1,382 research outputs found

    Implicit transactional memory in chip multiprocessors

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    Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) are an efficient way of designing and use the huge amount of transistors on a chip. Different cores on a chip can compose a shared memory system with a very low-latency interconnect at a very low cost. Unfortunately, consistency models and synchronization styles of popular programming models for multiprocessors impose severe performance losses. Known architectural approaches to combat these losses are too complex, too specialized, or not transparent to the software. In this article, we introduce “implicit transactional memory” as a generalized architectural concept to remove such performance losses. We show how the concept of implicit transactions can be implemented at a low complexity by leveraging the multi-checkpoint mechanism of the Kilo-Instruction Processor. By relying on a general speculation substrate, it supports even the strictest consistency model – sequential consistency – potentially as effectively as weaker models and it allows multiple threads to speculatively execute critical sections, beyond barriers and event synchronizations.Postprint (published version

    LLOV: A Fast Static Data-Race Checker for OpenMP Programs

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    In the era of Exascale computing, writing efficient parallel programs is indispensable and at the same time, writing sound parallel programs is very difficult. Specifying parallelism with frameworks such as OpenMP is relatively easy, but data races in these programs are an important source of bugs. In this paper, we propose LLOV, a fast, lightweight, language agnostic, and static data race checker for OpenMP programs based on the LLVM compiler framework. We compare LLOV with other state-of-the-art data race checkers on a variety of well-established benchmarks. We show that the precision, accuracy, and the F1 score of LLOV is comparable to other checkers while being orders of magnitude faster. To the best of our knowledge, LLOV is the only tool among the state-of-the-art data race checkers that can verify a C/C++ or FORTRAN program to be data race free.Comment: Accepted in ACM TACO, August 202

    TokenTLB+CUP: A Token-Based Page Classification with Cooperative Usage Prediction

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    [EN] Discerning the private or shared condition of the data accessed by the applications is an increasingly decisive approach to achieving efficiency and scalability in multi- and many-core systems. Since most memory accesses in both sequential and parallel applications are either private (accessed only by one core) or read-only (not written) data, devoting the full cost of coherence to every memory access results in sub-optimal performance and limits the scalability and efficiency of the multiprocessor. This paper introduces TokenTLB, a TLB-based page classification approach based on exchange and count of tokens. Token counting on TLBs is a natural and efficient way for classifying memory pages, and it does not require the use of complex and undesirable persistent requests or arbitration. In addition, classification is extended with Cooperative Usage Predictor (CUP), a token-based system-wide page usage predictor retrieved through TLB cooperation, in order to perform a classification unaffected by TLB size. Through cycle-accurate simulation we observed that TokenTLB spends 43.6% of cycles as private per page on average, and CUP further increases the time spent as private by 22.0%. CUP avoids 4 out of 5 TLB invalidations when compared to state-of-the-art predictors, thus proving far better prediction accuracy and making usage prediction an attractive mechanism for the first time.This work has been jointly supported by the MINECO and European Commission (FEDER funds) under the project TIN2015-66972-C5-1-R and TIN2015-66972-C5-3-R and the Fundacion Seneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnologia de la Region de Murcia under the project Jovenes Lideres en Investigacion 18956/JLI/13.Esteve Garcia, A.; Ros Bardisa, A.; Robles Martínez, A.; Gómez Requena, ME. (2018). TokenTLB+CUP: A Token-Based Page Classification with Cooperative Usage Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 29(5):1188-1201. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2017.2782808S1188120129

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMessage passing (MP) has gained a widespread adoption over the years, so much so, that even heterogeneous embedded multicore systems are running programs that are developed using message passing libraries. Such a phenomenon is a shift in computing practices, since, traditionally MP programs have been developed specifically for high performance computing. With growing importance and the complexity of MP programs in today's times, it becomes absolutely imperative to have formal tools and sound methodologies that can help reason about the correctness of the program. It has been demonstrated by many researchers in the area of concurrent program verification that a suitable strategy to verify programs which rely heavily on nondeterminism, is dynamic verification. Dynamic verification integrates the best features of testing and model checking. In the area of MP program verification, however, there have been only a handful of dynamic verifiers. These dynamic verifiers, despite their strengths, suffer from the explosion in execution scenarios. All existing dynamic verifiers, to our knowledge, exhaustively explore the nondeterministic choices in an MP program. It is apparent that an MP program with many nondeterministic constructs will quickly inundate such tools. This dissertation focuses on the problem of containing the exponential space of execution scenarios (or interleavings) while providing a soundness and completeness guarantee over safety properties of MP programs (specifically deadlocks). We present a predictive verification methodology and an associated framework, called MAAPED(Messaging Application Analysis with Predictive Error Discovery), that operates in polynomial time over MP programs to detect deadlocks among other safety property violations. In brief, we collect a single execution trace of an MP program and without re-running other execution schedules, reliably construct the artifacts necessary to predict any mishappening in an unexplored execution schedule with the aforementioned formal guarantee. The main contributions of the thesis are the following: The Functionally Irrelevant Barrier Algorithm to increase program productivity and ease in verification complexity. A sound pragmatic strategy to reduce the interleaving space of existing dynamic verifiers which is complete only for a certain class of MPI programs. A generalized matches-before ordering for MP programs. A predictive polynomial time verification framework as an alternate solution in the dynamic MP verification landscape. A soundness and completeness proof for the predictive framework's deadlock detection strategy for many formally characterized classes of MP programs. In the process of developing solutions that are mentioned above, we also collected important experiences relating to the development of dynamic verification schedulers. We present those experiences as a minor contribution of this thesis

    The design and implementation of a verification technique for GPU Kernels

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    We present a technique for the formal verification of GPU kernels, addressing two classes of correctness properties: data races and barrier divergence. Our approach is founded on a novel formal operational semantics for GPU kernels termed synchronous, delayed visibility (SDV) semantics, which captures the execution of a GPU kernel by multiple groups of threads. The SDV semantics provides operational definitions for barrier divergence and for both inter- and intra-group data races. We build on the semantics to develop a method for reducing the task of verifying a massively parallel GPU kernel to that of verifying a sequential program. This completely avoids the need to reason about thread interleavings, and allows existing techniques for sequential program verification to be leveraged. We describe an efficient encoding of data race detection and propose a method for automatically inferring the loop invariants that are required for verification. We have implemented these techniques as a practical verification tool, GPUVerify, that can be applied directly to OpenCL and CUDA source code. We evaluate GPUVerify with respect to a set of 162 kernels drawn from public and commercial sources. Our evaluation demonstrates that GPUVerify is capable of efficient, automatic verification of a large number of real-world kernels

    Ensuring performance and correctness for legacy parallel programs

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    Modern computers are based on manycore architectures, with multiple processors on a single silicon chip. In this environment programmers are required to make use of parallelism to fully exploit the available cores. This can either be within a single chip, normally using shared-memory programming or at a larger scale on a cluster of chips, normally using message-passing. Legacy programs written using either paradigm face issues when run on modern manycore architectures. In message-passing the problem is performance related, with clusters based on manycores introducing necessarily tiered topologies that unaware programs may not fully exploit. In shared-memory it is a correctness problem, with modern systems employing more relaxed memory consistency models, on which legacy programs were not designed to operate. Solutions to this correctness problem exist, but introduce a performance problem as they are necessarily conservative. This thesis focuses on addressing these problems, largely through compile-time analysis and transformation. The first technique proposed is a method for statically determining the communication graph of an MPI program. This is then used to optimise process placement in a cluster of CMPs. Using the 64-process versions of the NAS parallel benchmarks, we see an average of 28% (7%) improvement in communication localisation over by-rank scheduling for 8-core (12-core) CMP-based clusters, representing the maximum possible improvement. Secondly, we move into the shared-memory paradigm, identifying and proving necessary conditions for a read to be an acquire. This can be used to improve solutions in several application areas, two of which we then explore. We apply our acquire signatures to the problem of fence placement for legacy well-synchronised programs. We find that applying our signatures, we can reduce the number of fences placed by an average of 62%, leading to a speedup of up to 2.64x over an existing practical technique. Finally, we develop a dynamic synchronisation detection tool known as SyncDetect. This proof of concept tool leverages our acquire signatures to more accurately detect ad hoc synchronisations in running programs and provides the programmer with a report of their locations in the source code. The tool aims to assist programmers with the notoriously difficult problem of parallel debugging and in manually porting legacy programs to more modern (relaxed) memory consistency models

    Transactional Data Structures

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    The Associations between the Scores on the ACT Test and Tennessee\u27s Value-Added Assessment in 281 Tennessee High Schools.

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between and among various demographic and test score data with American College Testing (ACT) scores in 281 Tennessee high schools. This study also addressed which high school characteristics were related to the number of students meeting the ACT requirement for Tennessee lottery scholarships. In addition, this study examined Tennessee Value Added Assessment System\u27s (TVAAS) assessment of ACT scores and its distribution of grades to Tennessee\u27s high schools based upon its Value-Added analysis. The researcher performed correlations and multivariable linear regressions using socioeconomic status, ethnicity, dropout rate, graduation rate, attendance, average daily membership, per-pupil expenditure, teacher salary, Gateway exams, English I scores, and math foundations scores as independent variables and ACT scores as the dependent variable. The strengths of the correlations were examined and the best combination of independent variables was used to predict future ACT scores. Schools were divided into quartiles, based upon average daily membership and attendance rates, in order to analyze the differences in r2 values among the quartiles when running regressions to predict ACT scores. Quartiles, based upon the percentage of students qualifying for free/reduced meals, ethnicity, and average daily membership were used to study the difference in TVAAS\u27 grade distribution based upon its assessment of ACT scores. The findings indicated that English I and II scores are most strongly associated with ACT composite scores including the four ACT subtests: math, English, reading, and science. English scores were found to be more strongly associated with ACT math scores than Algebra I scores and more strongly associated with ACT science scores than biology scores. It was found that the 21 composite ACT score requirements of Tennessee\u27s lottery scholarships predominantly favored Caucasian students who did not qualify for free/reduced-priced meals. It was also discovered that TVAAS\u27 ACT grades were unevenly distributed when schools were divided into quartiles based upon the percentage of students qualifying for free/reduced-priced meals, ethnicity, and average daily membership. Only one school in the quartile containing the schools with the highest percentage of students qualifying for free/reduced-priced meals scored above the state\u27s average gain in the reading section of the ACT test

    Design of Efficient TLB-based Data Classification Mechanisms in Chip Multiprocessors

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    Most of the data referenced by sequential and parallel applications running in current chip multiprocessors are referenced by a single thread, i.e., private. Recent proposals leverage this observation to improve many aspects of chip multiprocessors, such as reducing coherence overhead or the access latency to distributed caches. The effectiveness of those proposals depends to a large extent on the amount of detected private data. However, the mechanisms proposed so far either do not consider either thread migration or the private use of data within different application phases, or do entail high overhead. As a result, a considerable amount of private data is not detected. In order to increase the detection of private data, this thesis proposes a TLB-based mechanism that is able to account for both thread migration and private application phases with low overhead. Classification status in the proposed TLB-based classification mechanisms is determined by the presence of the page translation stored in other core's TLBs. The classification schemes are analyzed in multilevel TLB hierarchies, for systems with both private and distributed shared last-level TLBs. This thesis introduces a page classification approach based on inspecting other core's TLBs upon every TLB miss. In particular, the proposed classification approach is based on exchange and count of tokens. Token counting on TLBs is a natural and efficient way for classifying memory pages. It does not require the use of complex and undesirable persistent requests or arbitration, since when two ormore TLBs race for accessing a page, tokens are appropriately distributed classifying the page as shared. However, TLB-based ability to classify private pages is strongly dependent on TLB size, as it relies on the presence of a page translation in the system TLBs. To overcome that, different TLB usage predictors (UP) have been proposed, which allow a page classification unaffected by TLB size. Specifically, this thesis introduces a predictor that obtains system-wide page usage information by either employing a shared last-level TLB structure (SUP) or cooperative TLBs working together (CUP).La mayor parte de los datos referenciados por aplicaciones paralelas y secuenciales que se ejecutan enCMPs actuales son referenciadas por un único hilo, es decir, son privados. Recientemente, algunas propuestas aprovechan esta observación para mejorar muchos aspectos de los CMPs, como por ejemplo reducir el sobrecoste de la coherencia o la latencia de los accesos a cachés distribuidas. La efectividad de estas propuestas depende en gran medida de la cantidad de datos que son considerados privados. Sin embargo, los mecanismos propuestos hasta la fecha no consideran la migración de hilos de ejecución ni las fases de una aplicación. Por tanto, una cantidad considerable de datos privados no se detecta apropiadamente. Con el fin de aumentar la detección de datos privados, proponemos un mecanismo basado en las TLBs, capaz de reclasificar los datos a privado, y que detecta la migración de los hilos de ejecución sin añadir complejidad al sistema. Los mecanismos de clasificación en las TLBs se han analizado en estructuras de varios niveles, incluyendo TLBs privadas y con un último nivel de TLB compartido y distribuido. Esta tesis también presenta un mecanismo de clasificación de páginas basado en la inspección de las TLBs de otros núcleos tras cada fallo de TLB. De forma particular, el mecanismo propuesto se basa en el intercambio y el cuenteo de tokens (testigos). Contar tokens en las TLBs supone una forma natural y eficiente para la clasificación de páginas de memoria. Además, evita el uso de solicitudes persistentes o arbitraje alguno, ya que si dos o más TLBs compiten para acceder a una página, los tokens se distribuyen apropiadamente y la clasifican como compartida. Sin embargo, la habilidad de los mecanismos basados en TLB para clasificar páginas privadas depende del tamaño de las TLBs. La clasificación basada en las TLBs se basa en la presencia de una traducción en las TLBs del sistema. Para evitarlo, se han propuesto diversos predictores de uso en las TLBs (UP), los cuales permiten una clasificación independiente del tamaño de las TLBs. En concreto, esta tesis presenta un sistema mediante el que se obtiene información de uso de página a nivel de sistema con la ayuda de un nivel de TLB compartida (SUP) o mediante TLBs cooperando juntas (CUP).La major part de les dades referenciades per aplicacions paral·leles i seqüencials que s'executen en CMPs actuals són referenciades per un sol fil, és a dir, són privades. Recentment, algunes propostes aprofiten aquesta observació per a millorar molts aspectes dels CMPs, com és reduir el sobrecost de la coherència o la latència d'accés a memòries cau distribuïdes. L'efectivitat d'aquestes propostes depen en gran mesura de la quantitat de dades detectades com a privades. No obstant això, els mecanismes proposats fins a la data no consideren la migració de fils d'execució ni les fases d'una aplicació. Per tant, una quantitat considerable de dades privades no es detecta apropiadament. A fi d'augmentar la detecció de dades privades, aquesta tesi proposa un mecanisme basat en les TLBs, capaç de reclassificar les dades com a privades, i que detecta la migració dels fils d'execució sense afegir complexitat al sistema. Els mecanismes de classificació en les TLBs s'han analitzat en estructures de diversos nivells, incloent-hi sistemes amb TLBs d'últimnivell compartides i distribuïdes. Aquesta tesi presenta un mecanisme de classificació de pàgines basat en inspeccionar les TLBs d'altres nuclis després de cada fallada de TLB. Concretament, el mecanisme proposat es basa en l'intercanvi i el compte de tokens. Comptar tokens en les TLBs suposa una forma natural i eficient per a la classificació de pàgines de memòria. A més, evita l'ús de sol·licituds persistents o arbitratge, ja que si dues o més TLBs competeixen per a accedir a una pàgina, els tokens es distribueixen apropiadament i la classifiquen com a compartida. No obstant això, l'habilitat dels mecanismes basats en TLB per a classificar pàgines privades depenen de la grandària de les TLBs. La classificació basada en les TLBs resta en la presència d'una traducció en les TLBs del sistema. Per a evitar-ho, s'han proposat diversos predictors d'ús en les TLBs (UP), els quals permeten una classificació independent de la grandària de les TLBs. Específicament, aquesta tesi introdueix un predictor que obté informació d'ús de la pàgina a escala de sistema mitjançant un nivell de TLB compartida (SUP) or mitjançant TLBs cooperant juntes (CUP).Esteve García, A. (2017). Design of Efficient TLB-based Data Classification Mechanisms in Chip Multiprocessors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86136TESI

    Lightweight verification of functional programs

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    We have built several tools to help with testing and verifying functional programs. All three tools are based on QuickCheck properties. Our goal is to allow programmers to do more with QuickCheck properties than just test them.The first tool is QuickSpec, which finds equational specifications, and can be used to help with writing a specification or for program understanding. On top of QuickSpec, we have built HipSpec, which proves properties about Haskell programs, and uses QuickSpec to prove the necessary lemmas. We also describe PULSE and eqc_par_statem, which together can be used to find race conditions in Erlang programs.We believe that testable properties are a good basis for reasoning and verification, and that they give many of the benefits of formal verification without the cost of proof. The chief reason is that they are formal specifications for which the programmer can always get a counterexample when they are false. Furthermore, using testable properties allows us to write better tools. None of our tools would be possible if our properties were not testable.We also present work on encoding types in first-order logic, an essential component when using first-order provers to reason about programs. Our encodings are simple but extremely efficient, as evidenced by benchmarks. We develop the theory behind sound type encodings, and have written tools that implement our ideas