14,467 research outputs found

    Racing car chassis

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je analýza současných konceptů podvozků závodních okruhových aut. V první části práce je zpracován historický vývoj, charakteristika kol a pneumatik s reprezentací dobře známých produktů. V druhé části je popsán systém odpružení, pružné média a tlumící členy. Systémy odpružení je zde rozdělen na nezávisle a polozávislé zavěšení kol a odpružení pevných náprav. Následující oddíl této práce je zaměřený na standardní kontrolní systémy, jako jsou ABS, ESC a TSC. Závěr přináší rychlé shrnutí této problematiky.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse contemporary concepts of circuit race car chassis. In the first part of the thesis, the historical evolution is described and then wheels and tires characteristic within some well-known brand products are represented. The second important part includes the suspension systems, springing medium and damping members. The suspension systems are further divided to independent and semi-independent solutions and rigid axle suspensions. The end of this thesis deals with the standard braking control systems, such as ABS, ESC and TCS. The conclusion brings the quick summary of this subject.

    Control Design of Variable-Geometry Suspension Considering the Construction System

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    Multiobjective optimization framework for designing a steering system considering structural features and full vehicle dynamics

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    [EN] Vehicle handling and stability performance and ride comfort is normally assessed through standard field test procedures, which are time consuming and expensive. However, the rapid development of digital technologies in the automotive industry have enabled to properly model and simulate the full-vehicle dynamics, thus drastically reducing design and manufacturing times and costs while enhancing the performance, safety, and longevity of vehicle systems. This paper focus on a computationally efficient multi-objective optimization framework for developing an optimal design of a vehicle steering system, which is carried out by coupling certain computer-aided design tools (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) software. The 3D CAD model of the steering system is made using SolidWorks, the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is modelled using Ansys Workbench, while the multibody kinematic and dynamic is analysed using Adams/Car. They are embedded in a multidisciplinary optimization design framework (modeFrontier) with the aim of determining the optimal hardpoint locations of the suspension and steering systems. This is achieved by minimizing the Ackermann error and toe angle deviations, together with the volume, mass, and maximum stresses of the rack-and-pinion steering mechanism. This enhances the vehicle stability, safety, manoeuvrability, and passengers' comfort, extends the vehicle systems reliability and fatigue life, while reducing the tire wear. The method has been successfully applied to different driving scenarios and vehicle maneuvers to find the optimal Pareto front and analyse the performance and behaviour of the steering system. Results show that the design of the steering system can be significantly improved using this approach.Llopis-Albert, C.; Rubio Montoya, FJ.; Devece Carañana, CA.; Zeng, S. (2023). Multiobjective optimization framework for designing a steering system considering structural features and full vehicle dynamics. Scientific Reports. 13:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-45349-z11313Llopis-Albert, C., Rubio, F. & Valero, F. Impact of digital transformation on the automotive industry. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 162, 120343. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120343 (2021).Rubio, F., Llopis-Albert, C., Valero, F. & Besa, A. Sustainability and optimization in the automotive sector for adaptation to government vehicle pollutant emission regulations. J. Bus. Res. 112, 561–566. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.10.050 (2020).Llopis-Albert, C., Palacios-Marqués, D. & Simón-Moya, V. Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) applied to the adaptation of the automobile industry to meet the emission standards of climate change policies via the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs). Technol. Forecast. Soc. 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    Advanced robust control strategies of mechatronic suspensions for cars

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    Two novel mechatronic suspensions for road vehicles are studied in this thesis: the Series Active Variable Geometry Suspension (SAVGS) and the Parallel Active Link Suspension (PALS). The SAVGS and the PALS complement each other in terms of the vehicle categories they serve, which range from light high-performance vehicles (the Grand Tourer) to heavy SUV vehicles, respectively, based on the sprung mass and the passive suspension stiffness. Previous work developed various control methodologies for these types of suspension. Compared to existing active suspension solutions, both the SAVGS and the PALS are capable of low-frequency chassis attitude control and high-frequency ride comfort and road holding enhancement. In order to solve the limitation of both SAVGS and PALS robustness, mu-synthesis control methodologies are first developed for SAVGS and PALS, respectively, to account for structured uncertainties arising from changes to system parameters within realistic operating ranges. Subsequently, to guarantee robustness of both low-frequency and high-frequency vehicle dynamics for PALS, the mu-synthesis scheme is combined with proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control, employing a frequency separation paradigm. Moreover, as an alternative robustness guaranteeing scheme that captures plant nonlinearities and road unevenness as uncertainties and disturbances, a novel robust model predictive control (RMPC) based methodology is proposed for the SAVGS, motivated by the promise shown by RMPC in other industrial applications. Finally, aiming to provide further performance stability and improvements, feedforward control is developed for the PALS. Nonlinear simulations with a set of ISO driving situations are performed to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed control methods in this thesis.Open Acces

    Probabilistic simulation for the certification of railway vehicles

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    The present dynamic certification process that is based on experiments has been essentially built on the basis of experience. The introduction of simulation techniques into this process would be of great interest. However, an accurate simulation of complex, nonlinear systems is a difficult task, in particular when rare events (for example, unstable behaviour) are considered. After analysing the system and the currently utilized procedure, this paper proposes a method to achieve, in some particular cases, a simulation-based certification. It focuses on the need for precise and representative excitations (running conditions) and on their variable nature. A probabilistic approach is therefore proposed and illustrated using an example. First, this paper presents a short description of the vehicle / track system and of the experimental procedure. The proposed simulation process is then described. The requirement to analyse a set of running conditions that is at least as large as the one tested experimentally is explained. In the third section, a sensitivity analysis to determine the most influential parameters of the system is reported. Finally, the proposed method is summarized and an application is presented

    Road Quality Information Based Adaptive Semi-active Suspension Control

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    This paper introduces an adaptive semi-active suspension control by considering global positioning system-based and historical road information. The main idea of this study is to find a corresponding trade-off between comfort and stability at different road irregularities. The introduced semi-active controller is designed based on the Linear Parameter-Varying framework. The behavior of the designed controller can be modified by the use of a scheduling variable. This scheduling variable is selected by considering the various road category. TruckSim simulation environment is used in order to validate the introduced adaptive semi-active suspension control system by comparing it with the non-adaptive scenario. The results show that both driving comfort and vehicle stability have been improved with the proposed adaptive semi-active suspension control

    LMI-based robust model predictive control for a quarter car with series active variable geometry suspension

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    This paper proposes a robust model predictive control-based solution for the recently introduced series active variable geometry suspension (SAVGS) to improve the ride comfort and road holding of a quarter car. In order to close the gap between the nonlinear multi-body SAVGS model and its linear equivalent, a new uncertain system characterization is proposed that captures unmodeled dynamics, parameter variation, and external disturbances. Based on the newly proposed linear uncertain model for the quarter car SAVGS system, a constrained optimal control problem (OCP) is presented in the form of a linear matrix inequality (LMI) optimization. More specifically, utilizing semidefinite relaxation techniques a state-feedback robust model predictive control (RMPC) scheme is presented and integrated with the nonlinear multi-body SAVGS model, where state-feedback gain and control perturbation are computed online to optimise performance, while physical and design constraints are preserved. Numerical simulation results with different ISO-defined road events demonstrate the robustness and significant performance improvement in terms of ride comfort and road holding of the proposed approach, as compared to the conventional passive suspension, as well as, to actively controlled SAVGS by a previously developed conventional H-infinity control scheme.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technolog