255 research outputs found

    Smart phone based virtual reality as tool for physical therapy

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    This thesis explores the advantages and challenges of using a phone-based virtual reality solution when creating a system intended for the therapy of patients with non-specific chronic neck pain. It also explores the suitability of popular design principles of the Human-Computer Interaction as specifically applied to the field of smartphone-based VR using a cardboard head mount display. Besides, it also explores what gamification techniques are suitable for VR assisted treatment. To answer these questions a high-fidelity prototype, the Virtual Neck Application (VNA), was produced over five iterations utilizing the user-centered design method and within the framework of the design science research methodology.Masteroppgave i informasjonsvitenskapINFO390MASV-IKTMASV-INF

    Development of Mobile Application that Detects Phishing Messages to Decrease the Percentage of Data Theft during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has established not only a health emergency, but has generated an emergency in the control of personal data of all those people who make use of technological means, which increased the activity of phishing which consists of the theft of personal data through the circulation of false information through the different social networks, in addition, the circulation with messages related to the cure of this disease only for the theft of data. This research develops  a  mobile application that detects malicious URLs found within the content of textmessages. The developed application performs an analysis of the URLs according to the database that is updated with each attack detected, performing a blocking of the content and notifies the user of the actions that canbetaken, with this the theft of the personal data of the users is avoided. This application is very useful for all those people who use mobile equipment (mobile) and have no knowledge of these types of attacks, since they are likely to perform the actions that the perpetrators foresee for the obtaining of their personal data, so this application provides a means of security against these types of phishing attacks

    Mobile Recommendation System to Provide Emotional Support and Promote Active Aging for Older Adults in the Republic of Panama

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    Aging brings with it physical and cognitive changes that can lead to health problems such as chronic disease and cognitive impairment. Technology is a fundamental ally in improving the quality of life of older adults by enabling accurate and early diagnosis. In this context, we present a mobile application designed to provide emotional support and guidance, thus contributing to the well-being of this demographic group. Our study was based on quantitative research methods, using an experimental approach on a sample of users aged between 60 and 80 years. The results showed that 93.3% of users found the app to be a useful resource for adopting a healthier lifestyle. The app provides specific recommendations, such as breathing exercises to reduce anxiety, recreational activities, exercises tailored to physical ability, and meditation practices. These specific features have been shown to improve the well-being of older adults by providing a personalized approach to the challenges of aging

    A Self-Reporting Tool to Reduce the Occurrence of Postoperative Adverse Events After Total Hip Arthroplasty

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    This thesis presents a research that has designed and evaluated a high-fidelity smartphone prototype, called SafeTHA. SafeTHA has been designed for patients to reduce the occurrence of postoperative adverse events after total hip arthroplasty (THA). A User-Centered Design approach was utilized to facilitate an optimal user experience and to emphasize the end-user. The prototype has two main functionalities. Firstly, it enables patients to self-report their current state through answering five simple questions from evidence-based practices regarding pain, anxiety, mobility, progress, and quality of recovery. Secondly, it informs the user about several aspects of rehabilitation such as pain, known risk factors, wound management, and recommended activity level. The use of mobile technology could enable timely self-reporting and collection of subjective patient data out of a hospital setting. The low-, and mid-fidelity prototypes were assessed by experts of Interaction Design, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, and healthcare professionals with respect to interaction flow, information content, and self-reporting functionalities. They found it to be practical, intuitive, sufficient and simple for users. The high-fidelity prototype was evaluated by medical experts and usability experts through the rigorous methods, System Usability Scale (SUS) and Heuristic Evaluation (HE). The results indicate that patient self-reporting could help recognize safety issues, adverse events, and empower patients postoperatively. Additional testing in a clinical setting is needed to fully demonstrate its usefulness.Masteroppgave i informasjonsvitenskapINFO390MASV-INF

    Collecting and preprocessing data on mood states: a firebase-android system

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    This study focuses on the field of medicine and aims to provide a solution to the difficulty of identifying mood disorders and the need to speed up this process through the use of technological tools. To achieve this goal a system has been developed with a user-friendly interface that facilitates their interaction with it. As well as with the capacity to collect and store information of the users through a scalable database, capable of storing large amounts of information and multimedia files such as images and audios. This system is focused to be managed by a psychiatrist and used by patients with modo disorders, allowing to track the activity and behavior of these patients in their daily lives. Making this system a useful tool to help the psychiatrist in his decision making and help future systems to make a better prediction of these disorders thanks to its stored information

    Smart healthcare for smart cities

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    Treball desenvolupat en el marc del programa "European Project Semester".The growing population around the world and increase of seniors, as well as a demand for high quality services create new problems and challenges, especially in a healthcare sector. Patient treatment is very often a difficult and time consuming process, however, in today’s society people lack time in every aspect of their lives. Shortage of medical staff is only deepening the problem of long waiting time needed to acquire medical assistance. To fulfil the requirements of patients, governments must invest into finding innovative, efficient and yet affordable solutions that will increase efficiency of healthcare systems. The aim of this paper is to describe how smart solutions can be implemented in order to cope with challenges of the healthcare sector. The research was focused on organisational and technological problems that are present in this sector. Though there are various existing solutions to these problems, which will be presented in this report, the main part of it will be devoted to description of the proprietary system that was developed by the team named Salutem, throughout the course of European Project Semester. The solution is a distributed system consisting of two main components, a Web Application and a Mobile Application that communicate with each other. The Web Application is aimed to provide a management tool for health centre employees, as well as an online reservation system for patients. It copes with a problem of long waiting time in queues to doctor’s office by finding an optimal time of a visit for each patient registered for a given doctor. This is done with use of self-learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm that is embedded in the system. The Mobile Application is using Near Field Communication(NFC) technology to monitor patients that come for a visit, which includes gathering time data that will be used for the process of AI learning. NFC is also used to instantly provide patient data to doctors once a patient is detected in a doctor’s office. The system was created to ensure security and privacy of patients’ data. The report will conclude with a summary of the system, gained experience and possible future development of the solution.Outgoin

    a human in the loop cyber physical system for collaborative assembly in smart manufacturing

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    Abstract Industry 4.0 rose with the introduction of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Internet of things (IoT) inside manufacturing systems. CPS represent self-controlled physical processes, having tight networking capabilities and efficient interfaces for human interaction. The interactive dimension of CPS reaches its maximum when defined in terms of natural human-machine interfaces (NHMI), i.e., those reducing the technological barriers required for the interaction. This paper presents a NHMI bringing the human decision-making capabilities inside the cybernetic control loop of a smart manufacturing assembly system. The interface allows to control, coordinate and cooperate with an industrial cobot during the task execution

    Design Principles of Mobile Information Systems in the Digital Transformation of the Workplace - Utilization of Smartwatch-based Information Systems in the Corporate Context

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    During the last decades, smartwatches emerged as an innovative and promising technology and hit the consumer market due to the accessibility of affordable devices and predominant acceptance caused by the considerable similarity to common wristwatches. With the unique characteristics of permanent availability, unobtrusiveness, and hands-free operation, they can provide additional value in the corporate context. Thus, this thesis analyzes use cases for smartwatches in companies, elaborates on the design of smartwatch-based information systems, and covers the usability of smartwatch applications during the development of smartwatch-based information systems. It is composed of three research complexes. The first research complex focuses on the digital assistance of (mobile) employees who have to execute manual work and have been excluded so far from the benefits of the digitalization since they cannot operate hand-held devices. The objective is to design smartwatch-based information systems to support workflows in the corporate context, facilitate the daily work of numerous employees, and make processes more efficient for companies. During a design science research approach, smartwatch-based software artifacts are designed and evaluated in use cases of production, support, security service, as well as logistics, and a nascent design theory is proposed to complement theory according to mobile information system research. The evaluation shows that, on the one hand, smartwatches have enormous potential to assist employees with a fast and ubiquitous exchange of information, instant notifications, collaboration, and workflow guidance while they can be operated incidentally during manual work. On the other hand, the design of smartwatch-based information systems is a crucial factor for successful long-term deployment in companies, and especially limitations according to the small form-factor, general conditions, acceptance of the employees, and legal regulations have to be addressed appropriately. The second research complex addresses smartwatch-based information systems at the office workplace. This broadens and complements the view on the utilization of smartwatches in the corporate context in addition to the mobile context described in the first research complex. Though smartwatches are devices constructed for mobile use, the utilization in low mobile or stationary scenarios also has benefits due they exhibit the characteristic of a wearable computer and are directly connected to the employee’s body. Various sensors can perceive employee-, environment- and therefore context-related information and demand the employees’ attention with proactive notifications that are accompanied by a vibration. Thus, a smartwatch-based and gamified information system for health promotion at the office workplace is designed and evaluated. Research complex three provides a closer look at the topic of usability concerning applications running on smartwatches since it is a crucial factor during the development cycle. As a supporting element for the studies within the first and second research complex, a framework for the usability analysis of smartwatch applications is developed. For research, this thesis contributes a systemization of the state-of-the-art of smartwatch utilization in the corporate context, enabling and inhibiting influence factors of the smartwatch adoption in companies, and design principles as well as a nascent design theory for smartwatch-based information systems to support mobile employees executing manual work. For practice, this thesis contributes possible use cases for smartwatches in companies, assistance in decision-making for the introduction of smartwatch-based information systems in the corporate context with the Smartwatch Applicability Framework, situated implementations of a smartwatch-based information system for typical use cases, design recommendations for smartwatch-based information systems, an implementation of a smartwatch-based information system for the support of mobile employees executing manual work, and a usability-framework for smartwatches to automatically access usability of existing applications providing suggestions for usability improvement

    Digital Curb Cuts: Towards an Inclusive Open Forms Ecosystem

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    In this paper, we focus on digital curb cuts created during the pandemic: improvements designed to increase accessibility that benefit people beyond the population that they are intended to help. As much as 86% of civil legal needs are unmet, according to a 2017 study by the Legal Services Corporation. Courts and third parties designed many innovations to meet the emergency needs of the pandemic: we argue that these innovations should be extended and enhanced to address this ongoing access to justice crisis. Specifically, we use the Suffolk University Law School\u27s Document Assembly Line as a case study. The Document Assembly Line rapidly automated more than two dozen court processes, providing pro se litigants remote, user-friendly, step-by-step guidance in areas such as domestic violence protection orders and emergency housing needs and made them available at courtformsonline.org. The successes of this project can extend beyond the pandemic with the adoption of an open-source, open-standards ecosystem centered on document and form automation. We give special attention to the value of integrated electronic filing in serving the needs of litigants, a tool that has been underutilized in the non-profit form automation space because of complexities and the difficulty in obtaining court cooperation
