity”. The scientific programme, trying to follow the scope of the ISAH and receive the feedback from modern animal husbandry and food production, concentrates with more profoundness on the following subjects: interaction between the environment and health and welfare of individual animal and herds; managing animal health in large dairy units; ensuring animal welfare during transportation and slaughter; economical implications considering animals’ health; possibilities of precision livestock farming in maintaining good health and welfare of animals; measures for prevention the development and spread of diseases and pathogens in animals including those posing risk to human health (zoonoses); food safety relevant infections and contaminations such as residues in food derived from animals; influence of the animal production on the environment and public health. The Proceedings from the XIII ISAH Congress are herewith presented. The papers on lectures from invited speakers, oral and poster presentations from 11 parallel sessions are included in this excellent compilation. In general, the printed contribution to the ISAH-2007 congress illustrates clearly the broad scientific field of the ISAH and related to it activities. I hereby would like to express my most sincere gratitude in the address of ISAH-2007 organising and scientific committees. Special thanks go to Frens Conference Services for their excellent organizational and technical contribution and to AS Triip for their outstanding printing job of these proceedings. We also appreciate different companies and organisations for their considerable financial support which gave us the opportunity to keep the registration fees affordable. Finally, we thank all participants, contributors, chairpersons, organisational and technical assistants for your considerable efforts – you made the ISAH-2007 in Tartu real success. We wish you all interesting and pleasant congress and enjoyable stay in Tartu. A. Aland Editor Chairman of the ISAH-2007 Organising Committe

    XIII International Congress in Animal Hygiene, June 17-21, 2007, Tartu, Estonia "Animal health, animal welfare and biosecurity" : proceedings. Volume 1

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    KonverentsikogumikOn behalf of both the Organising Committee and the Scientific Committee, I am pleased to welcome you in Tartu, Estonia, to participate at the XIII International Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene (ISAH). The ISAH (www.isah-soc.org) was founded in 1970 and has today members from 48 countries throughout the world. ISAH can be considered as a group of scientists contributing to efficient, sustainable animal farming with healthy animals, providing wholesome food in a sound environment. Veterinarians and non-veterinary academic scientists (animal science, agricultural economics, engineers, microbiologists, public health professionals, epidemiologists etc., etc) and respective professionals in animal husbandry, who work and/or do research and education in the field of animal hygiene, can apply for a membership of ISAH, and are most welcome to attend ISAH congresses. The first ISAH congress was held in Budapest in 1973. The last ISAH main congress took place in Warsaw, Poland in 2005 and the last in-between symposium in Saint-Malo, France in 2004. Starting from Warsaw congress in 2005, the ISAH, considering the need for a more flexible and frequent exchange of scientific and practical knowledge, organizes its congresses every second year. The present, XIII ISAH congress in Tartu, Estonia, in June 17–21, 2007 is organised under the device "Animal health, animal welfare and biosecurity”. The scientific programme, trying to follow the scope of the ISAH and receive the feedback from modern animal husbandry and food production, concentrates with more profoundness on the following subjects: interaction between the environment and health and welfare of individual animal and herds; managing animal health in large dairy units; ensuring animal welfare during transportation and slaughter; economical implications considering animals’ health; possibilities of precision livestock farming in maintaining good health and welfare of animals; measures for prevention the development and spread of diseases and pathogens in animals including those posing risk to human health (zoonoses); food safety relevant infections and contaminations such as residues in food derived from animals; influence of the animal production on the environment and public health. The Proceedings from the XIII ISAH Congress are herewith presented. The papers on lectures from invited speakers, oral and poster presentations from 11 parallel sessions are included in this excellent compilation. In general, the printed contribution to the ISAH-2007 congress illustrates clearly the broad scientific field of the ISAH and related to it activities. I hereby would like to express my most sincere gratitude in the address of ISAH-2007 organising and scientific committees. Special thanks go to Frens Conference Services for their excellent organizational and technical contribution and to AS Triip for their outstanding printing job of these proceedings. We also appreciate different companies and organisations for their considerable financial support which gave us the opportunity to keep the registration fees affordable. Finally, we thank all participants, contributors, chairpersons, organisational and technical assistants for your considerable efforts – you made the ISAH-2007 in Tartu real success. We wish you all interesting and pleasant congress and enjoyable stay in Tartu. A. Aland Editor Chairman of the ISAH-2007 Organising Committe