162 research outputs found

    Releasing aperture filter constraints

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    Aperture ïŹlters are a recently introduced class of nonlinear ïŹlters used in image processing. In this paper we present a new approach for aperture ïŹlter design, improving operator performance with respect to the MSE measure by releasing some of the operator constraints without losing statistical estimation accuracy. With the use of the proposed methods an average of 34% MSE reduction was achieved for deblurring, whereas a standard aperture operator reduced the error by only 10% on the average

    Joint demosaicing and fusion of multiresolution coded acquisitions: A unified image formation and reconstruction method

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    Novel optical imaging devices allow for hybrid acquisition modalities such as compressed acquisitions with locally different spatial and spectral resolutions captured by a single focal plane array. In this work, we propose to model the capturing system of a multiresolution coded acquisition (MRCA) in a unified framework, which natively includes conventional systems such as those based on spectral/color filter arrays, compressed coded apertures, and multiresolution sensing. We also propose a model-based image reconstruction algorithm performing a joint demosaicing and fusion (JoDeFu) of any acquisition modeled in the MRCA framework. The JoDeFu reconstruction algorithm solves an inverse problem with a proximal splitting technique and is able to reconstruct an uncompressed image datacube at the highest available spatial and spectral resolution. An implementation of the code is available at https://github.com/danaroth83/jodefu.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures; regular pape

    Pore Scale Characterisation of Coal: An Unconventional Challenge

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    oal seam gas is an unconventional resource for natural gas that is becoming popular due to its environmental benefit and abundance. This paper reviews recent developments on the pore-scale characterisation of coal from coal seam gas reserviors. The development of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) imaging has enabled for the 3D characterization of the fracture system in coals. This provides detailed insights into understanding flow in these unconventional reservoirs. A novel image calibration method in which the skeleton of the fracture system is obtained from micro-CT imaging while the fracture apertures are measured from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is described. We also show the application of micro-CT imaging for studying diffusion processes in ultralow permeability matrices and discuss the incorporation of the data into calculations of gas production from unconventional reservoirs. The extraction of statistical information from micro-CT images to reconstruct coal cleat system are also demonstrated. This technique allows for preserving the key attributes of the cleat system while the generated fracture network is not limited in terms of size nor resolution. The developments of microfluidic methods for understanding the complex displacement mechanisms in coal seams are also described. These low-cost experimental methods can provide unique information about the displacement mechanisms occurring during gas production from coal seam reservoirs. Variation of coal contact angle with pressure is analysed and results demonstrate important wettability processes that occur in coal seams. We describe numerical methods for prediction of petrophysical properties from micro-CT images of coal and discuss the associated limitations when dealing with coal samples. The paper concludes by addressing the challenges faced when characterising coal at the micro-scale and approaches for population of coal data into reservoir simulators for relaible prediction of reservoir behaviour during gas production as well as CO2 sequestration in coalbeds

    Exploring scatterer anisotrophy in synthetic aperture radar via sub-aperture analysis

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 189-193).Scattering from man-made objects in SAR imagery exhibits aspect and frequency dependencies which are not always well modeled by standard SAR imaging techniques based on the ideal point scattering model. This is particularly the case for highresolution wide-band and wide-aperture data where model deviations are even more pronounced. If ignored, these deviations will reduce recognition performance due to the model mismatch, but when appropriately accounted for, these deviations from the ideal point scattering model can be exploited as attributes to better distinguish scatterers and their respective targets. With this in mind, this thesis develops an efficient modeling framework based on a sub-aperture pyramid to utilize scatterer anisotropy for the purpose of target classification. Two approaches are presented to exploit scatterer anisotropy using the sub-aperture pyramid. The first is a nonparametric classifier that learns the azimuthal dependencies within an image and makes a classification decision based on the learned dependencies. The second approach is a parametric attribution of the observed anisotropy characterizing the azimuthal location and concentration of the scattering response. Working from the sub-aperture scattering model, we develop a hypothesis test to characterize anisotropy. We start with an isolated scatterer model which produces a test with an intuitive interpretation. We then address the problem of robustness to interfering scatterers by extending the model to account for neighboring scatterers which corrupt the anisotropy attribution.(cont.) The development of the anisotropy attribution culminates with an iterative attribution approach that identifies and compensates for neighboring scatterers. In the course of the development of the anisotropy attribution, we also study the relationship between scatterer phenomenology and our anisotropy attribution. This analysis reveals the information provided by the anisotropy attribution for two common sources of anisotropy. Furthermore, the analysis explicitly demonstrates the benefit of using wide-aperture data to produce more stable and more descriptive characterizations of scatterer anisotropy.y Andrew J. Kim.Ph.D

    Coded aperture imaging

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    This thesis studies the coded aperture camera, a device consisting of a conventional camera with a modified aperture mask, that enables the recovery of both depth map and all-in-focus image from a single 2D input image. Key contributions of this work are the modeling of the statistics of natural images and the design of efficient blur identification methods in a Bayesian framework. Two cases are distinguished: 1) when the aperture can be decomposed in a small set of identical holes, and 2) when the aperture has a more general configuration. In the first case, the formulation of the problem incorporates priors about the statistical variation of the texture to avoid ambiguities in the solution. This allows to bypass the recovery of the sharp image and concentrate only on estimating depth. In the second case, the depth reconstruction is addressed via convolutions with a bank of linear filters. Key advantages over competing methods are the higher numerical stability and the ability to deal with large blur. The all-in-focus image can then be recovered by using a deconvolution step with the estimated depth map. Furthermore, for the purpose of depth estimation alone, the proposed algorithm does not require information about the mask in use. The comparison with existing algorithms in the literature shows that the proposed methods achieve state-of-the-art performance. This solution is also extended for the first time to images affected by both defocus and motion blur and, finally, to video sequences with moving and deformable objects

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Advancements and Breakthroughs in Ultrasound Imaging

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    Ultrasonic imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool available to medical practitioners, engineers and researchers today. Due to the relative safety, and the non-invasive nature, ultrasonic imaging has become one of the most rapidly advancing technologies. These rapid advances are directly related to the parallel advancements in electronics, computing, and transducer technology together with sophisticated signal processing techniques. This book focuses on state of the art developments in ultrasonic imaging applications and underlying technologies presented by leading practitioners and researchers from many parts of the world

    On Fresnelets, interference fringes, and digital holography

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    In this thesis, we describe new approaches and methods for reconstructing complex-valued wave fields from digital holograms. We focus on Fresnel holograms recorded in an off-axis geometry, for which operational real-time acquisition setups readily exist. The three main research directions presented are the following. First, we derive the necessary tools to port methods and concepts of wavelet-based approaches to the field of digital holography. This is motivated by the flexibility, the robustness, and the unifying view that such multiresolution procedures have brought to many applications in image processing. In particular, we put emphasis on space-frequency processing and sparse signal representations. Second, we propose to decouple the demodulation from the propagation problem, which are both inherent to digital Fresnel holography. To this end, we derive a method for retrieving the amplitude and phase of the object wave through a local analysis of the hologram's interference fringes. Third, since digital holography reconstruction algorithms involve a number of parametric models, we propose automatic adjustment methods of the corresponding parameters. We start by investigating the Fresnel transform, which plays a central role in both the modeling of the acquisition procedure and the reconstruction of complex wave fields. The study of the properties that are central to wavelet and multiresolution analysis leads us to derive Fresnelets, a new family of wavelet-like bases. Fresnelets permit the analysis of holograms with a good localization in space and frequency, in a way similar to wavelets for images. Since the relevant information in a Fresnel off-axis hologram may be separated both in space and frequency, we propose an approach for selectively retrieving the information in the Fresnelet domain. We show that in certain situations, this approach is superior to others that exclusively rely on the separation in space or frequency. We then derive a least-squares method for the estimation of the object wave's amplitude and phase. The approach, which is reminiscent of phase-shifting techniques, is sufficiently general to be applied in a wide variety of situations, including those dictated by the use of microscopy objectives. Since it is difficult to determine the reconstruction distance manually, we propose an automatic procedure. We take advantage of our separate treatment of the phase retrieval and propagation problems to come up with an algorithm that maximizes a sharpness metric related to the sparsity of the signal's expansion in distance-dependent Fresnelet bases. Based on a simulation study, we suggest a number of guidelines for deciding which algorithm to apply to a given problem. We compare existing and the newly proposed solutions in a wide variety of situations. Our final conclusion is that the proposed methods result in flexible algorithms that are competitive with preexisting ones and superior to them in many cases. Overall, they may be applied in a wide range of experimental situations at a low computational cost
