66 research outputs found

    Enabling mobile microinteractions

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    While much attention has been paid to the usability of desktop computers, mobile com- puters are quickly becoming the dominant platform. Because mobile computers may be used in nearly any situation--including while the user is actually in motion, or performing other tasks--interfaces designed for stationary use may be inappropriate, and alternative interfaces should be considered. In this dissertation I consider the idea of microinteractions--interactions with a device that take less than four seconds to initiate and complete. Microinteractions are desirable because they may minimize interruption; that is, they allow for a tiny burst of interaction with a device so that the user can quickly return to the task at hand. My research concentrates on methods for applying microinteractions through wrist- based interaction. I consider two modalities for this interaction: touchscreens and motion- based gestures. In the case of touchscreens, I consider the interface implications of making touchscreen watches usable with the finger, instead of the usual stylus, and investigate users' performance with a round touchscreen. For gesture-based interaction, I present a tool, MAGIC, for designing gesture-based interactive system, and detail the evaluation of the tool.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Starner, Thad; Committee Member: Abowd, Gregory; Committee Member: Isbell, Charles; Committee Member: Landay, james; Committee Member: McIntyre, Blai

    Move, hold and touch: A framework for Tangible gesture interactive systems

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    © 2015 by the authors. Technology is spreading in our everyday world, and digital interaction beyond the screen, with real objects, allows taking advantage of our natural manipulative and communicative skills. Tangible gesture interaction takes advantage of these skills by bridging two popular domains in Human-Computer Interaction, tangible interaction and gestural interaction. In this paper, we present the Tangible Gesture Interaction Framework (TGIF) for classifying and guiding works in this field. We propose a classification of gestures according to three relationships with objects: move, hold and touch. Following this classification, we analyzed previous work in the literature to obtain guidelines and common practices for designing and building new tangible gesture interactive systems. We describe four interactive systems as application examples of the TGIF guidelines and we discuss the descriptive, evaluative and generative power of TGIF

    An investigation of mid-air gesture interaction for older adults

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    Older adults (60+) face natural and gradual decline in cognitive, sensory and motor functions that are often the reason for the difficulties that older users come up against when interacting with computers. For that reason, the investigation and design of age-inclusive input methods for computer interaction is much needed and relevant due to an ageing population. The advances of motion sensing technologies and mid-air gesture interaction reinvented how individuals can interact with computer interfaces and this modality of input method is often deemed as a more “natural” and “intuitive” than using purely traditional input devices such mouse interaction. Although explored in gaming and entertainment, the suitability of mid-air gesture interaction for older users in particular is still little known. The purpose of this research is to investigate the potential of mid-air gesture interaction to facilitate computer use for older users, and to address the challenges that older adults may face when interacting with gestures in mid-air. This doctoral research is presented as a collection of papers that, together, develop the topic of ageing and computer interaction through mid-air gestures. The initial point for this research was to establish how older users differ from younger users and focus on the challenges faced by older adults when interacting with mid-air gesture interaction. Once these challenges were identified, this work aimed to explore a series of usability challenges and opportunities to further develop age-inclusive interfaces based on mid-air gesture interaction. Through a series of empirical studies, this research intends to provide recommendations for designing mid-air gesture interaction that better take into consideration the needs and skills of the older population and aims to contribute to the advance of age-friendly interfaces

    Accessible On-Body Interaction for People With Visual Impairments

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    While mobile devices offer new opportunities to gain independence in everyday activities for people with disabilities, modern touchscreen-based interfaces can present accessibility challenges for low vision and blind users. Even with state-of-the-art screenreaders, it can be difficult or time-consuming to select specific items without visual feedback. The smooth surface of the touchscreen provides little tactile feedback compared to physical button-based phones. Furthermore, in a mobile context, hand-held devices present additional accessibility issues when both of the users’ hands are not available for interaction (e.g., on hand may be holding a cane or a dog leash). To improve mobile accessibility for people with visual impairments, I investigate on-body interaction, which employs the user’s own skin surface as the input space. On-body interaction may offer an alternative or complementary means of mobile interaction for people with visual impairments by enabling non-visual interaction with extra tactile and proprioceptive feedback compared to a touchscreen. In addition, on-body input may free users’ hands and offer efficient interaction as it can eliminate the need to pull out or hold the device. Despite this potential, little work has investigated the accessibility of on-body interaction for people with visual impairments. Thus, I begin by identifying needs and preferences of accessible on-body interaction. From there, I evaluate user performance in target acquisition and shape drawing tasks on the hand compared to on a touchscreen. Building on these studies, I focus on the design, implementation, and evaluation of an accessible on-body interaction system for visually impaired users. The contributions of this dissertation are: (1) identification of perceived advantages and limitations of on-body input compared to a touchscreen phone, (2) empirical evidence of the performance benefits of on-body input over touchscreen input in terms of speed and accuracy, (3) implementation and evaluation of an on-body gesture recognizer using finger- and wrist-mounted sensors, and (4) design implications for accessible non-visual on-body interaction for people with visual impairments

    Push Yourself a Bit Harder: The Impacts of Force-based Gestures on Consumer Decisiveness and Self-Regulation

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    The emergence of force-based gestures (e.g., peek and pop) brings more functionalities to mobile interaction. Although it is believed that peek and pop could facilitate user navigation experience, the psychological and behavioral effects of force-based gestures remain unexplored. This study aims to investigate whether and how force-based gestures (gentle tap vs. hard press) influence mobile consumer decision making. Drawing on Embodied Cognition Theory and Mobile Application Usability literature, we propose that hard press (compared with gentle tap) could make consumers more decisive and thus lead to faster decisions; moreover, hard press (compared with gentle tap) could also facilitate willpower summoning and thus enhance consumer self-control. We also propose that these effects are contingent on visual responsiveness. Accordingly, a 2 by 2 lab experiment is designed. Potential theoretical contributions, practical implications as well as future research directions are discussed

    A Framework For Abstracting, Designing And Building Tangible Gesture Interactive Systems

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    This thesis discusses tangible gesture interaction, a novel paradigm for interacting with computer that blends concepts from the more popular fields of tangible interaction and gesture interaction. Taking advantage of the human innate abilities to manipulate physical objects and to communicate through gestures, tangible gesture interaction is particularly interesting for interacting in smart environments, bringing the interaction with computer beyond the screen, back to the real world. Since tangible gesture interaction is a relatively new field of research, this thesis presents a conceptual framework that aims at supporting future work in this field. The Tangible Gesture Interaction Framework provides support on three levels. First, it helps reflecting from a theoretical point of view on the different types of tangible gestures that can be designed, physically, through a taxonomy based on three components (move, hold and touch) and additional attributes, and semantically, through a taxonomy of the semantic constructs that can be used to associate meaning to tangible gestures. Second, it helps conceiving new tangible gesture interactive systems and designing new interactions based on gestures with objects, through dedicated guidelines for tangible gesture definition and common practices for different application domains. Third, it helps building new tangible gesture interactive systems supporting the choice between four different technological approaches (embedded and embodied, wearable, environmental or hybrid) and providing general guidance for the different approaches. As an application of this framework, this thesis presents also seven tangible gesture interactive systems for three different application domains, i.e., interacting with the In-Vehicle Infotainment System (IVIS) of the car, the emotional and interpersonal communication, and the interaction in a smart home. For the first application domain, four different systems that use gestures on the steering wheel as interaction means with the IVIS have been designed, developed and evaluated. For the second application domain, an anthropomorphic lamp able to recognize gestures that humans typically perform for interpersonal communication has been conceived and developed. A second system, based on smart t-shirts, recognizes when two people hug and reward the gesture with an exchange of digital information. Finally, a smart watch for recognizing gestures performed with objects held in the hand in the context of the smart home has been investigated. The analysis of existing systems found in literature and of the system developed during this thesis shows that the framework has a good descriptive and evaluative power. The applications developed during this thesis show that the proposed framework has also a good generative power.Questa tesi discute l’interazione gestuale tangibile, un nuovo paradigma per interagire con il computer che unisce i principi dei più comuni campi di studio dell’interazione tangibile e dell’interazione gestuale. Sfruttando le abilità innate dell’uomo di manipolare oggetti fisici e di comunicare con i gesti, l’interazione gestuale tangibile si rivela particolarmente interessante per interagire negli ambienti intelligenti, riportando l’attenzione sul nostro mondo reale, al di là dello schermo dei computer o degli smartphone. Poiché l’interazione gestuale tangibile è un campo di studio relativamente recente, questa tesi presenta un framework (quadro teorico) che ha lo scopo di assistere lavori futuri in questo campo. Il Framework per l’Interazione Gestuale Tangibile fornisce supporto su tre livelli. Per prima cosa, aiuta a riflettere da un punto di vista teorico sui diversi tipi di gesti tangibili che possono essere eseguiti fisicamente, grazie a una tassonomia basata su tre componenti (muovere, tenere, toccare) e attributi addizionali, e che possono essere concepiti semanticamente, grazie a una tassonomia di tutti i costrutti semantici che permettono di associare dei significati ai gesti tangibili. In secondo luogo, il framework proposto aiuta a concepire nuovi sistemi interattivi basati su gesti tangibili e a ideare nuove interazioni basate su gesti con gli oggetti, attraverso linee guida per la definizione di gesti tangibili e una selezione delle migliore pratiche per i differenti campi di applicazione. Infine, il framework aiuta a implementare nuovi sistemi interattivi basati su gesti tangibili, permettendo di scegliere tra quattro differenti approcci tecnologici (incarnato e integrato negli oggetti, indossabile, distribuito nell’ambiente, o ibrido) e fornendo una guida generale per la scelta tra questi differenti approcci. Come applicazione di questo framework, questa tesi presenta anche sette sistemi interattivi basati su gesti tangibili, realizzati per tre differenti campi di applicazione: l’interazione con i sistemi di infotainment degli autoveicoli, la comunicazione interpersonale delle emozioni, e l’interazione nella casa intelligente. Per il primo campo di applicazione, sono stati progettati, sviluppati e testati quattro differenti sistemi che usano gesti tangibili effettuati sul volante come modalità di interazione con il sistema di infotainment. Per il secondo campo di applicazione, è stata concepita e sviluppata una lampada antropomorfica in grado di riconoscere i gesti tipici dell’interazione interpersonale. Per lo stesso campo di applicazione, un secondo sistema, basato su una maglietta intelligente, riconosce quando due persone si abbracciano e ricompensa questo gesto con uno scambio di informazioni digitali. Infine, per l’interazione nella casa intelligente, è stata investigata la realizzazione di uno smart watch per il riconoscimento di gesti eseguiti con oggetti tenuti nella mano. L’analisi dei sistemi interattivi esistenti basati su gesti tangibili permette di dimostrare che il framework ha un buon potere descrittivo e valutativo. Le applicazioni sviluppate durante la tesi mostrano che il framework proposto ha anche un valido potere generativo

    Do That, There: An Interaction Technique for Addressing In-Air Gesture Systems

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    When users want to interact with an in-air gesture system, they must first address it. This involves finding where to gesture so that their actions can be sensed, and how to direct their input towards that system so that they do not also affect others or cause unwanted effects. This is an important problem [6] which lacks a practical solution. We present an interaction technique which uses multimodal feedback to help users address in-air gesture systems. The feedback tells them how (“do that”) and where (“there”) to gesture, using light, audio and tactile displays. By doing that there, users can direct their input to the system they wish to interact with, in a place where their gestures can be sensed. We discuss the design of our technique and three experiments investigating its use, finding that users can “do that” well (93.2%–99.9%) while accurately (51mm–80mm) and quickly (3.7s) finding “there”

    Evaluating body tracking interaction in floor projection displays with an elderly population

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    The recent development of affordable full body tracking sensors has made this technology accessible to millions of users and gives the opportunity to develop new natural user interfaces. In this paper we focused on developing 2 natural user interfaces that could easily be used by an elderly population for interaction with a floor projection display. One interface uses feet positions to control a cursor and feet distance to activate interaction. In the second interface, the cursor is controlled by ray casting the forearm into the projection and interaction is activated by hand pose. The interfaces were tested by 19 elderly participants in a point-and-click and a drag-and-drop task using a between-subjects experimental design. The usability and perceived workload for each interface was assessed as well as performance indicators. Results show a clear preference by the participants for the feet controlled interface and also marginal better performance for this method.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design and recognition of microgestures for always-available input

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    Gestural user interfaces for computing devices most commonly require the user to have at least one hand free to interact with the device, for example, moving a mouse, touching a screen, or performing mid-air gestures. Consequently, users find it difficult to operate computing devices while holding or manipulating everyday objects. This limits the users from interacting with the digital world during a significant portion of their everyday activities, such as, using tools in the kitchen or workshop, carrying items, or workout with sports equipment. This thesis pushes the boundaries towards the bigger goal of enabling always-available input. Microgestures have been recognized for their potential to facilitate direct and subtle interactions. However, it remains an open question how to interact using gestures with computing devices when both of the user’s hands are occupied holding everyday objects. We take a holistic approach and focus on three core contributions: i) To understand end-users preferences, we present an empirical analysis of users’ choice of microgestures when holding objects of diverse geometries. Instead of designing a gesture set for a specific object or geometry and to identify gestures that generalize, this thesis leverages the taxonomy of grasp types established from prior research. ii) We tackle the critical problem of avoiding false activation by introducing a novel gestural input concept that leverages a single-finger movement, which stands out from everyday finger motions during holding and manipulating objects. Through a data-driven approach, we also systematically validate the concept’s robustness with different everyday actions. iii) While full sensor coverage on the user’s hand would allow detailed hand-object interaction, minimal instrumentation is desirable for real-world use. This thesis addresses the problem of identifying sparse sensor layouts. We present the first rapid computational method, along with a GUI-based design tool that enables iterative design based on the designer’s high-level requirements. Furthermore, we demonstrate that minimal form-factor devices, like smart rings, can be used to effectively detect microgestures in hands-free and busy scenarios. Overall, the presented findings will serve as both conceptual and technical foundations for enabling interaction with computing devices wherever and whenever users need them.Benutzerschnittstellen für Computergeräte auf Basis von Gesten erfordern für eine Interaktion meist mindestens eine freie Hand, z.B. um eine Maus zu bewegen, einen Bildschirm zu berühren oder Gesten in der Luft auszuführen. Daher ist es für Nutzer schwierig, Geräte zu bedienen, während sie Gegenstände halten oder manipulieren. Dies schränkt die Interaktion mit der digitalen Welt während eines Großteils ihrer alltäglichen Aktivitäten ein, etwa wenn sie Küchengeräte oder Werkzeug verwenden, Gegenstände tragen oder mit Sportgeräten trainieren. Diese Arbeit erforscht neue Wege in Richtung des größeren Ziels, immer verfügbare Eingaben zu ermöglichen. Das Potential von Mikrogesten für die Erleichterung von direkten und feinen Interaktionen wurde bereits erkannt. Die Frage, wie der Nutzer mit Geräten interagiert, wenn beide Hände mit dem Halten von Gegenständen belegt sind, bleibt jedoch offen. Wir verfolgen einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz und konzentrieren uns auf drei Kernbeiträge: i) Um die Präferenzen der Endnutzer zu verstehen, präsentieren wir eine empirische Analyse der Wahl von Mikrogesten beim Halten von Objekte mit diversen Geometrien. Anstatt einen Satz an Gesten für ein bestimmtes Objekt oder eine bestimmte Geometrie zu entwerfen, nutzt diese Arbeit die aus früheren Forschungen stammenden Taxonomien an Griff-Typen. ii) Wir adressieren das Problem falscher Aktivierungen durch ein neuartiges Eingabekonzept, das die sich von alltäglichen Fingerbewegungen abhebende Bewegung eines einzelnen Fingers nutzt. Durch einen datengesteuerten Ansatz validieren wir zudem systematisch die Robustheit des Konzepts bei diversen alltäglichen Aktionen. iii) Auch wenn eine vollständige Sensorabdeckung an der Hand des Nutzers eine detaillierte Hand-Objekt-Interaktion ermöglichen würde, ist eine minimale Ausstattung für den Einsatz in der realen Welt wünschenswert. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Identifizierung reduzierter Sensoranordnungen. Wir präsentieren die erste, schnelle Berechnungsmethode in einem GUI-basierten Designtool, das iteratives Design basierend auf den Anforderungen des Designers ermöglicht. Wir zeigen zudem, dass Geräte mit minimalem Formfaktor wie smarte Ringe für die Erkennung von Mikrogesten verwendet werden können. Insgesamt dienen die vorgestellten Ergebnisse sowohl als konzeptionelle als auch als technische Grundlage für die Realisierung von Interaktion mit Computergeräten wo und wann immer Nutzer sie benötigen.Bosch Researc

    Peripheral interaction

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    In our everyday life we carry out a multitude of activities in parallel without focusing our attention explicitly on them. We drink a cup of tea while reading a book, we signal a colleague passing by with a hand gesture, that we are concentrated right now and that he should wait one moment, or we walk a few steps backwards while taking photos. Many of these interactions - like drinking, sending signals via gestures or walking - are rather complex by themselves. By means of learning and training, however, these interactions become part of our routines and habits and therefore only consume little or no attentional resources. In contrast, when interacting with digital devices, we are often asked for our full attention. To carry out - even small and marginal tasks - we are regularly forced to switch windows, do precise interactions (e.g., pointing with the mouse) and thereby these systems trigger context and focus switches, disrupting us in our main focus and task. Peripheral interaction aims at making use of human capabilities and senses like divided attention, spatial memory and proprioception to support interaction with digital devices in the periphery of the attention, consequently quasi-parallel to another primary task. In this thesis we investigate peripheral interaction in the context of a standard desktop computer environment. We explore three interaction styles for peripheral interaction: graspable interaction, touch input and freehand gestures. StaTube investigates graspable interaction in the domain of instant messaging, while the Appointment Projection uses simple wiping gestures to access information about upcoming appointments. These two explorations focus on one interaction style each and offer first insights into the general benefits of peripheral interaction. In the following we carried out two studies comparing all three interaction styles (graspable, touch, freehand) for audio player control and for dealing with notifications. We found that all three interaction styles are generally fit for peripheral interaction but come with different advantages and disadvantages. The last set of explorative studies deals with the ability to recall spatial locations in 2D as well as 3D. The Unadorned Desk makes use of the physical space around the desktop computer and thereby offers an extended interaction space to store and retrieve virtual items such as commands, applications or tools. Finally, evaluation of peripheral interaction is not straightforward as the systems are designed to blend into the environment and not draw attention on them. We propose an additional evaluation method for the lab to complement the current evaluation practice in the field. The main contributions of this thesis are (1) an exhaustive classification and a more detailed look at manual peripheral interaction for tangible, touch and freehand interaction. Based on these exploration with all three interaction styles, we offer (2) implications in terms of overall benefits of peripheral interaction, learnability and habituation, visual and mental attention, feedback and handedness for future peripheral interaction design. Finally, derived from a diverse set of user studies, we assess (3) evaluation strategies enriching the design process for peripheral interaction.In unserem täglichen Leben führen wir eine große Anzahl an Aktivitäten parallel aus ohne uns explizit darauf zu konzentrieren. Wir trinken Tee während wir ein Buch lesen, wir signalisieren einem Kollegen durch eine Handgeste, dass wir gerade konzentriert sind und er einen Moment warten soll oder wir gehen ein paar Schritte rückwärts während wir fotografieren. Viele dieser Aktivitäten - wie beispielsweise Trinken, Gestikulieren und Laufen - sind an sich komplex. Durch Training werden diese Tätigkeiten allerdings Teil unserer Routinen und Gewohnheiten, und beanspruchen daher nur noch wenig oder sogar keine Aufmerksamkeit. Im Gegensatz dazu, verlangen digitale Geräte meist unsere volle Aufmerksamkeit während der Interaktion. Um - oftmals nur kleine - Aufgaben durchzuführen, müssen wir Fenster wechseln, präzise Aktionen durchführen (z.B. mit dem Mauszeiger zielen) und werden dabei durch die Systeme zu einem Kontext- und Fokuswechsel gezwungen. Periphere Interaktion hingegen macht sich menschliche Fähigkeiten wie geteilte Aufmerksamkeit, das räumliche Gedächtnis und Propriozeption zu Nutze um Interaktion mit digitalen Geräten am Rande der Aufmerksamkeit also der Peripherie zu ermöglichen -- quasi-parallel zu einem anderen Primärtask. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir Periphere Interaktion am Computerarbeitsplatz. Dabei betrachten wir drei verschiedene Interaktionsstile: Begreifbare Interaktion (graspable), Touch Eingabe und Freiraum Gestik (freehand). StaTube untersucht Begreifbare Interaktion am Beispiel von Instant Messaging, während die Appointment Projection einfache Wischgesten nutzt, um Informationen nahender Termine verfügbar zu machen. Diese beiden Untersuchungen betrachten jeweils einen Interaktionsstil und beleuchten erste Vorteile, die durch Periphere Interaktion erzielt werden können. Aufbauend darauf führen wir zwei vergleichende Studien zwischen allen drei Interaktionsstilen durch. Als Anwendungsszenarien dienen Musiksteuerung und der Umgang mit Benachrichtigungsfenstern. Alle drei Interaktionsstile können erfolgreich für Periphere Interaktion eingesetzt werden, haben aber verschiedene Vor- und Nachteile. Die letzte Gruppe von Studien befasst sich mit dem räumlichen Gedächtnis in 2D und 3D. Das Unadorned Desk nutzt den physikalischen Raum neben dem Desktop Computer um virtuelle Objekte, beispielsweise Funktionen, Anwendungen oder Werkzeuge, zu lagern. Darüber hinaus ist die Evaluation von Peripherer Interaktion anspruchsvoll, da sich die Systeme in die Umwelt integrieren und gerade keine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen sollen. Wir schlagen eine Evaluationsmethode für das Labor vor, um die derzeitig vorherrschenden Evaluationsmethoden in diesem Forschungsfeld zu ergänzen. Die Kernbeiträge dieser Arbeit sind eine (1) umfassende Klassifizierung und ein detaillierter Blick auf manuelle Periphere Interaktion, namentlich Begreifbare Interaktion, Touch Eingabe und Freiraum Gestik. Basierend auf unseren Untersuchungen ziehen wir (2) Schlussfolgerungen, die den generellen Nutzen von Peripherer Interaktion darlegen und Bereiche wie die Erlernbarkeit und Gewöhnung, visuelle und mentale Aufmerksamkeit, Feedback so wie Händigkeit beleuchten um zukünftige Projekte im Bereich der Peripheren Interaktion zu unterstützen. Aufbauend auf den verschiedenen Nutzerstudien, diskutieren wir Evaluationsstrategien um den Entwicklungsprozess Peripherer Interaktion zu unterstützen
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