370,176 research outputs found

    Improved Bounds for 3SUM, kk-SUM, and Linear Degeneracy

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    Given a set of nn real numbers, the 3SUM problem is to decide whether there are three of them that sum to zero. Until a recent breakthrough by Gr{\o}nlund and Pettie [FOCS'14], a simple Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2)-time deterministic algorithm for this problem was conjectured to be optimal. Over the years many algorithmic problems have been shown to be reducible from the 3SUM problem or its variants, including the more generalized forms of the problem, such as kk-SUM and kk-variate linear degeneracy testing (kk-LDT). The conjectured hardness of these problems have become extremely popular for basing conditional lower bounds for numerous algorithmic problems in P. In this paper, we show that the randomized 44-linear decision tree complexity of 3SUM is O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}), and that the randomized (2k2)(2k-2)-linear decision tree complexity of kk-SUM and kk-LDT is O(nk/2)O(n^{k/2}), for any odd k3k\ge 3. These bounds improve (albeit randomized) the corresponding O(n3/2logn)O(n^{3/2}\sqrt{\log n}) and O(nk/2logn)O(n^{k/2}\sqrt{\log n}) decision tree bounds obtained by Gr{\o}nlund and Pettie. Our technique includes a specialized randomized variant of fractional cascading data structure. Additionally, we give another deterministic algorithm for 3SUM that runs in O(n2loglogn/logn)O(n^2 \log\log n / \log n ) time. The latter bound matches a recent independent bound by Freund [Algorithmica 2017], but our algorithm is somewhat simpler, due to a better use of word-RAM model

    Deterministic counting of graph colourings using sequences of subgraphs

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    In this paper we propose a deterministic algorithm for approximately counting the kk-colourings of sparse random graphs G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n). In particular, our algorithm computes in polynomial time a (1±nΩ(1))(1\pm n^{-\Omega(1)})approximation of the logarithm of the number of kk-colourings of G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n) for k(2+ϵ)dk\geq (2+\epsilon) d with high probability over the graph instances. Our algorithm is related to the algorithms of A. Bandyopadhyay et al. in SODA '06, and A. Montanari et al. in SODA '06, i.e. it uses {\em spatial correlation decay} to compute {\em deterministically} marginals of {\em Gibbs distribution}. We develop a scheme whose accuracy depends on {\em non-reconstruction} of the colourings of G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n), rather than {\em uniqueness} that are required in previous works. This leaves open the possibility for our schema to be sufficiently accurate even for k<dk<d. The set up for establishing correlation decay is as follows: Given G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n), we alter the graph structure in some specific region Λ\Lambda of the graph by deleting edges between vertices of Λ\Lambda. Then we show that the effect of this change on the marginals of Gibbs distribution, diminishes as we move away from Λ\Lambda. Our approach is novel and suggests a new context for the study of deterministic counting algorithms

    Dynamic Data Structures for k-Nearest Neighbor Queries

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    Our aim is to develop dynamic data structures that support kk-nearest neighbors (kk-NN) queries for a set of nn point sites in the plane in O(f(n)+k)O(f(n) + k) time, where f(n)f(n) is some polylogarithmic function of nn. The key component is a general query algorithm that allows us to find the kk-NN spread over tt substructures simultaneously, thus reducing an O(tk)O(tk) term in the query time to O(k)O(k). Combining this technique with the logarithmic method allows us to turn any static kk-NN data structure into a data structure supporting both efficient insertions and queries. For the fully dynamic case, this technique allows us to recover the deterministic, worst-case, O(log2n/loglogn+k)O(\log^2n/\log\log n +k) query time for the Euclidean distance claimed before, while preserving the polylogarithmic update times. We adapt this data structure to also support fully dynamic \emph{geodesic} kk-NN queries among a set of sites in a simple polygon. For this purpose, we design a shallow cutting based, deletion-only kk-NN data structure. More generally, we obtain a dynamic planar kk-NN data structure for any type of distance functions for which we can build vertical shallow cuttings. We apply all of our methods in the plane for the Euclidean distance, the geodesic distance, and general, constant-complexity, algebraic distance functions

    Near Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic DFS in Undirected Graphs

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    Depth first search (DFS) tree is a fundamental data structure for solving graph problems. The classical algorithm [SiComp74] for building a DFS tree requires O(m+n)O(m+n) time for a given graph GG having nn vertices and mm edges. Recently, Baswana et al. [SODA16] presented a simple algorithm for updating DFS tree of an undirected graph after an edge/vertex update in O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) time. However, their algorithm is strictly sequential. We present an algorithm achieving similar bounds, that can be adopted easily to the parallel environment. In the parallel model, a DFS tree can be computed from scratch using mm processors in expected O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) time [SiComp90] on an EREW PRAM, whereas the best deterministic algorithm takes O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) time [SiComp90,JAlg93] on a CRCW PRAM. Our algorithm can be used to develop optimal (upto polylog n factors deterministic algorithms for maintaining fully dynamic DFS and fault tolerant DFS, of an undirected graph. 1- Parallel Fully Dynamic DFS: Given an arbitrary online sequence of vertex/edge updates, we can maintain a DFS tree of an undirected graph in O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) time per update using mm processors on an EREW PRAM. 2- Parallel Fault tolerant DFS: An undirected graph can be preprocessed to build a data structure of size O(m) such that for a set of kk updates (where kk is constant) in the graph, the updated DFS tree can be computed in O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) time using nn processors on an EREW PRAM. Moreover, our fully dynamic DFS algorithm provides, in a seamless manner, nearly optimal (upto polylog n factors) algorithms for maintaining a DFS tree in semi-streaming model and a restricted distributed model. These are the first parallel, semi-streaming and distributed algorithms for maintaining a DFS tree in the dynamic setting.Comment: Accepted to appear in SPAA'17, 32 Pages, 5 Figure

    Counting Basic-Irreducible Factors Mod p^k in Deterministic Poly-Time and p-Adic Applications

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    Finding an irreducible factor, of a polynomial f(x) modulo a prime p, is not known to be in deterministic polynomial time. Though there is such a classical algorithm that counts the number of irreducible factors of f mod p. We can ask the same question modulo prime-powers p^k. The irreducible factors of f mod p^k blow up exponentially in number; making it hard to describe them. Can we count those irreducible factors mod p^k that remain irreducible mod p? These are called basic-irreducible. A simple example is in f=x^2+px mod p^2; it has p many basic-irreducible factors. Also note that, x^2+p mod p^2 is irreducible but not basic-irreducible! We give an algorithm to count the number of basic-irreducible factors of f mod p^k in deterministic poly(deg(f),k log p)-time. This solves the open questions posed in (Cheng et al, ANTS\u2718 & Kopp et al, Math.Comp.\u2719). In particular, we are counting roots mod p^k; which gives the first deterministic poly-time algorithm to compute Igusa zeta function of f. Also, our algorithm efficiently partitions the set of all basic-irreducible factors (possibly exponential) into merely deg(f)-many disjoint sets, using a compact tree data structure and split ideals

    Genome assembly from sequence reads

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    Assembling genomes can be roughly described as finding Eulerian tours in de Bruijn graphs. We present the theory behind (de Bruijn) graph data structures and describe some of the implementations. A directed graph G(V,E) can be represented as a set of its edges in the form of ordered pairs vi → vj ∈ E. De Bruijn graphs are defined in a way that allows all possible neighbors of a node to be calculated from the given node’s label, which means that, given the adjacency set, we can navigate the graph by testing set membership. The edge set can be stored as a dictionary. The dictionary can be either a deterministic data structure, like a tree or an FM-index, or a probabilistic data structure, like a Bloom filter. In this thesis we present kBWT, a new space efficient deterministic data structure for storing a de Bruijn graph, which uses near-optimal n · σ + o(n) bits of memory, where n is the number of k-grams in the graph and σ is the size of the alphabet. It can retrieve neighborhood information for a given node in Θ(σ · k) time. We also compare it to an existing data structure found in the GATB framework, which is based on Bloom filters and therefore probabilistic. Benchmarks of the deterministic kBWT show it is slower in practice, compared to GATB’s data structure. Testing showed kBWT had better cache efficiency, which did not make up for the number of processor cycles used for executing the algorithm

    Automata and Differentiable Words

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    We exhibit the construction of a deterministic automaton that, given k > 0, recognizes the (regular) language of k-differentiable words. Our approach follows a scheme of Crochemore et al. based on minimal forbidden words. We extend this construction to the case of C\infinity-words, i.e., words differentiable arbitrary many times. We thus obtain an infinite automaton for representing the set of C\infinity-words. We derive a classification of C\infinity-words induced by the structure of the automaton. Then, we introduce a new framework for dealing with \infinity-words, based on a three letter alphabet. This allows us to define a compacted version of the automaton, that we use to prove that every C\infinity-word admits a repetition in C\infinity whose length is polynomially bounded.Comment: Accepted for publicatio