342 research outputs found

    ORCA-SPOT: An Automatic Killer Whale Sound Detection Toolkit Using Deep Learning

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    Large bioacoustic archives of wild animals are an important source to identify reappearing communication patterns, which can then be related to recurring behavioral patterns to advance the current understanding of intra-specific communication of non-human animals. A main challenge remains that most large-scale bioacoustic archives contain only a small percentage of animal vocalizations and a large amount of environmental noise, which makes it extremely difficult to manually retrieve sufficient vocalizations for further analysis – particularly important for species with advanced social systems and complex vocalizations. In this study deep neural networks were trained on 11,509 killer whale (Orcinus orca) signals and 34,848 noise segments. The resulting toolkit ORCA-SPOT was tested on a large-scale bioacoustic repository – the Orchive – comprising roughly 19,000 hours of killer whale underwater recordings. An automated segmentation of the entire Orchive recordings (about 2.2 years) took approximately 8 days. It achieved a time-based precision or positive-predictive-value (PPV) of 93.2% and an area-under-the-curve (AUC) of 0.9523. This approach enables an automated annotation procedure of large bioacoustics databases to extract killer whale sounds, which are essential for subsequent identification of significant communication patterns. The code will be publicly available in October 2019 to support the application of deep learning to bioaoucstic research. ORCA-SPOT can be adapted to other animal species

    Identifying patterns of human and bird activities using bioacoustic data

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    In general, humans and animals often interact within the same environment at the same time. Human activities may disturb or affect some bird activities. Therefore, it is important to monitor and study the relationships between human and animal activities. This paper proposed a system able not only to automatically classify human and bird activities using bioacoustic data, but also to automatically summarize patterns of events over time. To perform automatic summarization of acoustic events, a frequency–duration graph (FDG) framework was proposed to summarize the patterns of human and bird activities. This system first performs data pre-processing work on raw bioacoustic data and then applies a support vector machine (SVM) model and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) model to classify human and bird chirping activities before using the FDG framework to summarize results. The SVM model achieved 98% accuracy on average and the MLP model achieved 98% accuracy on average across several day-long recordings. Three case studies with real data show that the FDG framework correctly determined the patterns of human and bird activities over time and provided both statistical and graphical insight into the relationships between these two events

    Low-cost open-source recorders and ready-to-use machine learning approaches provide effective monitoring of threatened species

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    Passive acoustic monitoring is a powerful tool for monitoring vocally active taxa. Automated signal recognition software reduces the expert time needed for recording analyses and allows researchers and managers to manage large acoustic datasets. The application of state-of-the-art techniques for automated identification, such as Convolutional Neural Networks, may be challenging for ecologists and managers without informatics or engineering expertise. Here, we evaluated the use of AudioMoth — a low-cost and open-source sound recorder — to monitor a threatened and patchily distributed species, the Eurasian bittern (Botaurus stellaris). Passive acoustic monitoring was carried out across 17 potential wetlands in north Spain. We also assessed the performance of BirdNET — an automated and freely available classifier able to identify over 3000 bird species — and Kaleidoscope Pro — a user-friendly recognition software — to detect the vocalizations and the presence of the target species. The percentage of presences and vocalizations of the Eurasian bittern automatically detected by BirdNET and Kaleidoscope software was compared to manual annotations of 205 recordings. The species was effectively recorded up to distances of 801–900 m, with at least 50% of the vocalizations uttered within that distance being manually detected; this distance was reduced to 601–700 m when considering the analyses carried out using Kaleidoscope. BirdNET detected the species in 59 of the 63 (93.7%) recordings with known presence of the species, while Kaleidoscope detected the bittern in 62 recordings (98.4%). At the vocalization level, BirdNet and Kaleidoscope were able to detect between 76 and 78%, respectively, of the vocalizations detected by a human observer. Our study highlights the ability of AudioMoth for detecting the bittern at large distances, which increases the potential of that technique for monitoring the species at large spatial scales. According to our results, a single AudioMoth could be useful for monitoring the species' presence in wetlands of up to 150 ha. Our study proves the utility of passive acoustic monitoring, coupled with BirdNet or Kaleidoscope Pro, as an accurate, repeatable, and cost-efficient method for monitoring the Eurasian bittern at large spatial and temporal scales. Nonetheless, further research should evaluate the performance of BirdNET on a larger number of species, and under different recording conditions (e.g., more closed habitats), to improve our knowledge about BirdNET's ability to perform bird monitoring. Future studies should also aim to develop an adequate protocol to perform effective passive acoustic monitoring of the Eurasian bittern.CPG acknowledges the support from the Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional through the Beatriz Galindo Fellowship (Beatriz Galindo – Convocatoria 2020)

    Western Mediterranean wetlands bird species classification: evaluating small-footprint deep learning approaches on a new annotated dataset

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    The deployment of an expert system running over a wireless acoustic sensors network made up of bioacoustic monitoring devices that recognise bird species from their sounds would enable the automation of many tasks of ecological value, including the analysis of bird population composition or the detection of endangered species in areas of environmental interest. Endowing these devices with accurate audio classification capabilities is possible thanks to the latest advances in artificial intelligence, among which deep learning techniques excel. However, a key issue to make bioacoustic devices affordable is the use of small footprint deep neural networks that can be embedded in resource and battery constrained hardware platforms. For this reason, this work presents a critical comparative analysis between two heavy and large footprint deep neural networks (VGG16 and ResNet50) and a lightweight alternative, MobileNetV2. Our experimental results reveal that MobileNetV2 achieves an average F1-score less than a 5\% lower than ResNet50 (0.789 vs. 0.834), performing better than VGG16 with a footprint size nearly 40 times smaller. Moreover, to compare the models, we have created and made public the Western Mediterranean Wetland Birds dataset, consisting of 201.6 minutes and 5,795 audio excerpts of 20 endemic bird species of the Aiguamolls de l'Empord\`a Natural Park.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    A collection of best practices for the collection and analysis of bioacoustic data

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    The field of bioacoustics is rapidly developing and characterized by diverse methodologies, approaches and aims. For instance, bioacoustics encompasses studies on the perception of pure tones in meticulously controlled laboratory settings, documentation of species’ presence and activities using recordings from the field, and analyses of circadian calling patterns in animal choruses. Newcomers to the field are confronted with a vast and fragmented literature, and a lack of accessible reference papers or textbooks. In this paper we contribute towards filling this gap. Instead of a classical list of “dos” and “don’ts”, we review some key papers which, we believe, embody best practices in several bioacoustic subfields. In the first three case studies, we discuss how bioacoustics can help identify the ‘who’, ‘where’ and ‘how many’ of animals within a given ecosystem. Specifically, we review cases in which bioacoustic methods have been applied with success to draw inferences regarding species identification, population structure, and biodiversity. In fourth and fifth case studies, we highlight how structural properties in signal evolution can emerge via ecological constraints or cultural transmission. Finally, in a sixth example, we discuss acoustic methods that have been used to infer predator–prey dynamics in cases where direct observation was not feasible. Across all these examples, we emphasize the importance of appropriate recording parameters and experimental design. We conclude by highlighting common best practices across studies as well as caveats about our own overview. We hope our efforts spur a more general effort in standardizing best practices across the subareas we’ve highlighted in order to increase compatibility among bioacoustic studies and inspire cross-pollination across the discipline

    A collection of best practices for the collection and analysis of bioacoustic data

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    The field of bioacoustics is rapidly developing and characterized by diverse methodologies, approaches and aims. For instance, bioacoustics encompasses studies on the perception of pure tones in meticulously controlled laboratory settings, documentation of species’ presence and activities using recordings from the field, and analyses of circadian calling patterns in animal choruses. Newcomers to the field are confronted with a vast and fragmented literature, and a lack of accessible reference papers or textbooks. In this paper we contribute towards filling this gap. Instead of a classical list of “dos” and “don’ts”, we review some key papers which, we believe, embody best practices in several bioacoustic subfields. In the first three case studies, we discuss how bioacoustics can help identify the ‘who’, ‘where’ and ‘how many’ of animals within a given ecosystem. Specifically, we review cases in which bioacoustic methods have been applied with success to draw inferences regarding species identification, population structure, and biodiversity. In fourth and fifth case studies, we highlight how structural properties in signal evolution can emerge via ecological constraints or cultural transmission. Finally, in a sixth example, we discuss acoustic methods that have been used to infer predator–prey dynamics in cases where direct observation was not feasible. Across all these examples, we emphasize the importance of appropriate recording parameters and experimental design. We conclude by highlighting common best practices across studies as well as caveats about our own overview. We hope our efforts spur a more general effort in standardizing best practices across the subareas we’ve highlighted in order to increase compatibility among bioacoustic studies and inspire cross-pollination across the discipline.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Ecology & computer audition: applications of audio technology to monitor organisms and environment

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    Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed within the 2030 Agenda and adopted by all the United Nations member states, the 13th SDG is a call for action to combat climate change. Moreover, SDGs 14 and 15 claim the protection and conservation of life below water and life on land, respectively. In this work, we provide a literature-founded overview of application areas, in which computer audition – a powerful but in this context so far hardly considered technology, combining audio signal processing and machine intelligence – is employed to monitor our ecosystem with the potential to identify ecologically critical processes or states. We distinguish between applications related to organisms, such as species richness analysis and plant health monitoring, and applications related to the environment, such as melting ice monitoring or wildfire detection. This work positions computer audition in relation to alternative approaches by discussing methodological strengths and limitations, as well as ethical aspects. We conclude with an urgent call to action to the research community for a greater involvement of audio intelligence methodology in future ecosystem monitoring approaches
