1,270 research outputs found

    Eyewear Computing \u2013 Augmenting the Human with Head-Mounted Wearable Assistants

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    The seminar was composed of workshops and tutorials on head-mounted eye tracking, egocentric vision, optics, and head-mounted displays. The seminar welcomed 30 academic and industry researchers from Europe, the US, and Asia with a diverse background, including wearable and ubiquitous computing, computer vision, developmental psychology, optics, and human-computer interaction. In contrast to several previous Dagstuhl seminars, we used an ignite talk format to reduce the time of talks to one half-day and to leave the rest of the week for hands-on sessions, group work, general discussions, and socialising. The key results of this seminar are 1) the identification of key research challenges and summaries of breakout groups on multimodal eyewear computing, egocentric vision, security and privacy issues, skill augmentation and task guidance, eyewear computing for gaming, as well as prototyping of VR applications, 2) a list of datasets and research tools for eyewear computing, 3) three small-scale datasets recorded during the seminar, 4) an article in ACM Interactions entitled \u201cEyewear Computers for Human-Computer Interaction\u201d, as well as 5) two follow-up workshops on \u201cEgocentric Perception, Interaction, and Computing\u201d at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) as well as \u201cEyewear Computing\u201d at the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp)

    Eye Movements during dynamic scene viewing are affected by visual attention skills and events of the scene: Evidence from first-person shooter gameplay videos

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    The role of individual differences during dynamic scene viewing was explored. Participants (N=38) watched a gameplay video of a first-person shooter (FPS) videogame while their eye movements were recorded. In addition, the participants’ skills in three visual attention tasks (attentional blink, visual search, and multiple object tracking) were assessed.  The results showed that individual differences in visual attention tasks were associated with eye movement patterns observed during viewing of the gameplay video. The differences were noted in four eye movement measures: number of fixations, fixation durations, saccade amplitudes and fixation distances from the center of the screen. The individual differences showed during specific events of the video as well as during the video as a whole. The results highlight that an unedited, fast-paced and cluttered dynamic scene can bring about individual differences in dynamic scene viewing

    Analysis and enhancement of interpersonal coordination using inertial measurement unit solutions

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    Die heutigen mobilen Kommunikationstechnologien haben den Umfang der verbalen und textbasierten Kommunikation mit anderen Menschen, sozialen Robotern und künstlicher Intelligenz erhöht. Auf der anderen Seite reduzieren diese Technologien die nonverbale und die direkte persönliche Kommunikation, was zu einer gesellschaftlichen Thematik geworden ist, weil die Verringerung der direkten persönlichen Interaktionen eine angemessene Wahrnehmung sozialer und umgebungsbedingter Reizmuster erschweren und die Entwicklung allgemeiner sozialer Fähigkeiten bremsen könnte. Wissenschaftler haben aktuell die Bedeutung nonverbaler zwischenmenschlicher Aktivitäten als soziale Fähigkeiten untersucht, indem sie menschliche Verhaltensmuster in Zusammenhang mit den jeweilgen neurophysiologischen Aktivierungsmustern analzsiert haben. Solche Querschnittsansätze werden auch im Forschungsprojekt der Europäischen Union "Socializing sensori-motor contingencies" (socSMCs) verfolgt, das darauf abzielt, die Leistungsfähigkeit sozialer Roboter zu verbessern und Autismus-Spektrumsstörungen (ASD) adäquat zu behandeln. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die Modellierung und das Benchmarking des Sozialverhaltens gesunder Menschen eine Grundlage für theorieorientierte und experimentelle Studien zum weiterführenden Verständnis und zur Unterstützung interpersoneller Koordination. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden zwei verschiedene empirische Kategorien in Abhängigkeit von der Entfernung der Interagierenden zueinander vorgeschlagen: distale vs. proximale Interaktionssettings, da sich die Struktur der beteiligten kognitiven Systeme zwischen den Kategorien ändert und sich die Ebene der erwachsenden socSMCs verschiebt. Da diese Dissertation im Rahmen des socSMCs-Projekts entstanden ist, wurden Interaktionssettings für beide Kategorien (distal und proximal) entwickelt. Zudem wurden Ein-Sensor-Lösungen zur Reduzierung des Messaufwands (und auch der Kosten) entwickelt, um eine Messung ausgesuchter Verhaltensparameter bei einer Vielzahl von Menschen und sozialen Interaktionen zu ermöglichen. Zunächst wurden Algorithmen für eine kopfgetragene Trägheitsmesseinheit (H-IMU) zur Messung der menschlichen Kinematik als eine Ein-Sensor-Lösung entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse bestätigten, dass die H-IMU die eigenen Gangparameter unabhängig voneinander allein auf Basis der Kopfkinematik messen kann. Zweitens wurden—als ein distales socSMC-Setting—die interpersonellen Kopplungen mit einem Bezug auf drei interagierende Merkmale von „Übereinstimmung“ (engl.: rapport) behandelt: Positivität, gegenseitige Aufmerksamkeit und Koordination. Die H-IMUs überwachten bestimmte soziale Verhaltensereignisse, die sich auf die Kinematik der Kopforientierung und Oszillation während des Gehens und Sprechens stützen, so dass der Grad der Übereinstimmung geschätzt werden konnte. Schließlich belegten die Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Studie, die zu einer kollaborativen Aufgabe mit der entwickelten IMU-basierten Tablet-Anwendung durchgeführt wurde, unterschiedliche Wirkungen verschiedener audio-motorischer Feedbackformen für eine Unterstützung der interpersonellen Koordination in der Kategorie proximaler sensomotorischer Kontingenzen. Diese Dissertation hat einen intensiven interdisziplinären Charakter: Technologische Anforderungen in den Bereichen der Sensortechnologie und der Softwareentwicklung mussten in direktem Bezug auf vordefinierte verhaltenswissenschaftliche Fragestellungen entwickelt und angewendet bzw. gelöst werden—und dies in zwei unterschiedlichen Domänen (distal, proximal). Der gegebene Bezugsrahmen wurde als eine große Herausforderung bei der Entwicklung der beschriebenen Methoden und Settings wahrgenommen. Die vorgeschlagenen IMU-basierten Lösungen könnten dank der weit verbreiteten IMU-basierten mobilen Geräte zukünftig in verschiedene Anwendungen perspektiv reich integriert werden.Today’s mobile communication technologies have increased verbal and text-based communication with other humans, social robots and intelligent virtual assistants. On the other hand, the technologies reduce face-to-face communication. This social issue is critical because decreasing direct interactions may cause difficulty in reading social and environmental cues, thereby impeding the development of overall social skills. Recently, scientists have studied the importance of nonverbal interpersonal activities to social skills, by measuring human behavioral and neurophysiological patterns. These interdisciplinary approaches are in line with the European Union research project, “Socializing sensorimotor contingencies” (socSMCs), which aims to improve the capability of social robots and properly deal with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Therefore, modelling and benchmarking healthy humans’ social behavior are fundamental to establish a foundation for research on emergence and enhancement of interpersonal coordination. In this research project, two different experimental settings were categorized depending on interactants’ distance: distal and proximal settings, where the structure of engaged cognitive systems changes, and the level of socSMCs differs. As a part of the project, this dissertation work referred to this spatial framework. Additionally, single-sensor solutions were developed to reduce costs and efforts in measuring human behaviors, recognizing the social behaviors, and enhancing interpersonal coordination. First of all, algorithms using a head worn inertial measurement unit (H-IMU) were developed to measure human kinematics, as a baseline for social behaviors. The results confirmed that the H-IMU can measure individual gait parameters by analyzing only head kinematics. Secondly, as a distal sensorimotor contingency, interpersonal relationship was considered with respect to a dynamic structure of three interacting components: positivity, mutual attentiveness, and coordination. The H-IMUs monitored the social behavioral events relying on kinematics of the head orientation and oscillation during walk and talk, which can contribute to estimate the level of rapport. Finally, in a new collaborative task with the proposed IMU-based tablet application, results verified effects of different auditory-motor feedbacks on the enhancement of interpersonal coordination in a proximal setting. This dissertation has an intensive interdisciplinary character: Technological development, in the areas of sensor and software engineering, was required to apply to or solve issues in direct relation to predefined behavioral scientific questions in two different settings (distal and proximal). The given frame served as a reference in the development of the methods and settings in this dissertation. The proposed IMU-based solutions are also promising for various future applications due to widespread wearable devices with IMUs.European Commission/HORIZON2020-FETPROACT-2014/641321/E

    Joint Attention for Automated Video Editing

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    International audienceJoint attention refers to the shared focal points of attention for occupants in a space. In this work, we introduce a computational definition of joint attention for the automated editing of meetings in multi-camera environments from the AMI corpus. Using extracted head pose and individual headset amplitude as features, we developed three editing methods: (1) a naive audio-based method that selects the camera using only the headset input, (2) a rule-based edit that selects cameras at a fixed pacing using pose data, and (3) an editing algorithm using LSTM (Long-short term memory) learned joint-attention from both pose and audio data, trained on expert edits. The methods are evaluated qualitatively against the human edit, and quantitatively in a user study with 22 participants. Results indicate that LSTM-trained joint attention produces edits that are comparable to the expert edit, offering a wider range of camera views than audio, while being more generalizable as compared to rule-based methods

    Watching Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Immersive Technology, Biometric Psychography, and the Law

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    Virtual reality and augmented reality present exceedingly complex privacy issues because of the enhanced user experience and reality-based models. Unlike the issues presented by traditional gaming and social media, immersive technology poses inherent risks, which our legal understanding of biometrics and online harassment is simply not prepared to address. This Article offers five important contributions to this emerging space. It begins by introducing a new area of legal and policy inquiry raised by immersive technology called “biometric psychography.” Second, it explains how immersive technology works to a legal audience and defines concepts that are essential to understanding the risks that the technology poses. Third, it analyzes the gaps in privacy law to address biometric psychography and other emerging challenges raised by immersive technology that most regulators and consumers incorrectly assume will be governed by existing law. Fourth, this Article sources firsthand interviews from early innovators and leading thinkers to highlight harassment and user experience risks posed by immersive technology. Finally, this Article compiles insights from each of these discussions to propose a framework that integrates privacy and human rights into the development of future immersive tech applications. It applies that framework to three specific scenarios and demonstrates how it can help navigate challenges, both old and new

    Video Conferencing: Infrastructures, Practices, Aesthetics

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has reorganized existing methods of exchange, turning comparatively marginal technologies into the new normal. Multipoint videoconferencing in particular has become a favored means for web-based forms of remote communication and collaboration without physical copresence. Taking the recent mainstreaming of videoconferencing as its point of departure, this anthology examines the complex mediality of this new form of social interaction. Connecting theoretical reflection with material case studies, the contributors question practices, politics and aesthetics of videoconferencing and the specific meanings it acquires in different historical, cultural and social contexts

    Advances in Robot Navigation

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    Robot navigation includes different interrelated activities such as perception - obtaining and interpreting sensory information; exploration - the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; mapping - the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; localization - the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; path planning - the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. This book integrates results from the research work of authors all over the world, addressing the abovementioned activities and analyzing the critical implications of dealing with dynamic environments. Different solutions providing adaptive navigation are taken from nature inspiration, and diverse applications are described in the context of an important field of study: social robotics