2,983 research outputs found

    RPPM : Rapid Performance Prediction of Multithreaded workloads on multicore processors

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    Analytical performance modeling is a useful complement to detailed cycle-level simulation to quickly explore the design space in an early design stage. Mechanistic analytical modeling is particularly interesting as it provides deep insight and does not require expensive offline profiling as empirical modeling. Previous work in mechanistic analytical modeling, unfortunately, is limited to single-threaded applications running on single-core processors. This work proposes RPPM, a mechanistic analytical performance model for multi-threaded applications on multicore hardware. RPPM collects microarchitecture-independent characteristics of a multi-threaded workload to predict performance on a previously unseen multicore architecture. The profile needs to be collected only once to predict a range of processor architectures. We evaluate RPPM's accuracy against simulation and report a performance prediction error of 11.2% on average (23% max). We demonstrate RPPM's usefulness for conducting design space exploration experiments as well as for analyzing parallel application performance

    Improving early design stage timing modeling in multicore based real-time systems

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    This paper presents a modelling approach for the timing behavior of real-time embedded systems (RTES) in early design phases. The model focuses on multicore processors - accepted as the next computing platform for RTES - and in particular it predicts the contention tasks suffer in the access to multicore on-chip shared resources. The model presents the key properties of not requiring the application's source code or binary and having high-accuracy and low overhead. The former is of paramount importance in those common scenarios in which several software suppliers work in parallel implementing different applications for a system integrator, subject to different intellectual property (IP) constraints. Our model helps reducing the risk of exceeding the assigned budgets for each application in late design stages and its associated costs.This work has received funding from the European Space Agency under Project Reference AO=17722=13=NL=LvH, and has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant TIN2015-65316-P. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Performance analysis and optimization of automotive GPUs

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving (AD) have drastically increased the performance demands of automotive systems. Suitable highperformance platforms building upon Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) have been developed to respond to this demand, being NVIDIA Jetson TX2 a relevant representative. However, whether high-performance GPU configurations are appropriate for automotive setups remains as an open question. This paper aims at providing light on this question by modelling an automotive GPU (Jetson TX2), analyzing its microarchitectural parameters against relevant benchmarks, and identifying specific configurations able to meaningfully increase performance within similar cost envelopes, or to decrease costs preserving original performance levels. Overall, our analysis opens the door to the optimization of automotive GPUs for further system efficiency.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant TIN2015-65316-P, the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 772773) and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Pedro Benedicte and Jaume Abella have been partially supported by the MINECO under FPU15/01394 grant and Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717 respectively and Leonidas Kosmidis under Juan de la Cierva-Formacin postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2017-34095).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    HERO: Heterogeneous Embedded Research Platform for Exploring RISC-V Manycore Accelerators on FPGA

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    Heterogeneous embedded systems on chip (HESoCs) co-integrate a standard host processor with programmable manycore accelerators (PMCAs) to combine general-purpose computing with domain-specific, efficient processing capabilities. While leading companies successfully advance their HESoC products, research lags behind due to the challenges of building a prototyping platform that unites an industry-standard host processor with an open research PMCA architecture. In this work we introduce HERO, an FPGA-based research platform that combines a PMCA composed of clusters of RISC-V cores, implemented as soft cores on an FPGA fabric, with a hard ARM Cortex-A multicore host processor. The PMCA architecture mapped on the FPGA is silicon-proven, scalable, configurable, and fully modifiable. HERO includes a complete software stack that consists of a heterogeneous cross-compilation toolchain with support for OpenMP accelerator programming, a Linux driver, and runtime libraries for both host and PMCA. HERO is designed to facilitate rapid exploration on all software and hardware layers: run-time behavior can be accurately analyzed by tracing events, and modifications can be validated through fully automated hard ware and software builds and executed tests. We demonstrate the usefulness of HERO by means of case studies from our research

    HALLS: An Energy-Efficient Highly Adaptable Last Level STT-RAM Cache for Multicore Systems

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    Spin-Transfer Torque RAM (STT-RAM) is widely considered a promising alternative to SRAM in the memory hierarchy due to STT-RAM's non-volatility, low leakage power, high density, and fast read speed. The STT-RAM's small feature size is particularly desirable for the last-level cache (LLC), which typically consumes a large area of silicon die. However, long write latency and high write energy still remain challenges of implementing STT-RAMs in the CPU cache. An increasingly popular method for addressing this challenge involves trading off the non-volatility for reduced write speed and write energy by relaxing the STT-RAM's data retention time. However, in order to maximize energy saving potential, the cache configurations, including STT-RAM's retention time, must be dynamically adapted to executing applications' variable memory needs. In this paper, we propose a highly adaptable last level STT-RAM cache (HALLS) that allows the LLC configurations and retention time to be adapted to applications' runtime execution requirements. We also propose low-overhead runtime tuning algorithms to dynamically determine the best (lowest energy) cache configurations and retention times for executing applications. Compared to prior work, HALLS reduced the average energy consumption by 60.57% in a quad-core system, while introducing marginal latency overhead.Comment: To Appear on IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC

    Fast simulation techniques for microprocessor design space exploration

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    Designing a microprocessor is extremely time-consuming. Computer architects heavily rely on architectural simulators, e.g., to drive high-level design decisions during early stage design space exploration. The benefit of architectural simulators is that they yield relatively accurate performance results, are highly parameterizable and are very flexible to use. The downside, however, is that they are at least three or four orders of magnitude slower than real hardware execution. The current trend towards multicore processors exacerbates the problem; as the number of cores on a multicore processor increases, simulation speed has become a major concern in computer architecture research and development. In this dissertation, we propose and evaluate two simulation techniques that reduce the simulation time significantly: statistical simulation and interval simulation. Statistical simulation speeds up the simulation by reducing the number of dynamically executed instructions. First, we collect a number of program execution characteristics into a statistical profile. From this profile we can generate a synthetic trace that exhibits the same execution behavior but which has a much shorter trace length as compared to the original trace. Simulating this synthetic trace then yields a performance estimate. Interval simulation raises the level of abstraction in architectural simulation; it replaces the core-level cycle-accurate simulation model by a mechanistic analytical model. The analytical model builds on insights from interval analysis: miss events divide the smooth streaming of instructions into so called intervals. The model drives the timing by analyzing the type of the miss events and their latencies, instead of tracking the individual instructions as they propagate through the pipeline stages
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