1,079,417 research outputs found

    Integration of domain and resource-based reasoning for real-time control in dynamic environments

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    A real-time software controller that successfully integrates domain-based and resource-based control reasoning to perform task execution in a dynamically changing environment is described. The design of the controller is based on the concept of partitioning the process to be controlled into a set of tasks, each of which achieves some process goal. It is assumed that, in general, there are multiple ways (tasks) to achieve a goal. The controller dynamically determines current goals and their current criticality, choosing and scheduling tasks to achieve those goals in the time available. It incorporates rule-based goal reasoning, a TMS-based criticality propagation mechanism, and a real-time scheduler. The controller has been used to build a knowledge-based situation assessment system that formed a major component of a real-time, distributed, cooperative problem solving system built under DARPA contract. It is also being employed in other applications now in progress

    Modeling and Analyzing Adaptive User-Centric Systems in Real-Time Maude

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    Pervasive user-centric applications are systems which are meant to sense the presence, mood, and intentions of users in order to optimize user comfort and performance. Building such applications requires not only state-of-the art techniques from artificial intelligence but also sound software engineering methods for facilitating modular design, runtime adaptation and verification of critical system requirements. In this paper we focus on high-level design and analysis, and use the algebraic rewriting language Real-Time Maude for specifying applications in a real-time setting. We propose a generic component-based approach for modeling pervasive user-centric systems and we show how to analyze and prove crucial properties of the system architecture through model checking and simulation. For proving time-dependent properties we use Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) and present analysis algorithms for model checking two subclasses of MTL formulas: time-bounded response and time-bounded safety MTL formulas. The underlying idea is to extend the Real-Time Maude model with suitable clocks, to transform the MTL formulas into LTL formulas over the extended specification, and then to use the LTL model checker of Maude. It is shown that these analyses are sound and complete for maximal time sampling. The approach is illustrated by a simple adaptive advertising scenario in which an adaptive advertisement display can react to actions of the users in front of the display.Comment: In Proceedings RTRTS 2010, arXiv:1009.398

    A component-based model and language for wireless sensor network applications

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    Wireless sensor networks are often used by experts in many different fields to gather data pertinent to their work. Although their expertise may not include software engineering, these users are expected to produce low-level software for a concurrent, real-time and resource-constrained computing environment. In this paper, we introduce a component-based model for wireless sensor network applications and a language, Insense, for supporting the model. An application is modelled as a composition of interacting components and the application model is preserved in the Insense implementation where active components communicate via typed channels. The primary design criteria for Insense include: to abstract over low-level concerns for ease of programming; to permit worst-case space and time usage of programs to be determinable; to support the fractal composition of components whilst eliminating implicit dependencies between them; and, to facilitate the construction of low footprint programs suitable for resource-constrained devices. This paper presents an overview of the component model and Insense, and demonstrates how they meet the above criteria.Preprin

    Composing Systemic Aspects into Component-Oriented DOC Middleware

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    The advent and maturation of component-based middleware frameworks have sim-plified the development of large-scale distributed applications by separating system devel-opment and configuration concerns into different aspects that can be specified and com-posed at various stages of the application development lifecycle. Conventional component middleware technologies, such as J2EE [73] and .NET [34], were designed to meet the quality of service (QoS) requirements of enterprise applications, which focus largely on scalability and reliability. Therefore, conventional component middleware specifications and implementations are not well suited for distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) ap-plications with more stringent QoS requirements, such as low latency/jitter, timeliness, and online fault recovery. In the DRE system development community, a new generation of enhanced commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) middleware, such as Real-time CORBA 1.0 (RT-CORBA)[39], is increasingly gaining acceptance as (1) the cost and time required to develop and verify DRE applications precludes developers from implementing complex DRE applications from scratch and (2) implementations of standard COTS middleware specifications mature and encompass key QoS properties needed by DRE systems. However, although COTS middleware standardizes mechanisms to configure and control underlying OS support for an application’s QoS requirements, it does not yet provide sufficient abstractions to separate QoS policy configurations such as real-time performance requirements, from application functionality. Developers are therefore forced to configure QoS policies in an ad hoc way, and the code to configure these policies is often scattered throughout and tangled with other parts of a DRE system. As a result, it is hard for developers to configure, validate, modify, and evolve complex DRE systems consistently. It is therefore necessary to create a new generation of QoS-enabled component middleware that provides more comprehensive support for addressing QoS-related concerns modularly, so that they can be introduced and configured as separate systemic aspects. By analyzing and identifying the limitations of applying conventional middleware technologies for DRE applications, this dissertation presents a new design and its associated techniques for enhancing conventional component-oriented middleware to provide programmability of DRE relevant real-time QoS concerns. This design is realized in an implementation of the standard CORBA Component Model (CCM) [38], called the Component-Integrated ACE ORB (CIAO). This dissertation also presents both architectural analysis and empirical results that demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. This dissertation provides three contributions to the state of the art in composing systemic behaviors into component middleware frameworks. First, it illustrates how component middleware can simplify development and evolution of DRE applications while ensuring stringent QoS requirements by composing systemic QoS aspects. Second, it contributes to the design and implementation of QoS-enabled CCM by analyzing and documenting how systemic behaviors can be composed into component middleware. Finally, it presents empirical and analytical results to demonstrate the effectiveness and the advantage of composing systemic behaviors in component middleware. The work in this dissertation has a broader impact beyond the CCM in which it was developed, as it can be applied to other component-base middleware technologies which wish to support DRE applications

    Scalability in Real-Time Systems

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    The number and complexity of applications that run in real-time environments have posed demanding requirements on the part of the real-time system designer. It has now become important to accommodate the application complexity at early stages of the design cycle. Further, the stringent demands to guarantee task deadlines (particularly in a hard real-time environment, which is the assumed environment in this thesis) have motivated both practioners and researchers to look at ways to analyze systems prior to run-time. This thesis reports a new perspective to analyzing real-time systems that in addition to ascertaining the ability of a system to meet task deadlines also qualifies these guarantees. The guarantees are qualified by a measure (called the scaling factor) of the systems ability to continue to provide these guarantees under possible changes to the tasks. This measure is shown to have many applications in the design (task execution time estimation), development (portability and fault tolerance) and maintenance (scalability) of real-time systems. The measure is shown to bear relevance in both uniprocessor and distributed (more generally referred to as end-to-end) real-time systems. However, the derivation of this measure in end-to-end systems requires that we solve a fundamental (very important, yet unsolved) problem--the end-to-end schedulability problem. The thesis reports a solution to the end-to-end schedulability problem which is based on a solution to another fundamental problem relevant to single-component real-time systems (a uniprocessor system is a special instance of such a system). The problem of interest here is the schedulability of a set of tasks with arbitrary arrival times, that run on a single component. The thesis presents an optimal solution to this problem. One important consequence of this result (besides serving as a basis for the end-to-end schedulability problem) is its applicability to tbe classical approach to real-time scheduling, viz., static scheduling. The final contribution of the thesis comes as an application of the results to the area of real-time communication. More specifically, we report a heuristic approach to the problem of admission control in real-time traffic networks. The heuristic is based on the scaling factor measure

    'Big Data' informed drug development: a case for acceptability

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    Data, which help inform various stages of drug product development, are increasingly being collected using newer, more novel platforms, such as mobile applications, and analysed computationally as much larger 'Big Data' data sets, revealing patterns relating to human behaviour and interactions. Medicine acceptability gauges the ability and willingness of patients to take their dosage forms. It has become a crucial human component of drug product design. Vouching for the age appropriateness of medicinal products, acceptability related data are now expected by regulatory bodies. Shifting from traditional paper-based to electronic data-gathering platforms will allow the pharmaceutical industry to collect real-world, real-time, clinically relevant data, capable of informing current and future drug product development, reducing time and cost, and setting foundations for patient-centric drug product design

    Early Component-Based System Reliability Analysis for Approximate Computing Systems

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    A key enabler of real applications on approximate computing systems is the availability of instruments to analyze system reliability, early in the design cycle. Accurately measuring the impact on system reliability of any change in the technology, circuits, microarchitecture and software is most of the time a multi-team multi-objective problem and reliability must be traded off against other crucial design attributes (or objectives) such as power, performance and cost. Unfortunately, tools and models for cross-layer reliability analysis are still at their early stages compared to other very mature design tools and this represents a major issue for mainstream applications. This paper presents preliminary information on a cross-layer framework built on top of a Bayesian model designed to perform component-based reliability analysis of complex systems

    Component-Based Real-Time Operating System for Embedded Applications

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    Acceptance rate: 37%, Rank (CORE): AInternational audienceAs embedded systems must constantly integrate new functionalities, their developement cycles must be based on high-level abstractions, making the software design more flexible. CBSE provides an approach to these new requirements. However, low-level services provided by operating systems are an integral part of embedded applications, furthermore deployed on resource-limited devices. Therefore, the expected benefits of CBSE must not impact on the constraints imposed by the targetted domain, such as memory footprint, energy consumption, and execution time. In this paper, we present the componentization of a legacy industry-established Real-Time Operating System, and how component-based applications are built on top of it. We use the Think framework that allows to produce flexible systems while paying for flexibility only where desired. Performed experimentions show that the induced overhead is negligeable