337 research outputs found

    Design and Testing of a Mobile-Phone-Jammer

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    Dissimilar cellular-systems process signals differently, and yet, all cell-phone-networks use radio-signals that can be interrupted or, even, blocked, completely. This project highlights the design of a simple, low-cost mobile-phone-jammer and aims to present a solution for the problem of inappropriate-use of the cell-phones in restricted and prohibited-areas. The main concept of jamming is the releasing of signal (noise) of the same-frequency which is using by mobile-service-provider to overpower and destruct the user-signal. The fabrication of the jammer involved uncomplicated discrete components, resistors, capacitors, inductors and transistors to generate the required frequency (noise) and then amplifies the frequency generated to range of 800 MHZ to 1.4 GHZ in order to match the frequency of the mobile-phone being transmitted by the base-station. Relatively-satisfactory-jamming of a mobile-signal was confirmed by the blocking of the signals of the mobile-phones in 2G and 3G-networks (UMTS / WCDMA) operated via Safaricom, Airtell, Orange, and YU service-providers, when the phone indicated “no network”, thereby allowing no call to go through, with no-interference to other communication-means observed. Overall recommendation is that further and more deeper-research is needed to produce more-sophisticated and better jamming devices, as not to affect the other base-station-transmission-systems. Keywords: mobile, phone, jammer, design, signal

    Jammers for mobile cellular systems applied to unauthorized UAVs

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    This research aims to explore jamming on digital mobile systems, with an initial focus towards the 2G and Global System of Mobile Communications (GSM) technologies. The main goal is to develop a jammer with an efficiency and complexity greater than the existent ones, capable to better disrupt digital mobile systems. The study consists of an analysis of the different techniques of jamming, that can disrupt the mobile cellular system’s communication, through a series of simulations using the Software Defined Radio (SDR) and the GNU Radio ecosystem. The same techniques will then be studied and evaluated in real life scenarios in order to select which one is the best regarding spectral efficiency, energy and complexity. Finally, the jammer returning the best results will be the one chosen to contribute sustainably for the issue with flying drones on restrict areas, such as airports and residential zones, and thus, decrease the number of accidents which nowadays happen usually with this kind of aircrafts.Neste estudo será feita uma abordagem ao jamming em sistemas móveis digitais, dando um maior foco inicial à tecnologia 2G, Sistema Global para Comunicações Móveis (GSM). O objetivo principal será o desenvolvimento de um sinal jammer, diferente dos já existentes em termos de eficiência e complexidade, capaz de causar interferência em sistemas móveis celulares. Será feito então uma análise às diferentes técnicas de interferência de sinal, capazes de perturbar a comunicação em sistemas móveis celulares, através da realização de simulações a partir da tecnologia Software Defined Radio (SDR) nomeadamente, a plataforma GNU Radio. As mesmas técnicas também serão estudadas e avaliadas num cenário real, de forma a fazer-se a seleção da melhor em termos de eficiência espectral, energia e complexidade. Finalmente, a técnica de jamming que demonstrar melhores resultados, irá representar o jammer que poderá contribuir de forma sustentável para a problemática da circulação de drones em zonas restritas, como aeroportos e zonas residenciais, para a diminuição dos acidentes, atualmente registados, com este tipo de aeronaves

    Wireless security for secure facilities

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    This thesis presents methods for securing a facility that has wireless connectivity. The goal of this research is to develop a solution to securing a facility that utilizes wireless communications. The research will introduce methods to track and locate the position of attackers. This research also introduces the idea of using a Honeynet system for added security. This research uses what is called Defense-In-Depth. Defense-in-depth is when multiple layers of security are used. The first of the layers is the Zone of Interference. This Zone is an area where jammer transmitters and directive antennas are set up to take advantage of the near-far-effect. The idea is to use the near-far-effect to give a stronger signal on the perimeter of the secure area, to mask any signals escaping from the secure area. This Zone uses directive Yagi antenna arrays to direct the radiation. There are multiple jamming methods that are utilized within this Zone. The next layer of security is the Honeynet Zone. The idea is to make an attacker believe that they are seeing real network traffic. This is done at the Honeynet Zone once a device has been determined to be unfriendly. Decoy mobile devices are first placed within the Honeynet Zone. Spoofed traffic is then created between the Honeynet base stations and the decoy mobile devices zone; using adaptive antennas incorporated within the design to face the signals away from the inside secure area. The third defense is position location and tracking. The idea is to have constant tracking of all devices in the area. There are several methods available to locate and track a device that is giving off an RF signal. This thesis looks at combining all these methods into an integrated, and more robust, facility security system

    MoBateriE: A Personalised Profile-Based Intelligent and Adaptive Energy Manager

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    Increasing electronic waste has forced the mobile phone industry to move into a new era of energy consumption awareness. Trends show that mobile phone manufacturers are implementing more and more features on a single device. Using these features has led to an increase in electricity consumed by mobile phones, thus forcing users to charge them more frequently. Studies have shown that one can maximise a phone's battery life by limiting the number of charging cycles (Columbus, 2013). In this study, a survey was conducted in order to collect mobile phone usage behaviour. Data concerning most frequently used mobile features together with their usage frequency were collected. Based on the information gathered, a mobile application, MoBateriE, was designed. This application consists of an expert system which at first studies users’ behaviour and later imitates them whenever needed. MoBateriE has been designed for smart phone users who want to make extensive use of the features available on their phones without exhausting the battery efficiency of the phone. This application was distributed to a large number of users. Usage logs of thirty-three users were collected and analysed. Results obtained show that after using MoBateriE, users enjoyed a four per cent increase in usage time per charging cycle.Keywords: Electronic Waste, Battery Life, Charging Cycle, Mobile Applicatio

    Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection into Unmanned Aerial System 6G Networks

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    Progress in the development of wireless network technology has played a crucial role in the evolution of societies and provided remarkable services over the past decades. It remotely offers the ability to execute critical missions and effective services that meet the user\u27s needs. This advanced technology integrates cyber and physical layers to form cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), which consists of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), ground network infrastructure, communication link, etc. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in connecting objects to create and develop the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Therefore, the emergence of the CPS and IoT technologies provided many connected devices, generating an enormous amount of data. Consequently, the innovation of 6G technology is an urgent issue in the coming years. The 6G network architecture is an integration of the satellite network, aerial networks, terrestrial networks, and marine networks. These integrated network layers will provide new enabling technologies, for example, air interfaces and transmission technology. Therefore, integrating heterogeneous network layers guarantees an expansion strategy in the capacity that leads to low latency, ultra-high throughput, and high data rates. In the 6G network, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are expected to densely occupy aerial spaces as UAV flying base stations (UAV-FBS) that comprise the aerial network layer to offer ubiquitous connectivity and enhance the terrestrial network in remote areas where it is challenging to deploy traditional infrastructure, for example, mountain, ocean deserts, and forest. Although the aerial network layer offers benefits to facilitate governmental and commercial missions, adversaries exploit network vulnerabilities to block intercommunication among nodes by jamming attacks and violating integrity through executing spoofing attacks. This work offers a practical IDS onboard UAV intrusion detection system to detect unintentional interference, intentional interference jamming, and spoofing attacks. Integrating time series data with machine learning models is the main part of the suggested IDF to detect anomalies accurately. This integration will improve the accuracy and effectiveness of the model. The 6G network is expected to handle a high volume of data where non-malicious interference and congestion in the channel are similar to a jamming attack. Therefore, an efficient anomaly detection technique must distinguish behaviors in the drone\u27s wireless network as normal or abnormal behavior. Our suggested model comprises two layers. The first layer has the algorithm to detect the anomaly during transmission. Then it will send the initial decision to the second layer in the model, including two separated algorithms, confirming the initial decision separately (nonintentional interference such as congestion in the channel, intentional interference jamming attack, and classify the type of jamming attack, and the second algorithm confirms spoofing attack. A jamming attack is a stealthy attack that aims to exhaust battery level or block communication to make wireless UAV networks unavailable. Therefore, the UAV forcibly relies on GPS signals. In this case, the adversary triggers a spoofing attack by manipulating the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal and sending a fake signal to make UAVs estimate incorrect positions and deviate from their planning path to malicious zones. Hackers can start their malicious action either from malicious UAV nodes or the terrestrial malicious node; therefore, this work will enhance security and pave the way to start thinking about leveraging the benefit of the 6G network to design robust detection techniques for detecting multiple attacks that happen separately or simultaneously

    The Design, Testing, and Analysis of a Constant Jammer for the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Wireless Communication Protocol

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    The decreasing cost of web-enabled smart devices utilizing embedded processors, sensors, and wireless communication hardware have created an optimal ecosystem for the Internet of Things (IoT). IEEE802.15.4, IEEE802.11ah, WirelessHART, ZigBee Smart Energy, Bluetooth (BT), and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are amongst the most commonly used wireless standards for IoT systems. Each of these standards has tradeoffs concerning power consumption, range of communication, network formation, security, reliability, and ease of implementation. The most widely used standards for IoT are Bluetooth, BLE, and Zigbee. This paper discusses the vulnerabilities in the implementation of the PHY and link layers of BLE. The link layer defines the scheme for establishing a link between two devices. Scanning devices are able to establish communication with other devices that are sending advertising packets. These advertising packets are sent out in a deterministic fashion. The advertising channels for BLE, specified by the PHY layer, are Channels 37, 38, and 39, at center frequencies 2.402, 2.426, and 2.480 GHz, respectively. This scheme for establishing a connection seems to introduce an unintentional gap in the security of the protocol. Creating and transmitting tones with center frequencies corresponding to those of the advertising channels, a victim BLE device will be unable to establish a connection with another BLE device. Jamming a mesh network of BLE devices relies on this same concept. The proposed jamming system is an inexpensive one which utilizes the following hardware. Three individual synthesizers, a microcontroller (MCU), Wilkinson power combiner, power amplifier, and antenna, integrated on a single PCB, are used to transmit a 3-tone signal. Due to the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, necessary adjustments were made to the jammer system design. In the first modified jamming scheme, a single synthesizer evaluation board, power amplifier, and antenna, are used to transmit jamming tones in the form of a frequency hop. Limitations of the frequency hop approach necessitated a second modified scheme. In this second scheme a synthesizer and two Software Defined Radios (SDR), connected to a personal computer, continuously generate three individual jamming tones. The proposed jammer and the modified ones all classify as constant jammers as the transmission of jamming signals is continuous. Both modified jamming schemes are tested. The results of jamming using the second modified scheme validate the objective of simultaneous jamming of the advertising channels of BLE devices. The success of the modified scheme enables the original goal of creating a relatively inexpensive custom PCB for BLE advertising channel jamming. By exploiting the weakness of the BLE protocol, the hope is to have the governing body for Bluetooth, Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), improve security for the future releases of BLE

    Design and Implementation of a Dual Band Mobile Phone Jammer

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    The incessant use of mobile phones can be attributed to its portability and thus have become one of the most widely used devices in mobile communication which makes it so essential in our lives. The convenience and portability of mobile phones has made it possible to be carried everywhere, e.g. Churches, lecture halls, medical centers etc. Its convenience can create inconvenience in some places when there is continuous beeping or ringtones of cell phones which becomes annoying when such noise is disruptive in areas where silence is required or the use or of mobile phone is restricted or prohibited like Libraries and Study room This paper focuses on the design of a cell phone jammer to prevent the usage of mobile communication in restricted areas without interfering with the communication channels outside its range. Interference and jamming severely disrupt the ability to communicate by decreasing the effective signal-to-noise ratio and by making parameter estimation difficult at the receiver. Interference and jamming severely disrupt our ability to communicate by decreasing the effective signal-to-noise ratio and by making parameter estimation difficult at the receiver[5] Similarly with other radio jamming techniques, mobile phone jammer sends the signal (jamming signal) of the same frequency that mobile network use. This causes enough interference with the communication between mobile phones and communicating towers to render the phones unusable. Upon activating mobile jammers, all mobile phones will indicate "NO NETWORK

    Enterprise Social Network Platforms as a Managment Tool in Complex Technical Systems

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    Technical systems like communication networks or IT systems tend to grow more and more large and complex. Their management is handled by a workforce divided into different locations and responsibility areas. This adds to the system vulnerability by misconfiguration and hidden side effects of administrative actions. Web 2.0 social network platforms, on the other hand, are a canonical tool to increase information flow and transparency. This paper proposes a custom-tailored social network platform to be used as a tool in managing such systems. A prototype for such a platform has been implemented and, as a thought experiment, applied to the operation support system of a mobile communication network. This experiment shows the strengths of this idea, together with a number of caveats of which one should be aware

    Communication Technologies Support to Railway Infrastructure and Operations

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    Security for 5G Mobile Wireless Networks

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    The advanced features of 5G mobile wireless network systems yield new security requirements and challenges. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on security of 5G wireless network systems compared to the traditional cellular networks. The paper starts with a review on 5G wireless networks particularities as well as on the new requirements and motivations of 5G wireless security. The potential attacks and security services with the consideration of new service requirements and new use cases in 5G wireless networks are then summarized. The recent development and the existing schemes for the 5G wireless security are presented based on the corresponding security services including authentication, availability, data confidentiality, key management and privacy. The paper further discusses the new security features involving different technologies applied to 5G such as heterogeneous networks, device-to-device communications, massive multiple-input multiple-output, software defined networks and Internet of Things. Motivated by these security research and development activities, we propose a new 5G wireless security architecture, based on which the analysis of identity management and flexible authentication is provided. As a case study, we explore a handover procedure as well as a signaling load scheme to show the advantage of the proposed security architecture. The challenges and future directions of 5G wireless security are finally summarized