11 research outputs found

    Developing a communications architecture based on WCF for use in nuclear power plant simulators

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    Communications play the main role in the development of system architectures where their different parts have to continually exchange data. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) has been designed to offer a manageable approach to distributed computing, broad interoperability and direct support for service orientation. It allows the communication among systems from any platform across intranets, extranets or the Internet, supporting at the same time a safety and reliable service. This paper presents the use of WCF in the context of distributed nuclear power plant simulators. In these simulators, communication plays a main role since they are intrinsically distributed systems. We have defined a communication architecture for the simulators using WCF for the data exchange between the different applications that compose the simulator. We also present an application developed with Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO). This application uses our architecture, developed with WCF, to communicate with a simulator. It has the appearance and behaviour of an Excel sheet together with some new added features and it allows us to test the communication architecture

    Development of a grid service for multi-objective design optimisation

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    The emerging grid technology is receiving great attention from researchers and applications that need computational and data capabilities to enhance performance and efficiency. Multi-Objective Design Optimisation (MODO) is computationally and data challenging. The challenges become even more with the emergence of evolutionary computing (EC) techniques which produce multiple solutions in a single simulation run. Other challenges are the complexity in mathematical models and multidisciplinary involvement of experts, thus making MODO collaborative and interactive in nature. These challenges call for a problem solving environment (P SE) that can provide computational and optimisation resources to MODO experts as services. Current PSEs provide only the technical specifications of the services which is used by programmers and do not have service specifications for designers that use the system to support design optimisation as services. There is need for PSEs to have service specification document that describes how the services are provided to the end users. Additionally, providing MODO resources as services enabled designers to share resources that they do not have through service subscription. The aim of this research is to develop specifications and architecture of a grid service for MODO. The specifications provide the service use cases that are used to build MODO services. A service specification document is proposed and this enables service providers to follow a process for providing services to end users. In this research, literature was reviewed and industry survey conducted. This was followed by the design, development, case study and validation. The research studied related PSEs in literature and industry to come up with a service specification document that captures the process for grid service definition. This specification was used to develop a framework for MODO applications. An architecture based on this framework was proposed and implemented as DECGrid (Decision Engineering Centre Grid) prototype. Three real-life case studies were used to validate the prototype. The results obtained compared favourably with the results in literature. Different scenarios for using the services among distributed design experts demonstrated the computational synergy and efficiency in collaboration. The mathematical model building service and optimisation service enabled designers to collaboratively build models using the collaboration service. This helps designers without optimisation knowledge to perform optimisation. The key contributions in this research are the service specifications that support MODO, the framework developed which provides the process for definining the services and the architecture used to implement the framework. The key limitations of the research are the use of only engineering design optimisation case studies and the prototype is not tested in industry.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Sistema web de control de asistencia basado en web services y la biometría de huella dactilar para las instituciones educativas

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    Se propone brindar una solución informática para el control de la asistencia de los alumnos ofreciéndolo como un servicio mediante una subscripción (Software as an Service - SAAS) haciendo uso de la tecnología de la lectura de la huella dactilar para la autenticación y registro de asistencia así como el uso de los Servicios Web para la comunicación y transferencia de información entre los componentes del sistema los cuales están desarrollados en los lenguajes Java y C#. Finalmente como resultado de esta investigación se espera desarrollar un Sistema Web de Control de Asistencia para optimizar tiempo y recursos en el registro de la asistencia en una institución educativa.Tesi

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation

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    In diesem Open-Access-Tagungsband sind die besten Beiträge des 9. Jahreskolloquiums "Kommunikation in der Automation" (KommA 2018) und des 6. Jahreskolloquiums "Bildverarbeitung in der Automation" (BVAu 2018) enthalten. Die Kolloquien fanden am 20. und 21. November 2018 in der SmartFactoryOWL, einer gemeinsamen Einrichtung des Fraunhofer IOSB-INA und der Technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe statt. Die vorgestellten neuesten Forschungsergebnisse auf den Gebieten der industriellen Kommunikationstechnik und Bildverarbeitung erweitern den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Technik. Die in den Beiträgen enthaltenen anschaulichen Beispiele aus dem Bereich der Automation setzen die Ergebnisse in den direkten Anwendungsbezug

    Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a natural development from virtual reality (VR), which was developed several decades earlier. AR complements VR in many ways. Due to the advantages of the user being able to see both the real and virtual objects simultaneously, AR is far more intuitive, but it's not completely detached from human factors and other restrictions. AR doesn't consume as much time and effort in the applications because it's not required to construct the entire virtual scene and the environment. In this book, several new and emerging application areas of AR are presented and divided into three sections. The first section contains applications in outdoor and mobile AR, such as construction, restoration, security and surveillance. The second section deals with AR in medical, biological, and human bodies. The third and final section contains a number of new and useful applications in daily living and learning

    Secure Communication in Disaster Scenarios

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    Während Naturkatastrophen oder terroristischer Anschläge ist die bestehende Kommunikationsinfrastruktur häufig überlastet oder fällt komplett aus. In diesen Situationen können mobile Geräte mithilfe von drahtloser ad-hoc- und unterbrechungstoleranter Vernetzung miteinander verbunden werden, um ein Notfall-Kommunikationssystem für Zivilisten und Rettungsdienste einzurichten. Falls verfügbar, kann eine Verbindung zu Cloud-Diensten im Internet eine wertvolle Hilfe im Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagement sein. Solche Kommunikationssysteme bergen jedoch ernsthafte Sicherheitsrisiken, da Angreifer versuchen könnten, vertrauliche Daten zu stehlen, gefälschte Benachrichtigungen von Notfalldiensten einzuspeisen oder Denial-of-Service (DoS) Angriffe durchzuführen. Diese Dissertation schlägt neue Ansätze zur Kommunikation in Notfallnetzen von mobilen Geräten vor, die von der Kommunikation zwischen Mobilfunkgeräten bis zu Cloud-Diensten auf Servern im Internet reichen. Durch die Nutzung dieser Ansätze werden die Sicherheit der Geräte-zu-Geräte-Kommunikation, die Sicherheit von Notfall-Apps auf mobilen Geräten und die Sicherheit von Server-Systemen für Cloud-Dienste verbessert

    Simulated Annealing

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    The book contains 15 chapters presenting recent contributions of top researchers working with Simulated Annealing (SA). Although it represents a small sample of the research activity on SA, the book will certainly serve as a valuable tool for researchers interested in getting involved in this multidisciplinary field. In fact, one of the salient features is that the book is highly multidisciplinary in terms of application areas since it assembles experts from the fields of Biology, Telecommunications, Geology, Electronics and Medicine


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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the motivations and the personality traits that characterize tourists who choose religious travels versus cruises. Participating in the research were 683 Italian tourists (345 males and 338 females, age range 18–63 years); 483 who went to a pilgrimage travel and 200 who chose a cruise ship in the Mediterranean Sea. Both groups of tourists completed the Travel Motivation Scale and the Big Five Questionnaire. Results show that different motivations and personality traits characterize the different types of tourists and, further, that motivations for traveling are predicted by specific —some similar, other divergent— personality trait