32 research outputs found

    Automated Beehive Surveillance Using Computer Vision

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    The number of honey bees entering and leaving a hive throughout the day is an important metric for beekeepers monitoring the health of their hives. Activity at the hive entrance depends on many factors such as weather, colony health, and presence of an adequate food supply. Some commercial systems that utilize infrared sensor gates at the hive’s entrance exist for accurately measuring honeybee traffic. In this thesis, a solution that is based on visual information obtained through videos taken in front of the hives is explored. This thesis provides details on the design and implementation of a beehive surveillance system, describing the algorithms and techniques used. The system operates in a realistic outdoor apiary environment, providing constant surveillance in real-time. Results obtained using different algorithms within the system are compared and methods for evaluating performance are discussed

    Honeybee-based biohybrid system for landmine detection

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    This research was funded in part by NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme, project number SPS 985355, “Biological Method (Bees) for Explosive Detection”.Legacy landmines in post-conflict areas are a non-discriminatory lethal hazard and can still be triggered decades after the conflict has ended. Efforts to detect these explosive devices are expensive, time-consuming, and dangerous to humans and animals involved. While methods such as metal detectors and sniffer dogs have successfully been used in humanitarian demining, more tools are required for both site surveying and accurate mine detection. Honeybees have emerged in recent years as efficient bioaccumulation and biomonitoring animals. The system reported here uses two complementary landmine detection methods: passive sampling and active search. Passive sampling aims to confirm the presence of explosive materials in a mine-suspected area by the analysis of explosive material brought back to the colony on honeybee bodies returning from foraging trips. Analysis is performed by light-emitting chemical sensors detecting explosives thermally desorbed from a preconcentrator strip. The active search is intended to be able to pinpoint the place where individual landmines are most likely to be present. Used together, both methods are anticipated to be useful in an end-to-end process for area surveying, suspected hazardous area reduction, and post-clearing internal and external quality control in humanitarian demining.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A Preliminary Study of Image Analysis for Parasite Detection on Honey Bees

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    International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2018, PĂłvoa de Varzim, Portugal

    Accuracy vs. Energy: An Assessment of Bee Object Inference in Videos From On-Hive Video Loggers With YOLOv3, YOLOv4-Tiny, and YOLOv7-Tiny

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    A continuing trend in precision apiculture is to use computer vision methods to quantify characteristics of bee traffic in managed colonies at the hive\u27s entrance. Since traffic at the hive\u27s entrance is a contributing factor to the hive\u27s productivity and health, we assessed the potential of three open-source convolutional network models, YOLOv3, YOLOv4-tiny, and YOLOv7-tiny, to quantify omnidirectional traffic in videos from on-hive video loggers on regular, unmodified one- and two-super Langstroth hives and compared their accuracies, energy efficacies, and operational energy footprints. We trained and tested the models with a 70/30 split on a dataset of 23,173 flying bees manually labeled in 5819 images from 10 randomly selected videos and manually evaluated the trained models on 3600 images from 120 randomly selected videos from different apiaries, years, and queen races. We designed a new energy efficacy metric as a ratio of performance units per energy unit required to make a model operational in a continuous hive monitoring data pipeline. In terms of accuracy, YOLOv3 was first, YOLOv7-tiny—second, and YOLOv4-tiny—third. All models underestimated the true amount of traffic due to false negatives. YOLOv3 was the only model with no false positives, but had the lowest energy efficacy and highest operational energy footprint in a deployed hive monitoring data pipeline. YOLOv7-tiny had the highest energy efficacy and the lowest operational energy footprint in the same pipeline. Consequently, YOLOv7-tiny is a model worth considering for training on larger bee datasets if a primary objective is the discovery of non-invasive computer vision models of traffic quantification with higher energy efficacies and lower operational energy footprints

    Automated Collection Of Honey Bee Hive Data Using The Raspberry Pi

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    In recent years beekeepers have faced significant losses to their populations of managed honey bees, a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Many researchers are studying CCD, attempting to determine its cause and how its effects can be mitigated. Some research efforts have focused on the analysis of bee hive audio and video recordings to better understand the behavior of bees and the health of the hive. To provide data for this research, it is important to have a means of capturing audio, video, and other sensor data, using a system that is reliable, inexpensive, and causes minimal disruption to the bees’ behavior. This thesis details the design and implementation of a data collection system, known as BeeMon, which is based around the Raspberry Pi. This system automatically captures sensor data and sends it to a remote server for analysis. With the ability to operate continuously in an outdoor apiary environment, it allows for constant, near real-time data collection. The results of several years of real world operation are discussed, as well as some research that has used the data collected

    IndusBee 4.0 – Integrated Intelligent Sensory Systems for Advanced Bee Hive Instrumentation and Hive Keepers’ Assistance Systems

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    The importance of insects, and honey bees in particular, for our ecosystem is undisputed. Currently, environmental problems from pesticides to parasites endanger the well-being or even the existence of honey bee colonies and insects in general. This imposes an increasing load on skills and activities of hive keepers. Sensors, instrumentation, and machine learning offer solutions on the one hand to effectively instrument bee hives and on the other hand to provide efficient assistance systems for hive keepers. By advanced hive instrumentation and intelligent evaluation of the acquired information hives can be monitored more easily and with less intrusion. Like in other industrial disciplines, e.g., Industry 4.0, operation can move from scheduled to event driven activity. The development in Micro-Electrical-Mechanical- Systems and Internet-of-Things field in general allows to achieve affordable integrated monitoring solutions. However, not in all tasks a dedicated instrumentation of each hive is required, and mobile assistance systems and devices to be employed in a single instance for the whole apiary will complement the instrumentation activity and the overall approach of our IndusBee 4.0 research project. Examples of this category are, e.g., honey quality assessment tool as an extension of established hygrometers or a system for improved automation of the tedious and time consuming screening for the varroa infestation of hives. This paper provides a review of activities in the field and presents the current status of contributions to both lines of research in our IndusBee 4.0 research project. With regard to hive instrumentation, in addition to standard temperature, moisture, and weight monitoring, an approach of acoustical in-hive monitoring with automated decision making and notification implemented in-hive in a SmartComb has been pursued. Further, integrated gas sensors are currently added to the SmartComb to explore the in-hive detection of infestation and illness, e.g., (American) foulbrood. Visual flight hole inspection is successively explored by a separate system in or at the hive. With regard to hive keepers’ assistance systems, an approach automating the screening for the varroa infestation of hives was tackled first. Here, a cost-effective two step procedure, a first attention step for detecting candidate regions and a final classification step of these candidate regions, is applied. It is aspired to extend the approach to continuous in-hive varroa infestation monitoring. The integration of all information from hive instrumentation and assistance systems with data fusion and data analysis activities in apiary intelligence unit is aspired in the next step

    SystĂšme complet d’acquisition vidĂ©o, de suivi de trajectoires et de modĂ©lisation comportementale pour des environnements 3D naturellement encombrĂ©s : application Ă  la surveillance apicole

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    This manuscript provides the basis for a complete chain of videosurveillence for naturally cluttered environments. In the latter, we identify and solve the wide spectrum of methodological and technological barriers inherent to : 1) the acquisition of video sequences in natural conditions, 2) the image processing problems, 3) the multi-target tracking ambiguities, 4) the discovery and the modeling of recurring behavioral patterns, and 5) the data fusion. The application context of our work is the monitoring of honeybees, and in particular the study of the trajectories bees in flight in front of their hive. In fact, this thesis is part a feasibility and prototyping study carried by the two interdisciplinary projects EPERAS and RISQAPI (projects undertaken in collaboration with INRA institute and the French National Museum of Natural History). It is for us, computer scientists, and for biologists who accompanied us, a completely new area of investigation for which the scientific knowledge, usually essential for such applications, are still in their infancy. Unlike existing approaches for monitoring insects, we propose to tackle the problem in the three-dimensional space through the use of a high frequency stereo camera. In this context, we detail our new target detection method which we called HIDS segmentation. Concerning the computation of trajectories, we explored several tracking approaches, relying on more or less a priori, which are able to deal with the extreme conditions of the application (e.g. many targets, small in size, following chaotic movements). Once the trajectories are collected, we organize them according to a given hierarchical data structure and apply a Bayesian nonparametric approach for discovering emergent behaviors within the colony of insects. The exploratory analysis of the trajectories generated by the crowded scene is performed following an unsupervised classification method simultaneously over different levels of semantic, and where the number of clusters for each level is not defined a priori, but rather estimated from the data only. This approach is has been validated thanks to a ground truth generated by a Multi-Agent System. Then we tested it in the context of real data.Ce manuscrit propose une approche mĂ©thodologique pour la constitution d’une chaĂźne complĂšte de vidĂ©osurveillance pour des environnements naturellement encombrĂ©s. Nous identifions et levons un certain nombre de verrous mĂ©thodologiques et technologiques inhĂ©rents : 1) Ă  l’acquisition de sĂ©quences vidĂ©o en milieu naturel, 2) au traitement d’images, 3) au suivi multi-cibles, 4) Ă  la dĂ©couverte et la modĂ©lisation de motifs comportementaux rĂ©currents, et 5) Ă  la fusion de donnĂ©es. Le contexte applicatif de nos travaux est la surveillance apicole, et en particulier, l’étude des trajectoires des abeilles en vol devant la ruche. De ce fait, cette thĂšse se prĂ©sente Ă©galement comme une Ă©tude de faisabilitĂ© et de prototypage dans le cadre des deux projets interdisciplinaires EPERAS et RISQAPI (projets menĂ©es en collaboration avec l’INRA Magneraud et le MusĂ©um National d’Histoire Naturelle). Il s’agit pour nous informaticiens et pour les biologistes qui nous ont accompagnĂ©s, d’un domaine d’investigation totalement nouveau, pour lequel les connaissances mĂ©tiers, gĂ©nĂ©ralement essentielles Ă  ce genre d’applications, restent encore Ă  dĂ©finir. Contrairement aux approches existantes de suivi d’insectes, nous proposons de nous attaquer au problĂšme dans l’espace Ă  trois dimensions grĂące Ă  l’utilisation d’une camĂ©ra stĂ©rĂ©ovision haute frĂ©quence. Dans ce contexte, nous dĂ©taillons notre nouvelle mĂ©thode de dĂ©tection de cibles appelĂ©e segmentation HIDS. Concernant le calcul des trajectoires, nous explorons plusieurs approches de suivi de cibles, s’appuyant sur plus ou moins d’a priori, susceptibles de supporter les conditions extrĂȘmes de l’application (e.g. cibles nombreuses, de petite taille, prĂ©sentant un mouvement chaotique). Une fois les trajectoires collectĂ©es, nous les organisons selon une structure de donnĂ©es hiĂ©rarchique et mettons en Ɠuvre une approche BayĂ©sienne non-paramĂ©trique pour la dĂ©couverte de comportements Ă©mergents au sein de la colonie d’insectes. L’analyse exploratoire des trajectoires issues de la scĂšne encombrĂ©e s’effectue par classification non supervisĂ©e, simultanĂ©ment sur des niveaux sĂ©mantiques diffĂ©rents, et oĂč le nombre de clusters pour chaque niveau n’est pas dĂ©fini a priori mais est estimĂ© Ă  partir des donnĂ©es. Cette approche est dans un premier temps validĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’une pseudo-vĂ©ritĂ© terrain gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e par un SystĂšme Multi-Agents, puis dans un deuxiĂšme temps appliquĂ©e sur des donnĂ©es rĂ©elles

    Impacts des polluants métalliques sur l'abeille : de la colonie au cerveau

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    Les abeilles sont des pollinisateurs essentiels. Une plĂ©thore de facteurs de stress environnementaux, tels que les produits agrochimiques, a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e comme contribuant Ă  leur dĂ©clin mondial. En particulier, ces facteurs de stress altĂšrent les processus cognitifs impliquĂ©s dans les comportements fondamentaux. Jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent, cependant, on ne sait pratiquement rien de l'impact de l'exposition Ă  des mĂ©taux lourds, dont la toxicitĂ© est avĂ©rĂ©e chez de nombreux organismes. Pourtant, leurs Ă©missions mondiales rĂ©sultant des activitĂ©s humaines ont Ă©levĂ© leurs concentrations bien au-dessus des niveaux naturels dans l'air, le sol, l'eau et la flore, exposant ainsi les abeilles Ă  tous les stades de leur vie. Le but de ma thĂšse Ă©tait d'examiner les effets de la pollution mĂ©tallique sur l'abeille domestique en utilisant une approche multi-Ă©chelle, du cerveau Ă  la colonie, en laboratoire et sur le terrain. J'ai d'abord observĂ© que les abeilles exposĂ©es Ă  une gamme de concentrations de trois mĂ©taux communs (arsenic, plomb et zinc) en laboratoire Ă©taient incapables de percevoir et Ă©viter des concentrations usuelles, nĂ©anmoins nocives, de ces mĂ©taux dans leur nourriture. J'ai ensuite exposĂ© de façon chronique des colonies Ă  des concentrations rĂ©alistes de plomb dans la nourriture et dĂ©montrĂ© que la consommation de ce mĂ©tal altĂ©rait la cognition et le dĂ©veloppement morphologique des abeilles. Comme les polluants mĂ©talliques se trouvent souvent dans des mĂ©langes complexes dans l'environnement, j'ai explorĂ© l'effet des cocktails de mĂ©taux, montrant que l'exposition au plomb, Ă  l'arsenic ou au cuivre seul Ă©tait suffisante pour ralentir l'apprentissage et perturber le rappel de la mĂ©moire, et que les combinaisons de ces mĂ©taux induisaient des effets nĂ©gatifs additifs sur ces deux processus cognitifs. J'ai finalement Ă©tudiĂ© l'impact de l'exposition naturelle aux polluants mĂ©talliques dans un environnement contaminĂ©, en collectant des abeilles Ă  proximitĂ© d'une ancienne mine d'or, et montrĂ© que les individus des populations les plus exposĂ©es aux mĂ©taux prĂ©sentaient des capacitĂ©s d'apprentissage et de mĂ©moire plus faibles, et des altĂ©rations de leur dĂ©veloppement conduisant Ă  une rĂ©duction de la taille de leur cerveau. Une analyse plus systĂ©matique des abeilles non exposĂ©es a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une relation entre la taille de la tĂȘte, la morphomĂ©trie du cerveau et les performances d'apprentissage dans diffĂ©rentes tĂąches comportementales, suggĂ©rant que l'exposition aux polluants mĂ©talliques amplifie ces variations naturelles. Ainsi, mes rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les abeilles domestiques sont incapables d'Ă©viter l'exposition Ă  des concentrations rĂ©alistes de mĂ©taux qui sont prĂ©judiciables au dĂ©veloppement et aux fonctions cognitives, et appellent Ă  une rĂ©vision des niveaux environnementaux considĂ©rĂ©s comme "sĂ»rs". Ma thĂšse est la premiĂšre analyse intĂ©grĂ©e de l'impact de plusieurs polluants mĂ©talliques sur la cognition, la morphologie et l'organisation cĂ©rĂ©brale chez l'abeille, et vise Ă  encourager de nouvelles Ă©tudes sur la contribution de la pollution mĂ©tallique dans le dĂ©clin signalĂ© des abeilles, et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, des insectes.Honey bees are crucial pollinators. A plethora of environmental stressors, such as agrochemicals, have been identified as contributors to their global decline. Especially, these stressors impair cognitive processes involved in fundamental behaviours. So far however, virtually nothing is known about the impact of metal pollutants, despite their known toxicity to many organisms. Their worldwide emissions resulting from human activities have elevated their concentrations far above natural baselines in the air, soil, water and flora, exposing bees at all life stages. The aim of my thesis was to examine the effects of metallic pollution on honey bees using a multiscale approach, from brain to colonies, in laboratory and field conditions. I first observed that bees exposed to a range of concentrations of three common metals (arsenic, lead and zinc) in the laboratory were unable to perceive and avoid, low, yet harmful, field-realistic concentrations of those metals in their food. I then chronically exposed colonies to field-realistic concentrations of lead in food and demonstrated that consumption of this metal impaired bee cognition and morphological development, leading to smaller adult bees. As metal pollutants are often found in complex mixtures in the environment, I explored the effect of cocktails of metals, showing that exposure to lead, arsenic or copper alone was sufficient to slow down learning and disrupt memory retrieval, and that combinations of these metals induced additive negative effects on both cognitive processes. I finally investigated the impact of natural exposure to metal pollutants in a contaminated environment, by collecting bees in the vicinity of a former gold mine, and showed that individuals from populations most exposed to metals exhibited lower learning and memory abilities, and development impairments conducing to reduced brain size. A more systematic analysis of unexposed bees revealed a relationship between head size, brain morphometrics and learning performances in different behavioural tasks, suggesting that exposure to metal pollutants magnifies these natural variations. Hence, altogether, my results suggest that honey bees are unable to avoid exposure to field-realistic concentrations of metals that are detrimental to development and cognitive functions; and call for a revision of the environmental levels considered as 'safe'. My thesis is the first integrated analysis of the impact of several metal pollutants on bee cognition, morphology and brain structure, and should encourage further studies on the contribution of metal pollution in the reported decline of honey bees, and more generally, of insects