29 research outputs found

    Impact of product design choices on supply chain performance in the notebook computer industry

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; in conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at MIT, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 89-91).Intel Corporation is the world's leading manufacturer of processors for personal computers. As the company strives to maintain its leadership position in this industry, it identifies significant trends in the industry and attempts to develop product solutions that intercept these trends. One such set of industry vectors is the continued movement toward lower cost and smaller notebook system designs with a coincident shift toward fully outsourced production in China. These trends point to increased future demand for processors utilizing a ball-grid-array (BGA) package in notebook computers, which is the lower cost, smaller size packaging technology available today. This project was initiated to understand why with such a seemingly favorable environment for BGA, it still represents a small minority of Intel's mobile processor volume. The analysis shows that significant changes must be made to Intel's product roadmap, OEM product scalability strategies, or after-sale service models to enable a full transition to BGA processors. SKU levels increase by lOx with a BGA transition resulting in much higher supply chain complexity, management cost, and inventory cost. In addition, simple modeling approaches are developed and utilized for this study that can be leveraged in the future to quantify possible product strategy impacts on the industry supply chain. They can also be used in other industries contemplating supply chain simplification strategies.by Chad Sailer.S.M.M.B.A

    Power monitoring with PAPI for extreme scale architectures and dataflow-based programming models

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    Abstract—For more than a decade, the PAPI performance-monitoring library has provided a clear, portable interface to the hardware performance counters available on all modern CPUs and other components of interest (e.g., GPUs, network, and I/O systems). Most major end-user tools that application developers use to analyze the performance of their applications rely on PAPI to gain access to these performance counters. One of the critical roadblocks on the way to larger, more complex high performance systems, has been widely identified as being the energy efficiency constraints. With modern extreme scale machines having hundreds of thousands of cores, the ability to reduce power consumption for each CPU at the software level becomes critically important, both for economic and environmental reasons. In order for PAPI to continue playing its well established role in HPC, it is pressing to provide valuable performance data that not only originates from within the processing cores but also delivers insight into the power consumption of the system as a whole. An extensive effort has been made to extend the Perfor-mance API to support power monitoring capabilities for various platforms. This paper provides detailed information about three components that allow power monitoring on the Intel Xeon Phi and Blue Gene/Q. Furthermore, we discuss the integration of PAPI in PARSEC – a task-based dataflow-driven execution engine – enabling hardware performance counter and power monitoring at true task granularity. I

    Indoor rowing machine with training data analysis system

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    Indoor rowing machines and training facilities for rowing are developed to simulate movements performed during the on-water rowing aiming to get results as close as possible to real rowing. The paper presents the novel indoor rowing machine equipped with loading measuring devices and software for training parameters recording and analysi

    Fast native function calls for the Babel language interoperability framework

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    Sistemas Automáticos de Medição

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    A presente lição insere-se na parte final do programa da disciplina de Instrumentação e Medidas, dos cursos de Engenharia Mecânica (3º ano), Engenharia Mecânica de Transportes (4º ano), e Engenharia de Manutenção Industrial (2º ano), e ainda da disciplina de Instrumentação e Medidas II, do curso de Engenharia de Instrumentação e Qualidade Industrial, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). O autor foi regente de todas estas disciplinas (1999/2000 e 2000/2001) integradas no Grupo de Ciências Básicas de Electrotecnia, ao qual se destina a vaga de professor-coordenador referente ao concurso publicado no Edital 611/2000.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of advanced geometric models and acceleration techniques for Monte Carlo simulation in Medical Physics

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    Els programes de simulació Monte Carlo de caràcter general s'utilitzen actualment en una gran varietat d'aplicacions.Tot i això, els models geomètrics implementats en la majoria de programes imposen certes limitacions a la forma dels objectes que es poden definir. Aquests models no són adequats per descriure les superfícies arbitràries que es troben en estructures anatòmiques o en certs aparells mèdics i, conseqüentment, algunes aplicacions que requereixen l'ús de models geomètrics molt detallats no poden ser acuradament estudiades amb aquests programes.L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és el desenvolupament de models geomètrics i computacionals que facilitin la descripció dels objectes complexes que es troben en aplicacions de física mèdica. Concretament, dos nous programes de simulació Monte Carlo basats en PENELOPE han sigut desenvolupats. El primer programa, penEasy, utilitza un algoritme de caràcter general estructurat i inclou diversos models de fonts de radiació i detectors que permeten simular fàcilment un gran nombre d'aplicacions. Les noves rutines geomètriques utilitzades per aquest programa, penVox, extenen el model geomètric estàndard de PENELOPE, basat en superfícices quàdriques, per permetre la utilització d'objectes voxelitzats. Aquests objectes poden ser creats utilitzant la informació anatòmica obtinguda amb una tomografia computeritzada i, per tant, aquest model geomètric és útil per simular aplicacions que requereixen l'ús de l'anatomia de pacients reals (per exemple, la planificació radioterapèutica). El segon programa, penMesh, utilitza malles de triangles per definir la forma dels objectes simulats. Aquesta tècnica, que s'utilitza freqüentment en el camp del disseny per ordinador, permet representar superfícies arbitràries i és útil per simulacions que requereixen un gran detall en la descripció de la geometria, com per exemple l'obtenció d'imatges de raig x del cos humà.Per reduir els inconvenients causats pels llargs temps d'execució, els algoritmes implementats en els nous programes s'han accelerat utilitzant tècniques sofisticades, com per exemple una estructura octree. També s'ha desenvolupat un paquet de programari per a la paral·lelització de simulacions Monte Carlo, anomentat clonEasy, que redueix el temps real de càlcul de forma proporcional al nombre de processadors que s'utilitzen.Els programes de simulació que es presenten en aquesta tesi són gratuïts i de codi lliures. Aquests programes s'han provat en aplicacions realistes de física mèdica i s'han comparat amb altres programes i amb mesures experimentals.Per tant, actualment ja estan llestos per la seva distribució pública i per la seva aplicació a problemes reals.Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport is currently applied in a large variety of areas. However, the geometric models implemented in most general-purpose codes impose limitations on the shape of the objects that can be defined. These models are not well suited to represent the free-form (i.e., arbitrary) shapes found in anatomic structures or complex medical devices. As a result, some clinical applications that require the use of highly detailed phantoms can not be properly addressed.This thesis is devoted to the development of advanced geometric models and accelration techniques that facilitate the use of state-of-the-art Monte Carlo simulation in medical physics applications involving detailed anatomical phantoms. To this end, two new codes, based on the PENELOPE package, have been developed. The first code, penEasy, implements a modular, general-purpose main program and provides various source models and tallies that can be readily used to simulate a wide spectrum of problems. Its associated geometry routines, penVox, extend the standard PENELOPE geometry, based on quadric surfaces, to allow the definition of voxelised phantoms. This kind of phantoms can be generated using the information provided by a computed tomography and, therefore, penVox is convenient for simulating problems that require the use of the anatomy of real patients (e.g., radiotherapy treatment planning). The second code, penMesh, utilises closed triangle meshes to define the boundary of each simulated object. This approach, which is frequently used in computer graphics and computer-aided design, makes it possible to represent arbitrary surfaces and it is suitable for simulations requiring a high anatomical detail (e.g., medical imaging).A set of software tools for the parallelisation of Monte Carlo simulations, clonEasy, has also been developed. These tools can reduce the simulation time by a factor that is roughly proportional to the number of processors available and, therefore, facilitate the study of complex settings that may require unaffordable execution times in a sequential simulation.The computer codes presented in this thesis have been tested in realistic medical physics applications and compared with other Monte Carlo codes and experimental data. Therefore, these codes are ready to be publicly distributed as free and open software and applied to real-life problems.Postprint (published version

    Operating system development with ATS: work in progress

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    Waste-Mgmt: A computer model for calculation of waste loads, profiles, and emissions

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