9 research outputs found

    XML Query-Update Independence Analysis Revisited

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    International audienceXML transformations can be resource-costly in particular when applied to very large XML documents and document sets. Those transformations usually involve lots of XPath queries and may not need to be entirely re-executed following an update of the input document. In this context, a given query is said to be independent of a given update if, for any XML document, the results of the query are not affected by the update. We revisit Benedikt and Cheney's framework for query-update independence analysis and show that performance can be drastically enhanced, contradicting his initial claims. The essence of our approach and results resides in the use of an appropriate logic, to which queries and updates are both succinctly translated. Compared to previous approaches, ours is more expressive from a theoretical point of view, equally accurate, and more efficient in practice. We illustrate this through practical experiments and comparative figures

    Type-Based Detection of XML Query-Update Independence

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    This paper presents a novel static analysis technique to detect XML query-update independence, in the presence of a schema. Rather than types, our system infers chains of types. Each chain represents a path that can be traversed on a valid document during query/update evaluation. The resulting independence analysis is precise, although it raises a challenging issue: recursive schemas may lead to infer infinitely many chains. A sound and complete approximation technique ensuring a finite analysis in any case is presented, together with an efficient implementation performing the chain-based analysis in polynomial space and time.Comment: VLDB201

    Logical Combinators for Rich Type Systems

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    We present a functional approach to design rich type systems based on an elegant logical representation of types. The representation is not only clean but avoids exponential increases in combined complexity due to subformula duplication. This opens the way for solving a wide range of problems such as subtyping in exponential-time even though their direct translation into the underlying logic results in an exponential blowup of the formula size, yielding an incorrectly presumed two-exponential time complexity.Nous présentons une approche fonctionnelle pour concevoir des systèmes de types riches basée sur une représentation élégante et logique des types. La représentation n'est pas seulement propre, mais évite une augmentation exponentielle de la complexité en raison de duplication de sous-formules. Cela ouvre la voie pour résoudre un large éventail de problèmes tels que le sous-typage en temps simplement exponentiel, même si leur traduction directe dans la logique sous-jacente produit une explosion combinatoire de la taille de la formule, donnant une complexité en temps incorrectement présumée doublement exponentielle

    An Algorithm for Detecting and Correcting XSLT Rules Affected by Schema Updates

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    Thesis (Master of Science in Informatics)--University of Tsukuba, no. 37776, 2017.3.2

    A Logical Approach To Deciding Semantic Subtyping

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    International audienceWe consider a type algebra equipped with recursive, product, function, intersection, union, and complement types together with type variables and implicit universal quantification over them. We consider the subtyping relation recently defined by Castagna and Xu over such type expressions and show how this relation can be decided in EXPTIME, answering an open question. The novelty, originality and strength of our solution reside in introducing a logical modeling for the semantic subtyping framework. We model semantic subtyping in a tree logic and use a satisfiability-testing algorithm in order to decide subtyping. We report on practical experiments made with a full implementation of the system. This provides a powerful polymorphic type system aiming at maintaining full static type-safety of functional programs that manipulate trees, even with higher-order functions, which is particularly useful in the context of XML

    Algebraic incremental maintenance of XML views

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    International audienceMaterialized views can bring important performance benefits when querying XML documents. In the presence of XML document changes, materialized views need to be updated to faithfully reflect the changed document. In this work, we present an algebraic approach for propagating source updates to XML materialized views expressed in a powerful XML tree pattern formalism. Our approach differs from the state of the art in the area in two important ways. First, it relies on set-oriented, algebraic operations, to be contrasted with node-based previous approaches. Second, it exploits state-of-the-art features of XML stores and XML query evaluation engines, notably XML structural identifiers and associated structural join algorithms. We present algorithms for determining how updates should be propagated to views, and highlight the benefits of our approach over existing algorithms through a series of experiments

    Analyse statique pour l'optimisation des mises à jour de documents XML temporels

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    Ces dernières années ont été marquées par l adoption en masse de XML comme format d échange et de représentation des données stockées sur le web. Cette évolution s est accompagnée du développement de langages pour l interrogation et la manipulation des données XML et de la mise en œuvre de plusieurs systèmes pour le stockage et le traitement des ces dernières. Parmi ces systèmes, les moteurs mémoire centrale ont été développés pour faire face à des besoins spécifiques d applications qui ne nécessitant pas les fonctionnalités avancées des SGBD traditionnels. Ces moteurs offrent les mêmes fonctionnalités que les systèmes traditionnels sauf que contrairement à ces derniers, ils nécessitent de charger entièrement les documents en mémoire centrale pour pouvoir les traiter. Par conséquent, ces systèmes sont limités quant à la taille des documents pouvant être traités. Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons aux aspects liés à l évolution des données XML et à la gestion de la dimension temporelle de celles-ci. Cette thèse comprend deux parties ayant comme objectif commun le développement de méthodes efficaces pour le traitement des documents XML volumineux en utilisant les moteurs mémoire centrale. Dans la première partie nous nous focalisons sur la mise à jour des documents XML statiques. Nous proposons une technique d optimisation basée sur la projection XML et sur l utilisation des schémas. La projection est une méthode qui a été proposée dans le cadre des requêtes afin de résoudre les limitations des moteurs mémoire centrale. Son utilisation pour le cas des mises à jour soulève de nouveaux problèmes liés notamment à la propagation des effets des mises à jour. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la construction et à la maintenance des documents temporels, toujours sous la contrainte d espace. A cette contrainte s ajoute la nécessité de générer des documents efficaces du point de vue du stockage. Notre contribution consiste en deux méthodes. La première méthode s applique dans le cas général pour lequel aucune information n est utilisée pour la construction des documents temporels. Cette méthode est conçue pour être réalisée en streaming et permet ainsi le traitement de document quasiment sans limite de taille. La deuxième méthode s applique dans le cas où les changements sont spécifiés par des mises à jour. Elle utilise le paradigme de projection ce qui lui permet en outre de manipuler des documents volumineux de générer des documents temporels satisfaisant du point de vue du stockage.The last decade has witnessed a rapid expansion of XML as a format for representing and exchanging data through the web. In order to follow this evolution, many languages have been proposed to query, update or transform XML documents. At the same time, a range set of systems allowing to store and process XML documents have been developed. Among these systems, main-memory engines are lightweight systems that are the favored choice for applications that do not require complex functionalities of traditional DBMS such as transaction management and secondary storage indexes. These engines require to loading the documents to be processed entirely into main-memory. Consequently, they suffer from space limitations and are not able to process quite large documents. In this thesis, we investigate issues related to the evolution of XML documents and to the management of the temporal dimension for XML. This thesis consists of two parts sharing the common goal of developing efficient techniques for processing large XML documents using main-memory engines. The first part investigates the optimization of update for static XML documents. We have developed a technique based on XML projection, a method that has been proposed to overcome the limitations of main-memory engines in the case of querying. We have devised for a new scenario for projection allowing the propagation of the updates effects. The second of the thesis investigates building and maintaining time-stamped XML documents under space limitations. Our contribution consists in two methods. The first method can be applied in the general case where no restriction is made on the evolution of the XML documents. This method is designed to be performed in streaming and allows thus processing large documents. The second method deals with the case where the changes are specified by updates. It is based on the projection paradigm which it allows it for processing large documents and for generating time-stamped documents satisfactory from the point of view of storage. We provide a means to comparing time-stamped wrt space occupancy.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF