4,344 research outputs found

    A Light on Physiological Sensors for Efficient Driver Drowsiness Detection System

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    International audienceThe significant advance in bio-sensor technologies hold promise to monitor human physiologicalsignals in real time. In the context of public safety, such technology knows notable research investigations toobjectively detect early stage of driver drowsiness that impairs driver performance under various conditions.Seeking for low-cost, compact yet reliable sensing technology that can provide a solution to drowsy stateproblem is challenging. While some enduring solutions have been available as prototypes for a while, many ofthese technologies are now in the development, validation testing, or even commercialization stages. Thecontribution of this paper is to assess current progress in the development of bio-sensors based driver drowsinessdetection technologies and study their fundamental specifications to achieve accuracy requirements. Existingmarket and research products are then ranked following the discussed specifications. The finding of this work isto provide a methodology to facilitate making the appropriate hardware choice to implement efficient yet lowcostdrowsiness detection system using existing market physiological based sensors

    Dry EEG Electrodes

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) emerged in the second decade of the 20th century as a technique for recording the neurophysiological response. Since then, there has been little variation in the physical principles that sustain the signal acquisition probes, otherwise called electrodes. Currently, new advances in technology have brought new unexpected fields of applications apart from the clinical, for which new aspects such as usability and gel-free operation are first order priorities. Thanks to new advances in materials and integrated electronic systems technologies, a new generation of dry electrodes has been developed to fulfill the need. In this manuscript, we review current approaches to develop dry EEG electrodes for clinical and other applications, including information about measurement methods and evaluation reports. We conclude that, although a broad and non-homogeneous diversity of approaches has been evaluated without a consensus in procedures and methodology, their performances are not far from those obtained with wet electrodes, which are considered the gold standard, thus enabling the former to be a useful tool in a variety of novel applications.This work was supported by Nicolo Association for the R+D+i in Neurotechnologies for disability, the research project P11-TIC-7983, Junta of Andalucia (Spain) and the Spanish National Grant TIN2012-32030, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). We also thank Erik Jung, head of the Medical Microsystems working group, at the Department of System Integration & Interconnection Technologies, Fraunhofer IZM (Berlin), for his support

    A Wireless Future: performance art, interaction and the brain-computer interfaces

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    Although the use of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) in the arts originates in the 1960s, there is a limited number of known applications in the context of real-time audio-visual and mixed-media performances and accordingly the knowledge base of this area has not been developed sufficiently. Among the reasons are the difficulties and the unknown parameters involved in the design and implementation of the BCIs. However today, with the dissemination of the new wireless devices, the field is rapidly growing and changing. In this frame, we examine a selection of representative works and artists, in comparison to the current scientific evidence. We identify important performative and neuroscientific aspects, issues and challenges. A model of possible interactions between the performers and the audience is discussed and future trends regarding liveness and interconnectivity are suggested

    Problems in assessment of novel biopotential front-end with dry electrode:A brief review

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    Developers of novel or improved front-end circuits for biopotential recordings using dry electrodes face the challenge of validating their design. Dry electrodes allow more user-friendly and pervasive patient-monitoring, but proof is required that new devices can perform biopotential recording with a quality at least comparable to existing medical devices. Aside from electrical safety requirement recommended by standards and concise circuit requirement, there is not yet a complete validation procedure able to demonstrate improved or even equivalent performance of the new devices. This short review discusses the validation procedures presented in recent, landmark literature and offers interesting issues and hints for a more complete assessment of novel biopotential front-end