345 research outputs found

    Terahertz Communications and Sensing for 6G and Beyond: A Comprehensive View

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    The next-generation wireless technologies, commonly referred to as the sixth generation (6G), are envisioned to support extreme communications capacity and in particular disruption in the network sensing capabilities. The terahertz (THz) band is one potential enabler for those due to the enormous unused frequency bands and the high spatial resolution enabled by both short wavelengths and bandwidths. Different from earlier surveys, this paper presents a comprehensive treatment and technology survey on THz communications and sensing in terms of the advantages, applications, propagation characterization, channel modeling, measurement campaigns, antennas, transceiver devices, beamforming, networking, the integration of communications and sensing, and experimental testbeds. Starting from the motivation and use cases, we survey the development and historical perspective of THz communications and sensing with the anticipated 6G requirements. We explore the radio propagation, channel modeling, and measurements for THz band. The transceiver requirements, architectures, technological challenges, and approaches together with means to compensate for the high propagation losses by appropriate antenna and beamforming solutions. We survey also several system technologies required by or beneficial for THz systems. The synergistic design of sensing and communications is explored with depth. Practical trials, demonstrations, and experiments are also summarized. The paper gives a holistic view of the current state of the art and highlights the issues and challenges that are open for further research towards 6G.Comment: 55 pages, 10 figures, 8 tables, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    Empirical multi-band characterization of propagation with modelling aspects for communictions

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    Diese Arbeit präsentiert eine empirische Untersuchung der Wellenausbreitung für drahtlose Kommunikation im Millimeterwellen- und sub-THz-Band, wobei als Referenz das bereits bekannte und untersuchte sub-6-GHz-Band verwendet wird. Die großen verfügbaren Bandbreiten in diesen hohen Frequenzbändern erlauben die Verwendung hoher instantaner Bandbreiten zur Erfüllung der wesentlichen Anforderungen zukünftiger Mobilfunktechnologien (5G, “5G and beyond” und 6G). Aufgrund zunehmender Pfad- und Eindringverluste bei zunehmender Trägerfrequenz ist die resultierende Abdeckung dabei jedoch stark reduziert. Die entstehenden Pfadverluste können durch die Verwendung hochdirektiver Funkschnittstellen kompensiert werden, wodurch die resultierende Auflösung im Winkelbereich erhöht wird und die Notwendigkeit einer räumlichen Kenntnis der Systeme mit sich bringt: Woher kommt das Signal? Darüber hinaus erhöhen größere Anwendungsbandbreiten die Auflösung im Zeitbereich, reduzieren das small-scale Fading und ermöglichen die Untersuchung innerhalb von Clustern von Mehrwegekomponenten. Daraus ergibt sich für Kommunikationssysteme ein vorhersagbareres Bild im Winkel-, Zeit- und Polarisationsbereich, welches Eigenschaften sind, die in Kanalmodellen für diese Frequenzen widergespiegelt werden müssen. Aus diesem Grund wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine umfassende Charakterisierung der Wellenausbreitung durch simultane Multibandmessungen in den sub-6 GHz-, Millimeterwellen- und sub-THz-Bändern vorgestellt. Zu Beginn wurde die Eignung des simultanen Multiband-Messverfahrens zur Charakterisierung der Ausbreitung von Grenzwert-Leistungsprofilen und large-scale Parametern bewertet. Anschließend wurden wichtige Wellenausbreitungsaspekte für die Ein- und Multibandkanalmodellierung innerhalb mehrerer Säulen der 5G-Technologie identifiziert und Erweiterungen zu verbreiteten räumlichen Kanalmodellen eingeführt und bewertet, welche die oben genannten Systemaspekte abdecken.This thesis presents an empirical characterization of propagation for wireless communications at mm-waves and sub-THz, taking as a reference the already well known and studied sub-6 GHz band. The large blocks of free spectrum available at these high frequency bands makes them particularly suitable to provide the necessary instantaneous bandwidths to meet the requirements of future wireless technologies (5G, 5G and beyond, and 6G). However, isotropic path-loss and penetration-loss are larger with increasing carrier frequency, hence, coverage is severely reduced. Path-loss can be compensated with the utilization of highly directive radio-interfaces, which increases the resolution in the angular domain. Nonetheless, this emphasizes the need of spatial awareness of systems, making more relevant the question “where does the signal come from?” In addition, larger application bandwidths increase the resolution in the time domain, reducing small-scale fading and allowing to observe inside of clusters of multi-path components (MPCs). Consequently, communication systems have a more deterministic picture of the environment in the angular, time, and polarization domain, characteristics that need to be reflected in channel models for these frequencies. Therefore, in the present work we introduce an extensive characterization of propagation by intensive simultaneous multi-band measurements in the sub-6 GHz, mm-waves, and sub-THz bands. Firstly, the suitability of the simultaneous multi-band measurement procedure to characterize propagation from marginal power profiles and large-scale parameters (LSPs) has been evaluated. Then, key propagation aspects for single and multi-band channel modelling in several verticals of 5G have been identified, and extensions to popular spatial channel models (SCMs) covering the aforementioned system aspects have been introduced and evaluated

    Prediction of Satellite Shadowing in Smart Cities with Application to IoT

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    The combination of satellite direct reception and terrestrial 5G infrastructure is essential to guarantee coverage in satellite based-Internet of Things, mainly in smart cities where buildings can cause high power losses. In this paper, we propose an accurate and fast graphical method for predicting the satellite coverage in urban areas and SatCom on-the-move scenarios. The aim is to provide information that could be useful in the IoT network planning process, e.g., in the decision of how many terrestrial repeaters are really needed and where they should be placed. Experiments show that the shadowed areas predicted by the method correspond almost perfectly with experimental data measured from an Eutelsat satellite in the urban area of Barcelona.Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio de España TSI-020301-2009-3

    Contributions to channel modelling and performance estimation of HAPS-based communication systems regarding IEEE Std 802.16TM

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    New and future telecommunication networks are and will be broadband type. The existing terrestrial and space radio communication infrastructures might be supplemented by new wireless networks that make and will make use of aeronautics-technology. Our study/contribution is referring to radio communications based on radio stations aboard a stratospheric platform named, by ITU-R, HAPS (High Altitude Platform Station). These new networks have been proposed as an alternative technology within the ITU framework to provide various narrow/broadband communication services. With the possibility of having a payload for Telecommunications in an aircraft or a balloon (HAPS), it can be carried out radio communications to provide backbone connections on ground and to access to broadband points for ground terminals. The latest implies a complex radio network planning. Therefore, the radio coverage analysis at outdoors and indoors becomes an important issue on the design of new radio systems. In this doctoral thesis, the contribution is related to the HAPS application for terrestrial fixed broadband communications. HAPS was hypothesised as a quasi-static platform with height above ground at the so-called stratospheric layer. Latter contribution was fulfilled by approaching via simulations the outdoor-indoor coverage with a simple efficient computational model at downlink mode. This work was assessing the ITU-R recommendations at bands recognised for the HAPS-based networks. It was contemplated the possibility of operating around 2 GHz (1820 MHz, specifically) because this band is recognised as an alternative for HAPS networks that can provide IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced services. The global broadband radio communication model was composed of three parts: transmitter, channel, and receiver. The transmitter and receiver parts were based on the specifications of the IEEE Std 802.16TM-2009 (with its respective digital transmission techniques for a robust-reliable link), and the channel was subjected to the analysis of radio modelling at the level of HAPS and terrestrial (outdoors plus indoors) parts. For the channel modelling was used the two-state characterisation (physical situations associated with the transmitted/received signals), the state-oriented channel modelling. One of the channel-state contemplated the environmental transmission situation defined by a direct path between transmitter and receiver, and the remaining one regarded the conditions of shadowing. These states were dependent on the elevation angle related to the ray-tracing analysis: within the propagation environment, it was considered that a representative portion of the total energy of the signal was received by a direct or diffracted wave, and the remaining power signal was coming by a specular wave, to last-mentioned waves (rays) were added the scattered and random rays that constituted the diffuse wave. At indoors case, the variations of the transmitted signal were also considering the following matters additionally: the building penetration, construction material, angle of incidence, floor height, position of terminal in the room, and indoor fading; also, these indoors radiocommunications presented different type of paths to reach the receiver: obscured LOS, no LOS (NLOS), and hard NLOS. The evaluation of the feasible performance for the HAPS-to-ground terminal was accomplished by means of thorough simulations. The outcomes of the experiment were presented in terms of BER vs. Eb/N0 plotting, getting significant positive conclusions for these kind of system as access network technology based on HAPS

    Channel Simulators for MmWave and 5G Applications

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    Along with the tremendous growth of extremely high traffic demand, 5G radio access technology, is becoming the core component to support massive and multifarious connected devices and real-time, and to offer high reliability wireless communications with high data rate. And millimeter-wave (mmWave) range with a huge frequency spectrum from 3 GHz to 300GHz will perfectly meet the multi-gigabit communicative demand. However, mmWave usage also generally brings new challenges, such as coping with high attenuation or path losses. As an effective method to evaluate the performance of the new concept in communication networks, nowadays, several channel models and simulators have been proposed and developped, such as, WINNER, COST-2100, IMT-Advanced, METIS, NYU Wire-less and QuaDRiGa etc. The thesis goals have been to offer an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of various mmWave channel models existing in the literature, based on the published literature, and to compare based on simulations some of the main features of two selected open-source models, namely the WINNER 2 and QuaDRiGa channel models. In the future, more mmWave channel models are planned to be tested and simulated for a better understanding of their suitability for various mmWave applications
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