47,552 research outputs found

    A Smart Decision System for Digital Farming

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    [EN] New technologies have the potential to transform agriculture and to reduce environmental impact through a green revolution. Internet of Things (IoT)-based application development platforms have the potential to run farm management tools capable of monitoring real-time events when integrated into interactive innovation models for fertirrigation. Their capabilities must extend to flexible reconfiguration of programmed actions. IoT platforms require complex smart decision-making systems based on data-analysis and data mining of big data sets. In this paper, the advantages are demonstrated of a powerful tool that applies real-time decisions from data such as variable rate irrigation, and selected parameters from field and weather conditions. The field parameters, the index vegetation (estimated using aerial images), and the irrigation events, such as flow level, pressure level, and wind speed, are periodically sampled. Data is processed in a decision-making system based on learning prediction rules in conjunction with the Drools rule engine. The multimedia platform can be remotely controlled, and offers a smart farming open data network with shared restriction levels for information exchange oriented to farmers, the fertilizer provider, and agricultural technicians that should provide the farmer with added value in the form of better decision making or more efficient exploitation operations and management.This paper has been partially supported by the European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR and by the "Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades" through the "Ayudas para la adquisicion de equipamiento cientifico-tecnico, Subprograma estatal de infraestructuras de investigacion y equipamiento cientifico-tecnico (plan Estatal i+d+i 2017-2020)" (project EQC2018-004988-P).Cambra-Baseca, C.; Sendra, S.; Lloret, J.; Tomás Gironés, J. (2019). A Smart Decision System for Digital Farming. Agronomy. 9(5):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy9050216S11995Atzori, L., Iera, A., & Morabito, G. (2010). The Internet of Things: A survey. Computer Networks, 54(15), 2787-2805. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2010.05.010Chen, M., Mao, S., & Liu, Y. (2014). Big Data: A Survey. Mobile Networks and Applications, 19(2), 171-209. doi:10.1007/s11036-013-0489-0De Mauro, A., Greco, M., & Grimaldi, M. (2016). A formal definition of Big Data based on its essential features. Library Review, 65(3), 122-135. doi:10.1108/lr-06-2015-0061Haghverdi, A., Leib, B. G., Washington-Allen, R. A., Ayers, P. D., & Buschermohle, M. J. (2015). Perspectives on delineating management zones for variable rate irrigation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 117, 154-167. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2015.06.019Vazquez, J. I., Ruiz-de-Garibay, J., Eguiluz, X., Doamo, I., Renteria, S., & Ayerbe, A. (2010). Communication architectures and experiences for web-connected physical Smart objects. 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops). doi:10.1109/percomw.2010.5470521Misra, S., Barthwal, R., & Obaidat, M. S. (2012). Community detection in an integrated Internet of Things and social network architecture. 2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). doi:10.1109/glocom.2012.6503350Atzori, L., Iera, A., & Morabito, G. (2014). From «smart objects» to «social objects»: The next evolutionary step of the internet of things. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(1), 97-105. doi:10.1109/mcom.2014.6710070Agrivi App http://www.agrivi.com/en/reApollo Project http://apollo-h2020.eu/Cambra, C., Sendra, S., Lloret, J., & Lacuesta, R. (2018). Smart System for Bicarbonate Control in Irrigation for Hydroponic Precision Farming. Sensors, 18(5), 1333. doi:10.3390/s18051333Ortiz, A. M., Hussein, D., Park, S., Han, S. N., & Crespi, N. (2014). The Cluster Between Internet of Things and Social Networks: Review and Research Challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1(3), 206-215. doi:10.1109/jiot.2014.2318835Ji, Z., Ganchev, I., O’Droma, M., Zhao, L., & Zhang, X. (2014). A Cloud-Based Car Parking Middleware for IoT-Based Smart Cities: Design and Implementation. Sensors, 14(12), 22372-22393. doi:10.3390/s141222372Ning, H., & Wang, Z. (2011). Future Internet of Things Architecture: Like Mankind Neural System or Social Organization Framework? IEEE Communications Letters, 15(4), 461-463. doi:10.1109/lcomm.2011.022411.11012


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    Indonesia is currently entering the 4.0 Industrial Revolution that has the concept of Smart Factories, Industrial Internet of Things, Smart Industry, Advanced Manufacturing, Big Data, and artificial intelligence. The development of the 4.0 industry is agricultural technology. Technology in the field of agriculture is expected to support agricultural productivity in both quantity, quality, and continuity. This research aims to determine the readiness of organic rice farmers in the Gapoktan Simpatik in the implementation of the 4.0 industry. Research was conducted in Gapoktan Simpatik’s farmer, Sub-district Manonjaya, Tasikmalaya District. The research design used quantitative with survey method. The analysis tool used in this research was Mutula & Brakel. The selection of samples in this research used a simple random sampling technique with the formula Slovin of 51 respondents and used the proportional allocation formula to determine the number of samples in each farmer group. Based on calculations using Mutula & Brakel, it showed unprepared results in the Enterprise Readiness. Human Resources Readiness, and ICT Readiness components, while the information Readiness and External Readiness categories were included in the Category ready. Thus, it can be concluded that farmers are still not ready for the implementation of Industrial Technology 4.0

    Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals with a digital platform: Experiences from the vitivinicultural sector

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    none5noEmerging technologies, such as Digital Platforms, Internet of Things, remote sensing and Big Data, are going to significantly influence the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, pursued by all United Nations Member States starting from 2015. As the whole agricultural sector is transforming in a more knowledge-intensive system, precision agriculture could play a significant role to achieve the SDGs, by reducing environmental impacts of agriculture and farming practices, increasing the profitability of the farm and thus improving the quality of life for farmers Based on these premises, the aim of this article is to present VITIS, a digital platform, for the management of vineyard water and nitrogen stress, developed by the Operational Group SMART VITIS and tested in 4 pilots located in Marche Region. All the functions and modules of the platform were built by following a Design Thinking approach. This approach started from the analysis of the needs of the winegrowers, the end-user of the solution. While a focus group, made of agri-experts was conducted to receive feedback from the test phase of the platform. This study illustrates how this approach can be a useful tool to develop targeted digital solutions for farmers with low digital skills.openBucci G.; Bentivoglio D.; Belletti M.; Finco A.; Anceschi E.Bucci, G.; Bentivoglio, D.; Belletti, M.; Finco, A.; Anceschi, E

    Internet of things

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    Manual of Digital Earth / Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild, Alessandro Annoni .- Springer, 2020 .- ISBN: 978-981-32-9915-3Digital Earth was born with the aim of replicating the real world within the digital world. Many efforts have been made to observe and sense the Earth, both from space (remote sensing) and by using in situ sensors. Focusing on the latter, advances in Digital Earth have established vital bridges to exploit these sensors and their networks by taking location as a key element. The current era of connectivity envisions that everything is connected to everything. The concept of the Internet of Things(IoT)emergedasaholisticproposaltoenableanecosystemofvaried,heterogeneous networked objects and devices to speak to and interact with each other. To make the IoT ecosystem a reality, it is necessary to understand the electronic components, communication protocols, real-time analysis techniques, and the location of the objects and devices. The IoT ecosystem and the Digital Earth (DE) jointly form interrelated infrastructures for addressing today’s pressing issues and complex challenges. In this chapter, we explore the synergies and frictions in establishing an efficient and permanent collaboration between the two infrastructures, in order to adequately address multidisciplinary and increasingly complex real-world problems. Although there are still some pending issues, the identified synergies generate optimism for a true collaboration between the Internet of Things and the Digital Earth

    Interfaces of the Agriculture 4.0

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    The introduction of information technologies in the environmental field is impacting and changing even a traditional sector like agriculture. Nevertheless, Agriculture 4.0 and data-driven decisions should meet user needs and expectations. The paper presents a broad theoretical overview, discussing both the strategic role of design applied to Agri-tech and the issue of User Interface and Interaction as enabling tools in the field. In particular, the paper suggests to rethink the HCD approach, moving on a Human-Decentered Design approach that put together user-technology-environment and the importance of the role of calm technologies as a way to place the farmer, not as a final target and passive spectator, but as an active part of the process to aim the process of mitigation, appropriation from a traditional cultivation method to the 4.0 one

    Blockchain For Food: Making Sense of Technology and the Impact on Biofortified Seeds

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    The global food system is under pressure and is in the early stages of a major transition towards more transparency, circularity, and personalisation. In the coming decades, there is an increasing need for more food production with fewer resources. Thus, increasing crop yields and nutritional value per crop is arguably an important factor in this global food transition. Biofortification can play an important role in feeding the world. Biofortified seeds create produce with increased nutritional values, mainly minerals and vitamins, while using the same or less resources as non-biofortified variants. However, a farmer cannot distinguish a biofortified seed from a regular seed. Due to the invisible nature of the enhanced seeds, counterfeit products are common, limiting wide-scale adoption of biofortified crops. Fraudulent seeds pose a major obstacle in the adoption of biofortified crops. A system that could guarantee the origin of the biofortified seeds is therefore required to ensure widespread adoption. This trust-ensuring immutable proof for the biofortified seeds, can be provided via blockchain technology