15 research outputs found

    Sistema tutorado de aprendizado e nivelação para aspirantes à PMP

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    The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification allows a person to carry out their work and be recognized as a professional project manager. This certificate;also helps to demonstrate knowledge, experience and skills to manage projects and achieve successful skills before employers, clients and professionals in a specific field. This paper aims to develop a tutorial learning system for mobile devices, to be used as a preparation tool for all candidates to the PMP certification with the Project Management Institute (PMI). Thanks to the information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), there are now a number of tools and teaching strategies related to the use of electronic and digital resources (M-learning B learning, E-learning, etc.) to streamline and make teaching-learning processes more effective. This paper concludes that tutorial-based systems (ST) facilitate the learning process and can turn the traditional educational approach into a versatile, flexible and didactic model.La certificación Project Management Professional (PMP) permite a una persona desempeñar su labor y ser reconocida como directora profesional de proyectos; sirve para demostrar a empleadores, clientes y profesionales en un área, que se tiene el conocimiento, la experiencia y las habilidades necesarias para dirigir proyectos y lograr resultados satisfactorios. Este artículo tiene como objetivo desarrollar un sistema tutorial de aprendizaje para dispositivos móviles que sirva como herramienta de preparación a todos los aspirantes a la certificación PMP otorgada por el Project Management Institute (PMI).Gracias a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), en la actualidad existen numerosas herramientas y estrategias de enseñanza que involucran el uso de recursos electrónicos y digitales (M-learning, B-learning, E learning, etc.) para dinamizar y hacer más efectivos los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje. Con el desarrollo de este trabajo se concluye que los sistemas tutoriados (ST) facilitan el proceso de aprendizaje y permiten transformar el modelo educativo tradicional en un modelo versátil, flexible y didáctico.  A certificação Project Management Professional (PMP) permite a uma pessoa desempenhar sua labor e ser reconhecida como diretora profissional de projetos; serve para mostrar aos empregadores, clientes e profissionais numa área, que ela tem o conhecimento, a experiência e as habilidades necessárias para dirigir projetos e conseguir resultados satisfatórios. Este artigo tem como objetivo desenvolver um sistema tutorial de aprendizado para dispositivos móveis que funcione como ferramenta de preparação para tudo aspirante à certificação PMP outorgada pelo Project Management Institute (PMI). Graças às tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC), na atualidade existem distintas ferramentas e estratégias de ensino que envolvem o uso dos recursos digitais (M-learning, B-learning, E-learning, etc.) para dinamizar e tornar mais eficientes os processos de ensino-aprendizado. Este trabalho conclui que os sistemas tutorados (ST) facilitam o processo de aprendizado e permitem transformar o modelo educativo tradicional num modelo versátil flexível e didático

    Intelligent Tutoring System Sebagai Upaya Inovatif dalam Pembelajaran untuk Pembelajaran Berbantuan Komputer

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang pesat juga telah merambah bidang pendidikan dan pengajaran. Penggunaan pembelajaran berbasis komputer dalam pembelajaran telah diteliti dan memberikan dampak positif dalam pembelajaran. Salah satu pembelaajran berbasis komputer yang saat ini masih  terus dikembangkan adalah  Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) yang dikembangkan untuk mengatasi kelemahan pembelajaranberbasis komputer sebelumnya yang belum memperhatikan keberagaman siswa. ITS merupakan sebuah aplikasi komputer yang dibuat untuk meniru mimik manusia dalam memberikan materi pengajaran. ITS menggunakan pendekatan one-to-one.  ITS merupakan sistem yang cerdas karena memiliki komponen kecerdasan buatan

    Intelligent Tutoring System sebagai Upaya Inovatif dalam Pembelajaran untuk Pembelajaran Berbantuan Komputer

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang pesat juga telah merambah bidang pendidikan dan pengajaran. Penggunaan pembelajaran berbasis komputer dalam pembelajaran telah diteliti dan memberikan dampak positif dalam pembelajaran. Salah satu pembelaajran berbasis komputer yang saat ini masih terus dikembangkan adalah Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) yang dikembangkan untuk mengatasi kelemahan pembelajaran berbasis komputer sebelumnya yang belum memperhatikan keberagaman siswa. ITS merupakan sebuah aplikasi komputer yang dibuat untuk meniru mimik manusia dalam memberikan materi pengajaran. ITS menggunakan pendekatan one-to-one. ITS merupakan sistem yang cerdas karena memiliki komponen kecerdasan buatan

    Building English Vocabulary Schema Retention Using Review Value Calculation for ESL Students

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    Vocabularies, the core of any language, is probably the most challenging and time-consuming part of learning a foreign language in a diverse and disperse community of learners. This study proposes an approach that can help a learner build up his/her English vocabulary volume by intensive article reading, inclusion of Google Cloud Natural Language API, Glosbe Dictionary API and the use of computing technology, the review value calculation. The review value calculation was able to determine the number of days where the new words should be reviewed and be part of the long-term memory. Result shows that students were able to increase their vocabulary acquisition skills by applying technology and computing to their study routines. Students were able to retain words fast and understand better, by employing an interactive monitoring process. If the system will be implemented carefully, it will hypothetically produce a faster technique in acquiring new vocabularies for foreign students. &nbsp


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    The article considers the tasks and features of mathematics training for students of secondary vocational education. Special attention is paid to the need to solve the problem of adaptation of students to the conditions of study in college and the organization of independent work. In this regard, the authors propose to make wider use of the practice of adaptive learning as innovative pedagogical tools. The article considers the concept of the effectiveness of adaptive personalized learning and suggests the directions by which it can be evaluated. As an example, the experience of implementing an adaptive educational course “Mathematics”, designed in the Articulate Storyline platform, is analyzed. The module is designed to organize and support adaptive learning of students of the Department of Information Systems by means of adaptive educational technologies. The results of the training are analyzed, and the possibilities of the Articulate Storyline platform in ensuring the independent work of students are presented. The main part of the article is devoted to evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning using an adaptive educational platform. With the help of questionnaires and tools of the Articulate Storyline platform, an assessment of the educational result achieved was made, the degree of motivation of students to master the discipline of mathematics was analyzed, and the attitude of students to the process of e-learning using an adaptive educational platform was investigated.The article considers the tasks and features of mathematics training for students of secondary vocational education. Special attention is paid to the need to solve the problem of adaptation of students to the conditions of study in college and the organization of independent work. In this regard, the authors propose to make wider use of the practice of adaptive learning as innovative pedagogical tools. The article considers the concept of the effectiveness of adaptive personalized learning and suggests the directions by which it can be evaluated. As an example, the experience of implementing an adaptive educational course “Mathematics”, designed in the Articulate Storyline platform, is analyzed. The module is designed to organize and support adaptive learning of students of the Department of Information Systems by means of adaptive educational technologies. The results of the training are analyzed, and the possibilities of the Articulate Storyline platform in ensuring the independent work of students are presented. The main part of the article is devoted to evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning using an adaptive educational platform. With the help of questionnaires and tools of the Articulate Storyline platform, an assessment of the educational result achieved was made, the degree of motivation of students to master the discipline of mathematics was analyzed, and the attitude of students to the process of e-learning using an adaptive educational platform was investigated

    ELE-TUTORA: Un Sistema Tutorial Inteligente para la focalización de los errores gramaticales en la enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera

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    Los Sistemas Tutoriales Inteligentes (STI) para lenguas extranjeras se basan en los desarrollos de la Inteligencia Artificial, principalmente, en lo que compete a la utilización de técnicas de Comprensión de Lenguaje Natural  y de Generación de Lenguaje Natural. A estos sistemas se les denomina ‘inteligentes’ atendiendo a la capacidad que tienen para analizar gramaticalmente una entrada en lenguaje natural y luego producir un mensaje en lenguaje natural correspondiente a una estrategia de feedback correctivo adecuado para el error focalizado del estudiante (Ferreira, Moore & Mellish, 2007). Basados en investigaciones previas sobre errores y estrategias de feedback correctivo (Ferreira, 2003; 2006; 2007; Ferreira, Moore y Mellish, 2007) y  más recientemente en la construcción de un STI para ELE (Ferreira y Kotz, 2010; Kotz y Ferreira, 2013) se ha definido un modelo de tratamiento de errores de lengua y un componente de estrategias de feedback correctivo para un STI para ELE. La arquitectura se compone de tres módulos: el experto, el tutor y el estudiante. Cada uno de ellos al articularse permiten la adaptabilidad del sistema acorde con el conocimiento del alumno. Para lograr una articulación completa del sistema es necesario definir los parámetros, variables e información que comparten entre ellos y la forma como llevan a cabo su tarea. En este trabajo se presentan los avances en el diseño del sistema ELE-TUTORA que estamos construyendo para la focalización en la forma (focus on form) en ELE. Se describe y explica el diseño general del sistema como su funcionamiento en lo que respecta a los diferentes módulos


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    介绍了智能教学系统的发展历史和国内外发展情况,对于智能教学系统研究存在的问题进行了探讨, 并就智能教学系统的发展趋势提出了自己的看法。福建省科技厅青年科技人才基金资助项目(2007F3103) ;福建省教育厅资助 项目( JA08222) ;厦门市科技计划指导性项目(3502Z20089040

    Identificación de características del input que interfieren en la comprensión de textos orales en segunda lengua

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    Indexación: Scopus.Historically, computer-based second language help options (translations, culture notes, translations and glossaries) have been ignored by L2 listeners, despite that their use seems to improve comprehension. CALL scholars agree that training is paramount to address the help option neglect phenomena. The way this training should take, however, is still unclear. Some researchers suggest training should be done through the implementation of Interactive Virtual Tutors (IVT), but this suggestion has been explored primarily with grammar and vocabulary tasks, but not with computer-based listening tasks. An IVT, in this study, is a parser that highlights potential obstacles to understanding by analyzing the aural input at the linguistic level and suggests the most adequate help option that would allow the students to recover from comprehension breakdowns. The aim of this study and the first step for the conceptualization of an IVT is to identify input text characteristics that affect the complexity of oral texts. Accordingly, we measure the linguistic complexity of 13 authentic talks at the lexical, phonological, syntactical and discourse level. A full description of the criteria for input selection and analyses of the talks are provided. The article concludes with a reflection on limitations to automatic text processing tools for oral texts and provides suggestions for further research.https://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-09342020000100031&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=e

    Application of a problem-based learning in university students of irrigation engineering

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    En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio realizado mediante la metodología activa de aprendizaje denominada “Aprendizaje basado en Problemas” (ABP), en estudiantes universitarios. El trabajo se ha desarrollado durante el curso 2015-16 en dos grupos de alumnos de la asignatura Ingeniería del Riego, en el Grado en Ingeniería Agrícola de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Huelva (España). Ha comprendido la aplicación de la metodología didáctica específica y su evaluación, detallándose el problema estructurante diseñado y su división en subproblemas. La evaluación se ha efectuado empleando un método cuasi-experimental. Entre las conclusiones se destaca que el ABP es preferible a la metodología tradicional expositiva, al resultar significativa la diferencia en adquisición de conocimientos por los estudiantes. Así mismo, se produce mejora en los planteamientos para la resolución de los problemas planteados, no sólo la diferencia en resultados numéricos finales, sino el planteamiento establecido para llegar a los mismosIn this paper results are shown for research carried out through active learning methodology, which is called “Problem-Based Learning” (PBL), among university students. The work was developed during the academic year 2015-16 and it was carried out with two groups of students enrolled in the subject “Irrigation Engineering”, belonging to the Agricultural Engineering Degree from the Superior Technical School of Engineering of the University of Huelva (Spain). To do so the application of specific teaching methods and evaluation were necessary, with special attention to the structuring problem and its division into sub problems. The evaluation was carried out using a quasi-experimental method. One highlight of the conclusions is that the PBL methodology is preferable to the traditional expository methodology due to the significant difference in knowledge acquisition by students. Also, improvement occurs in the approaches regarding problem resolution, not only in the difference in final numerical results, but the way they were reached. Keywords: problem-based learning, engineers training, quasi-experimental method, irrigation engineerin

    The effect of input-based and output-based feedback on the short-term development of AFL learners\u27 inter-language

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    This quasi-experimental study was designed to investigate the role and value of two major interactional feedback techniques: recasts and elicitations in communicative Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA) classrooms. A preliminary pilot study based on observing 20 AFL classes suggested to the author of this paper that both recasts and elicitations are widely used in correcting learners\u27 grammatical mistakes, especially subject-verb agreement errors (50%, and 30% for recasts and elicitations, respectively). Accordingly, the purpose of the current classroom-based study is to investigate which of the two feedback strategies, under investigation, could lead to substantial changes in Arabic as a Foreign Language (AFL) learners\u27 inter-language, in terms of the effect these strategies might have on the short-term development of AFL learners\u27 target- like ECA subject-verb agreement forms. Pretest- immediate/delayed posttests were used to investigate the impact of recasts (an input-based feedback) and elicitations (an output-based feedback) on 24 AFL low intermediate learners. Four experimental groups were formed: two recasts groups with 10 participants, and two elicitations groups with 14 participants. The results of the immediate post-test, which was carried out on the same day of the treatment, showed no significant effect for both recasts and elicitations on learners\u27 immediate pick-up of target-like ECA subject-verb agreement forms. However, the two elicitations groups significantly outperformed the two recasts groups on the delayed posttest, which was carried out two days after the treatment. The results of the delayed posttest also showed that the two elicitations groups significantly benefited more than the two recasts groups in terms of their recall of target-like ECA subject-verb agreement forms, which further added to the learners\u27 inter-language development