134 research outputs found

    Second International Symposium on Magnetic Suspension Technology, part 2

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    In order to examine the state of technology of all areas of magnetic suspension and to review related recent developments in sensors and controls approaches, superconducting magnet technology, and design/implementation practices, the 2nd International Symposium on Magnetic Suspension Technology was held at the Westin Hotel in Seattle, WA, on 11-13 Aug. 1993. The symposium included 18 technical sessions in which 44 papers were presented. The technical sessions covered the areas of bearings, bearing modelling, controls, vibration isolation, micromachines, superconductivity, wind tunnel magnetic suspension systems, magnetically levitated trains (MAGLEV), rotating machinery and energy storage, and applications. A list of attendees appears at the end of the document

    Proceedings of the First Workshop on Containerless Experimentation in Microgravity

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    The goals of the workshop were first to provide scientists an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the past, current, and future scientific investigations carried out in the Containerless Science programs of the Microgravity Science and Applications Div. of NASA, as well as ESA and Japanese Space Agencies. The second goal was to assess the technological development program for low gravity containerless experimentation instruments. The third goal was to obtain recommendations concerning rigorous but feasible new scientific and technological initiative for space experiments using noncontact sample positioning and diagnostic techniques

    Contribution au micro-actionnement multi-stable piloté par radiations optiques

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    In this work, a bistable mechanism based on antagonistic pre-shaped double beams was proposed. Employing the proposed bistable mechanism, a quadristable micro-actuator was designed. ln order to validate the quadristability of the device, a meso-scaled prototype was fabricated from MDF by laser cutting. After the quadristability was experimentally confirmed, a quadristable micro-actuator was realized on SOl wafer using DRIE technique. Strokes for inner row and outer row were reduced to 300 µm and 200 µm respectively. For the actuation of the quadristable micro-actuator,laser heated SMA elements with deposited Si02 layer were used to realize the optical wireless actuation. With the help of a laser beam steering micro-mirror, both inner row and outer row were successfully actuated. ln order to further reduce the stroke, a bistable actuator with stroke reducing structure was designed and a prototype eut from MDF was tested. Bistability was validated and a stroke of 1µm was experimentally achieved. Based on this bistable module, a multistable nano-actuator, which contains four parallel coupled bistable modules,was designed and simulated. The simulated result have indicated that it was capable of outputs 16 discrete stable positions available from 0 nm to 150 nm with a step of 10 nm between two stable positions.Cette thèse traite le sujet du micro-actionnement multistable employant des radiations optiques pour atteindre les différentes positions offertes par le micro-actionneur. Dans le cadre des travaux réalisés, un mécanisme bistable reposant sur un principe de doubles poutres préformées situées en position antagoniste est proposé, et, sur cette brique élémentaire, un micro-actionneur quadristable a été conçu. Afin de valider le principe de fonctionnement de micro-actionneur, des procédés de fabrication Laser (sur le matériau « médium - MDF») puis DRIE (sur un wafer SOI de silicium) ont été utilisés. Sur le prototype en silicium, permettant une réduction des courses du rang interne et du rang externe du micro-actionneur, celles-ci ont été fixées à 300 µm et 200 µm respectivement. L’actionnement à distance de ce micro-actionneur a été prouvé en utilisant le chauffage laser d’un élément actif en Nitinol structuré par un dépôt de SiO2, ceci générant un effet « deux sens » de l’élément actif permettant d’annuler la charge sur les poutres du micro-actionneur une fois celui-ci déclenché puis en position stable. L’utilisation d’un banc expérimental incluant une membrane MEMS de balayage laser a permis de démontrer la quadristabilité du micro-actionneur sur 90 000 cycles. Afin de réduire davantage la course de ce micro-actionneur, des concepts de dispositifs de réduction de course ont été développés pour démontrer, à partir de prototypes fabriqué en MDF par usinage laser, la capacité à atteindre une course de 1 µm. Enfin, à la suite de ces travaux de réduction de course, un concept de nano-actionneur multistable a été proposé. Ce nano-actionneur est composé de quatre modules bistables liés et disposés en parallèle pour offrir 16 positions discrètes sur une course rectiligne. Les simulations de cet actionneur montrent la possibilité d’atteindre les 15 positions espacées de 10 nm sur une course de 150 nm

    Beitrag zur Gestaltung und Herstellung einer integrierten Mikropositionierungssystem

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    Modern positioning systems are significantly applied in many engineering fields dealing with products emerging from different technologies at macro-, micro- and nanoscale. These systems are the back-bone systems behind any manipulation task in these areas. Currently, miniaturization trend have led numerous scientific communities to realize down scaled versions of these systems with a footprint size up to few hundreds of millimeters. These miniature positioning systems are cost effective solutions in many micro applications. This thesis presents the development of a miniature positioning system integrated with a non-contact long range displacement sensor. The uniqueness of the presented positioning system lies in its simple design with ability to perform micrometer to millimeter level strokes with pre-embedded auto guidance feature. Its design consists of a mobile part driven with four electromagnetic linear motors. Each motor consists of a fixed two phase current carrying planar electric drive coil and permanent magnet array that is realized with 14 permanent magnets arranged in north-south configuration. In order to achieve smooth motion a four point contact technique with hemispherical glass beads has been adapted to minimize the adherence effect. The overall design of the planar positioning system have been optimized to achieve a footprint size of 80 mm × 80 mm. The device can deliver motion within working range of 10 mm × 10 mm in xy-plane with sub micrometer level resolution at a speed of 12 mm/s. The device is capable to deliver a rotation motion of ±11° about the z axis in the xy-plane. Secondly, in order to measure the displacement performed by the mobile part, a non-contact long range linear displacement sensor has been designed. The overall dimensions of the sensor were optimized using a geometrical model. The fabrication of the sensor has been carried out via microfabrication in silicon material to achieve compact dimensions, so that it could be integrated in the mobile part of the positioning system. The sensor is able to provide 30.8 nm resolution with a linear measurement range of 12.5 mm. At the end, a novel cross structure has been designed and fabricated using microfabrication with the perspective to integrate the long range sensor.Moderne Positioniersysteme werden in vielen aufstrebenden Bereichen der Technik eingesetzt. Die Produkte stammen hierbei aus unterschiedlichen Technologiebereichen, die den Makro-, Mikro- und Nano- Maßstab abdecken. Diese Systeme bilden die Basis jeder Manipulationsaufgabe, in diesen Bereichen. In jüngster Zeit hat der Miniaturisierungstrend dazu geführt, dass in zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen immer kleinere Versionen von Systemen realisiert wurden. Die typischen Abmessungen wurden dabei auf einige hundert Millimeter reduziert. Diese Miniatur Positioniersysteme sind kostengünstige Lösungen in vielen Mikro Anwendungen. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Entwicklung eines Miniatur-Positioniersystems dar, in welches ein berührungsloser Wegsensor für lange Distanzen integriert wurde. Die Einzigartigkeit dieses Positionierungssystems liegt in der Einfachheit der Konstruktion in Kombination mit der Fähigkeit Bewegungen vom Mikrometer bis zum Millimeter Bereich mittels einer eingebetteten Autopilotfunktion auszuführen. Das Design besteht aus einem beweglichen Teil, welches mit vier elektrischen Linearmotoren angetrieben wird. Jeder Motor besteht aus zwei Teilen: Einem planaren elektrisch angetriebenen Schlitten und einer Anordnung von Permanentmagneten. Die Anordnung ist mit 14 Permanentenmagneten in Nord-Süd Ausrichtung realisiert. Um eine sanfte Bewegung zu erreichen wird eine Vierpunktauflage mit halbkugelförmigen Glasperlen verwendet. Hierdurch werden Adhäsionseffekte minimiert. Das Positionierungssystem kann Bewegungen im Arbeitsbereich von 10 mm × 10 mm in der xy-Ebene mit Submikrometer Auflösung und einer Geschwindigkeit von 12 mm/s ausführen. Das Gerät ist in der Lage eine Drehbewegung von ±11° um die z-Achse in der xy-Ebene auszuführen. Weiterhin wurde, um die Verschiebung des beweglichen Teils zu messen, ein kontak tloser Langstrecken-Wegsensor entworfen. Die Gesamtabmessungen des Sensors wurden mit einem geometrischen Modell optimiert. Die Herstellung des Sensors wurde mittels Mikrostrukturierung in Silizium ausgeführt um eine kompakte Abmessung zu erreichen, so dass es in den beweglichen Teil des Positionierungssystems integriert werden konnte. Der Sensor erreicht eine Auflösung von 30,8 nm in einem linearen Messbereich von 12.5 mm. Am Ende der Arbeit wurde eine neue Kreuz-Struktur konzipiert und hergestellt, gleichfalls mit Hilfe der Mikrostrukturierungstechnik. Hieraus ergibt sich die Perspektive den Langstrecken Wegsensor problemlos zu integrieren

    Materials Research in Microgravity 2012

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    Reducing gravitational effects such as thermal and solutal buoyancy enables investigation of a large range of different phenomena in materials science. The Symposium on Materials Research in Microgravity involved 6 sessions composed of 39 presentations and 14 posters with contributions from more than 14 countries. The sessions concentrated on four different categories of topics related to ongoing reduced-gravity research. Highlights from this symposium will be featured in the September 2012 issue of JOM. The TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division, Process Technology and Modeling Committee and Solidification Committee sponsored the symposium

    Index to 1983 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 8, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1983 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    High-speed acoustic holography with arbitrary scattering objects

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    Recent advances in high-speed acoustic holography have enabled levitation-based volumetric displays with tactile and audio sensations. However, current approaches do not compute sound scattering of objects’ surfaces; thus, any physical object inside can distort the sound field. Here, we present a fast computational technique that allows high-speed multipoint levitation even with arbitrary sound-scattering surfaces and demonstrate a volumetric display that works in the presence of any physical object. Our technique has a two-step scattering model and a simplified levitation solver, which together can achieve more than 10,000 updates per second to create volumetric images above and below static sound-scattering objects. The model estimates transducer contributions in real time by reformulating the boundary element method for acoustic holography, and the solver creates multiple levitation traps. We explain how our technique achieves its speed with minimum loss in the trap quality and illustrate how it brings digital and physical content together by demonstrating mixed-reality interactive applications

    Materials processing in space program tasks

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    Active research areas as of the end of the fiscal year 1982 of the Materials Processing in Space Program, NASA-Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications, involving several NASA centers and other organizations are highlighted to provide an overview of the program scope for managers and scientists in industry, university, and government communities. The program is described as well as its history, strategy and overall goal; the organizational structures and people involved are identified and each research task is described together with a list of recent publications. The tasks are grouped into four categories: crystal growth; solidification of metals, alloys, and composites; fluids, transports, and chemical processes; and ultrahigh vacuum and containerless processing technologies

    Roadmap for optical tweezers

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    ArtĂ­culo escrito por un elevado nĂşmero de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboraciĂłn, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMOptical tweezers are tools made of light that enable contactless pushing, trapping, and manipulation of objects, ranging from atoms to space light sails. Since the pioneering work by Arthur Ashkin in the 1970s, optical tweezers have evolved into sophisticated instruments and have been employed in a broad range of applications in the life sciences, physics, and engineering. These include accurate force and torque measurement at the femtonewton level, microrheology of complex fluids, single micro- and nano-particle spectroscopy, single-cell analysis, and statistical-physics experiments. This roadmap provides insights into current investigations involving optical forces and optical tweezers from their theoretical foundations to designs and setups. It also offers perspectives for applications to a wide range of research fields, from biophysics to space explorationEuropean Commission (Horizon 2020, Project No. 812780
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