8 research outputs found

    Comparison and analysis of supervised machine learning algorithms

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    When investigating a network for signs of infiltration, intrusion detection is used. An intrusion detection system is designed to prevent unwanted access to the system. Data mining techniques have been employed by a number of researchers to detect infiltrations in this field. Based on distance measurements, this study proposes algorithms for supervised machine learning. In terms of detection rate, accuracy, false alarm rate, and Matthews correlation coefficient, supervised machine learning techniques surpass other algorithms. When it comes to serial execution time, the supervised machine learning algorithms surpassed all other Actions in terms of serial execution performance

    Specifics of modern security requirements for software of electronic machine control systems

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    Необхідний рівень безпеки машин і механізмів досягається за рахунок використання відповідних систем управління безпекою промислового обладнання, в тому числі програмованих електронних. Такі системи зазвичай включають в себе різноманітні охоронні пристрої для управління налаштуваннями промислового обладнання. Оскільки електронні системи управління в даний час вважаються найбільш перспективними системами управління в цій області, вивчення параметрів безпеки їх прикладної підтримки визначає актуальність даного дослідження. У цьому дослідженні проаналізовано основні вимоги стандартів IEC 61508 та IEC 62061 на відповідність сучасним вимогам безпеки вбудованого та прикладного програмного забезпечення для електронних систем управління машинами та механізмами. Дане дослідження пропонує алгоритм покрокового впровадження програмного забезпечення для електронних систем управління машинами відповідно до базових стандартів безпеки як для вбудованого, так і прикладного програмного забезпечення. Тестування визначено як основний метод перевірки прикладного програмного забезпечення. За результатами аналізу було встановлено, що специфікація вимог безпеки, як вбудованого, так і прикладного програмного забезпечення, повинна висвітлювати необхідні характеристики кожної підсистеми, надаючи інформацію, що дозволяє вибрати обладнання, що відповідає існуючим вимогам безпеки. Наводяться відповідні рекомендації щодо специфіки практичного застосування цих стандартів.The required level of safety of machines and mechanisms is achieved through the use of appropriate safety management systems for industrial equipment, including programmable electronic ones. Such systems usually include a variety of security devices for managing industrial equipment settings. Since electronic control systems are currently considered the most promising control systems in this area, the study of the security parameters of their application support determines the relevance of this study. This study analyses the main requirements of IEC 61508 and IEC 62061 standards for compliance with modern safety requirements of embedded and applied software for electronic control systems of machines and mechanisms. This study proposes an algorithm for step-by-step implementation of software for electronic machine control systems in accordance with basic security standards for both built-in and application software. Testing has been determined as the main method of verification of application software. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the specification of security requirements, both built-in and application software, should highlight the necessary characteristics of each subsystem, providing information that allows choosing the equipment that meets existing security requirements. Relevant recommendations are given on the specifics of practical application of these standards

    Analyzing the influence of the sampling rate in the detection of malicious traffic on flow data

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    [EN] Cyberattacks are a growing concern for companies and public administrations. The literature shows that analyzing network-layer traffic can detect intrusion attempts. However, such detection usually implies studying every datagram in a computer network. Therefore, routers routing a significant volume of network traffic do not perform an in-depth analysis of every packet. Instead, they analyze traffic patterns based on network flows. However, even gathering and analyzing flow data has a high-computational cost, and therefore routers usually apply a sampling rate to generate flow data. Adjusting the sampling rate is a tricky problem. If the sampling rate is low, much information is lost and some cyberattacks may be neglected, but if the sampling rate is high, routers cannot deal with it. This paper tries to characterize the influence of this parameter in different detection methods based on machine learning. To do so, we trained and tested malicious-traffic detection models using synthetic flow data gathered with several sampling rates. Then, we double-check the above models with flow data from the public BoT-IoT dataset and with actual flow data collected on RedCAYLE, the Castilla y León regional academic network.S

    Evaluación del resultado académico de los estudiantes a partir del análisis del uso de los Sistemas de Control de Versiones

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    Version Control Systems are commonly used by Information and Communication Technology professionals. These systems allow for monitoring programmers' activity working in a project. Thus, the usage of such systems should be encouraged by educational institutions. The aim of this work is to evaluate if students’ academic success can be predicted by monitoring their interaction with a Version Control System. In order to do so, we have built a model that predicts students’ results in a specific practical assignment of the Operating Systems Extension subject. A second-year subject in the degree in Computer Science at the University of León. In order to obtain a prediction, the model analyzes students’ interaction with a Git repository. To build the model, several classifiers and predictors have been evaluated by using the MoEv tool. The tool allows for evaluating several classification and prediction models in order to get the most suitable one for a specific problem. Prior to the model development, Moev performs a feature selection from input data to select the most significant ones. The resulting model has been trained using results from the 2016 – 2017 course year. Later, in order to ensure an optimal generalization, the model has been validated by using results from the 2017 – 2018 course. Results conclude that the model predicts students' outcomes? with a success high percentage.Una de las herramientas más utilizadas por los profesionales de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación son los sistemas de control de versiones. Estas herramientas permiten, entre otras cosas, monitorizar la actividad de las personas que trabajan en un proyecto. Por tanto, es recomendable que se utilicen también en las instituciones educativas. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar si el resultado académico de los estudiantes se puede predecir monitorizando su actividad en uno de estos sistemas. Para tal efecto, hemos construido un modelo que predice el resultado de los estudiantes en una práctica de la asignatura Ampliación de Sistemas Operativos, perteneciente al segundo curso del grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de León. Para obtener la predicción, el modelo analiza la interacción del estudiante con un repositorio Git. Para diseñar el modelo, se evalúan varios modelos de clasificación y predicción utilizando la herramienta MoEv. Esta herramienta permite entrenar y validar diferentes modelos de clasificación y obtener el más adecuado para un problema concreto. Además, la herramienta permite identificar las características más discriminantes dentro de los datos de entrada. El modelo resultante ha sido entrenado utilizando los resultados del curso 2016 – 2017. Posteriormente, para asegurar que el modelo generaliza correctamente, se ha validado utilizando datos del curso 2017 – 2018. Los resultados concluyen que el modelo predice el éxito de los estudiantes con un alto porcentaje de acierto

    Análisis de amenazas presentes en los entornos computacionales, vinculando sistemas operativos, redes y bases de datos como estrategia defensiva ante ciber-ataques sobre plataforma Windows.

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    La presente propuesta monográfica dentro del área de estudio de seguridad informática parte de la necesidad que existe en el entorno computacional, de las empresas y organizaciones gubernamentales de ofrecer una descripción completa de las amenazas más importantes que atentan contra los conjuntos de datos, de redes y sistemas operativos. Los cuales se encuentran en varios documentos de forma particular enfatizando en muchos casos fenómenos aislados sin sus posibles estrategias de escudo ante cada una de las eventualidades que puedan llegar a presentarse, es labor del especialista en seguridad informática tener un repositorio con las herramientas necesarias ante los ataques o posibles casos de violación de la seguridad de cada uno de los entornos trabajados, en el mayor de los casos la información que se trabaja a través de estas plataformas tienen un valor no calculable debido a que la información personal que no se puede cualificar pero si establecer su grado de importancia. Este tipo de amenazas diferentes para cada uno de los entornos es una desventaja notable, debido a que en el mayor de los casos existe un atraso significativo en el control, lo que genera demoras y hasta la perdida de estos datos. Las vulnerabilidades presentes en las bases de datos son tan importantes como las presentes en los sistemas operativo, pero con la diferencia notable que en las bases de datos la inyección SQL ha estado presente desde hace mucho tiempo con estrategias que se han establecido pero que de una u otra forma no se implementan.The present monographic proposal within the area of study of computer security is based on the need that exists in the computational environment of companies and governmental organizations to offer a complete description of the most important threats that threaten data sets, networks and operating systems. Which are found in several documents in a particular way emphasizing in many cases isolated phenomena without their possible strategies of shield before each one of the eventualities that can come to appear, it is work of the specialist in computer security to have a repository with the necessary tools before the attacks or possible cases of violation of the security of each one of the worked environments, in the greater of the cases the information that is worked through these platforms have a not calculable value due to the personal information that cannot be qualified but if to establish its degree of importance. This type of different threats for each of the environments is a notable disadvantage, due to the fact that in most cases there is a significant delay in the control, which generates delays and even the loss of this data. The vulnerabilities present in databases are as important as those present in operating systems, but with the notable difference that in databases SQL injection has been present for a long time with strategies that have been established but are not implemented in one way or another