1,604 research outputs found

    Policy conflict analysis for diffserv quality of service management

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    Policy-based management provides the ability to (re-)configure differentiated services networks so that desired Quality of Service (QoS) goals are achieved. This requires implementing network provisioning decisions, performing admission control, and adapting bandwidth allocation to emerging traffic demands. A policy-based approach facilitates flexibility and adaptability as policies can be dynamically changed without modifying the underlying implementation. However, inconsistencies may arise in the policy specification. In this paper we provide a comprehensive set of QoS policies for managing Differentiated Services (DiffServ) networks, and classify the possible conflicts that can arise between them. We demonstrate the use of Event Calculus and formal reasoning for the analysis of both static and dynamic conflicts in a semi-automated fashion. In addition, we present a conflict analysis tool that provides network administrators with a user-friendly environment for determining and resolving potential inconsistencies. The tool has been extensively tested with large numbers of policies over a range of conflict types

    An Effective Modality Conflict Model for Identifying Applicable Policies During Policy Evaluation

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    Policy evaluation is a process to determine whether a request submitted by a user satisfies the access control policies defined by an organization. Modality conflict is one of the main issues in policy evaluation. Existing modality conflict detection approaches do not consider complex condition attributes such as spatial and temporal constraints. An effective authorization propagation rule is needed to detect the modality conflicts that occur among the applicable policies. This work proposes a modality conflict detection model to identify the applicable policies during policy evaluation, which supports an authorization propagation rule to investigate the class-subclass relationships of a subject, resource, action, and location of a request and a policy. The comparison with previous work is conducted, and findings show the solution which considers the condition attribute (i.e. spatial and temporal constraints) can affect the decision as to whether the applicable policies should be retrieved or not which further affect the accuracy of the modality conflict detection process. Whereas the applicable policies which are retrieved for a request can influence the detection of modality conflict among the applicable policies. In conclusion, our proposed solution is more effective in identifying the applicable policies and detecting modality conflict than the previous work

    Adaptation Conflicts of Heterogeneous Devices in Iot Smart-Home

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    A promising technology such as Internet-of-Things have been introduced into traditional homes, buildings and cities to become smart and offer a wide range of services to simplify and enhance people’s lifestyle, a complex rule structure with a large number of sensing and actuating devices increases the chances of creating rules with faulty behaviors. Detection of sophisticated conflicts in an IoT system is one example of such faulty systems. In this paper, a mechanism is presented to detect such sophisticated conflicts among multi-resident smart-home services. Formally a model considering the functional properties of devices to distinguish a specific new kind of conflicts among the other basic types. Service User Regularity (SUR) conflict detection algorithm is proposed to trace resident habitual usage and behaviour conflicts and regulate them within the rules of the smart-home IoT-system. The system achieved good result; it could detect a reasonable number of targeted type conflicts within a synthesized data set

    Definition of Data Sharing Agreements (The case of Spanish Data Protection Law)

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    Electronic sharing of data among different parties, includ- ing groups of organizations and/or individuals, while protecting their legitimate rights on these data, is a key both for business and societal transactions. However, data sharing clauses are usually specified in legal documents that are far from being amenable of automated processing by the electronic platform that should enforce them. Furthermore, different parties usually pursue different interests. This may lead to conflicts that need to be solved for the agreements to succeed. Addressing this prob- lem, in this paper we i) discuss a proposal for the definition of a machine processable electronic data sharing multilateral contract (e-DSA); ii) re- call a controlled natural language (CNL4DSA) developed for expressing e-DSA clauses, in particular, authorizations and obligations policies on data; iii) instantiate a resolution process that can solve potential con- flicts posed by different stakeholders? clauses, e.g., legal, organizational, and end-users? clauses, according to specific criteria. We illustrate our approach on a realistic e-Health scenario derived from one described by a Spanish medical institution. The main novelty of this paper are the ref- erence to the Spanish Data Protection Law (S)DPL as the basic source of policies regulating data exchange and the idea of a multi-step e-DSA definition phase that incrementally increases the contract granularity. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first attempts to investi- gate how a real DPL can be translated into privacy rules electronically manageable by a devoted e-DSA-based infrastructure.?

    The Conflict Notion and its Static Detection: a Formal Survey

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    The notion of policy is widely used to enable a flexible control of many systems: access control, privacy, accountability, data base, service, contract , network configuration, and so on. One important feature is to be able to check these policies against contradictions before the enforcement step. This is the problem of the conflict detection which can be done at different steps and with different approaches. This paper presents a review of the principles for conflict detection in related security policy languages. The policy languages, the notions of conflict and the means to detect conflicts are various, hence it is difficult to compare the different principles. We propose an analysis and a comparison of the five static detection principles we found in reviewing more than forty papers of the literature. To make the comparison easier we develop a logical model with four syntactic types of systems covering most of the literature examples. We provide a semantic classification of the conflict notions and thus, we are able to relate the detection principles, the syntactic types and the semantic classification. Our comparison shows the exact link between logical consistency and the conflict notions, and that some detection principles are subject to weaknesses if not used with the right conditions

    Improvement on PDP Evaluation Performance Based on Neural Networks and SGDK-means Algorithm

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    With the purpose of improving the PDP (policy decision point) evaluation performance, a novel and efficient evaluation engine, namely XDNNEngine, based on neural networks and an SGDK-means (stochastic gradient descent K-means) algorithm is proposed. We divide a policy set into different clusters, distinguish different rules based on their own features and label them for the training of neural networks by using the K-means algorithm and an asynchronous SGDK-means algorithm. Then, we utilize neural networks to search for the applicable rule. A quantitative neural network is introduced to reduce a server’s computational cost. By simulating the arrival of requests, XDNNEngine is compared with the Sun PDP, XEngine and SBA-XACML. Experimental results show that 1) if the number of requests reaches 10,000, the evaluation time of XDNNEngine on the large-scale policy set with 10,000 rules is approximately 2.5 ms, and 2) in the same condition as 1), the evaluation time of XDNNEngine is reduced by 98.27%, 90.36% and 84.69%, respectively, over that of the Sun PDP, XEngine and SBA-XACML

    Handling Stateful Firewall Anomalies

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    Part 4: Access ControlInternational audienceA security policy consists of a set of rules designed to protect an information system. To ensure this protection, the rules must be deployed on security components in a consistent and non-redundant manner. Unfortunately, an empirical approach is often adopted by network administrators, to the detriment of theoretical validation. While the literature on the analysis of configurations of first generation (stateless) firewalls is now rich, this is not the case for second and third generation firewalls, also known as stateful firewalls. In this paper, we address this limitation, and provide solutions to analyze and handle stateful firewall anomalies and misconfiguration

    Evolution of security engineering artifacts: a state of the art survey

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    Security is an important quality aspect of modern open software systems. However, it is challenging to keep such systems secure because of evolution. Security evolution can only be managed adequately if it is considered for all artifacts throughout the software development lifecycle. This article provides state of the art on the evolution of security engineering artifacts. The article covers the state of the art on evolution of security requirements, security architectures, secure code, security tests, security models, and security risks as well as security monitoring. For each of these artifacts the authors give an overview of evolution and security aspects and discuss the state of the art on its security evolution in detail. Based on this comprehensive survey, they summarize key issues and discuss directions of future research

    Security attacks and solutions on SDN control plane: A survey

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    Sommario Software Defined Networks (SDN) è un modello di rete programmabile aperto promosso da ONF , che è stato un fattore chiave per le recenti tendenze tecnologiche. SDN esplora la separazione dei dati e del piano di controllo . Diversamente dai concetti passati, SDN introduce l’idea di separazione del piano di controllo (decisioni di instradamento e traffico) e piano dati (decisioni di inoltro basate sul piano di controllo) che sfida l’integrazione verticale raggiunta dalle reti tradizionali, in cui dispositivi di rete come router e switch accumulano entrambe le funzioni. SDN presenta alcuni vantaggi come la gestione centralizzata e la possibilità di essere programmato su richiesta. Oltre a questi vantaggi, SDN presenta ancora vulnerabilità di sicurezza e, tra queste,le più letali prendono di mira il piano di controllo. Come i controllers che risiedono sul piano di con- trollo gestiscono l’infrastruttura e i dispositivi di rete sottostanti (es. router/switch), anche qualsiasi insicurezza, minacce, malware o problemi durante lo svolgimento delle attività da parte del controller, possono causare interruzioni dell’intera rete. In particolare, per la sua posizione centralizzata, il con- troller SDN è visto come un punto di fallimento. Di conseguenza, qualsiasi attacco o vulnerabilità che prende di mira il piano di controllo o il controller è considerato fatale al punto da sconvolgere l’intera rete. In questa tesi, le minacce alla sicurezza e gli attacchi mirati al piano di controllo (SDN) sono identificati e classificati in diversi gruppi in base a come causano l’impatto sul piano di controllo. Per ottenere risultati, è stata condotta un’ampia ricerca bibliografica attraverso uno studio appro- fondito degli articoli di ricerca esistenti che discutono di una serie di attacchi e delle relative soluzioni per il piano di controllo SDN. Principalmente, come soluzioni intese a rilevare, mitigare o proteggere il (SDN) sono stati presi in considerazione le potenziali minacce gli attachi al piano di controllo. Sulla base di questo compito, gli articoli selezionati sono stati classificati rispetto al loro impatto potenziale sul piano di controllo (SDN) come diretti e indiretti. Ove applicabile, è stato fornito un confronto tra le soluzioni che affrontano lo stesso attacco. Inoltre, sono stati presentati i vantaggi e gli svantaggi delle soluzioni che affrontano diversi attacchi . Infine, una discussione sui risultati e sui esitti ottenuti durante questo processo di indagine e sono stati affrontatti suggerimenti di lavoro futuri estratti du- rante il processo di revisione. Parole chiave : SDN, Sicurezza, Piano di controllo, Denial of Service, Attacchi alla topologiaAbstract Software Defined Networks (SDN) is an open programmable network model promoted by ONF that has been a key-enabler of recent technology trends. SDN explores the separation of data and control plane. Different from the past concepts, SDN introduces the idea of separation of the control plane (routing and traffic decisions) and data plane (forwarding decisions based on the control plane) that challenges the vertical integration achieved by the traditional networks, in which network devices such as router and switches accumulate both functions. SDN presents some advantages such as centralized management and the ability to be programmed on demand. Apart from these benefits, SDN still presents security vulnerabilities and among them, the most lethal ones are targeting the control plane. As the controllers residing on the control plane manages the underlying networking infrastructure and devices (i.e., routers/switches), any security threat, malware, or issues during the carrying out of activities by the controller can lead to disruption of the entire network. In particular, due to its centralized position, the (SDN) controller is seen as a single point of failure. As a result, any attack or vulnerability targeting the control plane or controller is considered fatal to the point of disrupting the whole network. In this thesis, the security threats and attacks targeting the (SDN) control plane are identified and categorized into different groups by considering how they cause an impact to the control plane. To obtain results, extensive literature research has been carried out by performing an in-depth study of the existing research articles that discusses an array of attacks and their corresponding solutions for the (SDN) control plane. Mainly, the solutions intended to detect, mitigate, or protect the (SDN) control plane against potential threats and attacks have been considered. On basis of this task, the potential articles selected were categorized with respect to their impact to the (SDN) control plane as direct and indirect. Where applicable a comparison of the solutions addressing the same attack has been provided. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of the solutions addressing the respective attacks are presented. Finally, a discussion regarding the findings and results obtained during this su- veying process and future work suggestions extracted during the review process have been discussed. Keywords: SDN, Security, Control Plane, Denial of Service, Topology Attacks, Openflo
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