179 research outputs found

    Investigation of Coastal Vegetation Dynamics and Persistence in Response to Hydrologic and Climatic Events Using Remote Sensing

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    Coastal Wetlands (CW) provide numerous imperative functions and provide an economic base for human societies. Therefore, it is imperative to track and quantify both short and long-term changes in these systems. In this dissertation, CW dynamics related to hydro-meteorological signals were investigated using a series of LANDSAT-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data and hydro-meteorological time-series data in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, from 1984 to 2015. NDVI in forested wetlands exhibited more persistence compared to that for scrub and emergent wetlands. NDVI fluctuations generally lagged temperature by approximately three months, and water level by approximately two months. This analysis provided insight into long-term CW dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Long-term studies like this are dependent on optical remote sensing data such as Landsat which is frequently partially obscured due to clouds and this can that makes the time-series sparse and unusable during meteorologically active seasons. Therefore, a multi-sensor, virtual constellation method is proposed and demonstrated to recover the information lost due to cloud cover. This method, named Tri-Sensor Fusion (TSF), produces a simulated constellation for NDVI by integrating data from three compatible satellite sensors. The visible and near-infrared (VNIR) bands of Landsat-8 (L8), Sentinel-2, and the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) were utilized to map NDVI and to compensate each satellite sensor\u27s shortcomings in visible coverage area. The quantitative comparison results showed a Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Coefficient of Determination (R2) of 0.0020 sr-1 and 0.88, respectively between true observed and fused L8 NDVI. Statistical test results and qualitative performance evaluation suggest that TSF was able to synthesize the missing pixels accurately in terms of the absolute magnitude of NDVI. The fusion improved the spatial coverage of CWs reasonably well and ultimately increases the continuity of NDVI data for long term studies

    Persistence in complex systems

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    Persistence is an important characteristic of many complex systems in nature, related to how long the system remains at a certain state before changing to a different one. The study of complex systems' persistence involves different definitions and uses different techniques, depending on whether short-term or long-term persistence is considered. In this paper we discuss the most important definitions, concepts, methods, literature and latest results on persistence in complex systems. Firstly, the most used definitions of persistence in short-term and long-term cases are presented. The most relevant methods to characterize persistence are then discussed in both cases. A complete literature review is also carried out. We also present and discuss some relevant results on persistence, and give empirical evidence of performance in different detailed case studies, for both short-term and long-term persistence. A perspective on the future of persistence concludes the work.This research has been partially supported by the project PID2020-115454GB-C21 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN). This research has also been partially supported by Comunidad de Madrid, PROMINT-CM project (grant ref: P2018/EMT-4366). J. Del Ser would like to thank the Basque Government for its funding support through the EMAITEK and ELKARTEK programs (3KIA project, KK-2020/00049), as well as the consolidated research group MATHMODE (ref. T1294-19). GCV work is supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the ERC-CoG-2014 SEDAL Consolidator grant (grant agreement 647423)

    Persistence in complex systems

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    Persistence is an important characteristic of many complex systems in nature, related to how long the system remains at a certain state before changing to a different one. The study of complex systems’ persistence involves different definitions and uses different techniques, depending on whether short-term or long-term persistence is considered. In this paper we discuss the most important definitions, concepts, methods, literature and latest results on persistence in complex systems. Firstly, the most used definitions of persistence in short-term and long-term cases are presented. The most relevant methods to characterize persistence are then discussed in both cases. A complete literature review is also carried out. We also present and discuss some relevant results on persistence, and give empirical evidence of performance in different detailed case studies, for both short-term and long-term persistence. A perspective on the future of persistence concludes the work.This research has been partially supported by the project PID2020-115454GB-C21 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN). This research has also been partially supported by Comunidad de Madrid, PROMINT-CM project (grant ref: P2018/EMT-4366). J. Del Ser would like to thank the Basque Government for its funding support through the EMAITEK and ELKARTEK programs (3KIA project, KK-2020/00049), as well as the consolidated research group MATHMODE (ref. T1294-19). GCV work is supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the ERC-CoG-2014 SEDAL Consolidator grant (grant agreement 647423)

    Anomalous statistical properties and fluctuations on multiple timescales

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    How can fluctuations in one-dimensional time series data be characterized and how can detected effects be decomposed into their dynamical origins or causes? In the context of these questions, a variety of problems are discussed and solutions are introduced. The first issue concerns the causes of anomalous diffusion. A previously proposed framework decomposes the Hurst exponent into the Joseph, Noah, and Moses effects. They represent violations of the three premises of the central limit theorem. Here the framework is applied to an intermittent deterministic system, which exhibits a rich combination of all three effects. Nevertheless, the results provide an intuitive interpretation of the dynamics. In addition, the framework is theoretically discussed and connected to a calculation that proves its validity for a large class of systems. Once the type of anomalous statistical behavior is classified, one might ask what the dynamical origin of the effects is. Especially the property of long range temporal correlations (the Joseph effect) is discussed in detail. In measurements, they might arise from different dynamical origins or can be explained as an emerging phenomenon. A collection of different routes to the observed behavior is established here. A popular tool for detecting long range correlations is detrended fluctuation analysis. Its advantages over traditional methods are stability and smoothness for timescales up to one fourth of the measurement time and the ability to neglect the slow dynamics and trends. Recently, a theory for an analytical understanding of this method was introduced. In this thesis, the method is further analyzed and developed. An approach is presented that enables scientists to use this method for short range correlated data, even if the dynamics is very complex. Fluctuations can be decomposed into a superposition of linear models that explain its features. Therefore, on the one hand, this thesis is about understanding the effects of anomalous diffusion. On the other hand, it is about widening the applicability of one of its detection methods such that it becomes useful for understanding normal or complex statistical behavior. A good example of a complex system, where the proposed stochastic methods are useful, is the atmosphere. Here it is shown how detrended fluctuation analysis can be used to uncover oscillatory modes and determine their periods. One of them is the El Ni\~no southern oscillation. A less well known and more challenging application is a 7--8 year mode in European temperature fluctuations. A power grid is a very different type of complex system. However, using the new method, it is possible to generate a data model that incorporates the important features of the grid frequency

    Fractal Analysis and Chaos in Geosciences

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    The fractal analysis is becoming a very useful tool to process obtained data from chaotic systems in geosciences. It can be used to resolve many ambiguities in this domain. This book contains eight chapters showing the recent applications of the fractal/mutifractal analysis in geosciences. Two chapters are devoted to applications of the fractal analysis in climatology, two of them to data of cosmic and solar geomagnetic data from observatories. Four chapters of the book contain some applications of the (multi-) fractal analysis in exploration geophysics. I believe that the current book is an important source for researchers and students from universities

    Detecting Land-Atmosphere Interactions from Observations

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    Dolman, A.J. [Promotor]Hurk, B.J.J.M. van den [Promotor]Jeu, R.A.M. de [Copromotor

    Statistical physics approaches to the complex Earth system

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    Global climate change, extreme climate events, earthquakes and their accompanying natural disasters pose significant risks to humanity. Yet due to the nonlinear feedbacks, strategic interactions and complex structure of the Earth system, the understanding and in particular the predicting of such disruptive events represent formidable challenges for both scientific and policy communities. During the past years, the emergence and evolution of Earth system science has attracted much attention and produced new concepts and frameworks. Especially, novel statistical physics and complex networks-based techniques have been developed and implemented to substantially advance our knowledge for a better understanding of the Earth system, including climate extreme events, earthquakes and Earth geometric relief features, leading to substantially improved predictive performances. We present here a comprehensive review on the recent scientific progress in the development and application of how combined statistical physics and complex systems science approaches such as, critical phenomena, network theory, percolation, tipping points analysis, as well as entropy can be applied to complex Earth systems (climate, earthquakes, etc.). Notably, these integrating tools and approaches provide new insights and perspectives for understanding the dynamics of the Earth systems. The overall aim of this review is to offer readers the knowledge on how statistical physics approaches can be useful in the field of Earth system science

    Time series analysis of high resolution remote sensing data to assess degradation of vegetation cover of the island of Socotra (Yemen)

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    The island of Socotra has long been in geographical isolation, hence nearly 30% of the plant species are believed to be endemic to the island. Until the end of 20th century there was only very little and incomplete information and literature about the vegetation on the island. This isolation broke down in 1990 with the country unification in which then the island received much attention. Subsequently the scientific knowledge of the local flora slowly increased, but many of plant species are now reported to be confined into small populations, hence being particularly vulnerable to habitat loss, overgrazing, as well as urban expansion. 1. The overall objective of this research attempted to assess and examine the trends of vegetation changes since 1972 to 2010 with the use of Landsat MSS, TM and ETM+ images and to investigate the related driving factors, such as rainfall, grazing pressure changes and underlying spatial variability of the landscape. This is to answer the overall question: Is there a trend in biomass, cover and species composition on Socotra Island over the last 40 years? If so, is that trend associated with the rainfall patterns? What are the drivers behind the vegetation change? And then how can we define changes in patterns or changes in this study area? 2. From a methodological point of view, our approach of systematically using remote sensing technology data proved scientifically an applicable tool to improve our understanding of the spatial complexity and heterogeneity of the vegetation cover as well as to provide a conceptual method with specific data for monitoring the changes over this time period. Our data obtained from these different Landsat sensors during the study period were - after many sophisticated processing steps - essentially able to provide time series information for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data and to assess the long term trend in vegetation cover in the island. 3. Moreover, our approach combining supervised maximum-likelihood and unsupervised classification with the pre- and the post-classification approaches besides the knowledge based classification was table to provide sufficient results to distinguish and to map nine (9) terrestrial vegetation cover classes. The overall accuracy (compared with ground truth data) was about 91%, 77%, 70% and 72% for the images 2005, 1994, 1984 and 1972 respectively. Consecutively, the GIS analysis allowed estimates of highly valuable information as absolute areas and relative coverage of particular vegetation classes over the island with their spatial distribution and also their ecological requirements. Analysis of climatic conditions and NDVI 4. As a results of the complex topography of the study area and the wide climate range, with the guidance of prior knowledge of functional relationships between site parameters, ecosystem and the specific form of biological production, our work resulted in a division of the entire area into six variously sized ecosystem units, which were enough to properly depict the spatial heterogeneity of the rainfall and vegetation and to assist reflecting the influence and reaction between environmental parameters as well as it might have significance both for development of resources and for conservation of environment