100 research outputs found

    Cross-Platform Implementation of an SSVEP-Based BCI for the Control of a 6-DOF Robotic Arm

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    [EN] Robotics has been successfully applied in the design of collaborative robots for assistance to people with motor disabilities. However, man-machine interaction is difficult for those who suffer severe motor disabilities. The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of a low-cost robotic arm control system with an EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI). The BCI system relays on the Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) paradigm. A cross-platform application was obtained in C++. This C++ platform, together with the open-source software Openvibe was used to control a Staubli robot arm model TX60. Communication between Openvibe and the robot was carried out through the Virtual Reality Peripheral Network (VRPN) protocol. EEG signals were acquired with the 8-channel Enobio amplifier from Neuroelectrics. For the processing of the EEG signals, Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) filters and a Linear Discriminant Analysis classifier (LDA) were used. Five healthy subjects tried the BCI. This work allowed the communication and integration of a well-known BCI development platform such as Openvibe with the specific control software of a robot arm such as Staubli TX60 using the VRPN protocol. It can be concluded from this study that it is possible to control the robotic arm with an SSVEP-based BCI with a reduced number of dry electrodes to facilitate the use of the system.Funding for open access charge: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Quiles Cucarella, E.; Dadone, J.; Chio, N.; García Moreno, E. (2022). Cross-Platform Implementation of an SSVEP-Based BCI for the Control of a 6-DOF Robotic Arm. Sensors. 22(13):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22135000126221

    Feature- and classification analysis for detection and classification of tongue movements from single-trial pre-movement EEG

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    Individuals with severe tetraplegia can benefit from brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). While most movement-related BCI systems focus on right/left hand and/or foot movements, very few studies have considered tongue movements to construct a multiclass BCI. The aim of this study was to decode four movement directions of the tongue (left, right, up, and down) from single-trial pre-movement EEG and provide a feature and classifier investigation. In offline analyses (from ten individuals without a disability) detection and classification were performed using temporal, spectral, entropy, and template features classified using either a linear discriminative analysis, support vector machine, random forest or multilayer perceptron classifiers. Besides the 4-class classification scenario, all possible 3-, and 2-class scenarios were tested to find the most discriminable movement type. The linear discriminant analysis achieved on average, higher classification accuracies for both movement detection and classification. The right- and down tongue movements provided the highest and lowest detection accuracy (95.3±4.3% and 91.7±4.8%), respectively. The 4-class classification achieved an accuracy of 62.6±7.2%, while the best 3-class classification (using left, right, and up movements) and 2-class classification (using left and right movements) achieved an accuracy of 75.6±8.4% and 87.7±8.0%, respectively. Using only a combination of the temporal and template feature groups provided further classification accuracy improvements. Presumably, this is because these feature groups utilize the movement-related cortical potentials, which are noticeably different on the left- versus right brain hemisphere for the different movements. This study shows that the cortical representation of the tongue is useful for extracting control signals for multi-class movement detection BCIs

    A Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface for Closed- Loop Position Control of a Robot Arm

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    Brain-Computer Interfacing has currently added a new dimension in assistive robotics. Existing brain-computer interfaces designed for position control applications suffer from two fundamental limitations. First, most of the existing schemes employ open-loop control, and thus are unable to track the positional errors, resulting in failures in taking necessary online corrective actions. There are traces of one or fewer works dealing with closed-loop EEG-based position control. The existing closed-loop brain-induced position control schemes employ a fixed order link selection rule, which often creates a bottleneck for time-efficient control. Second, the existing brain-induced position controllers are designed to generate the position response like a traditional first-order system, resulting in a large steady-state error. This paper overcomes the above two limitations by keeping provisions for (Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential induced) link-selection in an arbitrary order as required for efficient control and also to generate a second-order response of the position-control system with gradually diminishing overshoots/undershoots to reduce steady-state errors. Besides the above, the third novelty is to utilize motor imagery and P300 signals to design the hybrid brain-computer interfacing system for the said application with gradually diminishing error-margin by speed reversal at the zero-crossings of positional errors. Experiments undertaken reveal that the steady-state error is reduced to 0.2%. The paper also provides a thorough analysis of stability of the closed-loop system performance using Root Locus technique

    Tongue Control of Upper-Limb Exoskeletons For Individuals With Tetraplegia

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    Support vector machines to detect physiological patterns for EEG and EMG-based human-computer interaction:a review

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    Support vector machines (SVMs) are widely used classifiers for detecting physiological patterns in human-computer interaction (HCI). Their success is due to their versatility, robustness and large availability of free dedicated toolboxes. Frequently in the literature, insufficient details about the SVM implementation and/or parameters selection are reported, making it impossible to reproduce study analysis and results. In order to perform an optimized classification and report a proper description of the results, it is necessary to have a comprehensive critical overview of the applications of SVM. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the usage of SVM in the determination of brain and muscle patterns for HCI, by focusing on electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) techniques. In particular, an overview of the basic principles of SVM theory is outlined, together with a description of several relevant literature implementations. Furthermore, details concerning reviewed papers are listed in tables and statistics of SVM use in the literature are presented. Suitability of SVM for HCI is discussed and critical comparisons with other classifiers are reported