229 research outputs found

    A classification of techniques for the compensation of time delayed processes. Part 2: Structurally optimised controllers

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    Following on from Part 1, Part 2 of the paper considers the use of structurally optimised controllers to compensate time delayed processes

    The estimation and compensation of processes with time delays

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    The estimation and compensation of processes with time delays have been of interest to academics and practitioners for several decades. A full review of the literature for both model parameter and time delay estimation is presented. Gradient methods of parameter estimation, in open loop, in the time and frequency domains are subsequently considered in detail. Firstly, an algorithm is developed, using an appropriate gradient algorithm, for the estimation of all the parameters of an appropriate process model with time delay, in open loop, in the time domain. The convergence of the model parameters to the process parameters is considered analytically and in simulation. The estimation of the process parameters in the frequency domain is also addressed, with analytical procedures being defined to provide initial estimates of the model parameters, and a gradient algorithm being used to refine these estimates to attain the global minimum of the cost function that is optimised. The focus of the thesis is subsequently broadened with the consideration of compensation methods for processes with time delays. These methods are reviewed in a comprehensive manner, and the design of a modified Smith predictor, which facilitates a better regulator response than does the Smith predictor, is considered in detail. Gradient algorithms are subsequently developed for the estimation of process parameters (including time delay) in closed loop, in the Smith predictor and modified Smith predictor structures, in the time domain; the convergence of the model parameters to the process parameters is considered analytically and in simulation. The thesis concludes with an overview of the methods developed, and projections regarding future developments in the topics under consideration

    Towards an access economy model for industrial process control

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    With the ongoing trend in moving the upper levels of the automation hierarchy to the cloud, there has been investigation into supplying industrial automation as a cloud based service. There are many practical considerations which pose limitations on the feasibility of the idea. This research investigates some of the requirements which would be needed to implement a platform which would facilitate competition between different controllers which would compete to control a process in real-time. This work considers only the issues relating to implementation of the philosophy from a control theoretic perspective, issues relating to hardware/communications infrastructure and cyber security are beyond the scope of this work. A platform is formulated and all the relevant control requirements of the system are discussed. It is found that in order for such a platform to determine the behaviour of a controller, it would need to simulate the controller on a model of the process over an extended period of time. This would require a measure of the disturbance to be available, or at least an estimate thereof. This therefore increases the complexity of the platform. The practicality of implementing such a platform is discussed in terms of system identification and model/controller maintenance. A model of the surge tank from SibanyeStillwater’s Platinum bulk tailings treatment (BTT) plant, the aim of which is to keep the density of the tank outflow constant while maintaining a steady tank level, was derived, linearised and an input-output controllability analysis performed on the model. Six controllers were developed for the process, including four conventional feedback controllers (decentralised PI, inverse, modified inverse and H„) and two Model Predictive Controllers (MPC) (one linear and another nonlinear). It was shown that both the inverse based and H„ controllers fail to control the tank level to set-point in the event of an unmeasured disturbance. The competing concept was successfully illustrated on this process with the linear MPC controller being the most often selected controller, and the overall performance of the plant substantially improved by having access to more advanced control techniques, which is facilitated by the proposed platform. A first appendix presents an investigation into a previously proposed switching philosophy [15] in terms of its ability to determine the best controller, as well as the stability of the switching scheme. It is found that this philosophy cannot provide an accurate measure of controller performance owing to the use of one step ahead predictions to analyse controller behaviour. Owing to this, the philosophy can select an unstable controller when there is a stable, well tuned controller competing to control the process. A second appendix shows that there are cases where overall system performance can be improved through the use of the proposed platform. In the presence of constraints on the rate of change of the inputs, a more aggressive controller is shown to be selected so long as the disturbance or reference changes do not cause the controller to violate these input constraints. This means that switching back to a less aggressive controller is necessary in the event that the controller attempts to violate these constraints. This is demonstrated on a simple first order plant as well as the surge tank process. Overall it is concluded that, while there are practical issues surrounding plant and system identification and model/controller maintenance, it would be possible to implement such a platform which would allow a given plant access to advanced process control solutions without the need for procuring the services of a large vendor.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2020.Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringMEngUnrestricte

    Advanced PID Control Optimisation and System Identification for Multivariable Glass Furnace Processes by Genetic Algorithms

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    This thesis focuses on the development and analysis of general methods for the design of optimal discrete PID control strategies for multivariable glass furnace processes, where standard genetic algorithms (SGAs) are applied to optimise specially formulated objective functions. Furthermore, a strong emphasis is given on the realistic model parameters identi cation method, which is illustrated to be applicable to a wide range of higher order model parameters identi cation problems. A complete, realistic and continuous excess oxygen model with nonlinearity effect was developed and the model parameters were identified. The developed excess oxygen model consisted of three sub-models to characterise the real plant response. The developed excess oxygen model was evaluated and compared with real plant dynamic response data, which illustrated the high degree of accuracy of the developed model. A new technique named predetermined time constant approximation was proposed to make an assumption on the initial value of a predetermined time constant, whose motive is to facilitate the SGAs to explore and exploit an optimal value for higher order of continuous model's parameters identi cation. Also, the proposed predetermined time constant approximation technique demonstrated that the population diversity is well sustained while exploring the feasible search region and exploiting to an optimal value. In general, the proposed method improves the SGAs convergence rate towards the global optimum and illustrated the effectiveness. An automatic tuning of decentralised discrete PID controllers for multivariable processes, based on SGAs, was proposed. The main improvement of the proposed technique is the ability to enhance the control robustness and to optimise discrete PID parameters by compensating the loop interaction of a multivariable process. This is attained by adding the individually optimised objective function of glass temperature and excess oxygen processes as one objective function, to include the total effect of the loop interaction by applying step inputs on both set points, temperature and excess oxygen, at two different time periods in one simulation. The effectiveness of the proposed tuning technique was supported by a number of simulation results using two other SGAs conventional tuning techniques with 1st and 2nd order control oriented models. It was illustrated that, in all cases, the resulting discrete PID control parameters completely satisfied all performance specifications. A new technique to minimise the fuel consumption for glass furnace processes while sustaining the glass temperature is proposed. This proposed technique is achieved by reducing the excess oxygen within the optimum thermal efficiency region within 1.7% to 3.2%, which is approximately equal to about 10% to 20% of excess air. Therefore, by reducing the excess oxygen set point within the optimum region, 2.45% to 2%, the fuel consumption is minimised from 0:002942kg/sec to 0:002868kg/sec while the thermal efficiency of the glass temperature is sustained at the desired set point (1550K). In addition, a reduction in excess oxygen within methane combustion guidelines will assure that undesirable emissions are in control throughout the combustion process. The efficiencies of the proposed technique were supported by a number of simulation results applying the three SGAs controller tuning techniques. It was illustrated that, in all cases, the fraction of excess oxygen reduction results in a great minimisation of fuel consumption over long plant operating periods


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    Network control systems (NCSs), as one of the most active research areas, are arousing comprehensive concerns along with the rapid development of network. This dissertation mainly discusses the stability and performance of NCSs into the following two parts. In the first part, a new approach is proposed to reduce the data transmitted in networked control systems (NCSs) via model reduction method. Up to our best knowledge, we are the first to propose this new approach in the scientific and engineering society. The "unimportant" information of system states vector is truncated by balanced truncation method (BTM) before sending to the networked controller via network based on the balance property of the remote controlled plant controllability and observability. Then, the exponential stability condition of the truncated NCSs is derived via linear matrix inequality (LMI) forms. This method of data truncation can usually reduce the time delay and further improve the performance of the NCSs. In addition, all the above results are extended to the switched NCSs. The second part presents a new robust sliding mode control (SMC) method for general uncertain time-varying delay stochastic systems with structural uncertainties and the Brownian noise (Wiener process). The key features of the proposed method are to apply singular value decomposition (SVD) to all structural uncertainties, to introduce adjustable parameters for control design along with the SMC method, and new Lyapunov-type functional. Then, a less-conservative condition for robust stability and a new robust controller for the general uncertain stochastic systems are derived via linear matrix inequality (LMI) forms. The system states are able to reach the SMC switching surface as guaranteed in probability 1 by the proposed control rule. Furthermore, the novel Lyapunov-type functional for the uncertain stochastic systems is used to design a new robust control for the general case where the derivative of time-varying delay can be any bounded value (e.g., greater than one). It is theoretically proved that the conservatism of the proposed method is less than the previous methods. All theoretical proofs are presented in the dissertation. The simulations validate the correctness of the theoretical results and have better performance than the existing results

    Strategic management accounting practices in Palestinian companies: application of contingency theory perspective

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    This study uses a quantitative methodology to explore the impact of contingency factors on use of strategic management accounting techniques (SMA), and combined impact of SMA Usage and contingency factors on organisational performance in a less developed country (LDC) context. The exploratory framework included two main dependent variables, namely SMA Usage and organisational performance. For the former, this study gauged the impact of perceived environmental uncertainty (competitive intensity and market turbulence), business strategy (prospector /defender), organisational structure (formalisation and decentralisation), organisational size and organisational technology on SMA Usage. For the latter, this study explored two dimensions of organisational performance (financial and non-financial) and how the conceptualised dimension(s) of organisational structure, SMA Usage, perceived environmental uncertainty and organisational strategy impact on performance. Data were collected from Palestinian large companies (cross sectors); was used to test the conceptualised framework. The analysis was based on 175 responses, representing a response rate of 43.75%. The SPSS package was used to confirm the reliability and validity of factors and also statistically estimated the association coefficients of the conceptualised relationships in the framework. The findings from this study suggest that the usage of SMA techniques is influenced by a number of factors. These are perceived environmental uncertainty (Market Turbulence) and organisational technology. Also, larger organisations tend to use more SMA techniques than smaller

    Inferential active disturbance rejection control of distillation columns

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    PhD ThesisThe distillation column is an important processing unit in the chemical and oil refining industry. Distillation is the most widely employed separation method in the world’s oil plants, chemical and petrochemical industrial facilities. The main drawback of the technique is high energy consumption, which leads to high production costs. Therefore, distillation columns are required to be controlled close to the desired steady state conditions because of economic incentives. Most industrial distillation columns are currently controlled by conventional multi-loop controllers such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers, which have several shortcomings such as difficulty coping with sudden set-point jumps, complications due to the integral term (I), and performance degradation due to the effect of noise on the derivative term (D). The control of ill-conditioned and strongly non-linear plants such as high purity distillation needs advanced control schemes for high control performance. This thesis investigates the use of active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) for product composition control in distillation columns. To the author’s knowledge, there are few reported applications of ADRC in the chemical industry. Most ADRC applications are in electrical, robotics and others. Therefore, this research will be the first to apply the ADRC scheme in a common chemical processing unit, and can be considered as a first contribution of this research. Initially, both PI and ADRC schemes are developed and implemented on the Wood–Berry distillation column transfer function model, on a simulated binary distillation column based on a detailed mechanistic model, and on a simulated heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC) based on a detailed mechanistic model. Process reaction curve method and system identification tools are used to obtain the 2×2 multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transfer function of both binary and HIDiC for the purpose of PI tuning where the biggest log-modulus tuning (BLT) method is used. Then, the control performance of ADRC is compared to that of the traditional PI control in terms of set-point tracking and disturbance rejection. The simulation result clearly indicates that the ADRC gives better control performance than PI control in all three case studies. The long time delay associated with product composition analysers in distillation columns such as gas chromatography deteriorates the overall control performance of the ADRC scheme. v To overcome this issue an inferential ADRC scheme is proposed and can be considered as a second contribution of this research. The tray temperatures of distillation columns are used to estimate both the top and bottom product compositions that are difficult to measure on-line without a time delay. Due to the strong correlation that exists in the tray temperature data, principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square (PLS) are used to build the soft sensors, which are then integrated into the ADRC. In order to overcome control offsets caused by the discrepancy between soft sensor estimation and actual compositions measurement, an intermittent mean updating technique is used to correct both the PCR and PLS model predictions. Furthermore, no significant differences were observed from the simulation results in the prediction errors reported by both PCR and PLS. The proposed inferential ADRC scheme shows effective and promising results in dealing with non-linear systems with a large measurement delay, where the ADRC has the ability to accommodate both internal uncertainties and external disturbances by treating the impact from both factors as total disturbances that will then be estimated using the extended state observer (ESO) and cancelled out by the control law. The inferential ADRC control scheme provides tighter product composition control that will lead to reduced energy consumption and hence increase the distillation profitability. A binary distillation column for separating a methanol–water mixture and an HIDiC for separating a benzene–toluene mixture are used to verify the developed inferential ADRC control scheme.Petroleum Development of Oman (PDO) for their generous support and scholarshi
