23 research outputs found

    Assembly of non-unique insertion content using next-generation sequencing

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    Recent studies in genomics have highlighted the significance of sequence insertions in determining individual variation. Efforts to discover the content of these sequence insertions have been limited to short insertions and long unique insertions. Much of the inserted sequence in the typical human genome, however, is a mixture of repeated and unique sequence. Current methods are designed to assemble only unique sequence insertions, using reads that do not map to the reference. These methods are not able to assemble repeated sequence insertions, as the reads will map to the reference in a different locus

    inGAP-sv: a novel scheme to identify and visualize structural variation from paired end mapping data

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    Mining genetic variation from personal genomes is a crucial step towards investigating the relationship between genotype and phenotype. However, compared to the detection of SNPs and small indels, characterizing large and particularly complex structural variation is much more difficult and less intuitive. In this article, we present a new scheme (inGAP-sv) to detect and visualize structural variation from paired-end mapping data. Under this scheme, abnormally mapped read pairs are clustered based on the location of a gap signature. Several important features, including local depth of coverage, mapping quality and associated tandem repeat, are used to evaluate the quality of predicted structural variation. Compared with other approaches, it can detect many more large insertions and complex variants with lower false discovery rate. Moreover, inGAP-sv, written in Java programming language, provides a user-friendly interface and can be performed in multiple operating systems. It can be freely accessed at http://ingap.sourceforge.net/

    Detection of Genomic Structural Variants from Next-Generation Sequencing Data

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    Structural variants are genomic rearrangements larger than 50?bp accounting for around 1% of the variation among human genomes. They impact on phenotypic diversity and play a role in various diseases including neurological/neurocognitive disorders and cancer development and progression. Dissecting structural variants from next-generation sequencing data presents several challenges and a number of approaches have been proposed in the literature. In this mini review, we describe and summarize the latest tools ? and their underlying algorithms ? designed for the analysis of whole-genome sequencing, whole-exome sequencing, custom captures, and amplicon sequencing data, pointing out the major advantages/drawbacks. We also report a summary of the most recent applications of third-generation sequencing platforms. This assessment provides a guided indication ? with particular emphasis on human genetics and copy number variants ? for researchers involved in the investigation of these genomic events

    Analysis of variable retroduplications in human populations suggests coupling of retrotransposition to cell division

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    In primates and other animals, reverse transcription of mRNA followed by genomic integration creates retroduplications. Expressed retroduplications are either “retrogenes” coding for functioning proteins, or expressed “processed pseudogenes,” which can function as noncoding RNAs. To date, little is known about the variation in retroduplications in terms of their presence or absence across individuals in the human population. We have developed new methodologies that allow us to identify “novel” retroduplications (i.e., those not present in the reference genome), to find their insertion points, and to genotype them. Using these methods, we catalogued and analyzed 174 retroduplication variants in almost one thousand humans, which were sequenced as part of Phase 1 of The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium. The accuracy of our data set was corroborated by (1) multiple lines of sequencing evidence for retroduplication (e.g., depth of coverage in exons vs. introns), (2) experimental validation, and (3) the fact that we can reconstruct a correct phylogenetic tree of human subpopulations based solely on retroduplications. We also show that parent genes of retroduplication variants tend to be expressed at the M-to-G1 transition in the cell cycle and that M-to-G1 expressed genes have more copies of fixed retroduplications than genes expressed at other times. These findings suggest that cell division is coupled to retrotransposition and, perhaps, is even a requirement for it