56,309 research outputs found

    On the development of QPOs in Bondi-Hoyle accretion flows

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    The numerical investigation of Bondi-Hoyle accretion onto a moving black hole has a long history, both in Newtonian and in general-relativistic physics. By performing new two-dimensional and general-relativistic simulations onto a rotating black hole, we point out a novel feature, namely, that quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) are naturally produced in the shock cone that develops in the downstream part of the flow. Because the shock cone in the downstream part of the flow acts as a cavity trapping pressure perturbations, modes with frequencies in the integer ratios 2:1 and 3:1 are easily produced. The frequencies of these modes depend on the black-hole spin and on the properties of the flow, and scale linearly with the inverse of the black-hole mass. Our results may be relevant for explaining the detection of QPOs in Sagittarius A*, once such detection is confirmed by further observations. Finally, we report on the development of the flip-flop instability, which can affect the shock cone under suitable conditions; such an instability has been discussed before in Newtonian simulations but was never found in a relativistic regime.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Fluctuations, dissipation and the dynamical Casimir effect

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    Vacuum fluctuations provide a fundamental source of dissipation for systems coupled to quantum fields by radiation pressure. In the dynamical Casimir effect, accelerating neutral bodies in free space give rise to the emission of real photons while experiencing a damping force which plays the role of a radiation reaction force. Analog models where non-stationary conditions for the electromagnetic field simulate the presence of moving plates are currently under experimental investigation. A dissipative force might also appear in the case of uniform relative motion between two bodies, thus leading to a new kind of friction mechanism without mechanical contact. In this paper, we review recent advances on the dynamical Casimir and non-contact friction effects, highlighting their common physical origin.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures. Review paper to appear in Lecture Notes in Physics, Volume on Casimir Physics, edited by Diego Dalvit, Peter Milonni, David Roberts, and Felipe da Rosa. Minor changes, a reference adde

    Current status of the Dynamical Casimir Effect

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    This is a brief review of different aspects of the so-called Dynamical Casimir Effect and the proposals aimed at its possible experimental realizations. A rough classification of these proposals is given and important theoretical problems are pointed out.Comment: 12 pages, the text corresponds to the final published version, except for the layout and reference styl

    Stimulating uncertainty: Amplifying the quantum vacuum with superconducting circuits

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    The ability to generate particles from the quantum vacuum is one of the most profound consequences of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Although the significance of vacuum fluctuations can be seen throughout physics, the experimental realization of vacuum amplification effects has until now been limited to a few cases. Superconducting circuit devices, driven by the goal to achieve a viable quantum computer, have been used in the experimental demonstration of the dynamical Casimir effect, and may soon be able to realize the elusive verification of analogue Hawking radiation. This article describes several mechanisms for generating photons from the quantum vacuum and emphasizes their connection to the well-known parametric amplifier from quantum optics. Discussed in detail is the possible realization of each mechanism, or its analogue, in superconducting circuit systems. The ability to selectively engineer these circuit devices highlights the relationship between the various amplification mechanisms.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, version published in Rev. Mod. Phys. as a Colloquiu

    Motion Induced Radiation from a Vibrating Cavity

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    We study the radiation emitted by a cavity moving in vacuum. We give a quantitative estimate of the photon production inside the cavity as well as of the photon flux radiated from the cavity. A resonance enhancement occurs not only when the cavity length is modulated but also for a global oscillation of the cavity. For a high finesse cavity the emitted radiation surpasses radiation from a single mirror by orders of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Non-perturbative Dynamical Casimir Effect in Optomechanical Systems: Vacuum Casimir-Rabi Splittings

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    We study the dynamical Casimir effect using a fully quantum-mechanical description of both the cavity field and the oscillating mirror. We do not linearize the dynamics, nor do we adopt any parametric or perturbative approximation. By numerically diagonalizing the full optomechanical Hamiltonian, we show that the resonant generation of photons from the vacuum is determined by a ladder of mirror-field {\em vacuum Rabi splittings}. We find that vacuum emission can originate from the free evolution of an initial pure mechanical excited state, in analogy with the spontaneous emission from excited atoms. By considering a coherent drive of the mirror, using a master-equation approach to take losses into account, we are able to study the dynamical Casimir effect for optomechanical coupling strengths ranging from weak to ultrastrong. We find that a resonant production of photons out of the vacuum can be observed even for mechanical frequencies lower than the cavity-mode frequency. Since high mechanical frequencies, which are hard to achieve experimentally, were thought to be imperative for realizing the dynamical Casimir effect, this result removes one of the major obstacles for the observation of this long-sought effect. We also find that the dynamical Casimir effect can create entanglement between the oscillating mirror and the radiation produced by its motion in the vacuum field, and that vacuum Casimir-Rabi oscillations can occur.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure
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