69 research outputs found

    Hawks\u27 Herald -- March 8, 2010

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    A Psychological Analysis on The Main Character of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe viewed from Karen Horney’s Theory

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    ABSTRACT Characters become an important part of novels. The presence of characters develops the story continually. It is usually concerned to human beings and their circumstances such as nature, attitude, social relationship, etc. Robinson Crusoe is an English novel of the Classical period that presents the main character of Robinson Crusoe who shipwrecked alone in a dessert island. The psychological condition of Crusoe is portrayed in the whole novel, from the beginning until the end of the story. Crusoe also becomes the only main character of the story. The strength of the main character’s personality is highlighted perfectly in this novel. To get a comprehensive understanding to this novel, the psychological condition of Robinson Crusoe is chosen as the subject of the study. The purposes of this study are to describe Robinson Crusoe’s personality as reflected in the novel and to view his personality from Karen Horney’s theory. This study employs a literary criticism and uses psychological approach. It is a study that analyzes the psychological condition of the main character in a literary work. It employs a literary criticism because the writer conducts discussion of literary works which is related with the personality of the main character in the novel Robinson Crusoe. The data of this study are taken from Robinson Crusoe novel written by Daniel Defoe that was published by Penguin Popular Classic in 1994. From the data that have been analyzed, it can be concluded that the personalities of Robinson Crusoe are stubborn, wise, self-sufficient, and hard working. Viewed from Karen Horney’s theory, Robinson Crusoe has neurotic needs for affection, neurotic needs for power and exploitation, and neurotic needs for self- sufficiency. Each need is divided into several needs. Neurotic needs for affection cover the neurotic need for a partner and for love. Neurotic need for power and exploitation consists of the neurotic need to restrict life, to control over others, to exploit others, to have social recognition, to get personal admiration and to reach personal achievement. Neurotic need for self-sufficiency consists of neurotic need for independence and for perfection

    Culture of Sea Cucumbers in Korea: A guide to Korean methods and the local sea cucumber in the Northeast U.S.

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    A paper exploring the potential to grow Korean sea cucumbers in the Northeast of the United States. This paper examines the life history and biology of the Korean cucumber (Cucumaria Frondosa), Korean hatchery culture techniques, Korean sea cucumber culture process, and the viability of culturing the Korean sea cucumber in the Northeast

    University of Maine Softball Media Guide, 1990

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    The University of Maine women’s softball team looks at 1990 as a building year. The squad is dominated by freshmen and sophomores. Since the players come from highly visible and competitive high school programs, the freshmen will see action immediately, particularly freshman pitcher Mary Campbell. She has all the pitches and speed to begin a successful career for the Black Bears. Also in the circle is sophomore Sherri Bridges. Sherri is expected to be an immediate contributor and improve on her 5-8 record of last season. They will have a big load to carry but both should be up to the challenge

    Education for life or life-long education?

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    Historically, people learned skills that lasted for their lifetime. This was «education for life». In the modern technical and scientific world, things change so rapidly that a professional must continuously learn new material. This is «life-long education». Technological advances require signifi cant changes the electrical engineering curriculum. Studies of vacuum tubes and transformers have given way to studies of control theory, VSLI chips, semiconductor technology and lasers. An electrical engineer can not expect to master all aspects of the field within four or even eight years of study. Continuing education has become part of an engineering career

    Culture of Sea Cucumbers in Korea: A Guide to Korean Methods and the Local Sea Cucumber in the Northeast U.S.

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    In an effort to develop suitable culture techniques for sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa) in the Northeast, this guide reviews the current knowledge of C. frondosa biology and reports on techniques for the hatchery culture of the Japanese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus learned during a research exchange between the United States (NOAA Sea Grant) and South Korea (National Fisheries Research and Development Institute). The final portion of the guide discusses the potential adoption of the culture techniques for A. japonicus for use with C. frondosa

    Ammonia Transportation Via Rhesus Glycoproteins In Lonhorned Sculpin (Myoxocephalus Octodecemspinosus) And Spiny Dogfish (Squalus Acanthias).

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    The maintenance of homeostatic equilibrium is one of the main challenges facing marine fishes. Ammonia is a toxic byproduct of protein digestion and therefore must be regulated and excreted. Since the discovery of Rhesus glycoproteins roles in ammonia excretion in 2007, many species of fish have been studied (Nakada et al. 2007b). Rhesus glycoprotein orthologs, Rhag, Rhbg, Rhcg1, and Rhcg2, have been localized to the gillsof Takifugu rubripes, the puffer fish, while Rhp2 has been localized to the kidney of the marine elasmobranch Triakis scyllium, the banded houndshark. This study looked at the marine elasmobranch Squalus acanthias, spiny dogfish, and the marine teleost Myoxocephalus octodecemspinous, longhorned sculpin. We hypothesize that both the spiny dogfish and the longhorned sculpin utilize Rhesus glycoprotein orthologs in the excretion and movement of ammonia and its byproducts. To date we have cloned a partial fragment of Rhp2 (1040bp) from the spiny dogfish and partial fragments of Rhag (677bp), Rhbg (661bp), and Rhcg1 (610bp), from the longhorned sculpin. The open reading frame from Rhcg2 (1097bp) was also isolated and showed high similarity to other teleost Rhcg2. In this study, immunohistochemistry was used to localize Rhesus glycoprotein orthologs and various ion transporters to the kidney and gills of the spiny dogfish, and the gills of the longhorned sculpin. Western blot and tissue distribution confirmed expression of Rhesus glycoproteins to the epithelial tissues of the longhorned sculpin

    InfoTech Update, Volume 15, Number 6, November/December 2006

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    Atmospheric transport and deposition of water -soluble nitrogen to the Gulf of Maine

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    An intensive sampling program was carried out from May 1994 through November 1997 on the shore of the Gulf of Maine in New Castle, New Hampshire. Daily (24 hour averages) samples of bulk aerosol and gas phase HNO3, precipitation, and 20 aerosol size distributions were obtained. Particulate NH4+ and gas phase HNO3 were the dominant water-soluble nitrogen species in the atmosphere. Nitrate was the dominant inorganic nitrogen ion in precipitation. These samples were used with 1000 hPa streamlines to classify sampled air masses according to their surface level transport and chemistry. Overall, mixed conditions occurred in 42% of the samples, continental species were dominant in 37%, and marine species were dominant in 21%. Rain occurred frequently under sea salt dominant conditions; about 47% of the days classified as such had rain events. Particulate NO3-- was associated with sea salt Na+ in the coarse aerosol fraction peaking at approximately 4 mum in diameter. Particulate NH4+ was associated with non-sea-salt-SO42--, with the bulk of the NH4+ present on particles in the 0.43--1.1 mum diameter range. The direct atmospheric deposition of water-soluble nitrogen to the surface waters of the Gulf of Maine was assessed. Wet deposition dominated dry deposition, contributing 80--90% of the total flux annually. The total atmospheric direct nitrogen (ADN) deposition numbers reported here do not include the contributions of fog and dissolved organic nitrogen as they were not regularly sampled during this study. Total ADN flux ranged from 1--4262 mumol N m--2 d--1 (median 23 mumol N m --2 d--1), depositing 52 mmol N m --2 yr--1 to the surface waters of the Gulf of Maine, 3% of the total N input to those waters annually. However, this deposition was highly episodic with events over 500 mumol N m--2 d--1 occurring in 8% of the days sampled, but contributing 56% of the total measured flux. Estimates of the episodic atmospheric nitrogen flux to the Gulf of Maine surface waters suggest large deposition events could be sufficient to support substantial chlorophyll a production

    Community annotation and bioinformatics workforce development in concert—Little Skate Genome Annotation Workshops and Jamborees

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    Recent advances in high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies have equipped biologists with a powerful new set of tools for advancing research goals. The resulting flood of sequence data has made it critically important to train the next generation of scientists to handle the inherent bioinformatic challenges. The North East Bioinformatics Collaborative (NEBC) is undertaking the genome sequencing and annotation of the little skate (Leucoraja erinacea) to promote advancement of bioinformatics infrastructure in our region, with an emphasis on practical education to create a critical mass of informatically savvy life scientists. In support of the Little Skate Genome Project, the NEBC members have developed several annotation workshops and jamborees to provide training in genome sequencing, annotation and analysis. Acting as a nexus for both curation activities and dissemination of project data, a project web portal, SkateBase (http://skatebase.org) has been developed. As a case study to illustrate effective coupling of community annotation with workforce development, we report the results of the Mitochondrial Genome Annotation Jamborees organized to annotate the first completely assembled element of the Little Skate Genome Project, as a culminating experience for participants from our three prior annotation workshops. We are applying the physical/virtual infrastructure and lessons learned from these activities to enhance and streamline the genome annotation workflow, as we look toward our continuing efforts for larger-scale functional and structural community annotation of the L. erinacea genome
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