38 research outputs found

    Local time stepping on high performance computing architectures: mitigating CFL bottlenecks for large-scale wave propagation

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    Modeling problems that require the simulation of hyperbolic PDEs (wave equations) on large heterogeneous domains have potentially many bottlenecks. We attack this problem through two techniques: the massively parallel capabilities of graphics processors (GPUs) and local time stepping (LTS) to mitigate any CFL bottlenecks on a multiscale mesh. Many modern supercomputing centers are installing GPUs due to their high performance, and extending existing seismic wave-propagation software to use GPUs is vitally important to give application scientists the highest possible performance. In addition to this architectural optimization, LTS schemes avoid performance losses in meshes with localized areas of refinement. Coupled with the GPU performance optimizations, the derivation and implementation of an Newmark LTS scheme enables next-generation performance for real-world applications. Included in this implementation is work addressing the load-balancing problem inherent to multi-level LTS schemes, enabling scalability to hundreds and thousands of CPUs and GPUs. These GPU, LTS, and scaling optimizations accelerate the performance of existing applications by a factor of 30 or more, and enable future modeling scenarios previously made unfeasible by the cost of standard explicit time-stepping schemes

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPartial differential equations (PDEs) are widely used in science and engineering to model phenomena such as sound, heat, and electrostatics. In many practical science and engineering applications, the solutions of PDEs require the tessellation of computational domains into unstructured meshes and entail computationally expensive and time-consuming processes. Therefore, efficient and fast PDE solving techniques on unstructured meshes are important in these applications. Relative to CPUs, the faster growth curves in the speed and greater power efficiency of the SIMD streaming processors, such as GPUs, have gained them an increasingly important role in the high-performance computing area. Combining suitable parallel algorithms and these streaming processors, we can develop very efficient numerical solvers of PDEs. The contributions of this dissertation are twofold: proposal of two general strategies to design efficient PDE solvers on GPUs and the specific applications of these strategies to solve different types of PDEs. Specifically, this dissertation consists of four parts. First, we describe the general strategies, the domain decomposition strategy and the hybrid gathering strategy. Next, we introduce a parallel algorithm for solving the eikonal equation on fully unstructured meshes efficiently. Third, we present the algorithms and data structures necessary to move the entire FEM pipeline to the GPU. Fourth, we propose a parallel algorithm for solving the levelset equation on fully unstructured 2D or 3D meshes or manifolds. This algorithm combines a narrowband scheme with domain decomposition for efficient levelset equation solving

    Multilayered abstractions for partial differential equations

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    How do we build maintainable, robust, and performance-portable scientific applications? This thesis argues that the answer to this software engineering question in the context of the finite element method is through the use of layers of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) to separate the various concerns in the engineering of such codes. Performance-portable software achieves high performance on multiple diverse hardware platforms without source code changes. We demonstrate that finite element solvers written in a low-level language are not performance-portable, and therefore code must be specialised to the target architecture by a code generation framework. A prototype compiler for finite element variational forms that generates CUDA code is presented, and is used to explore how good performance on many-core platforms in automatically-generated finite element applications can be achieved. The differing code generation requirements for multi- and many-core platforms motivates the design of an additional abstraction, called PyOP2, that enables unstructured mesh applications to be performance-portable. We present a runtime code generation framework comprised of the Unified Form Language (UFL), the FEniCS Form Compiler, and PyOP2. This toolchain separates the succinct expression of a numerical method from the selection and generation of efficient code for local assembly. This is further decoupled from the selection of data formats and algorithms for efficient parallel implementation on a specific target architecture. We establish the successful separation of these concerns by demonstrating the performance-portability of code generated from a single high-level source code written in UFL across sequential C, CUDA, MPI and OpenMP targets. The performance of the generated code exceeds the performance of comparable alternative toolchains on multi-core architectures.Open Acces

    Fast and accurate finite-element multigrid solvers for PDE simulations on GPU clusters

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    Der wichtigste Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist es aufzuzeigen, dass Grafikprozessoren (GPUs) als Repräsentanten der Entwicklung hin zu Vielkern-Architekturen sehr gut geeignet sind zur schnellen und genauen Lösung großer, dünn besetzter linearer Gleichungssysteme, insbesondere mit parallelen Mehrgittermethoden auf heterogenen Rechenclustern. Solche Systeme treten bspw. bei der Diskretisierung (elliptischer) partieller Differentialgleichungen mittels finiter Elemente auf. Wir demonstrieren Beschleunigungsfaktoren von mindestens einer Größenordnung gegenüber konventionellen, hochoptimierten CPU-Implementierungen, ohne Verlust von Genauigkeit und Funktionsumfang. Im Detail liefert diese Dissertation die folgenden Beiträge: Berechnungen in einfach genauer Fließkommadarstellung können für die hier betrachteten Problemklassen nicht ausreichen. Wir greifen die Methode gemischt genauer iterativer Verfeinerung (Nachiteration) wieder auf, um nicht nur die Genauigkeit von berechneten Lösungen zu verbessern, sondern vielmehr die Effizienz des Lösungsprozesses als ganzes zu steigern. Sowohl auf CPUs als auch auf GPUs demonstrieren wir eine deutliche Leistungssteigerung ohne Genauigkeitsverlust im Vergleich zur Berechnung in höherer Fliesskomma-Genauigkeit. Wir präsentieren effiziente Parallelisierungstechniken für Mehrgitter-Löser auf Grafik-Hardware, insbesondere für numerisch starke Glätter und Vorkonditionierer, die für stark anisotrope Gitter und Operatoren geeignet sind. Ein Beispiel ist die Entwicklung einer effizienten Reformulierung des Verfahrens der zyklischen Reduktion für die Lösung tridiagonaler Gleichungssysteme. Im Hinblick auf Hardware-orientierte Numerik analysieren wir sorgfältig den Kompromiss zwischen numerischer und Laufzeit-Effizienz für inexakte Parallelisierungstechniken, die einige der inhärent sequentiellen Charakteristiken solcher starker Glätter zugunsten besserer Parallelisierungseigenschaften entkoppeln. Die Reimplementierung großer, etablierter Softwarepakete zur Anpassung auf neue Hardwareplattformen ist oft inakzeptabel teuer. Wir entwickeln einen "minimalinvasiven" Zugang zur Integration von Co-Prozessoren wie GPUs in FEAST, einem exemplarischen finite Elemente Diskretisierungs- und Löserpaket. Der Hauptvorteil unserer Technik ist, dass Applikationen, die auf FEAST aufsetzen, nicht geändert werden müssen um von der Beschleunigung durch solche Co-Prozessoren zu profitieren. Wir evaluieren unseren Zugang auf großen GPU-beschleunigten Rechenclustern für klassische Benchmarkprobleme aus der linearisierten Elastizität und der Simulation stationärer laminarer Strömungsvorgänge, und beobachten gute Beschleunigungsfaktoren und gute schwache Skalierbarkeit. Die maximal erreichbare Beschleunigung wird zudem analysiert und theoretisch modelliert, um bspw. Vorhersagen treffen zu können. Weiterhin fassen wir die historische Entwicklung des Forschungsgebiets "wissenschaftliches Rechnen auf Grafikhardware" seit 2001/2002 zusammen, d.h. die Entwicklung von GPGPU als obskures Nischenthema hin zum fachübergreifenden Einsatz heute. Die Darstellung umfasst gleichermaßen die Hardware und das Programmiermodell und beinhaltet eine ausgiebige Bibliografie von Veröffentlichungen im Bereich der Simulation von PDE-Problemen auf GPUs.The main contribution of this thesis is to demonstrate that graphics processors (GPUs) as representatives of emerging many-core architectures are very well-suited for the fast and accurate solution of large sparse linear systems of equations, using parallel multigrid methods on heterogeneous compute clusters. Such systems arise for instance in the discretisation of (elliptic) partial differential equations with finite elements. We report on at least one order of magnitude speedup over highly-tuned conventional CPU implementations, without sacrificing neither accuracy nor functionality. In more detail, this thesis includes the following contributions: Single precision floating point computations may be insufficient for the class of problems considered in this thesis. We revisit mixed precision iterative refinement techniques to not only increase the accuracy of computed results, but also to increase the efficiency of the solution process. Both on CPUs and on GPUs, we demonstrate a significant performance improvement without loss of accuracy compared to computing in high precision only. We present efficient parallelisation techniques for multigrid solvers on graphics hardware, in particular for numerically strong smoothers and preconditioners that are suitable for highly anisotropic grids and operators. For instance, an efficient formulation of the cyclic reduction algorithm to solve tridiagonal systems is developed. In view of hardware-oriented numerics, we carefully analyse the trade-off between numerical and runtime performance for inexact parallelisation techniques that decouple some of the inherently sequential characteristics of strong smoothing operators. For large-scale established software frameworks, the re-implementation tailored to novel hardware platforms is often prohibitively expensive. We develop a 'minimally invasive' approach to integrate support for co-processor hardware like GPUs into FEAST, a finite element discretisation and solver toolbox. Our technique has the major advantage that applications built on top of the toolbox do not have to be changed at all to benefit from co-processor acceleration. The approach is evaluated for benchmark problems in linearised elasticity and stationary laminar flow computed on large-scale GPU-enhanced clusters. Good speedup factors and near-ideal weak scalability are observed. The achievable speedup is analysed and a theoretical speedup model is presented. Finally, we provide a historical overview of scientific computing on graphics hardware since the early beginnings in 2001/2002, when GPGPU was an obscure research topic pursued by few, to the widespread adoption nowadays. We discuss the evolution of the hardware and the programming model, and provide a comprehensive bibliography of publications related to PDE simulations on GPUs

    Architecture--Performance Interrelationship Analysis In Single/Multiple Cpu/Gpu Computing Systems: Application To Composite Process Flow Modeling

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    Current developments in computing have shown the advantage of using one or more Graphic Processing Units (GPU) to boost the performance of many computationally intensive applications but there are still limits to these GPU-enhanced systems. The major factors that contribute to the limitations of GPU(s) for High Performance Computing (HPC) can be categorized as hardware and software oriented in nature. Understanding how these factors affect performance is essential to develop efficient and robust applications codes that employ one or more GPU devices as powerful co-processors for HPC computational modeling. The present work analyzes and understands the intrinsic interrelationship of both hardware and software categories on computational performance for single and multiple GPU-enhanced systems using a computationally intensive application that is representative of a large portion of challenges confronting modern HPC. The representative application uses unstructured finite element computations for transient composite resin infusion process flow modeling as the computational core, characteristics and results of which reflect many other HPC applications via the sparse matrix system used for the solution of linear system of equations. This work describes these various software and hardware factors and how they interact to affect performance of computationally intensive applications enabling more efficient development and porting of High Performance Computing applications that includes current, legacy, and future large scale computational modeling applications in various engineering and scientific disciplines

    Productive and efficient computational science through domain-specific abstractions

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    In an ideal world, scientific applications are computationally efficient, maintainable and composable and allow scientists to work very productively. We argue that these goals are achievable for a specific application field by choosing suitable domain-specific abstractions that encapsulate domain knowledge with a high degree of expressiveness. This thesis demonstrates the design and composition of domain-specific abstractions by abstracting the stages a scientist goes through in formulating a problem of numerically solving a partial differential equation. Domain knowledge is used to transform this problem into a different, lower level representation and decompose it into parts which can be solved using existing tools. A system for the portable solution of partial differential equations using the finite element method on unstructured meshes is formulated, in which contributions from different scientific communities are composed to solve sophisticated problems. The concrete implementations of these domain-specific abstractions are Firedrake and PyOP2. Firedrake allows scientists to describe variational forms and discretisations for linear and non-linear finite element problems symbolically, in a notation very close to their mathematical models. PyOP2 abstracts the performance-portable parallel execution of local computations over the mesh on a range of hardware architectures, targeting multi-core CPUs, GPUs and accelerators. Thereby, a separation of concerns is achieved, in which Firedrake encapsulates domain knowledge about the finite element method separately from its efficient parallel execution in PyOP2, which in turn is completely agnostic to the higher abstraction layer. As a consequence of the composability of those abstractions, optimised implementations for different hardware architectures can be automatically generated without any changes to a single high-level source. Performance matches or exceeds what is realistically attainable by hand-written code. Firedrake and PyOP2 are combined to form a tool chain that is demonstrated to be competitive with or faster than available alternatives on a wide range of different finite element problems.Open Acces

    Seismic Wave Propagation Simulations on Low-power and Performance-centric Manycores

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    International audienceThe large processing requirements of seismic wave propagation simulations make High Performance Computing (HPC) architectures a natural choice for their execution. However, to keep both the current pace of performance improvements and the power consumption under a strict power budget, HPC systems must be more energy e than ever. As a response to this need, energy-e and low-power processors began to make their way into the market. In this paper we employ a novel low-power processor, the MPPA-256 manycore, to perform seismic wave propagation simulations. It has 256 cores connected by a NoC, no cache-coherence and only a limited amount of on-chip memory. We describe how its particular architectural characteristics influenced our solution for an energy-e implementation. As a counterpoint to the low-power MPPA-256 architecture, we employ Xeon Phi, a performance-centric manycore. Although both processors share some architectural similarities, the challenges to implement an e seismic wave propagation kernel on these platforms are very di↵erent. In this work we compare the performance and energy e of our implementations for these processors to proven and optimized solutions for other hardware platforms such as general-purpose processors and a GPU. Our experimental results show that MPPA-256 has the best energy e consuming at least 77 % less energy than the other evaluated platforms, whereas the performance of our solution for the Xeon Phi is on par with a state-of-the-art solution for GPUs

    Generating and auto-tuning parallel stencil codes

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    In this thesis, we present a software framework, Patus, which generates high performance stencil codes for different types of hardware platforms, including current multicore CPU and graphics processing unit architectures. The ultimate goals of the framework are productivity, portability (of both the code and performance), and achieving a high performance on the target platform. A stencil computation updates every grid point in a structured grid based on the values of its neighboring points. This class of computations occurs frequently in scientific and general purpose computing (e.g., in partial differential equation solvers or in image processing), justifying the focus on this kind of computation. The proposed key ingredients to achieve the goals of productivity, portability, and performance are domain specific languages (DSLs) and the auto-tuning methodology. The Patus stencil specification DSL allows the programmer to express a stencil computation in a concise way independently of hardware architecture-specific details. Thus, it increases the programmer productivity by disburdening her or him of low level programming model issues and of manually applying hardware platform-specific code optimization techniques. The use of domain specific languages also implies code reusability: once implemented, the same stencil specification can be reused on different hardware platforms, i.e., the specification code is portable across hardware architectures. Constructing the language to be geared towards a special purpose makes it amenable to more aggressive optimizations and therefore to potentially higher performance. Auto-tuning provides performance and performance portability by automated adaptation of implementation-specific parameters to the characteristics of the hardware on which the code will run. By automating the process of parameter tuning — which essentially amounts to solving an integer programming problem in which the objective function is the number representing the code's performance as a function of the parameter configuration, — the system can also be used more productively than if the programmer had to fine-tune the code manually. We show performance results for a variety of stencils, for which Patus was used to generate the corresponding implementations. The selection includes stencils taken from two real-world applications: a simulation of the temperature within the human body during hyperthermia cancer treatment and a seismic application. These examples demonstrate the framework's flexibility and ability to produce high performance code