8 research outputs found

    Avatud lähtekoodiga tarkvaraprojektide vearaportite ja tehniliste sõltuvuste haldamise analüüsimine

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    Nüüdisaegses tarkvaraarenduses kasutatakse avatud lähtekoodiga tarkvara komponente, et vähendada korratava töö hulka. Tarkvaraarendajad lisavad vaba lähtekoodiga komponente oma projektidesse, omamata ülevaadet kasutatud komponentide arendamisest ja hooldamisest. Selle töö eesmärk on analüüsida tarkvaraprojektide vearaporteid ja sõltuvuste haldamist ning arendada välja kohased meetodid. Tarkvaraprojektides kasutatakse töö organiseerimiseks veahaldussüsteeme, mille abil hallatakse tööülesandeid, vearaporteid ja uusi kasutajanõudeid. Enamat kui 4000 avatud lähtekoodiga projekti analüüsides selgus, et paljud vearaportid jäävad pikaks ajaks lahendamata. Muu hulgas võib nii ka mõni kriitiline turvaviga parandamata jääda. Doktoritöös arendatakse välja meetod, mis võimaldab automaatselt hinnata vearaporti lahendamiseks kuluvat aega. Meetod põhineb veahaldussüsteemi talletunud andmete analüüsil. Vearaporti eluaja hindamine aitab projektiosalistel prioriseerida tööülesandeid ja planeerida ressursse. Töö teises osas uuritakse, kuidas avatud lähtekoodiga projektide koodis kolmanda poole komponente kasutatakse. Tarkvaraarendajad kasutavad varem väljaarendatud komponente, et kiirendada arendust ja vähendada korratava töö hulka. Samamoodi kasutavad spetsiifilised komponendid veel omakorda teisi komponente, misläbi moodustub komponentide vaheliste seoste kaudu sõltuvuslik võrgustik. Selles doktoritöös analüüsitakse sõltuvuste võrgustikku populaarsete programmeerimiskeelte näidetel. Töö käigus arendatud meetod on rakendatav sõltuvuste võrgustiku struktuuri ja kasvu analüüsimiseks. Töös demonstreeritakse, kuidas võrgustiku struktuuri analüüsi abil saab hinnata tarkvaraprojektide riski hõlmata sõltuvusahela kaudu mõni turvaviga. Doktoritöös arendatud meetodid ja tulemused aitavad avatud lähtekoodiga projektide vearaportite ja tehniliste sõltuvuste haldamise praktikat läbipaistvamaks muuta.Modern software development relies on open-source software to facilitate reuse and reduce redundant work. Software developers use open-source packages in their projects without having insights into how these components are being developed and maintained. The aim of this thesis is to develop approaches for analyzing issue and dependency management in software projects. Software projects organize their work with issue trackers, tools for tracking issues such as development tasks, bug reports, and feature requests. By analyzing issue handling in more than 4,000 open-source projects, we found that many issues are left open for long periods of time, which can result in bugs and vulnerabilities not being fixed in a timely manner. This thesis proposes a method for predicting the amount of time it takes to resolve an issue by using the historical data available in issue trackers. Methods for predicting issue lifetime can help software project managers to prioritize issues and allocate resources accordingly. Another problem studied in this thesis is how software dependencies are used. Software developers often include third-party open-source software packages in their project code as a dependency. The included dependencies can also have their own dependencies. A complex network of dependency relationships exists among open-source software packages. This thesis analyzes the structure and the evolution of dependency networks of three popular programming languages. We propose an approach to measure the growth and the evolution of dependency networks. This thesis demonstrates that dependency network analysis can quantify what is the likelihood of acquiring vulnerabilities through software packages and how it changes over time. The approaches and findings developed here could help to bring transparency into open-source projects with respect to how issues are handled, or dependencies are updated

    The Papers of Thomas A. Edison

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    This richly illustrated volume explores Edison's inventive and personal pursuits from 1888 to 1889, documenting his responses to technological, organizational, and economic challenges.Thomas A. Edison was received at the 1889 Paris Exposition Universelle—the World's Fair—as a conquering hero. Extravagantly fêted and besieged by well-wishers, he was seen, like Gustave Eiffel's iron tower, as a triumphal symbol of republicanism and material progress. The visit was a high-water mark of his international fame.Out of the limelight, Edison worked as hard as ever. On top of his work as an inventor, entrepreneur, and manufacturer, he created a new role as a director of research. At his peerless laboratory in Orange, New Jersey, he directed assistants working in parallel on multiple projects. These included the "perfected" phonograph; a major but little-recognized effort to make musical recordings for sale; the start of work on motion pictures; and improvements in the recovery of low-grade iron ore. He also pursued a public "War of the Currents" against electrical rival George Westinghouse. Keenly attuned to manufacturing as a way to support the laboratory financially and control his most iconic products, Edison created a new cluster of factories. He kept his manufacturing rights to the phonograph while selling the underlying patents to an outside investor in a deal he would regret. When market pressures led to the consolidation of Edison lighting interests, he sold his factories to the new Edison General Electric Company. These changes disrupted his longtime personal and professional relations even as he planned an iron-mining project that would take him to the New Jersey wilderness for long periods.The ninth volume of the series, Competing Interests explores Edison's inventive and personal pursuits from 1888 to 1889, documenting his responses to technological, organizational, and economic challenges. The book includes 331 documents and hundreds of Edison's drawings, which are all revealing and representative of his life and work in these years. Essays and notes based on meticulous research in a wide range of sources, many only recently available, provide a rich context for the documents

    World Literature I: Beginnings to 1650

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    This peer-reviewed World Literature I anthology includes introductory text and images before each series of readings. Sections of the text are divided by time period in three parts: the Ancient World, Middle Ages, and Renaissance, and then divided into chapters by location. World Literature I and the Compact Anthology of World Literature are similar in format and both intended for World Literature I courses, but these two texts are developed around different curricula. Accessible files with optical character recognition (OCR) and auto-tagging provided by the Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation.https://oer.galileo.usg.edu/english-textbooks/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution

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    The University of North Georgia Press and Affordable Learning Georgia bring you Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution. Featuring sixty-nine authors and full texts of their works, the selections in this open anthology represent the diverse voices in early American literature. This completely-open anthology will connect students to the conversation of literature that is embedded in American history and has helped shaped its culture. Features: Contextualizing introductions from Pre- and Early Colonial Literature to Early American Romanticism Over 70 historical images In-depth biographies of each author Instructional Design, including Reading and Review Questions This textbook is an open Educational Resource. It can be reused, remixed, and reedited freely without seeking permission. About the editor: Wendy Kurant, Ph.D., teaches Early American Literature, American Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, and Southern Literature at the University of North Georgia (UNG). Her research interests center on new Historicism and depictions of the South and the Civil War in Literature. She has taught at UNG since 2005.https://oer.galileo.usg.edu/english-textbooks/1019/thumbnail.jp

    Rise of Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1865-1920

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    (print) x, 734 p. : port. ; 24 cmPreface ix -- I The Ambitious Hardings Come to Town 3 -- II Boosting and Feuding for Marion 16 -- III A Young Political Opportunist 34 -- IV United States Militancy Abroad 56 -- V Tariff Americanism and the Right to Work 74 -- VI Of Ballyhoo and Bandwagons : Election to the State Senate, 1890-1899 96 -- VII Lawmaking and Politicking, 1900-1902 112 -- VIII The Mirage of Ohio Republican Unity, 1903-1910 134 -- IX The War of 1912 in Ohio 174 -- X A 100,000-Plurality Senator via Politics and the Protestant Crusade, 1914 195 -- XI "Prosper America First," 1915 216 -- XII Approaching the Summit, 1916 232 -- XIII Politics and the Americanization of World War I, 1917-1918 254 -- XIV From the Brink of Political Extinction to the Portals of National Fame, 1918-1919 277 -- XV The Americanization of the League of Nations, 1919 315 -- XVI Second-Choice Maneuvering 34

    Maritime expressions:a corpus based exploration of maritime metaphors

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    This study uses a purpose-built corpus to explore the linguistic legacy of Britain’s maritime history found in the form of hundreds of specialised ‘Maritime Expressions’ (MEs), such as TAKEN ABACK, ANCHOR and ALOOF, that permeate modern English. Selecting just those expressions commencing with ’A’, it analyses 61 MEs in detail and describes the processes by which these technical expressions, from a highly specialised occupational discourse community, have made their way into modern English. The Maritime Text Corpus (MTC) comprises 8.8 million words, encompassing a range of text types and registers, selected to provide a cross-section of ‘maritime’ writing. It is analysed using WordSmith analytical software (Scott, 2010), with the 100 million-word British National Corpus (BNC) as a reference corpus. Using the MTC, a list of keywords of specific salience within the maritime discourse has been compiled and, using frequency data, concordances and collocations, these MEs are described in detail and their use and form in the MTC and the BNC is compared. The study examines the transformation from ME to figurative use in the general discourse, in terms of form and metaphoricity. MEs are classified according to their metaphorical strength and their transference from maritime usage into new registers and domains such as those of business, politics, sports and reportage etc. A revised model of metaphoricity is developed and a new category of figurative expression, the ‘resonator’, is proposed. Additionally, developing the work of Lakov and Johnson, Kovesces and others on Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), a number of Maritime Conceptual Metaphors are identified and their cultural significance is discussed