979 research outputs found

    Non-Invasive Data Acquisition and IoT Solution for Human Vital Signs Monitoring: Applications, Limitations and Future Prospects

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    The rapid development of technology has brought about a revolution in healthcare stimulating a wide range of smart and autonomous applications in homes, clinics, surgeries and hospitals. Smart healthcare opens the opportunity for a qualitative advance in the relations between healthcare providers and end-users for the provision of healthcare such as enabling doctors to diagnose remotely while optimizing the accuracy of the diagnosis and maximizing the benefits of treatment by enabling close patient monitoring. This paper presents a comprehensive review of non-invasive vital data acquisition and the Internet of Things in healthcare informatics and thus reports the challenges in healthcare informatics and suggests future work that would lead to solutions to address the open challenges in IoT and non-invasive vital data acquisition. In particular, the conducted review has revealed that there has been a daunting challenge in the development of multi-frequency vital IoT systems, and addressing this issue will help enable the vital IoT node to be reachable by the broker in multiple area ranges. Furthermore, the utilization of multi-camera systems has proven its high potential to increase the accuracy of vital data acquisition, but the implementation of such systems has not been fully developed with unfilled gaps to be bridged. Moreover, the application of deep learning to the real-time analysis of vital data on the node/edge side will enable optimal, instant offline decision making. Finally, the synergistic integration of reliable power management and energy harvesting systems into non-invasive data acquisition has been omitted so far, and the successful implementation of such systems will lead to a smart, robust, sustainable and self-powered healthcare system

    Computer modeling and signal analysis of cardiovascular physiology

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    This dissertation aims to study cardiovascular physiology from the cellular level to the whole heart level to the body level using numerical approaches. A mathematical model was developed to describe electromechanical interaction in the heart. The model integrates cardio-electrophysiology and cardiac mechanics through excitation-induced contraction and deformation-induced currents. A finite element based parallel simulation scheme was developed to investigate coupled electrical and mechanical functions. The developed model and numerical scheme were utilized to study cardiovascular dynamics at cellular, tissue and organ levels. The influence of ion channel blockade on cardiac alternans was investigated. It was found that the channel blocker may significantly change the critical pacing period corresponding to the onset of alternans as well as the alternans’ amplitude. The influence of electro-mechanical coupling on cardiac alternans was also investigated. The study supported the earlier assumptions that discordant alternans is induced by the interaction of conduction velocity and action potential duration restitution at high pacing rates. However, mechanical contraction may influence the spatial pattern and onset of discordant alternans. Computer algorithms were developed for analysis of human physiology. The 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) is the gold standard for diagnosis of various cardiac abnormalities. However, disturbances and mistakes may modify physiological waves in ECG and lead to wrong diagnoses. This dissertation developed advanced signal analysis techniques and computer software to detect and suppress artifacts and errors in ECG. These algorithms can help to improve the quality of health care when integrated into medical devices or services. Moreover, computer algorithms were developed to predict patient mortality in intensive care units using various physiological measures. Models and analysis techniques developed here may help to improve the quality of health care

    Novel Approaches to Pervasive and Remote Sensing in Cardiovascular Disease Assessment

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for 45% of all deaths. Nevertheless, their mortality is decreasing in the last decade due to better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment resources. An important medical instrument for the latter processes is the Electrocardiogram (ECG). The ECG is a versatile technique used worldwide for its ease of use, low cost, and accessibility, having evolved from devices that filled up a room, to small patches or wrist- worn devices. Such evolution allowed for more pervasive and near-continuous recordings. The analysis of an ECG allows for studying the functioning of other physiological systems of the body. One such is the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), responsible for controlling key bodily functions. The ANS can be studied by analyzing the characteristic inter-beat variations, known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Leveraging this relation, a pilot study was developed, where HRV was used to quantify the contribution of the ANS in modulating cardioprotection offered by an experimental medical procedure called Remote Ischemic Conditioning (RIC), offering a more objective perspective. To record an ECG, electrodes are responsible for converting the ion-propagated action potential to electrons, needed to record it. They are produced from different materials, including metal, carbon-based, or polymers. Also, they can be divided into wet (if an elec- trolyte gel is used) or dry (if no added electrolyte is used). Electrodes can be positioned either inside the body (in-the-person), attached to the skin (on-the-body), or embedded in daily life objects (off-the-person), with the latter allowing for more pervasive recordings. To this effect, a novel mobile acquisition device for recording ECG rhythm strips was developed, where polymer-based embedded electrodes are used to record ECG signals similar to a medical-grade device. One drawback of off-the-person solutions is the increased noise, mainly caused by the intermittent contact with the recording surfaces. A new signal quality metric was developed based on delayed phase mapping, a technique that maps time series to a two-dimensional space, which is then used to classify a segment into good or noisy. Two different approaches were developed, one using a popular image descriptor, the Hu image moments; and the other using a Convolutional Neural Network, both with promising results for their usage as signal quality index classifiers.As doenças cardiovasculares (DCVs) são a principal causa de morte no mundo, res- ponsáveis por 45% de todas estas. No entanto, a sua mortalidade tem vindo a diminuir na última década, devido a melhores recursos na prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento. Um instrumento médico importante para estes recursos é o Eletrocardiograma (ECG). O ECG é uma técnica versátil utilizada em todo o mundo pela sua facilidade de uso, baixo custo e acessibilidade, tendo evoluído de dispositivos que ocupavam uma sala inteira para pequenos adesivos ou dispositivos de pulso. Tal evolução permitiu aquisições mais pervasivas e quase contínuas. A análise de um ECG permite estudar o funcionamento de outros sistemas fisiológi- cos do corpo. Um deles é o Sistema Nervoso Autônomo (SNA), responsável por controlar as principais funções corporais. O SNA pode ser estudado analisando as variações inter- batidas, conhecidas como Variabilidade da Frequência Cardíaca (VFC). Aproveitando essa relação, foi desenvolvido um estudo piloto, onde a VFC foi utilizada para quantificar a contribuição do SNA na modulação da cardioproteção oferecida por um procedimento mé- dico experimental, denominado Condicionamento Isquêmico Remoto (CIR), oferecendo uma perspectiva mais objetiva. Na aquisição de um ECG, os elétrodos são os responsáveis por converter o potencial de ação propagado por iões em eletrões, necessários para a sua recolha. Estes podem ser produzidos a partir de diferentes materiais, incluindo metal, à base de carbono ou polímeros. Além disso, os elétrodos podem ser classificados em húmidos (se for usado um gel eletrolítico) ou secos (se não for usado um eletrólito adicional). Os elétrodos podem ser posicionados dentro do corpo (dentro-da-pessoa), colocados em contacto com a pele (na-pessoa) ou embutidos em objetos da vida quotidiana (fora-da-pessoa), sendo que este último permite gravações mais pervasivas . Para este efeito, foi desenvolvido um novo dispositivo de aquisição móvel para gravar sinal de ECG, onde elétrodos embutidos à base de polímeros são usados para recolher sinais de ECG semelhantes a um dispositivo de grau médico. Uma desvantagem das soluções onde os elétrodos estão embutidos é o aumento do ruído, causado principalmente pelo contato intermitente com as superfícies de aquisição. Uma nova métrica de qualidade de sinal foi desenvolvida com base no mapeamento de fase atrasada, uma técnica que mapeia séries temporais para um espaço bidimensional, que é então usado para classificar um segmento em bom ou ruidoso. Duas abordagens diferentes foram desenvolvidas, uma usando um popular descritor de imagem, e outra utilizando uma Rede Neural Convolucional, com resultados promissores para o seu uso como classificadores de qualidade de sinal

    Internet of Things-Based ECG and Vitals Healthcare Monitoring System

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    Health monitoring and its associated technologies have gained enormous importance over the past few years. The electrocardiogram (ECG) has long been a popular tool for assessing and diagnosing cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Since the literature on ECG monitoring devices is growing at an exponential rate, it is becoming difficult for researchers and healthcare professionals to select, compare, and assess the systems that meet their demands while also meeting the monitoring standards. This emphasizes the necessity for a reliable reference to guide the design, categorization, and analysis of ECG monitoring systems, which will benefit both academics and practitioners. We present a complete ECG monitoring system in this work, describing the design stages and implementation of an end-to-end solution for capturing and displaying the patient’s heart signals, heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and body temperature. The data will be presented on an OLED display, a developed Android application as well as in MATLAB via serial communication. The Internet of Things (IoT) approaches have a clear advantage in tackling the problem of heart disease patient care as they can transform the service mode into a widespread one and alert the healthcare services based on the patient’s physical condition. Keeping this in mind, there is also the addition of a web server for monitoring the patient’s status via WiFi. The prototype, which is compliant with the electrical safety regulations and medical equipment design, was further benchmarked against a commercially available off-the-shelf device, and showed an excellent accuracy of 99.56%

    Predictive Internet of Things Based Detection Model of Comatose Patient using Deep Learning

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    The needs and demands of the healthcare sector are increasing exponentially. Also, there has been a rapid development in diverse technologies in totality. Hence varied advancements in different technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and Deep Learning are being utilised and play a vital role in healthcare sector. In health care domain, specifically, there is also increasing need to find the possibility of patient going into coma. This is because if it is found that the patient is going into coma, preventive steps could be initiated helping patient and this could possibly save the life of the patient. The proposed work in this paper is in this direction whereby the advancement in technology is utilised to build a predictive model towards forecasting the chances of a patient going into coma state. The proposed system initially consists of different medical devices like sensors which take inputs from the patient and helps aid to monitor the condition of the patient. The proposed system consists of varied sensing devices which will help to record patient’s details such as blood pressure (B.P.), pulse rate, heart rate, brain signal and continuous monitoring the motion of coma patient. The various vital parameters from the patient are taken in continuously and displayed across a graphical display unit. Further as and when even if one vital parameter exceeds certain thresholds, the probability that patient will go into coma increases. Immediately an alert is given in. Further, all such records where there are chances that patient goes into coma state are stored in cloud. Subsequently, based on the data retrieved from the cloud a predictive model using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is built to forecast the status of the coma patient as an output for any set of health-related parameters of the patient. The effectiveness of the built predictive model is evaluated in terms of performance metrics such as accuracy, precision and recall. The built forecasting model displays high accuracy up to 98%. Such a system will greatly benefit health sector and coma patients and enable build futuristic and superior predictive and preventive model helping in reducing cases of patient going into coma state
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