12,553 research outputs found

    Determination of Relevant Frequencies and Modeling Varying Amplitudes of Harmonic Processes

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    When a process is dominated by few important frequencies the observations of this process can be modelled by a harmonic process (Bloomfield (2000)). If the amplitudes of these dominating frequencies vary over time their dominance may not be apparent during the whole process. To discriminate between frequencies relevant for such a process we determine the distribution of the periodogram ordinates, and use this distribution to derive a procedure to assess the relevance of the frequencies. This procedure uses the standardized median (Gather and Schultze (1999)) to determine the variance of the error process. In a simulation study we show that this procedure is very efficient even under difficult conditions such as a low signal-to-noise ratio or AR(1) disturbances. Furthermore, we show that the necessary transformation to estimate the amplitudes from periodogram ordinates leads to a good normality approximation which makes it especially easy to model the development of the amplitudes from these estimates

    Compact conversion and cyclostationary noise modelling of pn junction diodes in low-injection - Part I: Model derivation

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    Starting from the well known low-injection approximation, a closed form, analytical compact model is derived for the small-signal (SS) and forced quasi-periodic operation of junction diodes. The model determines the small-signal and conversion admittance matrix of the device as a function of the applied (dc or periodic-time varying) bias. Noise characteristics, in both the stationary (SS) and cyclostationary cases, are also evaluated by means of a Green's function approach

    Modeling of gyrosynchrotron radio emission pulsations produced by MHD loop oscillations in solar flares

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    A quantitative study of the observable radio signatures of the sausage, kink, and torsional MHD oscillation modes in flaring coronal loops is performed. Considering first non-zero order effect of these various MHD oscillation modes on the radio source parameters such as magnetic field, line of sight, plasma density and temperature, electron distribution function, and the source dimensions, we compute time dependent radio emission (spectra and light curves). The radio light curves (of both flux density and degree of polarization) at all considered radio frequencies are than quantified in both time domain (via computation of the full modulation amplitude as a function of frequency) and in Fourier domain (oscillation spectra, phases, and partial modulation amplitude) to form the signatures specific to a particular oscillation mode and/or source parameter regime. We found that the parameter regime and the involved MHD mode can indeed be distinguished using the quantitative measures derived in the modeling. We apply the developed approach to analyze radio burst recorded by Owens Valley Solar Array and report possible detection of the sausage mode oscillation in one (partly occulted) flare and kink or torsional oscillations in another flare.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Coherent population oscillations with nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond

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    We present results of our research on two-field (two-frequency) microwave spectroscopy in nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) color centers in a diamond. Both fields are tuned to transitions between the spin sublevels of the NV- ensemble in the 3A2 ground state (one field has a fixed frequency while the second one is scanned). Particular attention is focused on the case where two microwaves fields drive the same transition between two NV- ground state sublevels (ms=0 -> ms=+1). In this case, the observed spectra exhibit a complex narrow structure composed of three Lorentzian resonances positioned at the pump-field frequency. The resonance widths and amplitudes depend on the lifetimes of the levels involved in the transition. We attribute the spectra to coherent population oscillations induced by the two nearly degenerate microwave fields, which we have also observed in real time. The observations agree well with a theoretical model and can be useful for investigation of the NV relaxation mechanisms.Comment: 17 page

    Modeling for Active Control of Combustion and Thermally Driven Oscillations

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    Organized oscillations excited and sustained by high densities of energy release in combustion chambers have long caused serious problems in development of propulsion systems. The amplitudes often become sufficiently large to cause unacceptable structural vibrations. Because the oscillations are self-excited, they reach limiting amplitudes (limit cycles) only because of the action of nonlinear processes. Traditionally, satisfactory behavior has been achieved through a combination of trial-and-error design and testing, with control always involving passive means: geometrical modifications, changes of propellant composition, or devices to enhance dissipation of acoustic energy. Active control has been applied only to small-scale laboratory devices, but the limited success suggests the possibility of serious applications to full-scale propulsion systems. Realization of that potential rests on further experimental work, combined with deeper understanding of the mechanisms causing the oscillations and of the physical behavior of the systems. Effective design of active control systems will require faithful modeling of the relevant processes over broad frequency ranges covering the spectra of natural modes. This paper will cover the general character of the linear and nonlinear behavior of combustion systems, with special attention to acoustics and the mechanisms of excitation. The discussion is intended to supplement the paper by Doyle et al. concerned primarily with controls issues and the observed behavior of simple laboratory devices

    Surface motion in the pulsating DA white dwarf G 29-38

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    We present time-resolved spectrophotometry of the pulsating DA white dwarf G 29-38. As in previous broad-band photometry, the light curve shows the presence of a large number of periodicities. Many of these are combination frequencies, i.e., periodicities occurring at frequencies that are sums or differences of frequencies of stronger, real modes. We identify at least six real modes, and at least five combination frequencies. We measure line-of-sight velocities for our spectra and detect periodic variations at the frequencies of five of the six real modes, with amplitudes of up to 5 km/s. We argue that these variations reflect the horizontal surface motion associated with the g-mode pulsations. No velocity signals are detected at any of the combination frequencies, confirming that the flux variations at these frequencies do not reflect physical pulsation, but rather mixing of frequencies due to a non-linear transformation in the outer layers of the star. We discuss the amplitude ratios and phase differences found for the velocity and light variations, as well as those found for the real modes and their combination frequencies, both in a model-independent way and in the context of models based on the convective-driving mechanism. In a companion paper, we use the wavelength dependence of the amplitudes of the modes to infer their spherical degree.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, mn.sty. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Machining stability and machine tool dynamics

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    Machining is a common manufacturing process in industry due to its high flexibility and ability to produce parts which excellent quality. The productivity and quality in machining operations can be limited by several process constraints one of which is the self-excited chatter vibrations. Under certain conditions, the process may become unstable yielding oscillations with high amplitudes which result in poor surface finish and damage to the cutting tool, part and the machine tool itself. Stability analysis of the dynamic cutting process can be used to determine chatter-free machining conditions with high material removal rate. Since chatter is a result of the dynamic interactions between the process and the structures both cutting and machine tool dynamics are important elements of the stability analysis. In this paper, methods developed for stability analysis of cutting processes and machine tool dynamics will be presented. Implications of these methods in the selection of process parameters and machine tool design will be also discussed with example applications

    Report of the panel on earth rotation and reference frames, section 7

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    Objectives and requirements for Earth rotation and reference frame studies in the 1990s are discussed. The objectives are to observe and understand interactions of air and water with the rotational dynamics of the Earth, the effects of the Earth's crust and mantle on the dynamics and excitation of Earth rotation variations over time scales of hours to centuries, and the effects of the Earth's core on the rotational dynamics and the excitation of Earth rotation variations over time scales of a year or longer. Another objective is to establish, refine and maintain terrestrial and celestrial reference frames. Requirements include improvements in observations and analysis, improvements in celestial and terrestrial reference frames and reference frame connections, and improved observations of crustal motion and mass redistribution on the Earth

    The Gravitational Wave Signature of Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    We review the ensemble of anticipated gravitational-wave (GW) emission processes in stellar core collapse and postbounce core-collapse supernova evolution. We discuss recent progress in the modeling of these processes and summarize most recent GW signal estimates. In addition, we present new results on the GW emission from postbounce convective overturn and protoneutron star g-mode pulsations based on axisymmetric radiation-hydrodynamic calculations. Galactic core-collapse supernovae are very rare events, but within 3-5 Mpc from Earth, the rate jumps to 1 in ~2 years. Using the set of currently available theoretical gravitational waveforms, we compute upper-limit optimal signal-to-noise ratios based on current and advanced LIGO/GEO600/VIRGO noise curves for the recent SN 2008bk which exploded at ~3.9 Mpc. While initial LIGOs cannot detect GWs emitted by core-collapse events at such a distance, we find that advanced LIGO-class detectors could put significant upper limits on the GW emission strength for such events. We study the potential occurrence of the various GW emission processes in particular supernova explosion scenarios and argue that the GW signatures of neutrino-driven, magneto-rotational, and acoustically-driven core-collapse SNe may be mutually exclusive. We suggest that even initial LIGOs could distinguish these explosion mechanisms based on the detection (or non-detection) of GWs from a galactic core-collapse supernova.Comment: Topical Review, accepted for publication in CQG. 51 pages, 13 figures, a version of the article with high-resolution figures is available from http://stellarcollapse.org/papers/Ott_SN_GW_review2008.pdf. Update: Added section on core collapse simulations and the treatment of general relativit

    Effective transient behaviour of inclusions in diffusion problems

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    This paper is concerned with the effective transport properties of heterogeneous media in which there is a high contrast between the phase diffusivities. In this case the transient response of the slow phase induces a memory effect at the macroscopic scale, which needs to be included in a macroscopic continuum description. This paper focuses on the slow phase, which we take as a dispersion of inclusions of arbitrary shape. We revisit the linear diffusion problem in such inclusions in order to identify the structure of the effective (average) inclusion response to a chemical load applied on the inclusion boundary. We identify a chemical creep function (similar to the creep function of viscoelasticity), from which we construct estimates with a reduced number of relaxation modes. The proposed estimates admit an equivalent representation based on a finite number of internal variables. These estimates allow us to predict the average inclusion response under arbitrary time-varying boundary conditions at very low computational cost. A heuristic generalisation to concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient is also presented. The proposed estimates for the effective transient response of an inclusion can serve as a building block for the formulation of multi-inclusion homogenisation schemes.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to ZAMM (under review
