1,282 research outputs found

    Systematic mapping literature review of mobile robotics competitions

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    This paper presents a systematic mapping literature review about the mobile robotics competitions that took place over the last few decades in order to obtain an overview of the main objectives, target public, challenges, technologies used and final application area to show how these competitions have been contributing to education. In the review we found 673 papers from 5 different databases and at the end of the process, 75 papers were classified to extract all the relevant information using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method. More than 50 mobile robotics competitions were found and it was possible to analyze most of the competitions in detail in order to answer the research questions, finding the main goals, target public, challenges, technologies and application area, mainly in education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring Elementary Teachers', Students' Beliefs and Readiness toward STEAM Education

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    21st century demands education to promote students with STEAM competencies. Most researches on STEAM are mainly focused on students’ learning outcomes on STEAM, but only few address non-cognitive aspects. It is necessary to examine elementary teachers and students’ beliefs and readiness towards STEAM learning. The purpose of this research is to explore teachers’ and students’ beliefs and readiness towards STEAM learning. The survey-designed method was used in this research. A total of 34 elementary school teachers and 36 elementary school students in the city of Bandung participated in this research. The samples were selected using a random sampling technique. Questionnaires were used to collect research data. The results obtained from this research show that students and teachers have positive perceptions in career and benefit of STEAM learning. Students are actually interested in STEAM learning, but the competencies and factors that support and stimulate STEAM learning in schools are still low. The teacher has low competencies to implement STEAM learning. This is due to the lack of knowledge and understanding of teachers about STEAM. This research is expected to contribute to the novelty of teachers’ readiness and beliefs in STEAM education in the city of Bandun

    Robotic arts: Current practices, potentials, and implications

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    Given that the origin of the “robot” comes from efforts to create a worker to help people, there has been relatively little research on making a robot for non-work purposes. However, some researchers have explored robotic arts since Leonardo da Vinci. Many questions can be posed regarding the potentials of robotic arts: (1) Is there anything we can call machine-creativity? (2) Can robots improvise artworks on the fly? and (3) Can art robots pass the Turing test? To ponder these questions and see the current status quo of robotic arts, the present paper surveys the contributions of robotics in diverse forms of arts, including drawing, theater, music, and dance. The present paper describes selective projects in each genre, core procedure, possibilities and limitations within the aesthetic computing framework. Then, the paper discusses implications of these robotic arts in terms of both robot research and art research, followed by conclusions including answers to the questions posed at the outset

    ChangeMakers: exploring social consciousness through making and the Internet of Things

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    Since the advent of the computer, digital technologies have transformed our engagement with society. Not only are technological competencies required for economic participation, they also facilitate creativity, self-expression, and personal fulfillment. Technology has also broadened citizenship beyond our local communities, necessitating the development of social consciousness and skills to navigate global challenges. Given the need for tools that facilitate digital competencies and social action in schools, this study investigated how passion-based making with the Internet of Things (IoT) could facilitate students??? involvement with citizenship and social justice. Over the course of a five-day makerspace camp, this study employed a qualitative multiple case study design to explore the IoT learning and social participation of ten elementary school students. The findings revealed meaningful development in participants??? understanding of concepts and concerns related to IoT, as well as thoughtful engagement with societal challenges through the construction of socially oriented IoT artifacts

    Through the Lens of Latinas: The Influences of an Out-of-School Time STEM Program

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    Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) have been the foundation for discovery and technological innovation in the United States. The United States considers STEM education as a national priority to compete in the global economy and protect the nation’s innovation ecosystem. The high demand for careers in STEM fields promotes the importance of STEM education. However, Latinos, as the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States, face many challenges in STEM education relating to a lack of progress, degree attainment, and participation in STEM professions. This research aimed to explore the learning experience in an out-of-school (OST) STEM program, called “Girls in STEM”, and how it influenced Latinas’ self-efficacy, interest, and career development. The research focused on a single-case study of a STEM OST program in South Texas and utilized eight embedded cases to explore three research questions. The sample for this study consisted of 41 middle school and high school girls (grades 7 to 12) who had long-term participation experiences in the STEM program. The data for this qualitative study consisted of in-depth interviews, presentations from art-based activities, and visual arts. Followed by the case study design, the researcher purposefully sought in-depth information from embedded “unit of analysis,” which represented eight participants in the study (Yin, 2013, p. 23). Each case presented different aspects to answer research questions. The researcher analyzed interviews and art-based activities from participants through the lens of social cognitive theory and social cognitive career theory (Bandura, 2001; Lent et al., 1994). The findings explored Latinas’ learning experiences in an OST STEM program. Participants expressed the program created a beneficial learning environment for them, where they engaged in various activities and interacted with adults in the program. The learning experience, as the starting point of SCCT model, had influences on the development of self-efficacy and the formation of interests. In this study, the integration of different subjects, opportunities for collaborative work and conversational interactions with professionals, are three characteristics of cultivating Latinas’ interest in STEM. Additionally, many girls in this study noticed the stereotypes of women in STEM, and gender bias exists in many STEM fields. Socioeconomic status may limit Latina’s options and affected their career development

    El enfoque educativo STEAM: una revisiĂłn de la literatura

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    La aparición del movimiento maker y la filosofía DIY (Do It Yourself) está provocando el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías, enfoques y recursos educativos que se basan en principios como la creación, la colaboración y el aprender haciendo. Uno de estos nuevos enfoques es STEAM, que se fundamenta en la necesidad de apostar por las ciencias (S), la tecnología (T), la ingeniería (E), las artes (A) y las matemáticas (M) de manera transversal e interdisciplinar, para transformar los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje, en procesos integrados y creativos (Yakman, 2008a). MÉTODO. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre estudios e investigaciones relacionados con el enfoque educativo STEAM, con el objetivo de obtener una visión general de la literatura científica producida sobre ello entre los años 2008-2019. Se han identificado en Scopus, ERIC, Dialnet, GoogleScholar y ResearchGate y analizado un total de 48 artículos con una hoja de registro elaborada a tal efecto. RESULTADOS. Los resultados muestran que el 83.3% de la investigaciones que se realizan son de tipo cuantitativo, el 12.5% cualitativas y el 4.1% mixtas. Siendo el objetivo principal (39.5%) el desarrollo, aplicación y evaluación de propuestas STEAM y la temática más recurrente (60.4%) el análisis de la combinación del arte con la ciencia, la tecnología o las matemáticas. DISCUSIÓN. La investigación confirma que STEAM se posiciona como un enfoque eficaz para aumentar la creatividad, la motivación y la autoeficacia del alumnado en los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje, siempre que prime la interdisciplinariedad y la conexión con la vida real de los contenidos, a través de las metodologías de investigación o indagación. Siendo las principales dificultades para la puesta en marcha de proyectos STEAM, las limitaciones económicas, curriculares y temporales del profesorado.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2019/30

    Arts, Humanities, & Robotics in (STEAM) Education

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    O objetivo desta dissertação é enfatizar a articulação de três importantes temas que definem nosso presente e definirão nosso futuro - Artes e Humanidades, educação (STEAM) e Robótica. Espera facilitar a preparação das gerações futuras para a sociedade e economia do século XXI, bem como auxiliar na resolução de problemas de questões mundiais e minimizar os desafios colocados pela relação entre o homem e tecnologia complexa. O objetivo principal é compreender a forma ideal de incluir o 'A' na educação STEAM (K-12) com Robótica, também descobrindo como as escolas europeias estão a implementar STEAM (com ou sem Robótica) e o que especialistas e profissionais nessas áreas têm a dizer sobre esses assuntos. Para além da robusta revisão da literatura, dezasseis especialistas foram consultados, dez fizeram parte do mesmo painel no processo de questionários do Delphi Method e os outros seis foram entrevistados segundo a Critical Incident Technique. Devido à relevância dos temas em estudo, isto será útil para colegas investigadores e profissionais nestas três áreas. À medida que avançamos para um futuro cada vez mais tecnológico para o qual não parecemos estar preparados, o principal problema é a dissonância entre as disciplinas escolares e a falta de aplicabilidade do seu conteúdo na vida real. As STEAM e o conhecimento transdisciplinar têm ganhado força nos últimos anos e têm-se revelado como técnicas educativas adequadas e bem-sucedidas. A articulação das Artes com as áreas STEM tem mostrado resultados notáveis. Todas as áreas devem, desde que faça sentido, trabalhar juntas para fornecer aos alunos as ferramentas, o conhecimento e a educação certas para terem sucesso não apenas na economia global e no mercado de trabalho do Século XX, como também na vida.The purpose of this dissertation is to emphasise the articulation of three important themes that define our present and will define our future - Arts & Humanities, (STEAM) education, and Robotics. It hopes to facilitate the preparation of future generations for the 21st century society and economy, as well as to aid in the problem-solving of key world issues, and minimise the challenges posed by the relationship between men and complex technology. The main goal is to understand the ideal way of including the 'A' in STEAM (K-12) education with Robotics, by also figuring out how European schools are implementing STEAM (with or without Robotics) and what experts and practitioners in these areas have to say on these matters. In order to achieve such results, besides the robust literature review, sixteen experts were inquired, ten were part of the same panel on the Delphi Method questionnaire process, and the other six were interviewed according to the Critical Incident Technique. Due to the relevance of the study's themes, this will be useful and resourceful for both fellow researchers and practitioners in these three areas. As we go further into this evermore technological future for which we do not seem to be prepared for, the main problem is the dissonance between disciplines and the lack of their content's real-life applicability. STEAM and transdisciplinary knowledge have been gaining traction throughout the last years and have been proving themselves as suitable and successful educational techniques. The articulation between the Arts with the areas from STEM have proven to produce remarkable results. All areas must, while making sense, work together in order to provide students with the right tools, knowledge, and education to be successful not only in the global economy and job market of the 21st century, but in life too

    Petri Net Plans A framework for collaboration and coordination in multi-robot systems

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    Programming the behavior of multi-robot systems is a challenging task which has a key role in developing effective systems in many application domains. In this paper, we present Petri Net Plans (PNPs), a language based on Petri Nets (PNs), which allows for intuitive and effective robot and multi-robot behavior design. PNPs are very expressive and support a rich set of features that are critical to develop robotic applications, including sensing, interrupts and concurrency. As a central feature, PNPs allow for a formal analysis of plans based on standard PN tools. Moreover, PNPs are suitable for modeling multi-robot systems and the developed behaviors can be executed in a distributed setting, while preserving the properties of the modeled system. PNPs have been deployed in several robotic platforms in different application domains. In this paper, we report three case studies, which address complex single robot plans, coordination and collaboration

    The Effect of STEAM-based Learning on Students’ Concept Mastery and Creativity in Learning Light And Optics

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    The integrated knowledge should be implemented to face the 21st-century era. Beside the integrated knowledge, mastery the concept and creativity also must be involved in order to enhance the quality of education. Thus, this research was aimed to investigate the effect of STEAM-Based Learning on Students’ Concept Mastery and Creativity in learning Light and Optics. The method that used was a mixed method with convergent parallel design. The population in this research was 8th-grade students in private junior high school in West Bandung and the sample was one class of 8th grade. The school implemented Indonesian Curriculum 2013 in the teaching-learning process. The sampling techniques were convenience sampling. The number of participants in this research was 27 students. The quantitative data in this research was obtained through an objective test. The objective test was made based on Bloom’s Taxonomy revision by Anderson. The qualitative data was obtained through the creativity rubric adopted from Creative Product Semantic Scale (CPSS) developed by O’Quinn and Bessemer. The dimension that was in creativity is novelty, resolution, and elaboration and synthesis. According to the research, students’ concept mastery improved as much as 0.78 with category high improvement after the implementation of STEAM-Based Learning. For students’ creativity achievement, in every dimension gained different result: 1) Novelty is categorized into good with 75.6%, 2) Resolution is categorized into good with 77.8%, and 3) Elaboration and synthesis are categorized into enough with 65.3 %. Overall, students’ concept mastery and creativity in the implementation of STEAM-Based Learning in learning light and optic is categorized as good

    Daily Announcements October 2017

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