333 research outputs found

    Fake News Detection in Social Networks via Crowd Signals

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    Our work considers leveraging crowd signals for detecting fake news and is motivated by tools recently introduced by Facebook that enable users to flag fake news. By aggregating users' flags, our goal is to select a small subset of news every day, send them to an expert (e.g., via a third-party fact-checking organization), and stop the spread of news identified as fake by an expert. The main objective of our work is to minimize the spread of misinformation by stopping the propagation of fake news in the network. It is especially challenging to achieve this objective as it requires detecting fake news with high-confidence as quickly as possible. We show that in order to leverage users' flags efficiently, it is crucial to learn about users' flagging accuracy. We develop a novel algorithm, DETECTIVE, that performs Bayesian inference for detecting fake news and jointly learns about users' flagging accuracy over time. Our algorithm employs posterior sampling to actively trade off exploitation (selecting news that maximize the objective value at a given epoch) and exploration (selecting news that maximize the value of information towards learning about users' flagging accuracy). We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach via extensive experiments and show the power of leveraging community signals for fake news detection

    Survey on Ranking Fraud for Mobile Apps

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    In today's world there are many fraud ways through which app developers try to put their app at the first position. The developers try hard to configure the positions of various apps in the list of apps in that particular area. Mobile phones operating system is developing day by day but research in fraud apps is limited or not much discovered. Fraud ranking in mobile phones lead to download of the false app which allows damaging the mobile phones and falsely getting famous by that false apps. Fraud ranking in mobile phones is very important and this paper shows the misinterpretation of the apps information and configured apps position. Also a framework is used for fraud detection in apps. The work is grouped basically into three categories. First is web ranking spam detection, second is the online review spam detection and third one is mobile app recommendation. The first method Web ranking spam refers to any kind of actions which bring to selected Web pages an unjustifiable favorable relevance or give much importance. The second one is Review spam which is designed to give unfair view of some objects so as to influence the consumers' perception of the objects by directly or indirectly damaging the object's reputation. The third one is mobile app recommendation which tells users to check the app usage record

    A Critical Analysis Of The State-Of-The-Art On Automated Detection Of Deceptive Behavior In Social Media

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    Recently, a large body of research has been devoted to examine the user behavioral patterns and the business implications of social media. However, relatively little research has been conducted regarding users’ deceptive activities in social media; these deceptive activities may hinder the effective application of the data collected from social media to perform e-marketing and initiate business transformation in general. One of the main contributions of this paper is the critical analysis of the possible forms of deceptive behavior in social media and the state-of-the-art technologies for automated deception detection in social media. Based on the proposed taxonomy of major deception types, the assumptions, advantages, and disadvantages of the popular deception detection methods are analyzed. Our critical analysis shows that deceptive behavior may evolve over time, and so making it difficult for the existing methods to effectively detect social media spam. Accordingly, another main contribution of this paper is the design and development of a generic framework to combat dynamic deceptive activities in social media. The managerial implication of our research is that business managers or marketers will develop better insights about the possible deceptive behavior in social media before they tap into social media to collect and generate market intelligence. Moreover, they can apply the proposed adaptive deception detection framework to more effectively combat the ever increasing and evolving deceptive activities in social medi

    Combating Threats to the Quality of Information in Social Systems

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    Many large-scale social systems such as Web-based social networks, online social media sites and Web-scale crowdsourcing systems have been growing rapidly, enabling millions of human participants to generate, share and consume content on a massive scale. This reliance on users can lead to many positive effects, including large-scale growth in the size and content in the community, bottom-up discovery of “citizen-experts”, serendipitous discovery of new resources beyond the scope of the system designers, and new social-based information search and retrieval algorithms. But the relative openness and reliance on users coupled with the widespread interest and growth of these social systems carries risks and raises growing concerns over the quality of information in these systems. In this dissertation research, we focus on countering threats to the quality of information in self-managing social systems. Concretely, we identify three classes of threats to these systems: (i) content pollution by social spammers, (ii) coordinated campaigns for strategic manipulation, and (iii) threats to collective attention. To combat these threats, we propose three inter-related methods for detecting evidence of these threats, mitigating their impact, and improving the quality of information in social systems. We augment this three-fold defense with an exploration of their origins in “crowdturfing” – a sinister counterpart to the enormous positive opportunities of crowdsourcing. In particular, this dissertation research makes four unique contributions: ‱ The first contribution of this dissertation research is a framework for detecting and filtering social spammers and content polluters in social systems. To detect and filter individual social spammers and content polluters, we propose and evaluate a novel social honeypot-based approach. ‱ Second, we present a set of methods and algorithms for detecting coordinated campaigns in large-scale social systems. We propose and evaluate a content- driven framework for effectively linking free text posts with common “talking points” and extracting campaigns from large-scale social systems. ‱ Third, we present a dual study of the robustness of social systems to collective attention threats through both a data-driven modeling approach and deploy- ment over a real system trace. We evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasures deployed based on the first moments of a bursting phenomenon in a real system. ‱ Finally, we study the underlying ecosystem of crowdturfing for engaging in each of the three threat types. We present a framework for “pulling back the curtain” on crowdturfers to reveal their underlying ecosystem on both crowdsourcing sites and social media

    Spam elimination and bias correction : ensuring label quality in crowdsourced tasks.

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    Crowdsourcing is proposed as a powerful mechanism for accomplishing large scale tasks via anonymous workers online. It has been demonstrated as an effective and important approach for collecting labeled data in application domains which require human intelligence, such as image labeling, video annotation, natural language processing, etc. Despite the promises, one big challenge still exists in crowdsourcing systems: the difficulty of controlling the quality of crowds. The workers usually have diverse education levels, personal preferences, and motivations, leading to unknown work performance while completing a crowdsourced task. Among them, some are reliable, and some might provide noisy feedback. It is intrinsic to apply worker filtering approach to crowdsourcing applications, which recognizes and tackles noisy workers, in order to obtain high-quality labels. The presented work in this dissertation provides discussions in this area of research, and proposes efficient probabilistic based worker filtering models to distinguish varied types of poor quality workers. Most of the existing work in literature in the field of worker filtering either only concentrates on binary labeling tasks, or fails to separate the low quality workers whose label errors can be corrected from the other spam workers (with label errors which cannot be corrected). As such, we first propose a Spam Removing and De-biasing Framework (SRDF), to deal with the worker filtering procedure in labeling tasks with numerical label scales. The developed framework can detect spam workers and biased workers separately. The biased workers are defined as those who show tendencies of providing higher (or lower) labels than truths, and their errors are able to be corrected. To tackle the biasing problem, an iterative bias detection approach is introduced to recognize the biased workers. The spam filtering algorithm proposes to eliminate three types of spam workers, including random spammers who provide random labels, uniform spammers who give same labels for most of the items, and sloppy workers who offer low accuracy labels. Integrating the spam filtering and bias detection approaches into aggregating algorithms, which infer truths from labels obtained from crowds, can lead to high quality consensus results. The common characteristic of random spammers and uniform spammers is that they provide useless feedback without making efforts for a labeling task. Thus, it is not necessary to distinguish them separately. In addition, the removal of sloppy workers has great impact on the detection of biased workers, with the SRDF framework. To combat these problems, a different way of worker classification is presented in this dissertation. In particular, the biased workers are classified as a subcategory of sloppy workers. Finally, an ITerative Self Correcting - Truth Discovery (ITSC-TD) framework is then proposed, which can reliably recognize biased workers in ordinal labeling tasks, based on a probabilistic based bias detection model. ITSC-TD estimates true labels through applying an optimization based truth discovery method, which minimizes overall label errors by assigning different weights to workers. The typical tasks posted on popular crowdsourcing platforms, such as MTurk, are simple tasks, which are low in complexity, independent, and require little time to complete. Complex tasks, however, in many cases require the crowd workers to possess specialized skills in task domains. As a result, this type of task is more inclined to have the problem of poor quality of feedback from crowds, compared to simple tasks. As such, we propose a multiple views approach, for the purpose of obtaining high quality consensus labels in complex labeling tasks. In this approach, each view is defined as a labeling critique or rubric, which aims to guide the workers to become aware of the desirable work characteristics or goals. Combining the view labels results in the overall estimated labels for each item. The multiple views approach is developed under the hypothesis that workers\u27 performance might differ from one view to another. Varied weights are then assigned to different views for each worker. Additionally, the ITSC-TD framework is integrated into the multiple views model to achieve high quality estimated truths for each view. Next, we propose a Semi-supervised Worker Filtering (SWF) model to eliminate spam workers, who assign random labels for each item. The SWF approach conducts worker filtering with a limited set of gold truths available as priori. Each worker is associated with a spammer score, which is estimated via the developed semi-supervised model, and low quality workers are efficiently detected by comparing the spammer score with a predefined threshold value. The efficiency of all the developed frameworks and models are demonstrated on simulated and real-world data sets. By comparing the proposed frameworks to a set of state-of-art methodologies, such as expectation maximization based aggregating algorithm, GLAD and optimization based truth discovery approach, in the domain of crowdsourcing, up to 28.0% improvement can be obtained for the accuracy of true label estimation

    BlogForever: D2.5 Weblog Spam Filtering Report and Associated Methodology

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    This report is written as a first attempt to define the BlogForever spam detection strategy. It comprises a survey of weblog spam technology and approaches to their detection. While the report was written to help identify possible approaches to spam detection as a component within the BlogForver software, the discussion has been extended to include observations related to the historical, social and practical value of spam, and proposals of other ways of dealing with spam within the repository without necessarily removing them. It contains a general overview of spam types, ready-made anti-spam APIs available for weblogs, possible methods that have been suggested for preventing the introduction of spam into a blog, and research related to spam focusing on those that appear in the weblog context, concluding in a proposal for a spam detection workflow that might form the basis for the spam detection component of the BlogForever software

    Support Efficient, Scalable, and Online Social Spam Detection in System

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    The broad success of online social networks (OSNs) has created fertile soil for the emergence and fast spread of social spam. Fake news, malicious URL links, fraudulent advertisements, fake reviews, and biased propaganda are bringing serious consequences for both virtual social networks and human life in the real world. Effectively detecting social spam is a hot topic in both academia and industry. However, traditional social spam detection techniques are limited to centralized processing on top of one specific data source but ignore the social spam correlations of distributed data sources. Moreover, a few research efforts are conducting in integrating the stream system (e.g., Storm, Spark) with the large-scale social spam detection, but they typically ignore the specific details in managing and recovering interim states during the social stream data processing. We observed that social spammers who aim to advertise their products or post victim links are more frequently spreading malicious posts during a very short period of time. They are quite smart to adapt themselves to old models that were trained based on historical records. Therefore, these bring a question: how can we uncover and defend against these online spam activities in an online and scalable manner? In this dissertation, we present there systems that support scalable and online social spam detection from streaming social data: (1) the first part introduces Oases, a scalable system that can support large-scale online social spam detection, (2) the second part introduces a system named SpamHunter, a novel system that supports efficient online scalable spam detection in social networks. The system gives novel insights in guaranteeing the efficiency of the modern stream applications by leveraging the spam correlations at scale, and (3) the third part refers to the state recovery during social spam detection, it introduces a customizable state recovery framework that provides fast and scalable state recovery mechanisms for protecting large distributed states in social spam detection applications
